رزومه Curriculum Vitae 1) مشخصات فردي نام : حسن نام خانوادگي:متقی

Curriculum Vitae
‫) مشخصات فردي‬1
‫ حسن‬: ‫نام‬
‫متقی مقدم‬:‫نام خانوادگي‬
‫ مرد‬:‫جنسيت‬
‫ قلب‬:‫رشته تحصيلي‬
‫ اطفال‬:‫گروه آموزشي‬
‫دانشیار‬:‫مرتبه علمي‬
‫ گروه اطفال‬-)‫ بیمارستان امام رضا(ع‬:‫آدرس محل كار‬
(+98511) 8593045 ..... :‫تلفن محل كار‬
Mottaghih @mums.ac.ir :‫آدرس پست الكترونيك‬
‫تحصيالت دانشگاهي‬
1- Fellow in Pediatric cardiology Of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences,
Shiraz. 1998-2001
2- Resident in Pediatrics, Pediatric Department, Mashhad University of Medical
Sciences, - Mashhad - Iran. 1989-1992.
3- Medical Student, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad- Iran. 1982-1989.
‫تجربيات آموزشي‬
‫تجربيات حرفه اي‬
1-Pediatric Cardiology; Echocardiography, Cardiac Catheterization, Balloon ngioplasty
& Valvuloplasty, Post Op. Care and Consultant Pediatric Cardiologist. 2001-present
2- Chief fellow In Pediatric Cardiology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, shirazIran. 1999-2001
3- Vice Chancellor of Mashhad University of Welfare and Rehabilitative Sciences.
Experience also in general pediatrics, pediatric consultation, and medical counseling
esp. genetic counseling, clinical research on homeless, disabled and handicapped
children. 1992- 1998
4- Pediatric Residency Program in Imam- Reza Hospital, Mashhad -Iran. 1989-1992
Experience in general medicine; Accident, burn, and war injuries. 1984-1989
‫کارگاه ها‬
1- Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, workshop on medical education
(Scholarship of Teaching and Learning), Mashhad- Iran. 2011.
2- Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, workshop on Integrated diseases of
children , Mashhad- Iran2010.
3-Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, workshop on medical education (new
methods in evaluation of residents) , Mashhad- Iran. 2010.
4-Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, workshop on Medical Education (Standard
patient), Mashhad- Iran. 2007.
5-Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, workshop on Medical Education (OSCE),
Mashhad- Iran. 2006.
6- Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, workshop on coil occlusion, Shiraz –
7-Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, workshop on Medical Education, MashhadIran. 2003
8-Ministry Of Health, Workshop on Well Baby Care, Tehran-Iran. 2002. Pediatric
Cardiologist Certified by Iranian Board of Pediatric Cardiology.2001.
9-Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, workshop on Statistics and research, Shiraz Iran. 2000.
10- Welfare and Rehabilitative Sciences University, Workshop on Statistics and
research, Tehran - Iran. 1997.
11- Welfare and Rehabilitative Sciences University, Workshop on Genetics, Tehran Iran. 1996 .
12-Pediatrician Certified by Iranian Board of Pediatrics (Distinguished graduate of
Mashhad University). 1992.
13- Medical Degree, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad - Iran. 1988.
‫عناوين و امتيازات ويژه‬
‫فعالیت های‬
1- Video-assisted thoracoscopic patent ductus arterosus closure in 2000 patients.
Asian Cardiovascular& Thoracic Annals 2011, 19 (6), p 393-398.
2- Congenital pulmonary arteriovenous malformation: a rare cause of cyanosis in
childhood. The Ceylon medical journal 2010, 55 (1), pp. 23-25.
3- Scimitar syndrome: Report of a case and its surgical management, Annals of Saudi
Medicine 2009, 29 (1), pp. 50-52.
4- Congenital Absence of One Pulmonary Artery. Medical Journal of MUMS; 51(4),
2009, p: 229-232.
5- Surgical management of scimitar syndrome: an alternative approach. ANZ J
Surgery; 2008 May; 78(5):419-20.
6- Foreign Body Aspiration In Children. IJP; 17 (Supplement 2), 2008, p: 281-284.
Value Of Chest X -Ray In Foreign Body Aspiration Of Children. The Iranian Journal of
Otorhinolaryngology; 18(45), Autumn 2006, p: 67-71.
8- Oral Manifestation Of Patients With Congenital Heart Disease. Journal Of
Mashhad Dental School; 31(1&2), 2007, P: 25-30.
9- Left Ventricular Mass Index And Diastolic Function In Children With
Thalassemia Major. J of Rafsanjan university of medical sciences; 5(2), 2006, P: 6368.
10- Turner Syndrome: Cadiovascular Abnormalities and Correlation With Clinical
Phenotype& Kariotype. The Iranian Journal Of Obstetrics, Gynecology And Infertility;
8(2), 2005, P: 143- 147.
11- Echocardiographic Evaluation Of Right And Left Ventricular Diastolic Function In
Patients With Thalaessemia Major: Medical Journal Of MUMS; 47(86), 2005, P: 395400.
12- Body Mass Index In Turner Syndrome Before and After Growth Hormone therapy.
(2), 2004, P: 78-81.
International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism; 2
13- Quantative Assessment Of Cardiac Function In children With Beta - Thalassemia
Major Using The Doppler Myocardial Performance Index: Medical Journal Of MUMS;
47(83), 2004, P: 79-89.
14- Ruptured Congenital Aneurysm of the sinus of valsalva: A Ten-year experience.
Iranian Heart Journal 2002, 2003; 3(4) & 4 (1): 34-34.
15- Echocardiographic Evaluation Of Cardiac Function In Patients With Major
Thalassmia: Medical Journal Of MUMS; 45(78), 2003, P: 31-36.
16- Surgical Result Of Rastelli Operation In Children With Complex Congenital Heart
Disease; Medical Journal Of Zahedan University Of Medical Sciences; 4(2) 2002, P: 8791.
17- Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection And Surgical Outcome In
Children: Medical Journal Of MUMS; 75(75), 2002, P: 85-89.
18- Postponement Of Age-related Disability: "Salmand" Journal Of University Of
Welfare And Rehabilitative Sciences; 1(2) 1993, P: 44-48.
:‫هـ) انتشار مقاله در ژورنالهاي علمي پژوهشي اندكس نشده‬
:‫و) ارائه مقاله دركنگره ها يا سمينارهاي خارجي‬
1st International neonatal and childhood
nutrition, growth and development 7-9Oct. 2011 Mashhad- Iran.
2nd International congress of Iranian
society of pediatric nephrology.20-22 Jul. 2011 Mashhad- Iran.
3rd International pediatric cardiology
congress. Torticollis: An uncommon presentation of Kawasaki disease 2011 TehranIran.
Is HTLV1 screening necessary before
cardiac catheterization of congenital heart diseases? 1st international congress on.
2010 Mashhad- Iran.
Congenital absence of one pulmonary
artery.2nd International Pediatric Cardiology Congress. 2008 Mashhad- Iran.
8th International Pediatric Neurology
Congress. 2008 Mashhad- Iran.
Quantative Assessment Of Cardiac
Function In children With Beta - Thalassemia Major Using The Doppler Myocardial
Performance Index: The National Iranian Congress Of Hematology Oncology, 23-25 june 2004,
Mashhad - Iran.
Head Up Tilt Table Testing (HUT) In
Children With Unexplained Syncope: 13th International Congress Of Geographic Medicine
And The Congress Of Cardiovascular Disease, 2-5 Oct 2000, Shiraz - Iran.
:‫ ز) ارائه مقاله دركنگره ها يا سمينارهاي داخلي‬-1
9- Echocardiographic Evaluation of Right and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function In
Patients With Thalaessemia Major: 6th National Congress On Cardiovascular Update 11-14
June 2004, Mashhad - Iran.
10- Turner Syndrome: Cardiovascular Abnormalities And Correlation With Clinical
Phenotype and Karyotype: 6th National Congress On Cardiovascular Update 11-14 June 2004,
Mashhad - Iran.
Comparision Of QR Pattern In V1 With P
wave Amplitude In Limb Lead II In Right Atrial Enlargement: 6th National Congress On
Cardiovascular Update 11-14 June 2004, Mashhad - Iran.
Acute Rheumatic Fever In Children: A
Study Of 80 Cases In Khorassan: 6th National Congress On Cardiovascular Update 11-14 June
2004, Mashhad - Iran.
13- PDA Ligation By VATS. 5th National Congress On Cardiovascular Update June 2003, TehranIran.
14- Infectious Endocarditis Prophylaxis In Children: 2nd Congress Of Iranian Association Of
Pediatric Dentistry; 15-17 Jul 2003, Mashhad - Iran.
Ruptured Congenital Aneurysm Of The
Sinus Of Valsalva: A Ten- Year Experience: 13th Congress Of Iranian Heart Association In
Collaboration With The University Of Vienna Oct 8-11, 2002, Tehran - Iran
Improving Surgical Results for Congenital
Heart Disease In Children: 13th Congress Of Iranian Heart Association In Collaboration With
The University Of Vienna Oct 8-11, 2002, Tehran - Iran.
17- Cardiac Surgery and Hospital Acquired Infection: The First Iranian Congress Of Critical
Care, 7-9 Feb 2001, Zahedan_ Iran.
18- Update In Cardiology.Third pediatric Sarvar Festival. 2008 Mashhad- Iran.
19- Invasive Pediatric Cardiology. Update In Cardiology. Razavi Hospital, April 2005.
Mashhad- Iran.
Balloon Angioplasy Of Intresting Cases Of
Coarctation Of Aorta In Hypertensive Children And Adults. 14th Congress of Iranian
Heart Association in Collaboration with British Cardiac Society, 23-26.2004.Tehran-Iran.
Evaluation Of Infective Endocarditis
Outcome In Children In Pediatric ICU At Shaheed Rajaie Heart Hospital. 14th Congress
of Iranian Heart Association In Collaboration With British Cardiac Society, 23-26.2004.Tehran-Iran.
22- Acute Rheumatic Fever In Children.14th Congress Of Iranian Heart Association In
Collaboration With British Cardiac Society, 23-26.2004.Tehran-Iran.
23- Nutrition in children with congenital heart disease. National congress of neonatal
& pediatric nutrition. 2008 Mashhad- Iran.
24- Pediatric health congress. Are viral immunologic study necessary prior to cardiac
catheterization? 2010 Zahedan- Iran.
25- Update in Cardiology. Fourth pediatric Sarvar festival. 2010 Mashhad- Iran.
26- Are viral immunologic study necessary prior to cardiac catheterization? 4th
symposium on updates in C.V diseases. 2010 Shiraz- Iran.
27- 1st Iranian screening congress. Fetal heart failure. Azad university of Mashhad. 7-9
Oct. 2011 Mashhad- Iran.
‫ ترجمه شده‬/‫كتب تأليف‬
:‫الف) كتب تأليف شده‬
1-Prevention of Hearing Impairment: Published by Khorassan Welfare Organization,
Mashhad- Iran, 1995.
2-High Risk Pregnancy: Publihed by Khorassan Welfare Organization, Mashhad- Iran,
3-Preventive Pediatrics: Published by Khorassan Welfare Organization, Mashhad-3
Iran, 1993.
4-Postponement Of Age-related Disability: Published by Khorassan Welfare
Organization, Mashhad- Iran, 1992.
‫طرحهای پژوهشی‬-5
1-Clinical outcome of atrioventricular septal defect (89686). A ten years study.
Mashhad- Iran. 2011
2-Evaluation of Cardiac Function in pediatric dialysis patients (88005). A prospective study,
Mashhad- Iran. 2011
3-Clinical outcome of congenital valvar AS (88762). A 6 years study, Mashhad- Iran. 20092011
4-Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in Multiple Gestations (768) , Mashhad- Iran. 2008 -2010
5-Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in Multiple Gestations. (768) 2008 -2010
6-Accuracy Of Pulse Oximetry In HPS. (87244) 2008 -2009
Spontaneous closure of VSD. A prospective study, Mashhad- Iran. 2007 -2009
6-Pulmonary valve stenosis. A prospective study, Mashhad- Iran. 2007 -2008
7-Pulmonary Hypertension in Pediatrics Age. A prospective study, Mashhad- Iran. 2008
8-Diagnostic Value of Echocardiography in Children with Tetralogy Of Fallot. A retrospective
Study, Mashhad - Iran. 2007
9-Clinical Presentation And Course Of Atrial Septal Defect In children. A retrospective
Study, Mashhad - Iran. 2007
10- Kawasaki Disease. A retrospective Study, Mashhad - Iran. 2007
11-Spectrum of Congenital Heart Defects In Children With Down Syndrome. A retrospective
Study, Mashhad - Iran. 2007
12-Consanguinity and congenital heart diseases. A retrospective Study, Mashhad - Iran.
13-Immunologic Test of Viral Study and Cardiac Catheterization. 2006
14-Pulmonary Artery Banding In Children with Congenital Heart Disease. 2006
15-Congenital Absence Of One Pulmonary Artery. A retrospective Study, Mashhad - Iran.
16-Post Cardiac Surgery low cardiac output syndrome Of Children (milrinone or dopamine?).
17-Infective Endocarditis Prophylaxis. A retrospective Study, Mashhad - Iran. 2004
18-Congenital Heart Disease in Neonates with Birth Weight Higher than 4 kg; Is Screening
Necessary? A prospective study, Mashhad-Iran. 2004
19- Hyperlipidemia And Cardiovascular Disorder In Obese Children And Adolescents. A
prospective study, Mashhad-Iran. 2004
20-Echocardiographic Assessment Of Cardiac Function In Children With Major
Thalassemia.A Prospective Study, Mashhad And Zahedan- Iran. 2003
21-Foreign Body Aspiration In Children, A retrospective Study, Mashhad - Iran. 2003.
22-Clincal Auscultation Skills and Effects of ECG & CXR on the Accuracy of Preliminary
Diagnosis in Pediatric Residents. A prospective study, Mashhad- Iran. 2002
23-Head-up Tilt Testing For Evaluation Of Children With Unexplained Syncope. A
prospective study, Shiraz- Iran. 1999-2001
24- The Effect Of Rhythmic Education Method On Developement Of Motor, Congnitive And
Social Skills Of Mental Retard Children, A prospective Study, Mashhad- Iran . 1998
25- Neonatal Tetanus: An 8 Year Study Before And After Aggressive Immumization Program
In Khorassan - Iran. 1991.
27- Breech Delivery in Imam-Reza Hosptial, Mashhad- Iran. 1989.
‫مسئولیت های اجرائی‬
‫عضویت در سازمان ها‬
‫عالیق پژوهشی‬