Geology 12 Volcano Mini-Research Assignment

Geology 12 Volcano Mini-Research Assignment
Name: __________________________________________
Due Date: December 5th, 2015
Your team (of no more than 4, but you can work on your own if you prefer, though not advisable) must
prepare for an expedition to a volcano. Your team has been hired because of your expertise in a particular area.
Within your team there is a Geologist, an Ecologist, a Tour Guide and a Scientific Artist. Your have been hired
to plan and prepare for a High School field trip to an important Volcano site. Before you can embark on your
trip you must first RESEARCH information about your specific volcano, organize the required information into
a REPORT (in the form of a PowerPoint which you will use during your presentation), create a 3D MODEL of
your particular volcano (including labels and information) and finally your team will PRESENT this
information to your class (in the form of a PowerPoint, Lecture, and 3D model unveiling). Please follow the
guidelines listed below:
Follow the steps below to complete the assignment. This is a group assignment; each of
you must contribute equally. I strongly advise you to divide up the work equally so that
each person is responsible for a specific role (or split up roles):
Step 1:
Choose a Volcano (from the list provided on the top of the next page).
Step 2:
Choose a Role (Geologist, Ecologist, Scientific Artist or Tour Director).
Step 3:
Research the information needed for your given role (see below).
Step 4:
Organize your information into a PowerPoint (decide with your group about the Design
template you will use)
Step 5:
Create your 3D model of your specific volcano and include the location where the
class will be staying (see details below).
Step 6:
Create your Presentation & then combine all the parts together into a single
PowerPoint (you will need to email/flash drive your work to your group members).
You will have 5 computer lab sessions to complete all necessary research and
PowerPoint & presentation prep. That is NOT a lot of time, so use every minute of
class wisely. All other work will need to be completed on your own time at home.
It is STRONGLY recommended that you email each of your group members
your completed research and PowerPoint slides at the end of EACH work
session so that every member has a copy of ALL work (or make sure that each
member has a Flash drive and saves all group members' work onto their own
drive each class). This way, if one person is absent at a critical time, the rest of
the group can still proceed without the missing individual.
All of the following research elements MUST APPEAR in your final products and
presentation even if you chose to work on your own (again, not advisable).
Research and briefly describe at least 3 different types of volcanoes.
Identify which type of volcano your chosen volcano is and why (what features of your volcano put it in that
Research at least 2 different types of volcanic eruptions and different types of lava.
Explain each type of eruption and type of lava (what is the difference between lava types),
Identify what type of eruption your volcano would produce (or has produced in the past).
Include maps, diagrams and pictures of your volcano.
Explain the major gases that make up our atmosphere today.
Research how volcanic activity can impact the atmosphere.
Explain how volcanic eruptions impact the atmosphere; include how your volcano will impact the atmosphere.
Be sure to include how volcanic eruptions can impact the surrounding wildlife, human activity and soil.
Describe the likely causes of ecological damage (e.g. lava, pyroclastic flows, lahars, gases, ash, etc.)
Include photos relevant to this topic.
Tour Guide
Research areas of the world that are volcanically active and why.
Explain what makes these areas so active and how your volcano is related to these areas
Research the location, size and volcanic history of your volcano.
Explain where your volcano is, how big it is in comparison to other volcanoes and a descriptive history of its past
Research safety precautions that should be taken when visiting or living near a volcano.
Explain how you will keep the students who come on the field trip to your volcano safe.
What do people who live in the area do to keep safe regarding the volcano?
Show pictures of this area and where the students will be staying.
Scientific Artist
Research your specific volcano;
Know exactly what it looks like (inside and out);
Know what the surrounding geology/geography/topography looks like;
Create a realistic 3D model of your chosen volcano (suitable material of your choice);
Include at least one face of your model that shows what your chosen volcano looks like in cross-section (i.e. what
it looks like if you cut through it - show important features such as the magma chamber, vent(s), strata,
composition, etc.);
It is up to you whether or not you wish to show what your volcano in an active phase (i.e. if you will make it
actually erupt during your demonstration - keep in mind that clean up at all phases will be your group's
Remember - your research must be properly cited/referenced in your
PowerPoint so keep track of the websites you used for each bit of info.
You may chose from the following volcanoes:
St. Helens
Mount Fuji
Volcano selection will be on a
first come, first served basis.
So register your team and
your choice with Ms. Bowie as
soon as you can to avoid
An organized list of some websites is listed below. Feel free to search the web for alternative websites, but only
do so after you have viewed the websites below.
Volcano Information Links:
Volcanoes and Society
United States Search and Rescue Task Force
Types of Volcanoes
Principle Types of Volcanoes
Group Members Names
Team #1
Team #2
Team #3
Environmental Information Links:
Team #4
Yahoo Answers
Impact on World Climate
Eruptions and the Environment
Impacts and Affects
Long Term Impact
Volcano Safety Links:
Natural Disasters and Weather Emergencies
National Geographic Safety Tips
More Safety Tips
Volcano Site Links:
St. Helens
Mount Fuji
Team #5
Team #6
Team #7
Team #8
Team #9
Team #10
Volcano Selected