Seminar Programme

A CHOICES: FRIDAY 2nd OCTOBER 11.30 – 12.30
Seminar Code A1
Supporting settings to achieve the Stamp of Approval
Jane Howe
Contact Details
The East Riding of Yorkshire Portage Service is supporting a number of settings, including children’s
centres, to achieve the Stamp of Approval. It is also supporting a small number of practitioners who are working
towards the BTEC Level 3 award in Advanced Portage Skills. The Portage team has developed a checklist (that
complements the Guidance Notes) to help ‘Portage Representatives’ and practitioners to provide evidence that
demonstrates a setting can fulfil all the required criteria; there is a particular emphasis on how Portage Principles are
incorporated in practice. During the seminar we will consider the challenges for our service in supporting settings to
attain the Stamp of Approval but also the benefits we have seen for children, parents, practitioners and Portage
The seminar is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code A2
SIMPLY SLEEP – The importance of having an appropriate bedtime routine for young children
including those with additional needs.
Jean Rossiter
Contact Details
The aim of this workshop is to encourage practitioners to take into account the sleep patterns of the
children for whom they are providing a service and enable them to put in place an appropriate bedtime routine.
The workshop will briefly cover the principles of sleep theory and the impact sleep deprivation can have on learning
and family life. It will highlight the importance of an appropriate sleep routine and will include practical, small group
practice on developing a routine using scenarios.
Information on further training will not be detailed during the seminar but will be made available.
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code A3
Bring your iPad and learn more about using it with your child
Bev Dean & Colin Dean from Special iApps
Contact Details Bev Dean, founder Special iApps:
You want to get the most out of our apps and your mobile devices, so your children can learn
effectively and enjoy doing so, and so you can save yourself time and headaches.
Our apps are really easy for children to use, and give you lots of control to configure and personalise them to suit each
child as they progress. We can show you how to best use them, and the evidence for how they help children progress
in so many ways.
To get the most out of a tablet or smartphone when working with children who have special needs, you need to adjust
some of the device's settings. We can guide you through these.
Finding good apps is like looking for needles in haystacks, and we can point you in the right directions.
There are lots of options for backing up your personal data, but if you don't know how, and your device breaks or is
lost or stolen, you could lose it all!
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners and if you have a device please bring it along.
Seminar Code A4
Play for Disabled Children
Judy Denziloe, Freelance trainer
Contact Details
This seminar is an opportunity to see and try out a range of play materials (both commercial toys and
home-made items), to share ideas and to have fun. We will also discuss how the equipment can be used to
encourage new skills and to meet specific needs. Lots of simple, practical ideas – bring your camera!
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code A5
‘Let’s start at the very beginning …...............a very good place to start’
Wendy Joy MCSP and Jane Reynolds MCSP
Contact Details
Wendy and Jane will take a look at the early movement skills required by babies and
young children to achieve developmental milestones. They will discuss how physical skills are at the core
of all areas of child development.
Early movement skills will be explored in more detail and they will discuss ideas, tools and strategies you
can use to identify the potential gaps or difficulties and help the child and family to move forwards.
Wendy and Jane hope that this interactive workshop will allow you to expand your current knowledge
about early movement skills, which will in turn help you more easily interpret therapy programmes for the
children you work with.
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code A6
Songs to support Movement and Interaction
Helen Warburton
Contact Details
An interactive session using home made songs and some more familiar favourites for use 1:1 and/or
group session:
Bouncing, Swaying and Movement – Join us if you want to join in!.
Participants will have an opportunity to sing and move together.
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code A7
Emotional Dynamics working with families with children with additional needs/ Empowering
parents to become creators instead of being victims
Magdi Kovacs - Cerebral Palsy Life Coach
Contact Details
Introducing the “Dreaded Drama Triangle” (DDT) concept through the story of “Little Red Riding
Hood”. Family members/or practitioners are often taking on these different roles:
The “Dreaded Drama Triangle” is based on anxiety and focuses on the problem.
The Empowerment Dynamics (TED) is the antidote to the DDT. TED is based on passion and focuses on the
outcome, solution and empowers everyone to make positive changes in their lives.
This workshop is suitable for ALL interested in Portage!!
Seminar Code B1
Partnership with Portage is Easy Peasi in North Tyneside!
Lynn Scorer and Gillian Richardson
Contact Details
This seminar will show how the Portage service in North Tyneside developed links with a local charity
in order to secure funding through Children in Need to set up a play project for pre-school children with additional
needs and their families.
Aim of project was to minimise social isolation of families receiving Portage and offer play opportunities at
home, in the local community and with health services.
 Using case studies we will demonstrate how the successful partnership between Portage and Learning
Disabilities North East has enhanced the social and learning opportunities for children and their families
(including siblings, grandparents and foster carers). Holiday activities, day trips and regular groups (now 5 a
week) have provided opportunities for children to experience positive relationships with peers in social
situations. The project supports a fundamental part of childhood for SEND children, helping to remove barriers
to fun activities by providing the appropriate support to the child and family.
 The project has contributed significantly to the development of skills, communication and self-confidence of
children and their families.
 Parents have acknowledged the support they have received through the project and have been encouraged to
become volunteers through LDNE and offer parent to parent support to newer parents joining the groups.
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code B2
‘Growing the Portage Community: Spreading the Portage Message Online’
Kerry Bailey(Regional Project Manager, South) & Tracy Stephenson(Regional Project Manager,
North and Midlands)
Contact Details
Do you want to:
- Widen your Portage network?
- Connect with others working within early years & SEND?
- Promote your service or setting across your local community?
Join the NPA project team in this interactive session around developing the Portage Community online.
The team will take you through how the NPA are using the Portage Support Hub and social media to raise awareness
of all aspects of Portage.
We will explore how social networking and interaction online can work for services locally, not only in linking with
families, colleagues and organisations, but also in making connections nationally and internationally!
This workshop will also be an opportunity to share your own ideas, look at the NPA online community and contribute
to its development as we ‘move forward with Portage.’
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code B3
All About Us
Paul Russell and Emma Pearson supported by Sue Pearson
Contact Details
Both Paul and Emma received Portage in their early years. They have both ‘moved on’ from their
family homes as young adults in 2007 to live independently in their local community. During the seminar Paul and
Emma will talk about themselves, their experiences of growing up and what life is like for them now.
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code B4
Low-cost Sensory Ideas
Judy Denziloe, Freelance trainer
Contact Details
This seminar is an opportunity to share ideas on sensory materials, including
 where to find materials
 how to use them
 setting up themed collections of materials
 creating simple multisensory environments.
If you are interested in why and how to use sensory materials, if you want new ideas, if you have ideas of your own to
share, this seminar is for you – bring your camera!
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code B5
Portage Checklist
Tracy Harvey & Janet Rickman
Contact Details
This seminar will look at the two new checklists being developed by the NPA giving delegates an
opportunity to view and use the documents. This is especially suitable to Portage Home Visitors and those working in
Portage services
This workshop is suitable for practitioners only.
Seminar Code B6
Songs to support movement and interaction
Helen Warburton
Contact Details
An interactive session using home made songs and some more familiar favourites for use 1:1 and/or
group session:
Bouncing, Swaying and Movement – Join us if you want to join in!.
Participants will have an opportunity to sing and move together.
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code B7
‘The ‘In the Picture’ approach
John Parry & Jonty Rix - The Open University
Contact Details
‘In the Picture’ is an innovative approach supporting communication between adults and children,
recently developed by researchers at the Open University in their studies of very young children with learning
difficulties. It involves taking photographs of the child’s focus during play alongside the making of first-person narrative
observations of their activities. The photographs are shared with the children after the observation sessions and also
discussed with the family and other practitioners.
‘In the Picture’ has been used in studies of home based early intervention programmes with young children labelled
with SEN; children’s friendships in early years settings; and the Bookstart corner programme. In interviews
practitioners who used the approach highlighted how it improved their communication with children, sharpened their
focus and made them more aware of the children’s relationships. In this session we will give you a flavour of the
approach and discuss how it might be used as part of Portage practice, particularly to support transition into settings.
(John Parry was a Portage co-ordinator in West Sussex for many years and Jonty Rix is a parent who used the Portage service
with his son; amongst other things he was also adviser on the recent Pathfinder project for the DfE.)
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code C1
Supporting settings to achieve the Stamp of Approval
Jane Howe
Contact Details
The East Riding of Yorkshire Portage Service is supporting a number of settings, including children’s
centres, to achieve the Stamp of Approval. It is also supporting a small number of practitioners who are working
towards the BTEC Level 3 award in Advanced Portage Skills. The Portage team has developed a checklist (that
complements the Guidance Notes) to help ‘Portage Representatives’ and practitioners to provide evidence that
demonstrates a setting can fulfil all the required criteria; there is a particular emphasis on how Portage Principles are
incorporated in practice. During the seminar we will consider the challenges for our service in supporting settings to
attain the Stamp of Approval but also the benefits we have seen for children, parents, practitioners and Portage
The seminar is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code C2
NPA TRAINING UPDATE – Filling in the information gaps, updates on the latest training initiatives and
meeting the newly appointed Chairperson of Training.
Veronica Boys
Contact Details
The aim of this workshop is to update NPA Accredited Trainers, those working towards their
accreditation and those interested in taking the trainer route within Portage to current initiatives and developments in
NPA training, including – information about the planned two day Early Years’ Workshop / updates on the development
of and changes to the current Portage Basic Workshop /dissemination of the latest information about our BTEC Level
3 & 4 training / gather information and ideas for supporting trainees who attend the NPA Training for Trainers course
and then go on to work towards gaining their accreditation and finally to support trainers, trainees and tutors in the full
use of the NPA Hub.
This workshop is suitable for practitioners and parents who may wish to become Parent Trainers.
Seminar Code C3
All About Us
Paul Russell and Emma Pearson supported by Sue Pearson
Contact Details
Both Paul and Emma received Portage in their early years. They have both ‘moved on’ from their
family homes as young adults in 2007 to live independently in their local community. During the seminar Paul and
Emma will talk about themselves, their experiences of growing up and what life is like for them now.
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code C4
Play for Disabled Children
Judy Denziloe, Freelance trainer
Contact Details
This seminar is an opportunity to see and try out a range of play materials (both commercial toys and
home-made items), to share ideas and to have fun. We will also discuss how the equipment can be used to
encourage new skills and to meet specific needs. Lots of simple, practical ideas – bring your camera!
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code C5
'Let's start at the very beginning ..................a very good place to start'
Wendy Joy MCSP and Jane Reynolds MCSP
Contact Details
Wendy and Jane will take a look at the early movement skills required by babies and
young children to achieve developmental milestones. They will discuss how physical skills are at the core
of all areas of child development.
Early movement skills will be explored in more detail and they will discuss ideas, tools and strategies you
can use to identify the potential gaps or difficulties and help the child and family to move forwards.
Wendy and Jane hope that this interactive workshop will allow you to expand your current knowledge
about early movement skills, which will in turn help you more easily interpret therapy programmes for the
children you work with.
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code C6
Title Stimulating the senses through story and rhyme.
Helen Carr and Vikki Law Stoke-on-Trent Portage Service
Contact Details
Description This is a fun, interactive workshop that encourages parents and practitioners to open up the world of
rhymes and stories to all our children, by stimulating the senses.
A range of rhymes and stories will be explored and ideas will be shared on how to encourage children to use all their
senses while actively participating in the experience.
You will learn how to use household items, natural materials, textures, colours and food to create an interactive rhyme
or story experience for your child.
So come along to take part in some of our favourite stories and leave wanting to create some of your own.
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code C7
Emotional Dynamics working with families with children with additional needs/ Empowering
parents to become creators instead of being victims
Magdi Kovacs - Cerebral Palsy Life Coach
Contact Details
Introducing the “Dreaded Drama Triangle” (DDT) concept through the story of “Little Red Riding
Hood”. Family members/or practitioners are often taking on these different roles:
The “Dreaded Drama Triangle” is based on anxiety and focuses on the problem.
The Empowerment Dynamics (TED) is the antidote to the DDT. TED is based on passion and focuses on the
outcome, solution and empowers everyone to make positive changes in their lives.
This workshop is suitable for ALL interested in Portage!!
Seminar Code D1
Partnership with Portage is Easy Peasi in North Tyneside!
Lynn Scorer and Gillian Richardson
Contact Details
This seminar will show how the Portage service in North Tyneside developed links with a local charity
in order to secure funding through Children in Need to set up a play project for pre-school children with additional
needs and their families.
 Aim of project was to minimise social isolation of families receiving Portage and offer play opportunities at
home, in the local community and with health services.
 Using case studies we will demonstrate how the successful partnership between Portage and Learning
Disabilities North East has enhanced the social and learning opportunities for children and their families
(including siblings, grandparents and foster carers). Holiday activities, day trips and regular groups (now 5 a
week) have provided opportunities for children to experience positive relationships with peers in social
situations. The project supports a fundamental part of childhood for SEND children, helping to remove barriers
to fun activities by providing the appropriate support to the child and family.
 The project has contributed significantly to the development of skills, communication and self-confidence of
children and their families.
 Parents have acknowledged the support they have received through the project and have been encouraged to
become volunteers through LDNE and offer parent to parent support to newer parents joining the groups.
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code D2
‘Growing the Portage Community: Spreading the Portage Message Online’
Kerry Bailey(Regional Project Manager, South) & Tracy Stephenson(Regional Project Manager,
North and Midlands)
Contact Details
Do you want to:
- Widen your Portage network?
- Connect with others working within early years & SEND?
- Promote your service or setting across your local community?
Join the NPA project team in this interactive session around developing the Portage Community online.
The team will take you through how the NPA are using the Portage Support Hub and social media to raise awareness
of all aspects of Portage.
We will explore how social networking and interaction online can work for services locally, not only in linking with
families, colleagues and organisations, but also in making connections nationally and internationally!
This workshop will also be an opportunity to share your own ideas, look at the NPA online community and contribute
to its development as we ‘move forward with Portage.’
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code D3
Bring your iPad and learn more about using it with your child
Bev Dean & Colin Dean from Special iApps
Contact Details Bev Dean, founder Special iApps:
You want to get the most out of our apps and your mobile devices, so your children can learn
effectively and enjoy doing so, and so you can save yourself time and headaches.
Our apps are really easy for children to use, and give you lots of control to configure and personalise them to suit each
child as they progress. We can show you how to best use them, and the evidence for how they help children progress
in so many ways.
To get the most out of a tablet or smartphone when working with children who have special needs, you need to adjust
some of the device's settings. We can guide you through these.
Finding good apps is like looking for needles in haystacks, and we can point you in the right directions.
There are lots of options for backing up your personal data, but if you don't know how, and your device breaks or is
lost or stolen, you could lose it all!
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners and if you have a device please bring it along.
Seminar Code D4
Low-cost Sensory Ideas
Judy Denziloe, Freelance trainer
Contact Details
This seminar is an opportunity to share ideas on sensory materials, including
 where to find materials
 how to use them
 setting up themed collections of materials
 creating simple multisensory environments.
If you are interested in why and how to use sensory materials, if you want new ideas, if you have ideas of your own to
share, this seminar is for you – bring your camera!
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.
Seminar Code D5
Portage Checklist
Tracy Harvey Janet Rickman
Contact Details
This seminar will look at the two new checklists being developed by the NPA giving delegates an
opportunity to view and use the documents. This is especially suitable to Portage Home Visitors and those working in
Portage services
This workshop is suitable for practitioners only.
Seminar Code D6
Title Stimulating the senses through story and rhyme.
Helen Carr and Vikki Law Stoke-on-Trent Portage Service
Contact Details
Description This is a fun, interactive workshop that encourages parents and practitioners to open up the world of
rhymes and stories to all our children, by stimulating the senses.
A range of rhymes and stories will be explored and ideas will be shared on how to encourage children to use all their
senses while actively participating in the experience.
You will learn how to use household items, natural materials, textures, colours and food to create an interactive rhyme
or story experience for your child.
So come along to take part in some of our favourite stories and leave wanting to create some of your own.
This workshop is suitable for parents and practitioners.