Weather and Seasons Objective: MOSC0K – 5.1.C.a. The learner will observe wind as moving air that is felt. MOSC0K – 5.2.F.a. The learner will observe and describe daily weather: wind (light breezes to strong wind). MOSC0K – 5.2.F.b. The learner will observe and describe the general weather conditions that occur during each season. MOSC0K – 6.2.C.a. The learner will observe and describe the characteristics of the four seasons as they cycle through the year (summer, fall, winter, spring) MOSC0K – 7.1.A.a. & MOSC0K – 7.1.A.b. The learner will pose questions about events in the environment and then plan and conduct a simple investigation (fair test) to answer a question. MOSC0K – 7.1.C.a. & MOSC0K – 7.1.C.b. & MOSC0K – 7.1.D.a. The learner will use observations as support for reasonable explanations, to describe relationships and patterns, and to make predictions to be tested then communicate observations using words, pictures, and numbers. MOSC0K – 7.1.C.c. The learner will compare explanations with prior knowledge. Set: Blow some bubbles. Ask: “What makes the bubbles move?” Input: Read Wind by Ron Bacon. Write sentences on the board about what the students remember about the wind in the story. Ask: “How do we know the wind is there?” “Let’s make something that can show us the wind.” Guided Practice: Have students make wind socks. Give students a sheet of construction paper. Have them copy the word wind on the paper and add a picture to show the wind. Glue the paper into a tube, add a handle to one end and add streamers to the other end. Take the class outside to test their wind socks. Talk about the strength of the wind. Talk about the direction of the wind. Draw a compass rose one the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk. Independent Practice: Take the wind sock outside to determine the strength of the wind and the direction, using the compass rose. Record the observations in class weather log. Modifications: Give students the choice of wind pictures with words to glue onto their wind sock. Extensions: Have students write complete sentences in the class weather log about their wind observations. Closure: Have students verbally share their observations of the wind with the class. Weather and Seasons Objective: MOSC0K – 5.2.F.a. The learner will observe and describe daily weather: precipitation (snow, rain, sleet, fog) and cloud cover. MOSC0K – 5.2.F.b. The learner will observe and describe the general weather conditions that occur during each season. MOSC0K – 6.2.C.a. The learner will observe and describe the characteristics of the four seasons as they cycle through the year (summer, fall, winter, spring) Set: Show students pictures of clouds. Ask: “Do they all look alike?” Input: Read The Cloud Book by Tomie de Paola. Show the students pictures of several different kinds of clouds and talk about their names and where they can be found in the sky. Talk about the season(s) we see different kinds of clouds. Say: “Let’s make a sample cloud page we can use to remember different types of clouds.” Guided Practice: Show students how to fold their blue paper into four sections. Label the top of the page “Clouds”. Show students how to spread out cotton balls to form clouds. (Cirrus, Cumulus, Stratus, Nimbostratus) Talk about where in the sky you will find the clouds based on the diagram. Show students where to glue their “clouds” and label them. (Color the Nimbostratus clouds to look gray.) Independent Practice: Have students recreate their own cloud example page by copying the sample. Modifications: Give students the titles to glue onto their page. Extensions: Have students write complete sentences about the clouds. Have students record their observations about clouds in the class weather log. Closure: Have students verbally share about their favorite cloud. Weather and Seasons Objective: MOSC0K – 4.1.A.b. The learner will describe how the seasons affect the clothing humans wear and the activities of humans during different seasons. MOSC0K – 5.2.F.b. The learner will observe and describe the general weather conditions that occur during each season. MOSC0K – 6.2.C.a. The learner will observe and describe the characteristics of the four seasons as they cycle through the year (summer, fall, winter, spring) MOSC0K – 7.1.B.b. & MOSC0K – 7.1.B.d. & MOSC0K – 7.1.D.a. The learner will make observations using thermometers and compare them using words, pictures, and numbers. MOSC0K – 7.1.B.c. The learner will measure the temperature using non-standard units. Set: Show students a thermometer with tape down one side. (Have red tape from the top to 88ºF for HOT. Have orange tape for 88ºF – 68ºF for WARM. Have yellow tape from 68ºF – 50ºF for COMFORTABLE. Have green tape from 50ºF – 32ºF for COOL. Have blue tape for 32ºF – 0 ºF for COLD. Have white tape for 0 ºF – bottom for FREEZING.) Ask: “What is this?” (thermometer) Ask: “What do you do with it?” (measure temperature) Input: Share with the students what the colors represent. Talk about what we wear at different temperatures. Start a picture chart showing what the class believes is the right outfit for a temperature range. Guided Practice: Read the thermometer in the classroom. Talk about what type of clothing is comfortable to wear. Read the thermometer outside. Talk about what type of clothing is comfortable to wear. Make adjustments to outfits for the temperature chart. Independent Practice: Have students read the thermometer and mark the class weather log with a drawing of the correct clothing. Modifications: Have students work as a team. Give students sample pictures for each temperature range they can use as a guide. Extensions: Mark the temperature on a line graph at the beginning of the day and end of the day. Then repeat every day and watch for patterns in the line. Have students record their observations about temperature and what clothing to wear in the class weather log. Closure: Make corrections to clothing chart. Read the class weather log. Weather and Seasons Objective: MOSC0K – 4.1.A.b. The learner will describe how the seasons affect the clothing humans wear and the activities of humans during different seasons. MOSC0K – 5.2.F.a. The learner will observe and describe daily precipitation (snow, rain, sleet). MOSC0K – 5.2.F.b. The learner will observe and describe the general weather conditions that occur during each season. MOSC0K – 6.2.C.a. The learner will observe and describe the characteristics of the four seasons as they cycle through the year (summer, fall, winter, spring) MOSC0K – 7.1.B.b. & MOSC0K – 7.1.B.d. & MOSC0K – 7.1.D.a. The learner will make observations using a rain gauge and compare them using words, pictures, and numbers. MOSC0K – 7.1.B.c. The learner will measure the rain using non-standard units. Set: Show students jars with a strip of masking tape up the side marking off every half inch and a funnel in the top. Ask: “What do you think we will do with the jar?” Input: Pour water into one of the jars and show the class how we will measure the rainfall. Talk about good locations for the rain collection jars (away from trees, out in the open). Guided Practice: As a class, place the rain jars is several locations around the school grounds. After the rain, bring the jars inside to check measurements. Independent Practice: Have students fill out the bar graph for rainfall. Modifications: Guide the student in filling out the bar graph for rainfall. Extensions: Have students record their observations about precipitation in the class weather log. As a class, have students record the amount of snow on the ground with a ruler. Closure: Talk about how the rain has changed the activities of humans and the clothing we wear.