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Cox Muonium in semiconductors: new discoveries and new questions Physica B 326 (2003) 113–119 SFJ Cox, SP Cottrell, PJC King, JS Lord, HV Alberto, N Ayres de Campos, JM Gil, J Piroto Duarte, RC Vilao, EA Davis, D Ellis, RL Lichti, G Celebi, A Weidinger Shallow donor states of hydrogen in II-VI oxide and chalcogenide semiconductors, modelled by muon spectroscopy in Physics of Semiconductors 2002: Proc 26th Int. Conf. Physics of Semiconductors (Edinburgh, 2002), JH Davies and AR Long (eds.) IoP Conf. Series 171 (March 2003) S.F.J. Cox et al Shallow dononr states of muonium in II-VI oxide and chalcogenide semiconductors, modelled by muon spectroscopy Proc. ICPS-2002 (Accepted). P. Dalmas de Reotier A. Yaouanc P. C.M. Gubbens C.T. Kaiser C. Baines and P. J.C. King Absence of Magnetic Order in Yb3Ga5O12: Relation between Phase Transition and Entropy in Geometrically Frustrated Materials Phys. Rev. Lett. 91(16) 167201 (2003) E.A. Davis, S.F.J. Cox, R.L. Lichti, and C.G. Van de Walle. 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