BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH NAME POSITION TITLE Casimir A. Kulikowski Board of Governors Professor of Computer Science EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) INSTITUTION AND LOCATION Yale University, New Haven, CT Yale University, New Haven, CT University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI DEGREE (if applicable) YEAR(s) FIELD OF STUDY B.E. M.S. Ph.D 1965 1966 1970 Electrical Engineering Engr. & Applied Science Electrical Engineering A. Positions and Honors. List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with your present position. List any honors. Include present membership on any Federal Government public advisory committee. Professional Experience 1970-1973 1973-1977 1977-1997 199719801983-1991 19841984-1987 1984-1990 1985-1994 1985-1996 1988-1992 Assistant Professor of Computer Science Associate Professor of Computer Science Professor of Computer Science Board of Governors Professor of Computer Science Editorial Board, Computers in Biology and Medicine Director, Rutgers Research Resource on AI in Medicine Member, Graduate Faculty in Biomedical Engineering Board of Scientific Counselors, National Library of Medicine, NIH Chairman, Department of Computer Science Editorial Board of Expert Systems: Research and Applications Director, Laboratory for Computer Science Research Committee on Review, Social Security Administration Systems Modernization, Bd. on Telecomm. and Computer Applications, National Research Council 1993-1997 National Advisory Board, NJ Comprehensive Immunization Project 1993-1998 Editorial Board, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 1997-1999 Chair, Biomedical Library Review Committee, National Library of Medicine, NIH. (Member, 1994-97). 1999Editorial Board, Methods of Information in Medicine 2000Co-Editor, Yearbook of Medical Informatics-Int Med Inf Assoc (IMIA) 2001 Associate Editor, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Journal 2002 - 2004 BIOINFOMED Advisory Committee to the European Commission 2003 BISTIC Advisory Committee to the NIH 2002Committee on Emerging Issues and Data on Environmental Contaminants, NRC-NAS 2004 Co- Chair, Scientific Program Committee, World Congress of Medical Informatics (Medinfo 2004). Honors, Awards and Memberships Member, Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences (IOM) Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Founding Fellow, American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) and American Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Prize Scientific Exhibit - American Academy of Ophthalmology Fellow. American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) B. Original Publications: Nordyke RA, Kulikowski CA, Kulikowski CW. A Comparison of Methods for the Automated Diagnosis of Thyroid Dysfunction. Comp. Biomed. Res., 4:374-389 (1971). Weiss S, Kulikowski CA, Safir A. Glaucoma Consultation by Computer. Comp. Biol. and Med., 8:25-40 (1978) Weiss S, Kulikowski C, Amarel S, Safir A. A Model-based Method for Computer-aided Medical Decision Making, Journal of Artifical Intelligence, 11:145-172 (1978). Weiss S, Kulikowski C. EXPERT: A System for Developing Consultation Models. Proc. Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, pp. 942-947 (1979). Kulikowski CA. Artificial Intelligence Methods and Systems for Medical Consultation. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI-2, 5:464-476 (1980). Kulikowski CA and Weiss SM. Representation of Expert Knowledge for Consultation: The CASNET and EXPERT Projects. Ch. 2 in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (P. Szolovits, ed.), pp.21-55, AAAS Selected Symposia Series, Westview Press, Boulder, CO, (1982). Weiss SM, Kulikowski CA, Galen RS. Representing Expertise in a Computer Program: The Serum Protein Diagnostic Program. J. Clin. Lab. Automation, 3:383-387 (1983). Lindberg DAB, Sharp GC, Kay DR, Kingsland LC, Roeseler G, Kulikowski CA Weiss SM. The Expert Consultant as Teacher. Moebius, 3:30-36 (1983). Kastner JK,Dawson CR., Weiss SM, Kern K B, Kulikowski CA. An Expert Consultation System for Frontline Health Workers in Primary Eye Care. J. Med.Sys. 8:389-397 (1984). Weiss SM and Kulikowsi CA. A Practical Guide to Designing Expert Systems, Rowman & Allanheld, Totowa, NJ, (1984). Kulikowski CA. Domain Knowledge, In Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence (S. Shapiro, ed.), J.WileyInterscience, pp.251-253 (1987). Zimmerman DE, Kulikowski CA, Wang L, Lyons B, Montelione G. Automated Sequencing of Amino Acid Spin Systems in Proteins Using Multidimensional HCC(CO)NH-TOCSY Spectroscopy and Constraint Propagation Methods from Artificial Intelligence. J. Biomolecular NMR, 4: 241-256, (1994). Kulikowski CA and Gong L. Medical Imaging Informatics in the Age of High Performance Computing. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp.61-68 (1994). Cohen D, Kulikowski CA, Berman H. Automated Generation of Machine Learning Experiments in Training Data Selection: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Learning DNA Hydration Pattern Predictors. Machine Learning, 21:81-101 (1995),. Kulikowski CA, Gong L, Mezrich RS. Knowledge-Based Medical Image Analysis and Representation for Integrating Content Definition with the Radiological Report. Methods of Information in Medicine, 34:96-103 (1995). Gong L and Kulikowski CA. Composition of Image Analysis Processes through Object-Centered Hierarchical Planning. IEEE Trans.Pattern An. & Machine Intelligence PAMI-17:997-1009 (1995). Kulikowski CA. The Scope of Medical Informatics as Art and Science. Methods of Information in Medicine 3:185-188 (1996). Kulikowski CA and Gong L. Advances in Image Processing. In: Handbook of Medical Informatics, (J. H.van Bemmel and M.A. Mussen, eds.) Springer, Heidelberg pp.413-422 (1997). Kulikowski CA. Medical Imaging Informatics: Challenges of Definition and Integration. JAMIA 4:252253, (1997). Zimmerman DE, Kulikowski CA, Huang Y, Feng W, Shimotakahara S, Chien C, Powers R, Montelione GT. Automated Analysis of Protein NMR Assignments Using Methods from Artificial Intelligence. J. Mol Biol, 269:592-610, (1997). Gelfand I., Kister, A., Kulikowski C, Stoyanov O. Geometric Invariant Core for the Vl and Vh Domains of Immunoglobulin Molecules. Protein Eng, 11:1015-1025, (1998). Poe X, Kulikowski CA, Muchnik, I., Dubchak, I., Wolf, D., Spengler, S., Zorn, M., Analysis of Ribosomal RNA Sequences by Combinatorial Clustering, Proc 7th Int Conf Intell Systems in Molecular Biology (ISMB'99)", 287-296, (1999). Hagerty CG, Muchnik, I, Kulikowski C, Kim S-H. Two indices can approximate four hundred and two amino acid properties. Proc IEEE Int Conf on Automatic Control/Intelligent Systems & Semiotics", 365-369, (1999. Kulikowski CA. Synopsis: Image and Signal Processing. Yearbook of Medical Informatics: The Promise of Medical Informatics (J.H. van Bemmel and A. McCray, eds.), Schattauer, Stuttgart, 429-432, (1999). Kulikowski CA. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: History, Evolution, and Prospects, in Handbook of Biomedical Engineering, 2nd Ed. (J. Bronzino, Ed.), CRC Press & IEEE Press Boca Raton, FL, 181.1181.19, (2000). Muchnik I, Kulikowski C. Montelione GT. Structural Domain Parsing from Protein Sequences. Proc Int Math Mod Sim Conf (IMACS-2000) Chang S, Kulikowski CA., Dunn SM, Levy S, Weisel J. Skeletonization of Fibrin Networks. Proc Microscopy and Microanalysis (2000) Hagerty CG, Pickens D Kulikowski CA, Sonnenber FA. HGML: A Hypertext Guideline Markup Language. Proc Annual AMIA Symposium, (2000) Stoyanov O, Kister, A, Gelfand, I, Kulikowski, C, and Chothia, C, Geometric invariant core for the Cl and Chl domains of immunoglobulin molecules, J Comp. Biol. 7:673-684, 2000 Kulikowski CA The Micro-Macro Spectrum of Medical Informatics Challenges : From Molecular Medicine to Transforming Health Care in a Globalizing Society, Meth Inform Medicine 41:20-24; 2002 Genkin A, Kulikowski CA, Muchnik I, Set covering submodular maxiomization: An optimal algorithm for data mining in bioinformatics and medical informatics, J Intel & Fuzzy Systems 12(1):5-17 (2002) Haux R Kulikowski CA, Editorial: Quality of Health Care: The Role of Informatics, In: 2003 IMIAYearbook of Medical Informatics , International Medical Informatics Association, Schattauer Pub, Stuttgart, 2003, pp. 5-7 Maojo V, Kulikowski C, Bioinformatics and medical informatics: Collaborations on the road to genomic medicine? J Amer Med Infor Assoc 10(5):512-514 (2003). Kulikowski CA Stefanelli M Editorial: Medinfo 2004 – An opportunity to shape the future course of Medical Informatics together Meth Inform Medicine 2004 43:122-123. Kulikowski, CA Haux H Editorial: The Road to Clinical Bioinformatics IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2004 Schattauer, Stuttgart, 3-5. Martin-Sanchez F Iakovidis I Norager S Maojo V deGroen P van der Lei J Jones T AbrahamFuchs K Apweiler R Babic A Baud R Breton V Cinquin P Doupi P Dugas M Eils R Engelbrecht E Ghazal P Jehenson P Kulikowski C Lampe K De Moor G Orphanoudakis S Rossing N Sarachan B Sousa A Spekowius G Thireos G Zhlmann G Zvarova J Hermosilla I Vincente FJ Synergy between medical informatics and bioinformatics: facilitating genomic medicine for future health care J Biomedical Informatics 2004, 37:30-34. Knaup P, Amenwerth E, Brandner R, Brigl B, Fischer G, Garde S, Lang E, Pilgram R, Ruderich F, Singer R, Wolff AC, Haux R, Kulikowski C, Towards clinical bioinformatics: Advancing genomic medicine with informatics methods and tools Meth Inform Medicine 43(3):302-307 (2004) Vashisht A Muchnik I Kulikowski CA Target Sequences for new protein structures using automatic screening for ortholog clusters in a set of genomes Proc Int Conf on Structural Genomics, Washington DC, Nov 2004.