AGE REQUIREMENTS FOR INITIAL ENTRY A. Policy Code: 4100 -AP DISCRETIONARY ENROLLMENT A child who reached age 4 on or before April 16 may enter kindergarten if the child is presented for enrollment during the first 30 calendar days of the school year and if the principal of the school finds that the child is gifted and has the maturity to justify admission to school. The child’s parents or guardians are responsible for submitting all documentation that may be required to demonstrate the child’s extraordinary level of academic ability and maturity. All required testing must occur after April 16. All costs incurred in compiling the documentation will be the responsibility of the parents or guardians. 1. To be eligible for early admission to kindergarten, a child must demonstrate extraordinary ability in each of the following areas: a. Aptitude. The child must be precocious in academic development and score at the 98th percentile on a standard individual test of intelligence such as the Stanford-Binet, The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, the Woodcock-Johnson Cognitive Ability Test, or other comparable test administered by a licensed psychologist. b. Achievement. The child must be functioning at least two years beyond his or her peers and score at the 98th percentile on a standard test of achievement such as the Woodcock-Johnson Achievement Test, the Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills, the Metropolitan Readiness Test, the Stanford Early School Achievement Test, or other comparable tests administered by a licensed psychologist. c. Performance. The child must be able to perform tasks well above his or her peers. Parents will submit samples of student work showing the child’s ability in independent reading, problem-solving skills, advanced vocabulary, and writing fluency. d. Student Behavior/Maturity. The child must be socially and developmentally mature enough to be in a structured school setting. The child must be capable of following verbal instructions and functioning independently within a group setting. Parents will submit at least two letters of specific documentation of physical and social maturity from preschool teachers, child care workers, pediatricians, or others having direct knowledge of the child; documentation checklists such as the California Preschool Competency Scale or the Social Skills Rating System will be used. STOKES COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY MANUAL Page 1 of 2 Policy Code: 4100 e. Motivation. The child should be eager to learn and excited about a new school experience. The child should display a thirst for knowledge and seek new and challenging learning situations. The principal and/or a counselor and kindergarten teacher will assess the child’s level of motivation through an informal interview with the child and a more structured interview with the parents. 2. At each elementary school, a committee consisting of at least a counselor, kindergarten teacher, and teacher of gifted students will review all documentation and make a recommendation on each request for early admission to kindergarten. The principal of the school will make the final decision on admission. A decision will be made within three weeks of the receipt of required documentation. 3. If a child is admitted to kindergarten early, the principal may at any time during the first 90 days of enrollment rescind the early admission decision based upon substantial evidence that the child is not adjusting to the school setting. Before a child is exited from school, the parents/guardians must be invited to assist in developing intervention strategies. 4. Early admission to kindergarten does not constitute identification as a gifted student or qualify the child for special services. Adopted: August 16, 2010 STOKES COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY MANUAL Page 2 of 2