List of main publications 107 publication, 1 monograph, and 13 patents (list of principal papers, abstracts and patents is enclosed) Book: Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V. Biomechanics of human large blood vessels. (Ed. By K. Malmeister), Riga, 1980, 261 p. (in Russian) 1. Knets, I., Kasyanov, V. Influence of initial imperfections on the equilibrium state of nonlinear cylindrical shell. Polymer Mechanics, 1970, 6, 2, 301-305. 2. Kasyanov, V. Anisotropic nonlinear-elastic model of the large human blood vessels. Polymer Mechanics, 1974, 10, 5, 756-764. 3. Kasyanov, V., Knets, I. Strain energy function of large human blood vessels. Polymer Mechanics, 1974, 10, 1, 100-105. 4. Tseders, E., Kasyanov, V., Purinya, B. Deformation of the human abdominal aorta at biaxial stretch. Polymer Mechanics, 1974, 10, 3, 424-429. 5. Purinya, B., Vilka, G., Vilks, Yu., Kasyanov, V., Tseders, E. Change in several mechanical properties of human blood vessels with aging. Polymer Mechanics, 1974, 10, 1, 106-112. 6. Purinay, B., Slutskij, L., Kasyanov, V., Tseders, E., Vilka, G. Influence of biochemical contents of a human femoral artery on the biomechanical properties. Polymer Mechanics, 1974, 10, 2, 266-274.. 7. Kasyanov, V., Kregers, A. Differences in the deformation and strength properties of human large blood vessels as a function of location, loading direction and age. Polymer Mechanics, 1975, 4, 606-611. 8. Purinya, B., Knets, I., Kasyanov, V. Autogenous saphenous transplant in the blood vessel's reconstructive surgery. Polymer Mechanics, 1975, 1, 153-159. 9. Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V. Mechanical properties of the wall of the human abdominal aorta after endarterectomy. Polymer Mechanics, 1975, 4, 598-602. 10. Tseders, E., Labadze, T., Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V., Mchedlishvili, I. Mechanical properties of the canine internal carotid artery under constant load regimes. Polymer Mechanics, 1976, 4, 630-634. 11. Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V. Changes in the mechanical properties of human coronary arteries with age. Polymer Mechanics, 1977, 2, 251-255.. 12. Purinya B., Kasyanov V., Biomechanical properties of human coronary arteries. Cardiology, Moscow, 1977, vol. 27, 11, p. 108-111 (in Russian). 13. Purnya B., Kasyanov V., Tseders E. Change of mechanical properties of human great saphenous vein with age. Mechanics of Biological Solids (Ed. Brankov G.), Sofia, Bulgaria, 1977, p. 263-273. 14. Tseders, E., Kasyanov, V. Apparatus for the investigation of the blood vessel wall in a dynamic regime. Polymer Mechanics, 1978, 4, 613-615. 15. Kasyanov, V., Purinya, B., Ceders, E. Determination of the shear modulus of human blood vessel wall. Polymer Mechanics, 1978, 5, 753-755. 16. Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V., Bokhua, N., Chomahidze, A. Effect of the treatment of csenotransplantats by proteolytic ferments on their mechanical properties. Polymer Mechanics, 1979, 1, 92-94. 17. Kasyanov, V., Rachev, A. Deformation of blood vessels upon stretching, internal pressure and torsion. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1980, 1, 76-80. 18. Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V. Biomechanics of human large blood vessels. (Ed. By K. Malmeister), Riga, 1980, 261 p. (in Russian) 19. Kasyanov, V., Lacis, R., Mungalov, D., Feldmane, L. Influence of the different method of sterialization and conservation on the mechanical properties the human aortic heart valve leaflets. 4th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, Bulgaria, 1981, 2, 149-154 (in Russian). 20. Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V., Ozolanta, I., Mungalov, D. Biomechanical properties of coronary arteries with age. Biomechanics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1981, book 11, p. 313 (in Russian). 21. Rachev, A., Kasyanov, V. Elastic potential as function of wall stresses of human artery. Biomechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, 1981, 11, 233-238. 22. Kasyanov, V., Mungalov, D., Vitinsh, V., Pablak, D. Mechanical properties of human aortic leaflets upon periodic stressing. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1982, 18, 4, 474-478 23. Kasyanov, V. Peculiarities of structure and biomechanical behavior of the human aortic heart valve. Modern Problems of Biomechanics (Riga), 1983, 1, 40-58 (in Russian). 24. Kasyanov, V., Puriya, B., Ose, V. Structural and mechanical properties of the human aortic valve. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1984, 20, 5, 637-647. 25. Kasyanov, V., Mungalov, D. A hybrid composite material model for soft biological tissue at high strains. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1984, 20, 6, 751-756. 26. Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V., Mungalov, D., Karvanen, E., Buyanovsky, V. Influence of the treatment methods on the mechanical properties of the umbilical cord vein vascular graft. Biomechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1984, 15-16, 76-83 (in Russian). 27. Kasyanov, V., Purinya, B., Mungalov, D. Mechanical properties of the human aortic valve leaflets under static and dynamic loading. Biomaterials and Biomechanics 1983 (Ed. By A.Ducheyne, Van der Perre, A. Aubert), Amsterdam, 1984, 361-365. 28. Saakian, Yu.,Caturyan, A., Kasyanov, V., Mungalov, D. Compliance of the brachial artery under small transmural pressure (application to the theory of Korotkov`s method). Physiology of Human (Moscow), 1985, 11, 1, 83-89 (in Russian). 29. Starobin, I., Lupachev, S., Dolgopolov, R., Zaiko, V., Kasyanov, V., Mungalov, D., Analysis of hydrodynamics losses for various types of aortic valves. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1985, 21, 3, 349-354. 30. Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V. New stent for bioprosthesis of aortic valve. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1985, 5, 937-939 (in Russian). 31. Volkolakov, J., Latsis, R., Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V., Ledus, V., Pulmane, G. Biomechanical and structural characteristics at formation of bioprostheses. Thoracic Surgery, Moscow, 1986, 2, p. 41-46 (in Russian). 32. Karvanen, E., Butylkin, A., Kasyanov, V., Mungalov, D. Biomechanical properties of pulsatile grafts after implantation in arterial bed. Biomechanics in Medicine and Surgery, Riga, USSR, 1986, vol. IV, p. 160-166 (in Russian). 33. Kasyanov, V. Biomechanical basis of the prosthesis of blood vessels and aortic heart valve. In: Abstracts of International Conference "Trends in Human Biomechanics Research and Applications in Medicine and Surgery", Riga, USSR, 1986, 4, p. 182-191 (in Russian). 34. Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V., Lacis, R., Mungalov, D. Mechanical properties and structural. components of the human aortic heart valve. In: Abstracts of International Conference " Trends in Human Biomechanics Research and Applications in Medicine and Surgery", Riga, 1986, 1, p. 310-317 (in Russian). 35. Kasyanenko, V., Kasyanov, V., Mungalov, D., Kancevich, V. New Textile vascular grafts from hybrid composite material. Polymer in Medicine, Polish Scientific Publishers, Poland, 1987, 17, 1-2, 41-55 (in Russian). 36. Kasyanov, V. Numerical investigation of the stress-strain state of soft cylindrical shell under internal pressure. Biomechanics of soft tissue (Kazan, USSR), 1987, 75-89. 37. Kasyanov, V. Composite materials in artificial blood vessels and aortic heart valves. Modern Problems of Biomechanics (Riga), 1987, 4, 5-41 (in Russian). 38. Kasyanov, V. Mechanical properties of soft biological tissue. Problems of the Strength in Biomechanics (Ed. by I. Obraztsov), Moscow, 1988, 71-89 (in Russian). 39. Kasyanov, V. The peculiarities of mechanical behavior of the soft composite biological tissue and perspectives of working out of their artificial substitutes. Biomechanics. Problems and Investigations (Riga), 1988, 103-111 (in Russian). 40. Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V., Tetere, G. Ultrastructures, biomechanical and biochemical grounds for the construction of biological valves out of a calf's pericardium. Transactions of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (Riga, USSR), 1989, 8, 74-85 (in Russian). 41. Tetere, G., Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V., Lacis, R., Volkolakov, J. Influence of the structural changes on the mechanical properties of the bioprosthetic leaflets after their functioning in organism. Transactions of the Latvian Academy of Science (Riga, USSR), 1989, 11, 87-95 (in Russian). 42. Kancevich, V., Kasyanov, V. Small diameter blood vessel prostheses. Fibers and Textiles in Eastern Europe, 1994, vol. 2., 3, p. 32-33. 43. Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V., Volkolakov, J., Latsis, R., Tetere, G. Biomechanical and structural properties of the explanted bioprosthetic valve leaflets. J. Biomechanics, 1994, 27, 1-11. 44. Keris, V., Kasyanov, V., Enina, G. Biomechanical effects of experimental transluminal angioplasty. Acta Neurochirurgica, 1996, v.136, 6, 752-757. 45. Gupta, B., Kasyanov, V. Bio-mechanics of human common carotid artery and design of novel hybrid textile compliant vascular grafts. J. Biomedical Materials Research, 1997, v. 34, 341-349. 46. Kruglika, S., Kancevich, V., Kasyanov, V. Theoretical modeling of deformation and stress distribution near anastamosis graft-blood vessel. Tekstīla Tehnologijas Procesu Pētījumi un Optimizācija, Rīga, 1998, lpp. 134-143 (in Latvian). 47. Ozolanta, I., Tetere, G., Purinya, B., Kasyanov, V. Changes in the mechanical properties, biochemical contents and wall structure of the human coronary arteries with age and sex. Medical Engineering and Physics, 1998, 20, 525 - 533. 48. Keris, V., Ozolanta, I., Enina, G., Kasjanov, V., Aide H., Bricis, R. Biomechanical and structural assessment of transluminal angioplasty. Medical Engineering and Physics, 1998, 20, 339 - 346. 49. Kasyanov, V., Ozolanta, I., Purinya, B. Peculiarities of the biomechanical properties of human coronary arteries. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1999, 2, 221-237. 50. Kasaynov, V., Purinya, B., Ozols, A., Ozolanta, I. Biomechanical and structural properties of the bioprosthetic valve. Zinātniskie Raksti, 2. sējums, “Medicīnas Bāzes Zinātnes; Internā Medicīna”, Rīga, 2000, p.109-113. 51. Ozolanta, I., Lacis, R., Purina, B., Kasjanovs, V., Investigation of coronary arteries of a risk group of men (35-45 years of age) and their substitutes. Zinātniskie Raksti, 1. sējums, “Ķirurgija, Farmācija, Stomotologija”, Rīga, 2000, lpp. 49-53 (in Latvian). 52. Kasyanov, V., Ozolanta, I., Purinya, B., Ozols, A., Kancevich, V. Compliance of a biocomposite vascular tissue in longitudinal and circumferential directions as a basis for creation of artificial substitutes. Mechanics of Composite Materials, Zīnatne, 2001 (in press). 53. Kasyanov, V., Ozolanta, I., Purinya, B., Mironov, V. Structure and mechanical properties of the human carotid artery as a biocomposite material. International Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science, vol. 3, 3 / 4, 2001, p. 97-104. 54. Kadish, A., Ozols, Al., Ozolanta, I., Ozols, A., Kancevich V., Purinyia, B., Feldmane, L., Kasyanov, V. Maza diametra asinsvada protēze ar garendeformatīvām un šķērsdeformatīvām īpašībām. AML zinātnisko rakstu krājums: Internā medicīna. Ķirurģija. Medicīnas bāzes zinātnes. Stomatoloģija. Farmācija, Rīga, 2001, p. 66-69 (in Latvian). 55. Kantsevich, V., Tyagunova, N., Kasyanov, V. Compliant woven vascular graft. Proceeding of Conference ArchTex’2001 “Innovation in the Textile Technology”, Lodz, Poland, 2001, p.69-72. 56. Vanags I., Petersons A., Ozolanta I., Kasjanovs V., Laizans J., Vjaters E., Ose V. Biomechanical properties of the oesophagus wall under loading in adult humans. Proceeding of the Latvian Academy of Science. Section B, 2002, Vol. 56, ½, p. 5256. 57. Lācis R., Stradinš P., Kasjanovs V., Ozols A., Ozolanta I., Puriņa B., Feldmane L., Strazdiņš U., Putniņš I. Cilvēka sirds vārstuļu bioprotezēšana. Latvijas Ķirurģijas žurnals, 2002, Nr. 2, lpp. 3 – 7. 58. Mironov V., Kasyanov V., McAllister K., Oliver S., Sistino J., Markwald R. Perfusion Bioreactor for Vascular Tissue Engineering with Capacities for Longitudinal Stretch. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2003,14 (3), p. 340-347. 59. Vanags I., Petersons A., Ose V., Ozolanta I., Kasyanov V., Laizans J., Vjaters E. Biomechanical properties of oesophagus wall under loading. J. Biomechanics, 2003, Vol. 36, 9, p. 1387-1390. 60. Kasyanov V., I. Ozolanta, B. Purinya, A. Ozols, V. Kancevich. Compliance of a biocomposite vascular tissue in longitudinal and circumferential directions as a basis for creation of artificial substitutes. Mechanics of Composite Materials, Zīnatne, 2003, Vol. 39, 4, p. 347-358. 61. Kasyanov V., Sistino J., Trusk T., Markwald R., Mironov V. Perfusion bioreactors for cardiovascular tissue engineering. In: Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering. Chaudhuri, J B and Al-Rubeai, M, (eds), Kluwer, Netherlands, 2004 (in press)., p. 1-21. 62. Stradins P., Lacis R., Ozolanta I., Purina B., Ose V., Feldmane L., Kasyanov V. Comparision of biomechanical and structural properties between human aortic and pulmonary valves. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 2004 (in press).