Young samurai-Phase 2

Southwark Reading Festival Plan
Teacher's name: Lynn Sear
Objectives covered from the framework within this phase:
Class/Year Group: 6
Strand 2 Consider examples of conflict and resolution, exploring the language used
Term: Spring/Summer
Strand 6 Record and learn from personal errors, corrections, investigations, conventions, exceptions and new vocabulary
Week beg:
Strand 7 Explore how writers use language for comic and dramatic effects; Understand how writers use different structures to create coherence and impact
Understand underlying themes, causes and points of view; Read between the lines and find evidence for their interpretation
Focus genre/text: Young
Strand 8 Sustain engagement with longer texts, using different techniques to make the text come alive; Compare the usefulness of techniques such as
Samurai by Chris Bradford
visualisation, prediction and empathy in exploring the meaning of texts
Strand 9 Experiment with the visual and sound effects of language, including the use of imagery, alliteration, rhythm and rhyme
Genre duration 3 weeks
Phase : 2 of 3
Daily LO
Teaching Input/Writing Process Key Questions
Core activity (To be differentiated according to
class needs)
Read Chapter 16 ‘The Bokken’. Explore the What words would Revise play scripts and identify 5 key elements of play scripts to
relationship between the 2 boys. In pairs use you use to
include when writing. Ch work in pairs to use the speech within
the speech written to dramatise the action. describe Yamato’s the text to write up small part as a play script and then perform.
Model with a TA or volunteer. Thought track and Jack’s
To use drama
strategies to explore the pairs during the action.
To be able to
discuss key moments
in a story
Ask ch to share
dramatisations of their
short play scripts in pairs.
Read Chapters 17-19.
key scenes
Session 1 assess and
Read ch 20. Focus on how the author builds What words or
up tension through sentence structure and
phrases does the
vocabulary. Model identifying and
author use to
highlighting. Refer back to tension graph and highlight tension?
emphasise build up within a novel. Use
To record and learn
from new vocabulary music to dramatise reading. Focus on
and unknown
vocabulary and word choice. Record any
new or unknown words found and record on
list on working wall.
To identify build up
and climax within a
novel through key
Ch read ch 21 and 22 in mixed ability pairs. Ch go on to
highlight use of words and phrases used by the author that add to
the dramatic context. Focus on short sentences for dramatic
impact and specific descriptive vocabulary that makes the reader
visualise and that add to the atmosphere, e.g. ‘icy distance’
‘Prickly remark’ (Chapter 20)
Update key events on
class timeline and add
words or phrases found
that define particular
moments within the text.
Does the author use any
particular words or
phrases that depict a style?
Identify figurative language generated. Discuss what has
happened since the last journal entry- what would be the most
important aspects to concentrate on? Write Jack’s journal entry
no.2 using some of the powerful verbs and figurative language
found and generated in the last 2 days – explain how this will
help the reader visualise the action and feel part of the story.
Share examples of
figurative language within
the journal entries. Identify
different types –
personification, similes,
metaphors. Can we identify
rules for these to
distinguish them from each
other?Add to working wall
Session 2 –
assess and
To understand the
ways that figurative
language can create
an image
To identify the
effectiveness of
figurative language
within text
Session 3 -
Revise types of figurative language. Read
How effective is
Chapter 23 (ch to make notes of any words the image of
or phrases in journals as you read) Focus on figurative
last line ‘Jack felt like a lamb going to the
language? Can
slaughter…’ Ask ch to visualise and then ask you liken it to an
for ch to generate examples to use instead, experience you
e.g. Jack felt like a mouse inside a lion’s
cage’ Highlight examples together and
model 3 sentences using figurative language.
assess and
To be able to retrieve
and discuss
information inferred
from a story
Read Ch 24 whilst ch make a list of what we
What does
Ch to work answering questions requiring inference in pairs
know and what we think we know about
Masamoto mean (could be mixed ability?) All answers and questions on table and
Masamoto. Explain that what we think we by ‘Learn today so pairs have to match answers to questions after reading Chapter
know has been inferred to us within the text. that you may live
Give examples.
tomorrow’? Why
is he being so
stern with Jack?
Teacher to read Chapter 26
and ch to use post it notes
to generate questions
requiring inference during
reading. What words or
phrases indicate these are
questions requiring
Read Ch 27-30 Focus on the description
opening ch 30 (the first 4 paragraphs) and
ask class to sketch briefly as you read.
Compare with partner. Look at description
on IWB and highlight key phrases where 2
or more words are used to layer description,
e.g. flared brightly, sound shimmering,
swooping down
Update key events on class
timeline. Recap and
summarise week’s work.
What new words or
vocabulary could you use
in your own writing? Read
chapters 31-35 in class
Session 4 –
assess and
To identify how to
effectively describe a
scene through
To record and learn
from word
investigations that
introduce new
What type of
words are used to
describe? How can
we remember this?
Where and when
do you need
description within
a narrative?
Orally in small gps use Zone of relevance to describe the
atmosphere of moments in text to recap. Let them choose any part
from the text. Then try and use words in small phrases or
sentences to ensure description is powerful- encourage putting 2
or 3 words that fit together to ‘layer’ description. Children to
generate small descriptive phrases on post it notes and stick onto
text where appropriate. Teacher to collect for working wall to
display immediately.
Session 5 assess and
Success Criteria:
Ch will have written in role. Ch will have used figurative language within their writing to aid powerful description. Ch will have answered questions
requiring inference and will be able to use text to back up what they think about a character.