Minutes Autumn 2000

APS Business Meeting Minutes (Autumn 2000)
Minutes of the Applied Probability Society's Business Meeting San Antonio, November
6, 2000 Submitted by: Hayriye Ayhan
1. Les Servi opened the meeting at 6:15pm.
2. Les Servi mentioned that Susan Xu and Jim Dai are the departing council members.
Constantinos Maglaras and Winfried Grassmann are the new council members. He
also announced Karl Sigman as the new president elect of the Applied Probability
Society. Members present at the meeting were all in favor of Karl Sigman's being the
president elect. Karl Sigman is a full professor in the Department of Industrial
Engineering and Operations Research at Columbia University. Natarajan Gautam
(ngautam@psu.edu) is the new newsletter editor of the Applied Probability Society.
The new URL for the Applied Probability Society is http://www.ie.psu.edu/aps/
Bernard Lamond was the former newsletter editor.
3. Balaji Prabhakar and David Tse are the recipients of the Erlang prize. Balaji
Prabhakar is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and in
the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University. David Tse is an
associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. Ward Whitt (chair of the prize
committee) presented the prize to Balaji Prabhakar. David Tse could not attend the
meeting due to other commitments.
4. Larry Wein (lwein@mit.edu) is the chair of the best publication award committee.
The deadline for nominations will be sometime in summer 2001 and will be
announced later.
5. Larry Wein is the editor of the journal "Operations Research". David Yao
(yao@ieor.columbia.edu) is area editor of Stochastic Models for Operations
Research. OR practice papers can also be submitted to David Yao.
6. INFORMS Applied Probability Society (APS) will hold its eleventh conference in
New York City at the Grand Hyatt Hotel on July 25 - July 27, 2001 (WednesdayFriday). Wednesday and Thursday will be full days. Friday will be a half day. The
registration fee for members prior to 6/25/2001 is $170.00 and for non-members is
$195.00. The conference is co-sponsored by the Center for Applied probability (CAP)
at Columbia University, AT&T Laboratories, and IBM Research. The plenary
speakers are: John Hull (U. Toronto, Canada. Director, Bonham Centre for Finance),
Tom Leighton (MIT, Akamai.com) Benoit Mandelbrot (Yale U., IBM Research)
Ward Whitt (AT&T Labs-Research)
7. The 12th INFORMS Applied probability meeting will be held in Haifa, Israel on June
16-June 18, 2003. The conference chair is Gideon Weiss. Jim Dai was the Applied
Probability Cluster chair for the San Antonio meeting. Emmanuel Fernandez
(emmanuel@sie.arizona.edu) is the Applied Probability Cluster chair for the Miami
meeting, Miami, November 4-7 2001. Les Servi (servi@post.harvard.edu) is the
Applied Probability cluster chair of the INFORMS International Hawaii Conference,
to be held in Maui June 17-20, 2001. Bernard Lamond
(bernard.lamond@fsa.ulaval.ca) is the conference chair of the Canadian Operational
Research Society (CORS) conference, to be held in Quebec City (Canada), May 6th9th, 2001.
8. Dick Serfozo (editor of QUESTA) announced that QUESTA that used to be
published by Baltzer Publications will be published by Kluwer Academic
9. Les Servi announced that Applied Probability Society currently has more than 300
members. He also announced that the number of members in the society is declining
and asked for suggestions that could help attract new members. Applied Probability
Society is the third richest among the INFORMS societies and thus it could afford to
hold more conferences, workshops etc. Les Servi solicited suggestions on organizing
such scholarly activities.
10. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm.