Sample Resolution to include with letter

Resolution Opposing the Construction of a Nuclear Waste
Repository in the Great Lakes Basin
WHEREAS Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is proposing to construct a deep geologic repository (DGR), which is an
underground long-term burial facility, at the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station site in Kincardine Ontario Canada,
and bury and abandon in the DGR all of Ontario’s low and intermediate level radioactive nuclear waste, some of
which remains highly radioactive and toxic for over 100,000 years. The proposed site is approximately one
kilometre inland from the shore of Lake Huron and about 400 metres below the lake level;
WHEREAS Ontario Power Generation did not consider or evaluate any other actual sites for the location of the
proposed DGR;
WHEREAS fresh water is the nation’s and Canada’s most important resource and should be protected and
managed prudently;
WHEREAS the Great Lakes are an irreplaceable natural resource, containing twenty one percent of the worlds, and
ninety five percent of North America’s fresh water, vital to human and environmental health and economic and
agricultural well-being of both Canada and the United States of America;
WHEREAS Lake Huron and connecting waters including Lake St. Clair, are a source of drinking water for millions of
people downstream in Canada, the United States of America and First Nations;
WHEREAS individuals, citizen and environmental groups and municipalities and counties in both Canada and the
United States have expressed concern and opposition to the proposed nuclear waste repository;
WHEREAS as of September 22, 2015, one hundred seventy (173) resolutions have been passed by communities in
the Province of Ontario and States of Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio
representing over 22 million citizens opposing the proposed nuclear waste repository, with the vast majority of the
resolutions opposing any permanent underground nuclear waste repository anywhere in the Great Lakes Basin;
WHEREAS under the 2012 Protocol Amending the Agreement Between Canada and the United States of America
on Great Lakes Water Quality, the governments of Canada and the United States acknowledge the importance of
anticipating, preventing and responding to threats to the waters of the Great Lakes;
WHEREAS the Governments of Canada and of the United States share a responsibility and an obligation to protect
the Great Lakes from contamination from various sources of pollution, including the leakage of nuclear waste from
an underground nuclear waste repository;
WHEREAS in April 2015 resolutions HR 194 and SR 134 were introduced respectively in the US House of
Representatives and US Senate expressing the sense that (1) the Canadian Government should not allow a
permanent nuclear waste repository to be built within the Great Lakes Basin; (2) the President and the Secretary of
State should take appropriate action to work with the Canadian Government to prevent a permanent nuclear
waste repository from being built within the Great Lakes Basin; and (3) the President and the Secretary of State
should work together with their Canadian Government counterparts on a safe and responsible solution for the
long-term storage of nuclear waste;
WHEREAS, In the mid 1980’s, the US Department of Energy was considering potential sites for a US nuclear waste
repository, including some sites location in the Great Lakes Basin and as a result of significant Canadian opposition,
Joe Clark, then Secretary of State for External Affairs, intervened and the US government honored Canada’s
request to exclude any sites within 40 kilometers of the Canadian border; and
WHEREAS placing a permanent nuclear waste burial facility so close to the Great Lakes is ill-advised. The potential
damage to the Great Lakes from any leak or breach of radioactivity far outweighs any suggested economic benefit
that might be derived from burying radioactive nuclear waste at this site. The ecology of the Great Lakes, valuable
beyond measure to the health and economic well-being of the entire region, should not be placed at risk by storing
radioactive nuclear waste underground so close to the shoreline;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the [insert name of community] Council, that:
In order to protect the Great Lakes and its tributaries, the [insert name of community] Council urges that
neither this proposed nuclear waste repository at the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station site nor any other
underground nuclear waste repository be constructed in the Great Lakes Basin, in Canada, the United
States, or any First Nation property.
The [insert name of community] Council urges the Government of Canada and the Government of
Ontario to reject (and seek alternatives to) Ontario Power Generation’s proposal to bury and abandon
radioactive nuclear waste in the Great Lakes Basin.
A copy of this Resolution shall be transmitted to Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, Stephen Harper,
Prime Minister of Canada, Leona Aglukkaq, Canada’s Minister of the Environment, Robert Nicholson,
Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Thomas Mulcair, MP and Leader of the New Democratic Party of
Canada and the Official Opposition, Justin Trudeau, MP and Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada,
Elizabeth May, MP and Leader of the Green Party of Canada, Patrick Brown, MPP and Leader of the
Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario and the Official Opposition, Andrea Horwath, MPP and Leader
of the New Democratic Party of Ontario, Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario, [insert
name of the MPP(s) in the riding in which the community is located and the name of Provincial riding]
and [insert name of the MP(s) in the riding in which the community is located and the name of Federal