
K-6 Science and Technology Assessment Planning Stage ES1
Foundation Statements
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Investigating Scientifically
Students explore their immediate environment by using the senses, questioning, sharing ideas and identifying simple cause
and effect relationships. They identify and safely use some equipment to explore.
Investigating Scientifically
Students explore their immediate environment by using the senses, questioning, sharing ideas and identifying simple cause
and effect relationships. They identify and safely use some equipment to explore.
Designing and Making
Students explore ideas, manipulate materials and trial designs through play to develop products and built environments. They
identify and safely use some equipment and computer-based technology to model and make things.
Designing and Making
Students explore ideas, manipulate materials and trial designs through play to develop products and built environments. They
identify and safely use some equipment and computer-based technology to model and make things.
The Natural Environment
Students identify and group living and non-living things and recognise the different needs of living things. They recognise
different forms of energy and identify its use in daily life. Students identify ways in which the environment influences daily life.
They explore the properties of both natural and made materials.
The Natural Environment
Students identify and group living and non-living things and recognise the different needs of living things. They recognise
different forms of energy and identify its use in daily life. Students identify ways in which the environment influences daily life.
They explore the properties of both natural and made materials.
The Made Environment
Students identify ways in which familiar products, including information products, services and built environments meet the
needs of people. They recognise the different ways that information is sent and received and how these influence
communication. Students identify the characteristics of a range of materials used to make commonly available products and
built environments.
The Made Environment
Students identify ways in which familiar products, including information products, services and built environments meet the
needs of people. They recognise the different ways that information is sent and received and how these influence
communication. Students identify the characteristics of a range of materials used to make commonly available products and
built environments.
Design and make
DM ES1.8
Design and make
DM ES1.8
Design and make
DM ES1.8
Content Outcomes
Info & comm.
Physical Phen
PP ES1.4
Built Environment
BE ES1.1
Physical Phen
PP ES1.4
Products & services
PS ES1.5
Healthy Choices
Our Place
Our Needs
Unit Title
Earth & its surroundings
ES ES1.6
Living things
LT ES1.3
The students are able to:
The students are able to:
The students are able to:
The students are able to:
respond to questions describing energy uses
recall a sequence of events.
describe that energy is used to move or change an object .
discuss how our bodies use and store energy.
describe the features of different spaces/places
explain how different family members will use
spaces/places in the home.
tell others about what has been observed
explains own ideas about reasons for patterns and trends.
describe the features of their gift that relate to the success
produce a gift that has features related to the success
recall the steps followed and the equipment used to make
the gift.
participate in discussion of different ways we communicate
identifies and describes personal characteristics
ensures ‘This is me’ folder identifies several
characteristics of the student.
Assessment focus
identify similarities and differences in plants and animals
group objects using a common criteria.
use their senses to make and record observations
assist in analysing results of an observation
suggests simple cause and effect associations, i.e. in cold
weather we wear warm clothes.
K-6 Science and Technology Assessment Planning Stage 1
Foundation Statements
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
Term 7
Term 8
Investigating Scientifically
Students conduct guided investigations by following a series
of steps that include questioning, making and testing
predictions, collecting and recording data, observing patterns
and suggesting possible explanations. They select and safely
use a range of equipment, computer-based technology and
other resources to investigate and explore.
Investigating Scientifically
Students conduct guided investigations by following a series
of steps that include questioning, making and testing
predictions, collecting and recording data, observing patterns
and suggesting possible explanations. They select and safely
use a range of equipment, computer-based technology and
other resources to investigate and explore.
Investigating Scientifically
Students conduct guided investigations by following a series
of steps that include questioning, making and testing
predictions, collecting and recording data, observing patterns
and suggesting possible explanations. They select and safely
use a range of equipment, computer-based technology and
other resources to investigate and explore.
Investigating Scientifically
Students conduct guided investigations by following a series
of steps that include questioning, making and testing
predictions, collecting and recording data, observing patterns
and suggesting possible explanations. They select and safely
use a range of equipment, computer-based technology and
other resources to investigate and explore.
Designing and Making
Students follow a guided design process to create products,
including information products, services and built
environments. They draw and model design ideas using
accepted methods and practices. They select and safely use
a range of equipment, computer-based technology and other
resources when designing and making.
Designing and Making
Students follow a guided design process to create products,
including information products, services and built
environments. They draw and model design ideas using
accepted methods and practices. They select and safely use
a range of equipment, computer-based technology and other
resources when designing and making.
Designing and Making
Students follow a guided design process to create products,
including information products, services and built
environments. They draw and model design ideas using
accepted methods and practices. They select and safely use
a range of equipment, computer-based technology and other
resources when designing and making.
Designing and Making
Students follow a guided design process to create products,
including information products, services and built
environments. They draw and model design ideas using
accepted methods and practices. They select and safely use
a range of equipment, computer-based technology and other
resources when designing and making.
The Natural Environment
Students identify and describe ways in which living things
grow and change. They identify a variety of energy forms and
describe their use in the community. Students describe ways
in which living things depend on the Earth and its
environment. They identify how the properties of natural and
made materials relate to their use.
The Natural Environment
Students identify and describe ways in which living things
grow and change. They identify a variety of energy forms and
describe their use in the community. Students describe ways
in which living things depend on the Earth and its
environment. They identify how the properties of natural and
made materials relate to their use.
The Natural Environment
Students identify and describe ways in which living things
grow and change. They identify a variety of energy forms and
describe their use in the community. Students describe ways
in which living things depend on the Earth and its
environment. They identify how the properties of natural and
made materials relate to their use.
The Natural Environment
Students identify and describe ways in which living things
grow and change. They identify a variety of energy forms and
describe their use in the community. Students describe ways
in which living things depend on the Earth and its
environment. They identify how the properties of natural and
made materials relate to their use.
The Made Environment
Students identify the difference between natural and built
environments and model built environments designed to suit
the needs of users. They communicate messages using a
variety of media and technologies. Students describe and
apply production processes using a range of materials and
techniques to grow, make or process products.
The Made Environment
Students identify the difference between natural and built
environments and model built environments designed to suit
the needs of users. They communicate messages using a
variety of media and technologies. Students describe and
apply production processes using a range of materials and
techniques to grow, make or process products.
The Made Environment
Students identify the difference between natural and built
environments and model built environments designed to suit
the needs of users. They communicate messages using a
variety of media and technologies. Students describe and
apply production processes using a range of materials and
techniques to grow, make or process products.
The Made Environment
Students identify the difference between natural and built
environments and model built environments designed to suit
the needs of users. They communicate messages using a
variety of media and technologies. Students describe and
apply production processes using a range of materials and
techniques to grow, make or process products.
INV S1.7
Design and make
DM S1.8
INV S1.7
Design and make
DM S1.8
INV S1.7
Design & make
DM S1.8
Design and make
DM S1.8
Physical Phen
PP S1.4
Info & comm.
ICS S1.2
Living things
LT S1.3
Built Environment
BE S1.1
Earth & its surroundings
ES S1.6
Products & services
PS S1.5
Info & comm.
ICS S1.2
Unit Title
Powering On
Our families
Growing and changing
Local Places
Products & services
Our stories
Assessment focus
The students are able to:
The students are able to:
The students are able to:
The students are able to:
The students are able to:
The students are able to:
• describe a fair test
 make predictions,
describe their
observations and recall a
sequence of events.
follow a procedure
collect and record data
summarises what has
been learnt.
explains how plans show
development of design
gives reasons why their
design meets the need of
the museum exhibition
users – (reasons should
relate to the success
contribute to the
summary by identifying
key stages in the life
cycle of a frog
represent growth and
change in tadpoles
consistently with the
summary statement
jointly constructed by the
explain how their
proposal addresses the
describe how well they
address the criteria
make suggestions on
how to improve the
relates completed
activities to the design
reflects on how the
processes of designing
and making of the class
picnic can be improved.
share design ideas with
others and responds to
work cooperatively and
follow established
procedures for safely
using equipment and
organise the sequence of
ideas in a narrative
contribute text to pictures
in a narrative.