Silica Hydride

Also indexed as: Active Hydrogen
Silica hydride is a colloidal mineral compound containing silicon, oxygen, and
hydrogen. According to the developers of this supplement, silica hydride contains
a large number of loosely bound electrons that are available to help neutralize
potentially dangerous free radicals.1 2 Test tube studies have demonstrated that
silica hydride does neutralize free radicals and preserves the health of cells
exposed to these radicals. However, whether silica hydride can be absorbed from
the gastro-intestinal tract and whether it will affect the health of animals or
humans has not been adequately tested.
Where is it found?
Since silica hydride is not essential, a recommended intake has not been
established. Whether it is present in food or water is unknown. Supplements
contain 200 to 250 mg per capsule.
Who is likely to be deficient?
Silica hydride is not an essential nutrient, so no deficiencies are possible.
How much is usually taken?
Since silica hydride is not essential, a recommended intake has not been
established. Whether it is present in food or water is unknown. Supplements
contain 200 to 250 mg per capsule.
Are there any side effects or interactions?
Due to the lack of published scientific research on silica hydride in animals or
humans, side effects and interactions are unknown.
At the time of writing, there were no well-known drug interactions with silica
1. Stephanson CJ, Stephanson AM, Flanagan GP. Antioxidant capability and
efficacy of Mega-H silica hydride, an antioxidant dietary supplement, by in vitro
cellular analysis using photosensitization and fluorescence detection. J Med Food
2. Flanagan GP, Purdy-Lloyd K: A silicate mineral supplement, Microhydrin®,
traps reduced hydrogen providing in vitro biological antioxidant properties.
Proceedings: National Hydrogen Association 1999;10:595–610.