INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL UNION COMMISSION ON HAZARD AND RISK – C08.18 COMMISSION REPORT January, 2008 – December, 2009 CONFERENCE EVENTS International symposium for hazard and risk jointed with Japan Geographical Union conference, 29-31 March 2009, Teikyo University in Tokyo, Japan North River and natural hazard: permanent freeze soil melting and flood, Amur River: flood buffer zone and land use change effective for flood mitigation? Lena River: Melting the soil and changing the river features, Hokkaido: changing the land use by human activities and river management. 2009 Joint International Symposium - IGU-Commission on Hazard and Risk and Japan Geographical Union, Mitigation of the water related disasters in a tropical river basin October 25, 2009, Ryukyu University, Okinawa JAPAN Presentation themes ・Requirements for Technology Transfer for Resolving Water Problems ・Recent climate variation and its impact on the water hazard in Tropical Monsoon Asia ・Torrential rainfall in Myanmar and associated atmospheric disturbances ・Flood hazard management in southern Thailand ・Flood Hazard Mapping and Related Problems in South East Asian Countries ・Application of high technologies for disaster prevention ・Prepare Flood Disasters with Local Communities: Lessons from Japanese Experience Comment ・Comment on problems to decrease disasters in the basins of tropical rivers PEMSEA: THE EAST ASIAN SEAS CONGRESS 2009 in Manila, Partnerships at Work: Local Implementation and Good Practices 23 - 27 November 2009, Philippine International Convention Center, Manila, Philippines. Presentation themes ・Development of DSS for environment protection in cases of marine incidents ・Experimental Research on the Development of Inorganic Coagulant for the Removal of Wreck Oil by Oil Spill Accident: Oil Removal Examination at the Philippines Guimaras Island ・Risk assessment of shipping traffic in the Straits of Malacca ・Development of PSSA in the Straits of Malacca ・Partnership Building for Mitigation of Disaster ・Flood and Sediment management in Philippines, in view of Cooperation ・Development of Participatory Risk Communication Method using Disaster Risk Scenario ・Good Governance and Effective Collaboration Towards Flood Mitigation ・Numerical Analyses of Flood Control Basin Capability in the Middle Part of the Amur River ・Tropical Cyclone ‘Nargis’: The Worst Natural Disaster to Strike the Southern Ayeyarwady River Delta of Myanmar in Early May 2008 FUTURE EVENT IGU ISRAEL JULY 2010 - COMMISSION ON POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY (CPG), The International Geographical Union (IGU) will be holding its Regional Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, on July 12-16 July 2010. The IGU Commission on Political Geography IGU CPG will be organizing three sessions at the major conference (and two jointly organized with the MRP - Mediterranean Renaissance Program), and a pre-conference workshop which will take place at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, immediately prior to the main event, from 7-11 July, 2010. Presentation themes ・Partnership For Mitigation Of Disaster For Coastal Area ・Impact Of Bank Erosion Hazard On Human Occupance In The Jia Dhansiri River Basin, India ・Analysis Of Climatic Extremes And Their Change Over North Eurasia During The Last Decades ・Outburst Lakes: Case Studies From The Tien-Shan Mountains, Kyrgyzstan ・Flood Risk In Metropolitan Environs Under Dynamic Land Use And Population Change ・Application Of Geo-Spatial Information For Disaster Prevention ・Israel Drought Hazard During 1998-2000, Connections To Historic Drought Patterns, And Ocean Trends ・The Effect Of Vulnerability On Climate Change Mitigation Policy ・Using Tourist’S Knowledge And Perception To Enhance Volcanic Hazard And Risk Communication In Southern Iceland ・Online Gridded Population Mapping For Humanitarian Relief And Disaster Planning ・Natural Hazards In The Context Of The Social And Geographical Memory ・Natural Fires: Global Situation ・Maritime Emergency Management System Based On Gis And Decision Making Tools ・Testing The Australian Megatsunami Hypothesis ・Tsunami And Design Of Buildings In Areas Of Risk: ・Using The ‘Coupled Human-Environment Systems Framework’ For Exploring Issues Of Hazard And Risk ・The Awareness Level Of Israeli Students Regarding Earthquakes And Their Expected Behaviour In The Event Of An Actual Earthquake During School Hours ・Human-Nature Interaction In The 2004 Chuetsu Earthquake Disaster, Central Japan ・Mapping Earthquake-Triggered Landslides From Remote Sensing ・Triggering Factors Of Landslides And Mudflows On Lake Büyükçekmece Area, Western Istanbul, Nw Turkey ・The Relevance Study Between Landslides And Land Use Types In Taipei Region, Taiwan ・Land Cover Changes In The Middle Reaches Of Amur River ・Assessment Physical And Chemical Characteristics Of Groundwater In The Ayeyarwady River Delta, Myanmer ・Natural Hazards And Education In Europe ・The Master Of Natural Hazards Program At The Australian National University ・Natural Hazards In High Mountains Ecosystems: La Laguna (Andean Semiarid Chile) ・Human Security And Natural Disasters In Southeast Asia: A Case Study Of The 2009 Flood Disasters In The Island Of Luzon, The Philippines PUBLICATIONS ・ Dec. 2009, Special issue for the Amur River – natural disaster and grace-, Journal of Geography (J) After international conference North river in JGU (March, 2009) ・ May 2010(In press), Special issue for the tropical river and natural hazard, Journal of geography (J) After international conference tropical river in JGU (Oct., 2009)