Choice Reviews 2011 April Title:AMERICAN WOMEN OF SCIENCE

Choice Reviews 2011 April
Author:WAYNE, TIFFANY K., 1968Pub Year:2011US List Price180.00 USD
This reference source boasts some 500 entries of American women scientists whose major contributions
occurred after 1900. Although updated and expanded, this two-volume set is largely based on Martha Bailey's
two American Women in Science biographical dictionaries (CH, Apr'99, 36-4237; CH, Dec'94, 32-1850).
However, Wayne (independent scholar) includes only professional scientists or science educators, thereby
excluding women who may have contributed to science in other ways. Preceding the alphabetical entries are
two introductory sections. One discusses issues related to women in science, and the other provides a brief
introduction to each discipline. Each biographical entry is approximately one page and includes the scientist's
education, professional experience, and concurrent positions. One or two suggestions for further reading are
listed with most entries, but references are not. To compare this title with other relatively recent works, The
Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science, edited by M. Ogilvie and J. Harvey (CH, Feb'01, 38-3076)
includes only 9 of the 70 women with surnames beginning with "A" or "B" that are in Wayne's set; only 5 of 70
are included in Notable Twentieth-Century Scientists, edited by E. J. McMurray, J. K. Kosek, and R. M. Valade
(CH, Mar'95, 32-3652). This set is valuable for its unique content and compilation of biographies based on a
specific gender, nationality, and time period. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Lower-level undergraduates
through graduate students.
Copyright 2011 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2011 January #1
Author:WAYNE, TIFFANY K., 1968Pub Year:2011US List Price180.00 USD
Wayne, an independent scholar and author of Women Thinking: Feminism and Transcendentalism in 19th
Century America, Encyclopedia of Transcendentalism and Women's Roles in 19th Century America, has
written a comprehensive two-volume set considering the expanded—if still limited—role of American women
in science. Volume 1 begins with a series of essays exploring the issues women scientists had to overcome to
succeed in the profession. This section includes a history of women in science and goes on to examine such
issues as feminism and science, jobs for women scientists, work/life balance, and science and technology
education for girls. The bulk of the set is made up of 500 biographies of the most notable American women
scientists of the 20th century. The entries are arranged alphabetically and include the education, professional
experience, and concurrent positions of each scientist. All entries and essays conclude with references and
pointers to further resources. At the end of Volume 2 is a list of women Nobel Prize winners in the sciences
along with entries arranged by discipline and a chronology of important scientific events. BOTTOM LINE This
thematic and biographical collection is rich in detail and would be a welcome addition to any library.—Diane
Fulkerson, Univ. of West Georgia Lib., Carrollton[Page 128]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
LJ Reviews 2010 June #1
Pub Year:2010 US List Price85.00 USD
While many baby boom-related texts excavate a distinct stratum of the generation's social, cultural, or economic
concerns, this book turns a wide-angle lens on the generation born between 1946 and 1964. Monhollon (This Is
America?) brings together ten scholarly essays by seven field specialists and contributes three of his own. Each
essay deftly illuminates the detailed history that led to particular social watersheds. And while requisite
attention is paid to women's changing roles and the postwar struggles of African Americans, a separate chapter
is devoted to the less-told narrative of the Hispanic American community. Chapter essays are absorbing and
rich with relevant statistics and quotations, while significant people or concepts are profiled in full-spread
sidebars. Included are balanced appraisals of broad and thorny issues like poverty, religion, and the generation's
eventual rejection of traditional values and politics. Enlightening segments on the evolution of the family and
the development of the suburbs bookend this discussion of a culture-changing generation. BOTTOM LINE An
accessible and engaging subject primer for secondary and postsecondary students, this guide offers more
historical narrative than Cheryl Russell's Baby Boom: Americans Born 1946 to 1964. Highly recommended for
cultural studies, social history, and American history collections.—Savannah Schroll Guz, formerly with
Smithsonian Lib., Washington, DC[Page 110].
Copyright 2010 Reed Business Information.
Booklist Reviews 2011 March #2
Author:TUCKER, SPENCER, 1937Pub Year:2011US List Price95.00 USD
The 214 conflicts included in this chronologically arranged volume range from the Battle of Megiddo (May
1479 BCE) to the Iraq War (March 19–May 1, 2003). Author Tucker, the man behind numerous other militaryhistory reference sources, selected battles for not only their decisiveness but for their influence on history. For
example, the aftermath of the Battle of Solferino, fought in 1859, led to the development of the International
Committee of the Red Cross and ultimately to the Geneva Convention, because of the suffering and
mistreatment of the wounded soldiers. The Second Battle of Ypres, in 1915, included the first widespread use of
poison gas in warfare as well as the introduction of the gas mask. Each entry begins with a table of basic facts—
date, location, opponents, commanders, approximate number of troops, and battle importance. The narratives
range from one to five pages and are followed by a short bibliographies. Black-and-white maps, illustrations,
and photographs are used throughout the volume to further illustrate the battle descriptions. A 25-page
bibliography of current and historical resources and an extensive index conclude the work. Libraries will find
this a very useful military-history resource. Although promotional material describes its audience as high-school
students, it is recommended for undergraduate and public libraries as well as high-school libraries. Also
available as an e-book.
Copyright 2011 Booklist Reviews.
LJ Reviews 2011 February #1
Author:TUCKER, SPENCER, 1937Pub Year:2011US List Price95.00 USD
Tucker (coeditor, The Encyclopedia of Middle East Wars [see review, p. 83]) has compiled over 200 battles that
had a significant impact on history. About half of the battles are drawn from the 19th through 21st centuries.
The earliest account is of the Battle of Megiddo that took place in May 1479 B.C.E., and the last entry is the
Iraq war's battle for Baghdad, which took place from March 19 to May 1, 2003. Each entry includes the date,
opponents (with the winner denoted by an asterisk), commanders, number of troops, and importance of the
battle. Many include a map of the battlefield, and each entry ends with a list of references. The book is arranged
chronologically, and there is a list of battles at the beginning of the book that allows researchers to find a
specific battle easily. An extensive bibliography provides further information about the battles. BOTTOM LINE
This clear and concise overview of the major battles from a number of wars and would be a great addition to the
collection of any library. Recommended.—Diane Fulkerson, Univ. of West Georgia Lib., Carrollton
[Page 85]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
Choice Reviews 2011 May
Pub Year:2011US List Price270.00 USD
Naval aspects of the American Civil War long have existed in the shadow of military and political
developments. Although the latter have been thoroughly reviewed by historians for 150 years, assessment of the
former, either in detail or in overall significance, has lagged badly during the same time frame. This set, the first
encyclopedia to cover the sea service side of the conflict, is long overdue. Following the editor's brief
introductory overview are approximately 450 entries, written by 60 contributors and presented in two
alphabetically arranged volumes. Coverage examines topics as diverse as strategy and diplomacy; officers,
officials, and personalities; naval life and practice; ordnance, small arms, and such specialized new systems as
torpedoes and submarines; seaports and logistics; vessel types and famous individual craft; and, of course, the
different battles and important engagements. Each entry is cross-referenced and notes several sources for
follow-up reading. The work features photographic reproductions and modern maps and finishes with a
chronology, a glossary, a bibliography, and two indexes (category and general). One could quibble with small
points of coverage (why is one officer included and another not, why is one ship profiled and another not). On
the whole, however, this widely inclusive work should prove invaluable for a wide audience ranging from
advanced scholars to Civil War buffs requiring a quick reference. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Lowerlevel undergraduates through researchers/faculty; general readers.
Copyright 2011 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2011 January #1
Pub Year:2010US List Price380.00 USD
It seems that the comparative analysis of crime and punishment practices around the world is something akin to
trying to nail Jello to a tree. The stated objectives here are to provide "historical and social context" in
comparing crime statistics among the nations, but problems are legion in any attempt to do so. Newman (Sch. of
Criminal Justice, Univ. at Albany, SUNY) himself lists no fewer than ten caveats, such as differing definitions
of crimes, government secrecy regarding release of figures, and so forth. This is reflected in much qualification
and hedging of bets. The entry for Djibouti, for example, states that "[a]lthough Djibouti lacks accurate crime
statistics, it appears that crime is on the rise." As in this case, inconsistent statistics are too often asserted with
impressionistic conclusions. At best a snapshot in time, this set crystallizes current criminal and court
procedures around the globe, and it is obvious that much time and trouble was expended in gathering this
information. The main problem is that legal systems evolve over time, some rather more quickly than others.
When a tinhorn dictator decides that the law is whatever he says it is, then the judicial paraphernalia described
in this work becomes irrelevant. BOTTOM LINE This is a valiant attempt to hit a moving target, but it misses
the mark. For the real deal on international statistics of any stripe from authoritative sources too numerous to
mention here, consult Andrea M. Morrison and Barbara J. Mann's International Government Information and
Country Information: A Subject Guide (Greenwood Pr., 2004). Also worth a look is,
which allows users to manipulate foreign country data.—Michael F. Bemis, Washington City Lib., Woodbury,
MN [Page 128]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
Booklist Reviews 2011 March #1
Pub Year:2010US List Price380.00 USD
The crime and punishment practices of more than 200 nations, principalities, and dependencies are documented
in this set, arranged by region: Africa and the Middle East, The Americas, Asia and Pacific, and Europe. Entries
examine a country's historical, political, and cultural background as well as the basic organization of its legal
and criminal justice systems, types and levels of crime, types of punishment, and prison system. Each entry
concludes with a further-reading list of four to eight reports, websites, or other documents. Quick-reference
information at the beginning of each entry provides the country's type of legal system, use or prohibition of
capital and corporal punishment, levels of certain crimes, and prison rates. The general introduction explains
how the quick-reference information was collected and the levels and rates determined. For example, burglary
is used as a measure for property crimes; countries were ranked according to their citizens' responses to the
International Crime Victim Survey. This seems an odd crime to highlight, as does the use of corporal
punishment, particularly since many entries do not offer any discussion of either item. The work would have
been improved by the inclusion of charts ranking countries according to their positions on all of the quickreference items and by their type of legal system. Each volume contains a subject index; the fourth volume also
contains a categorical index arranged by region. The subject index is limited. Some index terms are organized
by region (human trafficking, rights of the accused), while others are not (money laundering, terrorism).
Although this work is a handy compilation of country-specific information, its weaknesses limit its usefulness
as a source for comparative analysis. Academic, law, and special libraries with comprehensive criminal-justice
collections may want to purchase this set; alternative print and online sources will likely meet the needs of most
other researchers. Also available as an e-book.
Copyright 2011 Booklist Reviews.
Choice Reviews 2010 October
Pub Year:2010US List Price295.00 USD
This resource should be particularly valuable once the electronic version is available. Its design centers on four
essays that are divided into 650 smaller essays or entries. The four essays are "Atlantic African, American and
European Backgrounds to Contact, Commerce and Enslavement"; "Culture, Identity and Community: From
Slavery to the Present"; "Political Activity and Resistance to Oppression: From the American Revolution to the
Civil War"; and "Political Activity, Migration, and Urbanization: Reconstruction, Civil Rights, and Modern
African America." Both the essays and the entries themselves are well footnoted, with the entries each
containing several references when possible. Entries include both broad and narrow topics, and are not limited
in any fashion, e.g., the entry on the slave trade includes material on all the European powers that participated,
along with the African nations.
What will serve readers well in print, but particularly so in the online environment, is the attention paid to
persons, groups, and topics that often are not included in such works. For example, an essay titled "Black
Conservatives" gives an overview and history of the topic and, of course, references prominent people in that
history. Many of the people mentioned are also presented elsewhere in the book. This sort of cross-referencing
creates a rich tapestry within the three volumes. The essays are generally well written by a large number of
contributors. Occasionally, an essay may differ with the prevailing historiography, such as the one on Al
Sharpton that makes no mention of the doubts concerning Tawana Brawley's veracity. But most essays are
written as historical documents rather than journalism. Each volume is thoroughly indexed. With its stronger
focus on Europe and Africa, this set complements other African American history works that are more UScentric, such as Encyclopedia of African American History, ed. by Paul Finkelman (CH, Sep'09, 47-0041).
Summing Up: Recommended. Lower- and upper-level undergraduates; general readers.
Copyright 2010 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2010 June #1
Pub Year:2010 US List Price295.00 USD
Written by project editors and members of the editorial board, four 5000-word essays make up the meat of this
resource: "Atlantic African, American, and European Backgrounds to Contact, Commerce, and Enslavement,"
"Culture, Identity, and Community: From Slavery to the Present," "Political Activity and Resistance to
Oppression from the American Revolution to the Civil War," and "Political Activity, Migration, and
Urbanization: Reconstruction, Civil Rights, and Modern African America." There are more than 650 topically
arranged shorter essays that range in length from 300 to 4000 words. More than 100 librarians, graduate
students, and professional historians wrote these briefer pieces for intelligent and interested nonspecialists. Each
entry is clear, factual, and explanatory; each essay and theme has a bibliography or notes for further research.
BOTTOM LINE Although this work is aimed at high school students and college undergraduates, graduate
students and advanced scholars in the fields of American history, African American history, ethnic studies, and
black studies will find it an accessible and useful resource.—Al Vara, Temple Univ. Lib., Philadelphia [Page
Copyright 2010 Reed Business Information.
Choice Reviews 2010 December
Pub Year:2010US List Price165.00 USD
Now in its third edition (2nd, CH, Nov'03, 41-1326; 1st, CH, Mar'97, 34-3663), this encyclopedia by Vile
(Middle Tennessee State Univ.) remains the quintessential work for this subject area--constitutional
amendments. Similar to its predecessors, the work's central focus is on short explanatory essays that aggregate
not only existing amendments but also proposed amendments that were not successful and proposed new or
revised constitutions. The work is further enhanced by its inclusion of amendments that were proposed via the
Internet in addition to the more traditional pamphlet and book formats. The work is in true encyclopedic form
with easy-to-use alphabetical listings, complemented by a comprehensive "further reading" section. Vile has
meticulously reduced the redundancies in existing entries, an approach that has resulted in a more focused and
ultimately indispensable resource. This extremely user-friendly set, featuring 75-plus new entries, offers an
authoritative, insightful perspective on constitutional amendments. Academic and public library collections will
benefit greatly by having this work in their collections. Summing Up: Essential. Lower-level undergraduates
and above; general readers.
Copyright 2010 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2010 July #1
Pub Year:2010US List Price165.00 USD
Providing "a starting point for an analysis of various [Constitutional] proposals and issues," Vile (political
science, Middle Tennessee State Univ.) discusses the Constitution, its 27 ratified amendments, and the
approximately 11,700 amendments proposed within the titular time frame to present "a unique window into
American history and politics." The alphabetical format and detailed index make information access a breeze,
and the six appendixes provide a reprint of the Constitution along with charts of the number of proposals by
decade, key events, and names of individuals submitting the proposals. The list of cases and cumulative
bibliography provide users with additional access points as they continue their research. The succinctly written
525 entries, which range from one to two pages, include See also references and suggested reading
bibliographies. A glossary would have been helpful as this title is intended for students and the general reader.
BOTTOM LINE The first edition of this set was published in 1996 and received an LJ starred review and a Best
Reference Book citation; this updated version will work nicely with more general titles on the Constitution, Bill
of Rights, and American political history. Recommended for all libraries.-Laurie Selwyn, formerly with
Grayson Cty. Law Lib., Sherman, TX
Copyright 2010 Reed Business Information.
LJ Reviews 2011 March #2
Pub Year:2011US List Price180.00 USD
Say the word propaganda, and thoughts generally turn to more recent wars. The use of propaganda, however,
dates to the early years of this country, starting with newspapers and moving forward to modern times with
film, music, radio, television, and the Internet. This set proposes that the first major use of propaganda was
during World War I, but it includes some 500 pages of previous examples (ostensibly more minor). The set is
laid out in chronological order from 1775 (the Colonial wars) to early 2010. Within each period, key players are
listed alphabetically with cross-references to other sections of the set and to outside sources. The sections vary
in length from a few pages to over 100 pages combined for the two world wars and 88 for the Civil War. Also
included are a "Chronology of Important Events" and a thorough index. The propaganda side of the text
contains factual and unbiased summaries with a general overview of the times and how the message was
propagated. Included with the "hot" wars is a review of the Cold War years, separate from the events and wars
of that period. There is a slight contradiction between the title and the contents. The title proclaims "Wartime
America," but the set covers English, German, Russian, and British films during World War II. These are
presumably included for comparison and to round out the discussion. BOTTOM LINE Though patrons will not
find a detailed description of any battles or military actions, this set remains a solid, quick reference for general
readers and casual history buffs with an interest in this facet of wartime history.—Beth Bland, Milwaukee
[Page 133]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
Booklist Reviews 2011 May #1
Pub Year:2011US List Price180.00 USD
Arranged chronologically from the French and Indian Wars in the 1750s to the current American wars in the
Middle East, this work highlights the way the media and government have reported and interpreted conflicts
both to the American public and to the troops. In each chronological section, an introductory essay is followed
by A–Z entries, which range from a few paragraphs to a few pages and include unannotated references. Entries
cover individuals (Adams, Samuel; Key, Francis Scott; Rove, Karl); events (Boston Tea Party; Pearl Harbor,
attack on); and propaganda highlights from print, radio, television, movies, and more. Black-and-white
illustrations and photographs enhance the text, and a cumulative index provides helpful access. Edited by a
librarian-archivist at the U.S. State Department and a history professor, the encyclopedia serves as a good
ready-reference source for readers wanting a brief overview of an important historical topic. Although military
and American history encyclopedias provide some information on media and government wartime propaganda,
this set's focus on this specialized topic makes it unique and recommended for academic and large public
libraries. Also available as an e-book.
Copyright 2011 Booklist Reviews.
Choice Reviews 2011 April
Pub Year:2010US List Price495.00 USD
Fresh on the heels of his recent book, A Global Chronology of Conflict (CH, Aug'10, 47-6625), Tucker, a
military historian and prolific editor, has produced another stellar work. Close to 2,000 pages, this five-volume
set covers hundreds of topics, with special emphasis on US involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf,
and the war on terrorism during the past 30 years. The entries, written by scholars, fall under eight categories:
individuals; events; groups, organizations, and programs; places; ideas, movements, and policies; objects,
artifacts, and weapons; treaties, acts, and other written material; and miscellaneous. Entries are of varying
length as becomes the topic they address; they are signed, cross-referenced, and annotated. Each volume also
features maps that, together with occasional pictures, complement the text. Particularly noteworthy are the
fourth and fifth volumes, which include, respectively, a chronology, glossary, and bibliography; and excerpts
from or the full text of over 100 pertinent documents (a veritable gold mine for those seeking primary sources),
along with a 47-page index. This work deserves a spot in all reference collections on the Middle East. Summing
Up: Highly recommended. Lower-level undergraduates and above; general readers.
Copyright 2011 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2011 February #1
Pub Year:2010US List Price495.00 USD
This five-volume work presents strong, well-researched, and well-documented information on Americans'
presence in the Middle East during the last part of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century. It
covers the domestic, cultural, religious, diplomatic, international, and military events of this troubled region
and, particularly, U.S. involvement. The encyclopedia's more than 500 entries provide guidance in
understanding both the cultural clashes between East and West and the influence that U.S. military, diplomatic,
and national security policies and interests have had. It traces U.S. involvement in the Middle East and southcentral Asia, concentrating on the last three decades. Beginning with the 1980–88 Iran-Iraq war, it covers the
1979–89 Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, the 1991 Persian Gulf War, allied punitive actions against Iraq
during the 1990s, the Afghanistan war, the two Iraqi wars, and the global war on terror. The set is supplemented
with maps and hundreds of photographs, cross-references, and suggested readings in many entries. Tucker and
Priscilla M. Roberts, editor of the "Documents" volume, are both Fulbright scholars and well-known editors and
authors of several works on military history and Middle East conflicts, including The Encyclopedia of the ArabIsraeli Conflict, The Encyclopedia of World War I, and The Encyclopedia of the Cold War. BOTTOM LINE
An essential resource for anyone seeking detailed information and in-depth reading on U.S. actions and
involvement in the Middle East region during the last 15 years. Highly recommended for public, school, and
college libraries.—Luis J. Gonzalez, Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania Lib.
Booklist Reviews 2011 April #2
Pub Year:2011 US List Price180.00 USD
What do Greenpeace, national parks, the Glen Canyon Dam, and the General Mining Act of 1872 have in
common? They are all topics covered by this unique new reference source, which focuses on environmental
issues from the perspective of their intersection with the federal government. It provides historical and current
information on the formation of environmental policy, the implications of that policy, and the people and
organizations involved in creating the policy. Entries for major legislative issues, such as the Endangered
Species Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Marine Mammal Protection Act, include the full text of the law.
Similarly, some of the entries for court cases include the full text of the decision. Almost every entry has a
bibliography for additional reading. In addition to the encyclopedia entries, three lengthy review articles discuss
government and the environment in the past, present, and future. Like any project of this size, there are some
peculiarities that are difficult to explain. For example, there is no entry for the Environmental Protection
Agency, which is arguably the one arm of government that is most involved in environmental policy. The space
used to provide the full text of key legislation comprises a significant amount of the encyclopedia (the Federal
Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 takes up 21 pages all by itself). Since that information is readily
available on the web, the reader could have been provided with citations for sources for the full text instead.
Despite these oddities, this work takes a new approach to the subject of environmental policy and should be
included in any academic library or large public library collection.
LJ Reviews 2011 March #1
Pub Year:2010US List Price85.00 USD
Eritrea is Africa's newest internationally recognized nation, having won its independence from Ethiopia in 1993
after decades of bloody struggle. Two new resources provide access and insight into this strategic, yet relatively
unknown country located in the troubled Horn of Africa. Connell (journalism & African politics, Simmons
Coll.) and independent scholar Killion have updated and expanded Killion's original 1998 edition of Historical
Dictionary of Eritrea, part of Scarecrow's long-running "Historical Dictionaries of Africa" series edited by Jon
Woronoff. More than 500 fully cross-referenced, alphabetically arranged entries are preceded by a chronology
covering 8000 B.C.E. to the present and an introduction that explores "Land and People," "History," "Italian
Colonization," "British Occupation," "Ethiopian Annexation," "War for Independence," "The State of Eritrea,"
"Political Crackdown," and "An Emergent Opposition." A massive classified bibliography is also provided.
With his Eritrea, Tesfagiorgis G., a native Eritrean and researcher in African environmental and political history
with a doctorate from Hamburg University, offers a fascinating, comprehensive survey of his country. Chapters
cover "Geography," "History," "Government and Politics," "Economy," "Society," "Culture," and
"Contemporary Issues." There are also recipes; a glossary; sections for "Facts and Figures," "Holidays," and
"Organizations"; and an annotated bibliography. BOTTOM LINE Both publications are useful resources to
explore Eritrea's history, politics, and culture. Historical Dictionary is best suited for quick-answer ready
reference, while Eritrea is a total-immersion country study. Both are recommended for all reference collections
and anyone interested in Eritrea.—Edward K. Werner, St. Lucie Cty. Lib. Syst., Ft. Pierce, FL[Page 96]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
Booklist Reviews 2011 April #2
Pub Year:2011US List Price280.00 USD
The past decade has seen a lot of change in the study of folklore. After analyzing the 1997 edition of this work
and making note of the changes and trends in scholarship, the editors decided which articles they needed to
update and which they needed to add. The result is a work with about 300 signed articles by more than 150
scholars. Among the more than 100 new entries are those on particular ethnic groups and cultures as well as
individual folk heroes and types. Examples of other new entries include Cyberculture, Globalization, and
Internet. Although the Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore and Folklife (2005) has broader coverage of
specific cultures, its geographical arrangement makes it somewhat harder to use. The alphabetical arrangement
and structure of the current work were retained from the former edition. All entries begin with a definition of
the concept and then place it in a societal context. The rest of the article gives a historical perspective, notes
significant texts and scholarship, and ends with a bibliography that varies in length from 3 items for short
entries to 40 items for longer articles on a genre or area of study (for example, African American folklore).
Each volume contains a complete list of entries as well as an index to the entire work. The relatively few
illustrations that accompany the text are small black-and-white photographs. The encyclopedia will be helpful
for those looking for information on specific aspects of folklore as well as those looking for an overview of
folklore studies. Recommended for academic and public libraries. Also available as an e-book.
Copyright 2011 Booklist Reviews.
Choice Reviews 2010 November
Pub Year:2010US List Price55.00 USD
This is not your father's book on Al Capone or the Mafia. Recent scholarship broadly applies the term
"organized crime" to businesses and nations. Roth (Sam Houston State Univ.) does address this controversy in
Global Organized Crime. The book is easy to navigate with its logical and useful subheadings. The writing style
is academic and objective. Each chapter includes a lengthy listing of references that are mostly current sources.
Roth is clearly more comfortable with legal definitions and theory than he is with case studies and examples.
The documents section is full of legal treatises but lacks first-person accounts of criminal activity. Roth
discusses the interplay between revolutionary groups, like FARC in Colombia and the Medillin Drug Cartel, as
examples of criminal networking. Some ambiguity in the writing suggests an attachment of the stigma of
terrorism to iconic images of gangsters. In one passage Roth writes, "there is plenty of evidence linking this
crime [music piracy] to people trafficking ... drug smuggling, terrorism, and other crimes" (p. 66). But the
examples given do not show such a link. Summing Up: Recommended. Lower-level undergraduates and above.
Copyright 2010 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2010 August #1
Pub Year:2010 US List Price 55.00 USD
Roth (criminal justice, Coll. of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State Univ.) presents an informative general
overview of international crime organizations and agencies trying to stop them. The book's opening chapter
presents a brief history of international crime, beginning with piracy and slavery, then examining more modern
criminal organizations. Other chapters explore how international crime can flourish in certain areas, what the
author describes as failed states. Also covered are procedures taken by government and nongovernment
agencies to try to halt criminal organizations, as well as the obstacles they face. The book also contains statistics
about criminal activity, estimated profits from various activities, and texts of treaties pledging to combat it. The
chapter presenting biographical sketches provides a useful if brief look at famous criminal leaders, law
enforcement figures, and scholars in the field of international crime. This chapter is a somewhat selective list
and readers may find their "favorite" crime figure missing (for example, Al Capone). Scholars can find more
information both in the bibliography at the end of each chapter and the "Other Resources" chapter. Mostly
arranged by geographic location, this section presents an annotated list of books, videos produced by various
media sources, and reliable web pages. BOTTOM LINE Because of its depth of exploration, this reference will
probably be most useful for college students, but general-interest readers may find it informative. Libraries that
own Transnational Organized Crime (Routledge, 2009) probably won't want to buy a second book, but those
with older resources may wish to upgrade.—James Langan, Univ. of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Copyright 2010 Reed Business Information.
LJ Reviews 2011 January #1
Pub Year:2010US List Price55.00 USDGibney (Five Uneasy Pieces) breaks his subject down into eight
chapters, providing a wide-angled yet insightful subject overview, with special attention to nation-specific
issues and an entire chapter devoted to U.S. refugee programs. Paragraph-long biographical sketches of 44
prominent refugees offer individual success stories. A chapter devoted to primary-resource documentation—
including direct convention and protocol texts alongside charts detailing three decades of asylum figures—
explains and quantifies the larger refugee condition. A 43-page bibliography, organized by source type, rounds
out the book. An updated complement to Philip Marfleet's 2005 Refugees in a Global Era.Page 140]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
Choice Reviews 2009 October
Author:HREBENAR, RONALD J., 1945Pub Year:2009US List Price55.00 USD
This very informative reference handbook covers the background and history of lobbying and interest groups,
the problems and controversies they face, and possible solutions. Hrebenar (Univ. of Utah) and Morgan (law
student, Harvard) also present a worldwide perspective on lobbying. They offer a well-written chronology that
covers interest group politics and lobbying from 1763 to the present, and biographical sketches featuring major
scholars, commentators, interest group founders and leaders, and lobbyists such as Ralph Nader, Cesar Chavez,
and Jack Abramoff. The book includes a section of classical writings that give a good historical perspective. It
also addresses attempts made by Congress to regulate lobbying activities through hearings, legislation, and
other official means. A directory of organizations, associations, and agencies is featured, along with a selective
bibliography of print and electronic resources related to interest groups, campaign finance, and lobbying. Laid
out in a simple, clean manner with concise entries, this work nicely summarizes lobbying and interest group
politics in a single, readable volume. Glossary included. Summing Up: Recommended. Lower-level
undergraduates through faculty/researchers; general readers.
Copyright 2009 American Library Association.
Choice Reviews 2011 January
Pub Year:2010US List Price180.00 USD
The entries in this comprehensive two-volume set were written by 67 authors familiar with the martial arts of
particular regions. Volume 1 presents martial arts in the context of the regions in which they are practiced. The
set divides the world into eight sections with more than 120 entries. Within a section, the martial arts practiced
in each country are described separately but grouped with the other arts of that country. Over four pages of
black-and-white photos are included at the beginning of volume 1 and six pages at the beginning of volume 2.
No other illustrations appear in either volume. Volume 2 is divided into sections titled "Belief Systems,"
"Commodification of Leisure," "Expressive Culture," "Globalization of Martial Arts," "Martial Media,"
"Military, Paramilitary, and Law Enforcement Methods," "Performing Arts," "Political Uses of the Martial
Arts," and "Secret Societies and Fraternal Organizations." The index included in both volumes is the same, but
the pagination of this set is sequential, and locating material should be straightforward. However, the only table
of contents appears in volume 1, a feature some users may find confusing. Summing Up: Recommended.
Lower-level undergraduates and above; general readers.
Copyright 2011 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2010 September #2
Pub Year:2010 US List Price180.00 USD
In this second edition of a 2001 set, Green, a longtime martial artist and anthropology professor at Texas A&M
University, returns as editor and joins forces with Svinth, editor of Electronic Journals of Martial Arts and
Science, to offer something of a mixed bag: more articles (111 now, 96 then) but fewer pages (705 now, 894
then). The original alphabetical arrangement has been dispensed with in favor of a topical organization. Volume
1 covers "Regions and Individual Arts," which entails broad geographical headings, such as "Africa,"
"Americas," and so on. Under each appear entries for specific styles associated with that part of the world, as in
"Japan: Aikido," "Japan: Judo," etc. Volume 2 takes on "Themes," which make up the social and philosophical
underpinnings of these fighting forms. The editors explain their decision to change the organization by stating,
"It was hoped that this format…would reduce redundancy while still allowing for coordination and
collaboration between entries." From a practical standpoint, however, information is now more difficult to
access. An additional caveat is the selection of material—there's an entry for "Gunfighters," as in Wild West
trigger-happy types, but none for kung fu, which appeared in the original edition. Note that the publisher does
not indicate on the cover or title page that this is a second edition. BOTTOM LINE Despite this reviewer's
misgivings, the dearth of reference content on martial arts makes this set the best on the market. Its strength lies
in its historical, social, and philosophical grounding of these fighting techniques. Recommended for all public
and academic libraries.—Michael F. Bemis, Washington Cty. Lib., Woodbury, MN
[Page 106]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
Choice Reviews 2010 July
Pub Year:2010US List Price85.00 USD
Having such a defined subject makes this short encyclopedia on the military-industrial complex unusual and
very useful for students. In short entries, it lays out the scope and nature of this entity in the US. Working with
multiple contributors from various academic institutions, editor Pavelec has done an excellent job of ensuring
the evenness of each entry. As a single volume, this encyclopedia offers an overview and does not provide indepth analysis of any one area; however, each of the 100-plus entries has bibliographic references to aid in
further research. In addition to the brief entries, the volume includes essays and a chronology. This work is very
accessible to all readers, and makes for compelling reading as one moves from entry to entry following an
abundance of cross-references. Among the more interesting entries are those on the role of films and those on
companies, government acts, and boards that have had a role in influencing the evolution of the militaryindustrial complex. For undergraduates researching the topic, and for general readers, this book would serve as
an excellent starting point. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Lower- and upper-level undergraduates;
general audience.
Copyright 2010 American Library Association.
Choice Reviews 2011 March
Pub Year:2010US List Price85.00 USD
Edited by Reeve (Univ. of Utah) and Parshall (independent researcher), this book is more topical than the fourvolume Encyclopedia of Mormonism, edited by D. H. Ludlow (CH, Jul'92, 29-6016). Divided into four
chapters, it features entries by 50-plus contributors including Jan Shipps and Thomas Alexander. The first
chapter looks at the major eras of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) from its foundation to
expansion. The second is an alphabetical collection of 31 significant events ranging from the Black Hawk War
to Zion's Camp. The next includes 41 biographies ranging from the expected to lesser-known individuals such
as Patty Bartlett Sessions. The most intriguing chapter is the final one, which addresses issues pertaining to the
Church, including race, government, science, violence, and the Church's identity. Entries are cross-referenced
and include bibliographies. A useful chronology, selected bibliography, and index are also included. As with
any general reference work, questions arise as to what is absent, e.g., the Woodruff Manifesto. While the book
takes a neutral tone, some readers may detect contributors' LDS perspective and background. Nevertheless, this
is a very useful addition to undergraduate collections. Summing Up: Recommended. Lower- and upper-level
undergraduates; general readers.
Copyright 2011 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2010 December #1
Pub Year:2010US List Price85.00 USD
Scholars of Mormonism have been well served by encyclopedias and dictionaries in the past few decades. The
Encyclopedia of Mormonism (Macmillan, 1992), at four volumes, is the largest, while Davis Bitton and
Thomas G. Alexander's single-volume Historical Dictionary of Mormonism (Scarecrow, 2008. 3d ed.) covers
similar territory with much shorter entries. Between these two comes this volume from ABC-CLIO. With over
50 contributors from a variety of backgrounds, it is divided into four sections: eras, events, people, and issues.
Reeve (history, Univ. of Utah) and independent researcher and historian Parshall also include a chronology and
a selected bibliography. The problem, however, is that many entries only tangentially deal with controversial
issues, often presenting the Church's point of view to the near exclusion of alternative explanations or
interpretations. Some issues—such as those dealing with women's relationship to the Church, for example—
would benefit from the representation of several differing viewpoints. Overall, however, this issue is mitigated
by the reliance on contributors from a broad array of institutions, and the article on the controversial Smoot
Hearings of 1904 is an excellent example of dealing with a topic more neutrally. BOTTOM LINE
Recommended for larger public and academic libraries serving patrons and students needing basic historical
background on Mormonism.—David Azzolina, Univ. of Pennsylvania Libs., Philadelphia
[Page 142]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
Choice Reviews 2010 August
Author:MARLEY, DAVID, 1950Pub Year:2010US List Price180.00 USD
This encyclopedia comprises some 500 entries covering the Golden Age of Piracy, updating and expanding
Marley's 1994 Pirates and Privateers of the Americas. The two volumes are organized according to time period;
each includes a comprehensive index and list of entries, a chronology, a glossary, and an extensive
bibliography. Marley, a maritime historian, gives close attention to historical detail and context. Unfortunately,
the structure of the work leaves much to be desired. Tremendous redundancy is evident between the two
volumes; some lengthy entries are repeated almost identically. The list of entries fails to specify the volume(s)
in which a particular item might be found, misleadingly includes some entry titles that are merely crossreferences (e.g., "Teach, Edward" and "Thatch, Edward"), and fails to include more useful cross-references
(e.g., Thatch's more recognized alias "Blackbeard"). Oversights are apparent in the choice of entries as well; no
entry exists for Woodes Rogers, the famous privateer turned governor and pirate foe (nor can he be found in the
index, though multiple entries mention him). Despite these flaws, the excellent content of this set makes it
worthwhile for both academic and popular collections that lack Marley's 1994 encyclopedia. Summing Up:
Recommended. Lower-level undergraduates through faculty/researchers; general readers.
Copyright 2010 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2010 August #1
Author:MARLEY, DAVID, 1950Pub Year:2010 US List Price270.00 USD
The latest offering from noted naval historian and piracy scholar Marley (Pirates and Privateers of the
Americas; Pirates: Adventurers of the High Seas) provides a comprehensive overview of the golden age and the
inevitable decline of "rovers" in the Americas. Drawing on numerous primary sources and first-person accounts,
this two-volume set is a rich, academic, fascinating examination of infamous pirates such as Bartholomew
Roberts, Captain Kidd, and Henry Morgan, as well as lesser-known "gentlemen of fortune," including Kees the
Devil, Rock Brasiliano, and Thomas Maggott. Not all of the more than 500-plus entries are privateer
biographies; many examine those who hunted them, while still others define terms and concepts vital to
understanding piracy during this period. Each entry concludes with a list of related topics and references, and
many include illustrations and maps. Appendixes at the end of each volume include a substantial section
containing primary-source documents in the form of letters, proclamations, and dispatches. With the volumes
divided by date range—1650–1685 and 1686–1725—some of the entries are repeated. Those based on terms
such as grenade or aviso vary with examples from the appropriate date range. The biographical entries,
however, are often unaltered duplicates. BOTTOM LINE This work compares well to the standard tome on the
subject, Philip Gosse's The Pirates' Who's Who. Marley, however, offers numerous illustrations, not to mention
the appendixes. It's not the illustrations, but the colorful personalities that make this title so much more than an
account of destruction and murder. Entertaining and scholarly, this work is a treasure for all libraries and users
of many stripes.—Daniel Sifton, Vancouver Island Univ., B.C.[Page 107].
Copyright 2010 Reed Business Information.
Booklist Reviews 2011 April #2
Pub Year:2011US List Price380.00 USD
The organizing principle behind this appealing set is that "history is not a subject, but rather an activity."
Avoiding any presentation of historical information as a collection of stale facts and dates, these volumes
succeed in presenting world history in a way that engages the reader and allows students to exercise their
analytical-thinking skills, moving them beyond knowledge and comprehension and ultimately to the levels of
synthesis and evaluation. Moving chronologically from the ancient world to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq,
each chapters begins with a popular assertion from world history—for example, "The Greek city-states were
‘democratic' by our modern American definition"—and then presents pro and con sides of the debate. Other
examples of assertions include "The inhabitants of Easter Island who erected the monoliths were from South
America, not from Polynesia" and "The deaths of over one million Armenians in Turkey were due to a Turkish
government policy of genocide." The arguments on both sides of each issue are expansive in scope, well
constructed by knowledgeable scholars, and include references pertinent to the issue. Each argument also
features a handy sidebar that varies from biographical information on relevant figures such as U.S. Chief Justice
Earl Warren and English thinker Thomas More to primary sources that consider the death of Socrates and
Captain James Cook's description of a Polynesian canoe. Each volume contains a table of contents for the entire
set, though there is no set index. These volumes of solid scholarship and coherent design will be of assistance to
instructors preparing lesson plans as well as students compiling reports. Recommended for collections looking
to fill gaps and support the world-history curriculum. Also available as an e-book.
Copyright 2011 Booklist Reviews.
Choice Reviews 2011 March
Pub Year:2010US List Price595.00 USD
In this second edition, Melton and Baumann update almost everything except the fresh approach of the original
(CH, Feb'03, 40-3142), focusing not on rituals or devotional concepts but on concrete facts about demographics
and administration. This edition has expanded from four to six volumes, and from about 1,200 A-Z entries to
nearly 1,700. Most are dedicated to countries, intra- and interfaith organizations, and sects within major
religions. Sixteen core essays cover major religions and several (e.g., African) religious traditions. Topics like
"death" and "meditation" are represented, and even some holidays and individuals are curiously introduced. The
impressive contributors are generally not shy about self-referencing in the short list of references following
essays. Improvements to usability are appreciated: the A-Z list of entries and robust index are now repeated in
each volume, and core and country essays are now clearly distinguished by symbols. In the preface, readers will
find an unavoidably intricate explanation of what qualified for inclusion. Other pivotal front matter includes the
introduction, explication of the statistical approach, and contributor biographies. Insignificant errors are evident;
e.g., the entry on Judaism is missing the core symbol. But the unique approach persists as a welcome addition to
the field, and the revisions add real value. Summing Up: Recommended. Lower- and upper-level
undergraduates; general readers.
Copyright 2011 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2011 January #1
Pub Year:2010US List Price595.00 USD
This attractive six-volume set is an updated comprehensive survey detailing the development, organization,
current status, and pertinent contact information of major organizations associated with various living world
faiths. Edited under the unparalleled authority of Melton (director, Inst. for the Study of American Religion)
and Baumann (study of religions, Univ. of Lucerne, Switzerland), it eschews a typical historical examination of
world religions for a presentation of the constitutive communities, groups, individuals, and associations within
each religion. The result is a sort of annotated "encyclopedia of associations" for world religions that does not
critique or evaluate but describes each tradition with scholarly neutrality and ecumenical sensitivity. The 200plus scholarly contributors who have authored specific entries are typically practitioners of the belief or
practice, which further avoids any overarching slant or bias. The 1700 alphabetically arranged entries range in
length from a few paragraphs to several pages; all are signed and include relevant postal addresses, websites,
and updated bibliographies. Some 16 core essays elaborate on the major religions of Christianity, Judaism,
Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, while adherents of ethnoreligions, African traditional religions, and Western
esotericism also receive significant consideration. Another major feature is the inclusion of entries for 240
recognized nations and territories, assessing the distinctive role of religion and religious practice within each
country and offering statistical tables projecting religious growth and activity to 2050. The remarkable text is
also illustrated with many black-and-white photographs and helpful line maps. Specific to this new edition is an
expanded focus on Latin America, the Caribbean, and Indonesia. BOTTOM LINE This second edition, like its
predecessor, remains highly recommended for academic and large public libraries.—John-Leonard Berg, Univ.
of Wisconsin Lib., Platteville [Page 123]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
LJ Reviews 2011 May #1
Pub Year:2011US List Price265.00 USD
As chronicled here, our American story begins with the onset of the American Revolution, which was largely
the culmination of revolts and protests over the prior 12 years. American history then unfolds with labor
activism against economic injustice, cultural heritage protests by American Indians, slave rebellions, and social
rights demonstrations for women and Hispanic Americans and the African American Civil Rights Movement.
Beginning with Bacon's Rebellion in 1675, 71 total topics are covered—each with three to seven essays—
extending through the World Trade Organization protests in 1999. Other revolts and rebellions covered include
the Stamp Act protests, Nat Turner's rebellion, the New York draft riots of 1863, the women's movement of the
1870s, race riots and the antiwar movement of the 1960s–70s, and the Attica Prison 1971 riots. Each topic
features a signed introductory overview that describes the causes, course, and consequences of each rebellion,
revolt, riot, or uprising. Subsequent essays, also signed, then provide more detailed information on specific
persons, organizations, concepts, battles, or groups related to the event. Materials have been contributed by 44
scholars, with the overall project edited by Danver (Popular Controversies in World History). Further reading
bibliographies are at the end of each topic subsection. Extensive contents listings for each volume make for
quick and easy browsing, as does a substantial index for each volume. BOTTOM LINE Recommended—very
comprehensive for the intended audience of high school and undergrad students and the general public.—
Laverne Mann, Piscataway P.L., NJ [Page 100]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
LJ Reviews 2011 March #1
Pub Year:2011US List Price180.00 USD
This two-volume encyclopedia edited by Hastedt (justice studies, James Madison Univ.) contains over 600
signed and well-written A-to-Z entries covering key individuals, technologies, and events in the history of
American espionage. A few entries run up to five pages in length, but most are approximately one page, with a
list of references and further readings at the end. Regarding the set's organization, the promotional materials are
misleading, stating that the entries are organized into chronological sections featuring separate sections for
entries on intelligence agencies and organizations both within the U.S. government and in other nations, as well
as details of the techniques of the spy trade and the portrayal of espionage in literature and film. This is not the
case; the organization is purely alphabetical. The chronological and topical organization that was advertised
would be a boon to users of this encyclopedia without a basic knowledge of the subject and would make it far
more usable. BOTTOM LINE As it is, this encyclopedia collects good content, but the basic arrangement is not
particularly user-friendly. Recommended with reservations for academic libraries supporting programs in
international relations and/or security studies.—Ryan Johnson, Univ. of Mississippi, Oxford
[Page 102]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
Booklist Reviews 2011 March #2
Pub Year:2011US List Price180.00 USD
The cold war may technically be over, but issues and discussions concerning covert operations are still of
interest, both because of their historical importance and current events significance. Among the most recent
available literature is Encyclopedia of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (Sharpe, 2005). For those wanting
something of more current provenance, ABC-CLIO offers Spies, Wiretaps, and Secret Operations: An
Encyclopedia of American Espionage. The encyclopedia's A–Z entries cover individuals, technologies,
operations, organizations, events, and more, from colonial times to the present century. Though the focus is on
American espionage, "selected non-American experiences have been included to provide additional context." A
good proportion of the entries are biographical, and a topical list of entries showing a thematic connection
between people and events would make research more seamless. There is no entry on wiretaps, despite the title,
nor are there entries for wiretaps in the index. The entry on Fiction—spy novels is interesting and lengthy, but
this is perhaps not the first source one would turn to for such information. Each entry is signed, though there is
no affiliation information about the contributors. Most entries have see also references and lists of further
readings. An index appears in both volumes, and a glossary and bibliography can be found in volume 2.
Suitable for public and academic libraries. Also available as an e-book.
Copyright 2011 Booklist Reviews.
Choice Reviews 2011 March
Pub Year:2010 US List Price55.00 USD
In keeping with the format of the "Contemporary World Issues" series, this book by Newton (Univ. of San
Francisco) starts out with a complete overview of legal and illicit drug use in the introductory chapter,
"Background and History." The chapter titled "Problems, Controversies, and Solutions" provides scientific data
on various aspects of drug testing. Students writing "opposing viewpoints" essays will find the section titled
"Should Illegal Substance Be Legalized?" interesting and helpful. Another useful section is the chronology of
events (to 2009) delineating use of psychoactive substances and movements to control these substances. Also
included are biographical sketches of eminent personalities and their contribution to the history of substance
abuse; a very helpful section titled "Data and Documents," which includes but is not limited to laws, treaties,
reports, and court cases; a directory listing organizations; and a list of print/nonprint resources that adds
considerable value. All these offerings help make this book a handy reference for students researching
substance abuse. This book is in many ways similar to Howard Padwa and Jacob Cunningham's Addiction: A
Reference Encyclopedia (CH, Sep'10, 48-0031), but is less expensive. Summing Up: Recommended. Lowerlevel undergraduates and above; general readers.
Copyright 2011 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2010 October #1
Pub Year:2010US List Price55.00 USD
An update to Pedro Ruiz and others' 2007 Substance Abuse Handbook and an informative source of background
information to William R. Miller and Kathleen M. Carroll's 2010 Rethinking Substance Abuse, this guide is
divided into eight chapters. Readers will find a historical overview, a survey of controversial issues,
international perspectives, 21 popular and cult figure profiles, relevant primary documents, and a directory of
organizations. Newton (DNA Technology) presents chapters as essays with subheadings, making heavy use of
statistics. However, his prose is lively and informative. Intended as a subject overview and accessible to lay
readers, it is most at home in general collections.
[Page 100]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
Choice Reviews 2011 April
Pub Year:2011US List Price180.00 USD
This two-volume set should come with a warning label: "Highly addictive." Anyone who is remotely interested
in society and the laws of the land will enjoy this comprehensive work. Arranged in chronological order from
colonial (1637) to modern times (2008), this set will captivate readers as they explore the material Johnson
(Frostburg State Univ.) was able to glean from each unique case. This work reflects an inordinate amount of
research. From the Anne Hutchinson trials in the colony of Massachusetts to the O. J. Simpson Las Vegas trial,
the author has captured the essence of each and every event. Of particular interest is the analysis of each case
and its impact on society as a whole. These volumes are well organized, with cases presented in chronological
order. An annotated chronology and an A-Z reference list enhance each case. The writer's style will capture
readers' interest from the first page, and some readers may need to remind themselves that this is actually a
reference work. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Lower- and upper-level undergraduates; general readers.
Copyright 2011 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2011 January #1
Pub Year:2011 US List Price180.00 USD
As succinctly stated in the introduction, this title "focuses on the criminal, civil, religious, and political trials
that have fascinated the American public over the course of five centuries" (though, oddly, the titular "century"
is singular). Most of the widely known cases are in this set with a discussion of each in chronological order,
starting in 1637–38 with the Anne Hutchison trials through the O.J. Simpson Las Vegas trial of 2008. The
discussions range in length from a few pages to 25 pages and are listed by their popular names, including Sacco
and Vanzetti, the Chicago Seven, and Ruby Ridge. Most of the entries (though notably not all) have a summary
of the key players, trial or decision excerpts, and references to other works. Obviously, every popular-culture
case cannot be covered, but the omission of Miranda v. Arizona (1966) is conspicuous. Nearly any television
viewer of police and crime programs over the last 40-plus years can recite the crux of that decision ("You have
the right to remain silent..."). There is a brief reference to a person's Miranda rights being violated in one case,
and "Miranda Warning" appears in the glossary, but the case itself is not among those featured. BOTTOM
LINE This is written in accessible language, so readers don't need to be lawyers to understand the text.
Recommended for nonlegal professionals and general interest readers needing to familiarize themselves with
historical elements rather than case law.—Beth Bland, Milwaukee
[Page 128]. (c)
Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution
Choice Reviews 2011 February
Pub Year:2010US List Price55.00 USD
Part of the "Contemporary World Issues" series, this handbook on border security was a timely release in the
2010 election year, and will continue to be valuable. Warner (sociology, Texas A&M) previously edited
Battleground: Immigration (CH, Jun'09, 46-5388). The eight chapters in this new work address history,
contemporary issues, and the international context of security, and provide a chronology of events, biographies
of major figures, selected documents and data, a directory of involved organizations and agencies, and a list of
sources. Each of the topical chapters also has a list of English-language sources. To its credit, this title looks at
more than just the US-Mexican border. Its comprehensive coverage includes security concerns at land, sea, and
air borders, such as unauthorized entry and smuggling of individuals (including human trafficking); drug
trafficking and narcoterrorism; and property offensives such as theft, terrorism, and the smuggling of weapons
of mass destruction. This useful compendium fills a gap on the reference shelf. The glossary and index are both
helpful, but each would benefit from cross-references. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Lower- and upperlevel undergraduates; general readers.
Copyright 2011 American Library Association.
Choice Reviews 2010 September
Pub Year:2010US List Price85.00 USD
This chronology covers the history of the US Army during wartime and peacetime. The work includes such
issues as the creation and development through history of the army's military schools, pay scales, creation of a
general staff, and the creation and development of the army's auxiliary branches, the National Guard and Army
reserve systems, Special Forces, and Army aviation. In concise, highly informative entries, this work addresses
all significant interventions, campaigns, and engagements the US Army has been involved in--from its official
creation in the 18th century to present-day operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Fredriksen, a well-known
independent historian, has written more than 20 military history books including ^IThe United States Army in
the War of 1812^R (2009), ^ICivil War Almanac^R (CH, Feb'08, 45-2970), and ^IAmerican Military
Leaders^R (1999). The book captures the full sweep of the US Army's place in the nation's history, and looks at
the many roles it has played in the evolution and formation of the country's history; and at significant political
and administrative changes important to the army's evolution as an institution and in the transformation of the
country. Of special note is the late-20th-century transition of the army from a combination of career soldiers and
draftees into a completely volunteer force. Included are an exhaustive bibliography and over 50 illustrations
highlighting key battles and military figures. ^BSumming Up:^R Recommended. Public and school libraries;
general readers.
Copyright 2010 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2010 June #1
Pub Year:2010US List Price85.00 USD
Fredriksen (B-45 Tornado) effectively chronicles the evolution of Colonial America's citizen militia into today's
world-shaping force. Notable events are arranged first by year then by specific date, beginning with "20
February 1775" and closing with "20 December 2008." Entries are several paragraphs long and open with the
event's location, important figures involved, or a noteworthy news headline. An indispensable eight-page
bibliography closes the book. Throughout, Fredriksen remains an objective reporter, presenting facts and
avoiding the temptation to draw conclusions. This impartial account of date-specific events will allow the book
to remain a valid resource despite inevitable shifts in political outlook.
[Page 106].
Copyright 2010 Reed Business Information.
Choice Reviews 2010 April
Author:ECKES, ALFRED E., 1942Pub Year:2009US List Price65.00 USD
Part of the "Contemporary World Issues" series, available in print and e-book formats, this well-organized,
easy-to-use volume explores the background and history of American trade and provides an analytical survey of
diverse concerns relevant to US trade and their possible resolutions on issues ranging from the global
environment to human rights. Eckes (former chair, US International Trade Commission) analyzes and describes
international partnerships, the World Trade Organization, the European Union, and the Doha Round of
Multilateral Negotiations. This book includes a chronology of American trade policies from their beginning's in
the 18th century through today; a large collection of biographical sketches of key individuals who have been or
currently are involved in international trade issues; a directory of trade organizations and agencies; and a
lengthy annotated list of books, periodicals, journals, newsletters, films, video recordings, databases, and
Internet resources germane to topic. Like all books in the series, a glossary is provided to help readers
understand the concepts and issues. Summing Up: Recommended. Public, academic, lower-division
undergraduate and up, and practitioner library collections.
Copyright 2010 American Library Association.
Booklist Reviews 2011 March #2
Pub Year:2011US List Price365.00 USD
Containing 50 chapters, organized chronologically, this set focuses on events that helped shape or reshape
America. It is intended "to introduce beginning U.S. history students and lay readers to the most significant
events in the nation's history." Each volume covers a different century, from the seventeenth century in volume
1 to the twentieth century in volume 4. Each chapter includes an introduction, followed by an "interpretive
essay" that explores "the background and/or the consequences of each event," written by a specialist in the field.
The interpretive essay is accompanied by a few shorter entries for people, events, and other related topics. There
may also be a primary document or two. For example, the chapter "The War with Mexico, 1846–1848" has
entries for the Battle of Buena Vista, James Polk, Winfield Scott, and Zachary Taylor along with the text of the
Wilmot Proviso, which advocated a ban on slavery in all territories acquired by the U.S. as a result of the war.
Extensive bibliographies in each chapter will help those seeking further information. Volume-specific
appendixes include a glossary, a time line, and other materials; and each volume concludes with the
comprehensive index. Although this is not the source to turn to for answering ready-reference-type questions,
its approach makes it useful to students who are looking for background and context. Based as it is on the
editors' experience in college classrooms, it could be considered for purchase by college libraries. Also
available as an e-book.
Copyright 2011 Booklist Reviews.
Choice Reviews 2011 April
Author:YOUNG, WILLIAM H., 1939Pub Year:2010 US List Price180.00 USD
The 1940s, encompassing WW II and the postwar years in the US, represented a period of remarkable economic
and social change and one rich in popular culture. W. H. Young and N. K. Young, independent scholars with
publications in American social history, neatly cover the decade in some 180 alphabetically arranged entries
spread over two well-illustrated volumes. Among them are "Advertising," "Atomic Bomb," "Bing Crosby,"
"Football," "House Un-American Activities Committee," "Radio Programming," "Scrap Drives," "UFOs," and
"War Bonds." A "Guide to Related Topics" groups entries by broad area of interest within 23 topics that include
"Art," "Fads and Games," "Government," "Individuals," "Literature," "Music," "Social Issues," "Sports," and
"World War II." While entries vary in length from one to ten pages depending on importance, many are
enhanced by well-designed charts that clearly and compactly present considerable information in a limited
space. The "Comedies (Film)" entry presents a chronological 1940-49 listing of representative movies and the
films' stars. Entries conclude with cross-references to other entries and a select bibliography. Of particular use is
"Timeline for the 1940s," offering a year-by-year summary of major events in the areas covered. Summing Up:
Highly recommended. Lower-level undergraduates through graduate students; general readers.
Copyright 2011 American Library Association.
LJ Reviews 2010 December #1
Author:YOUNG, WILLIAM H., 1939Pub Year:2010US List Price180.00 USD
History isn't the only thing that repeats itself; the same can be said of history reference books. Here, two titles
examine the major events of the 1940s, detailing the transformation of the United States from World War II to a
nuclear superpower. Comparison of article lists reveals surprisingly little overlap. Though this is an
oversimplification, Forties may be viewed as the "serious" set, with entries covering the social scene ("Bobbysoxers"), literature ("Literature in the United States"), music ("Andrews Sisters"), law ("Cantwell v.
Connecticut"), and many other contemporary topics. Postwar Years is the "silly" set, looking at fads and
fashions, movies, comic books, television shows, and all the other ephemeral themes that comprise so-called
popular culture. While the former set has more numerous (650) articles of shorter length, the latter has fewer
(175) but more comprehensive entries. Each Forties article features fast facts regarding who/what/where, an
italicized sentence or two giving the gist of the entry, the article body, and a concluding "Impact" paragraph that
explains lasting significance. Longer entries have a "Further Reading" list; regardless of length, all are signed
and contain cross-references. Crisp black-and-white photographs, sidebar articles, and 17 appendixes round out
the set. (Roughly comparable is the 1940s set from Gale's American Decades series, which takes a more
narrative approach, though the encyclopedic format of Forties is likely preferable.) Postwar Years similarly
presents well-written and interesting material supplemented with black-and-white photographs. An especially
appealing feature is a series of tables (103 total) listing Broadway musicals, films, best-selling books, etc., along
with pertinent commentary that helps to recall the temper of the times. Rounding out the volumes is a
chronology of the decade and an extensive bibliography. BOTTOM LINE These two sets should be seen as a
complement to each other—what can't be found in one title may generally be found in the other. Therefore, both
are highly recommended for purchase by all public and academic libraries. However, should tight budgets allow
only one choice, this reviewer sides with Forties, as its broader scope presents a bigger slice of that decade's
pie.—Michael F. Bemis, Washington Cty. Lib., Woodbury, MN