Breeding, Transported, Cooled Semen Contract This STALLION BREEDING CONTRACT FOR TRANSPORTED, COOLED SEMEN for a DONATED/TRANSFERRED BREEDING for the breeding season of 2010 made and entered into this day of , 20 is by and between Still Seeing Spots Appaloosas / Jacob & Kristine Ryun hereinafter designated Stallion Owner, and hereinafter designated Mare Owner. Mare Owner agrees to breed the mare: _______________________________________________________ Reg. Assoc. & No. _______________________________, to the Stallion Straws Mighty Magnum , Reg. No. 558954 , for a Breeding Fee of $ - for a live foal, subject to the following conditions: 1. If the stallion fee has been donated, there will be a reduced booking fee of $100 which the Mare Owner is responsible for and must be paid before any semen will be shipped. Any other services will be charged the full booking fee of $200. Contract must be filled out and returned to Still Seeing Spots Appaloosas prior to mare being bred or semen shipped. 2. Stallion Owner agrees to ship semen as described in Attachment 1. If a mare fails to settle, for any reason, Mare Owner will hold Stallion Owner harmless. Mare Owner agrees to give Stallion Owner ample opportunity to settle mare, and agrees to follow the conditions described in Attachment1. Stallion Owner will agree to furnish Mare Owner two (2) shipments per mares’ cycle if needed (providing no ovulation after first shipment). There will be no more than six (6) total shipments per breeding season. These shipments will be shipped as priced per shipment detailed in Attachment 1. The Mare Owner has the opportunity to return for the following breeding season or substitute another approved mare, if the chosen mare described above, does not produce a live foal, however the initial year breeding, associated mare care expenses, accrued interest must be paid in full before the start of the next breeding season. 3. It is the Stallion Owner’s responsibility to provide Mare Owner with two (2) packages when available in an industry standard container, with the industry standard number of viable spermatozoa per catch shipment. 4. This contract contains a “Live Foal Guarantee”. A live foal is defined as a newborn foal which stands and nurses. If foal is born dead, there are return privileges for the 2011 season, only if Stallion Owner is notified within twenty (20) days and receives a veterinarian statement confirming death. If after being pronounced “safe in foal”, should the mare miscarry, abort or prove barren, Mare Owner has the privilege to return her the following breeding year 2011 . Under the circumstances above that a foal is not born live, the mare may be re-bred for no additional Stud Fee. All other fees still apply; current season booking fees, boarding, veterinarian, farrier, etc. This guarantee is only good for the 2011 breeding and is non-transferable. Guarantee is null and void if Mare Owner does not give Stallion Owner ample opportunity to settle mare. There are NO live foal guarantees for third year rebreeds. 5. A “Breeder’s Certificate” will be issued for the foal, conceived by this mating, when ALL stallion fees and all other associated expenses (including veterinarian, farrier, etc) have been PAID IN FULL, and, when confirmation that the above mentioned mare has produced a live foal by this mating. 6. Cooled Shipped Semen is available from 8 February 2010 until 11 June 2010. After which time this agreement will become null and void if Mare Owner has not given Stallion Owner considerable time to get their Mare in foal. 7. It is further agreed that should the stallion die, be sold by owner, or become unfit for service prior to settling the mare, that the Stud Fee less the Booking Fee and expenses owed will be refundable, if it has been PAID IN FULL, thereby canceling this entire contract or, if mare dies or becomes unfit to breed before being pronounced safe in foal, the Stallion Owner has the option to accept another mare as a replacement, or a return for the following season. 8. This contract is non-assignable and non-transferable. 9. This contract is entered into the State of North Dakota, and will be governed by the laws of the State of North Dakota. All accounts are due and are payable in U.S. Dollars. 10. The following rider is attached hereto and made a part hereof: Attachment 1. 11. This contract represents the entire agreement between both parties. No other agreement, promises, verbal, or implied are included unless specifically stated in this written Contract. The Original Contract will be kept on file at Still Seeing Spots Appaloosas and a copy will be provided for both the Mare Owner and Allen Quarter Horses for their records and reference as requested. 12. The signing of this contract entitles Stallion Owner to charge 10% annual interest on all past due invoices. Past due billing is defined as those amounts not paid within 30 days of invoicing. When Mare Owner and Stallion Owner have signed this Contract, it will then be binding by both parties, subject to the above terms and conditions. Stallion Owner’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Mare Owner’s (or Authorized Agent’s) Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Name (printed): _____________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ Fax Number: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________ Alt. Phone: __________________________________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ This Reservation & Mare Approved: Still Seeing Spots Appaloosas, 283 Rough Rider Road, Grassy Butte, ND 58634 By: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Still Seeing Spots Appaloosas – 283 Rough Rider Road – Grassy Butte, ND 58634 – Telephone 701.863.7122 – E-mail Attachment 1 Terms & Conditions for Shipped Semen A. The Breeding Fee for Straws Mighty Magnum is $ - . Booking fee of $100 for Donated services, $200 for ALL other services is due with the signed STALLION BREEDING CONTRACT FOR TRANSPORTED, COOLED SEMEN. Mares must be booked early to ensure a spot. B. A copy of the front and back of the Mare’s Registration Papers must be included with the signed Contract along with a completed SHIPPING INFORMATION FORM contained in Enclosure 1 and returned to Stallion Owner at earliest convenience. C. Equitainer Rental Fee of $ 45.00 , is also due prior to the first semen shipment. Additional fee of $ 50.00 will be charged if container is not returned to ALLEN QUARTER HORSES within 72 hours from semen receipt. D. Each shipping charge is based on current Fed-Ex overnight weekday and overnight Saturday shipping rates. Other methods of deliver will be priced upon request. Shipments will be insured to cover only Equitainer replacement and collection fee costs. If shipment is lost or destroyed, mare owner assumes all risks of lost time and expense associated with preparation of his/her mare for breeding. A lost or delayed shipment will not be counted against the six (6) shipments maximum per breeding season outlined in Contract, Item 2. E. The mare owner is responsible for a $ 125.00 collection fee per shipment and all container shipping charges TO and FROM the breeding farm. (Collection and shipping fees are due at time of service). F. All Stud Fees, including Equitainer refundable deposit, must be paid prior to shipping (out of state check requires 10 days to clear). For your convenience, we do accept Master Card and Visa. If you wish to use a credit card, A CREDIT CARD AUTHOIRZATION FORM, contained in Enclosure 1, must be filled out prior to shipment. G. You MUST REQUEST SHIPMENT BY NOON (Central Time) ON THE DAY BEFORE SHIPPING DAY. Cancellations must be received before Noon (central Time) on Shipping Day. H. We will ship semen Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I. In the event that not enough semen is collected to meet a day’s breeding shipping needs, ON-SITE MARES WILL HAVE FIRST PRIOITY. Shipped semen requests will be filled in order received. J. Live Foal Guarantee: If mare does not produce a live foal in 2011, a re-breed will be allowed for the same mare or an approved substitute mare for the 2011 season only. K. The Stallion Owner Strongly recommends following THE PROCEDURE FOR USING COOLED SEMEN contained in Enclosure 2. L. Straws Mighty Magnum will be standing the 2010 Breeding Season at: Allen Quarter Horses 8647 North US Highway 45 Effingham, Illinois 62401 Phone: 217.536.6212 Fax: 217.536.5982 Still Seeing Spots Appaloosas – 283 Rough Rider Road – Grassy Butte, ND 58634 – Telephone 701.863.7122 – E-mail Enclosure 1 Shipping Information Form Name of Mare: ________________________________________________________________________________ Mare Owner’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Shipping Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ (No P.O. Box must be street address or rural address) ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Person Receiving Shipment Name: _________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: (include area code)____________________________________________________________________ Fax Number: (include area code)______________________________________________________________________ Unless otherwise specified, Fed-Ex Overnight Delivery will be used to deliver semen shipments. If you have your own Fed-Ex Account and wish to be billed directly, fill in the following: Fed- Ex Account No: ___________________________________________________________________________ Account Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ If you do desire an alternate method of shipment, please specify below and furnish any additional information that would be useful in serving your delivery needs (i.e., nearest airport, etc.). Requested Alternate Method: _____________________________________________________________________ Additional Information: _________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Authorization Form Date: _________________________ To: Allen Quarter Horses This is to verify that I ___________________________________________ authorize Allen Quarter Horses to pay my account with the use of my Master Card, or Visa credit card. Allen Quarter Horses has not stamped my card, but will keep this letter and signature on file to verify authorization. Allen Quarter Horses will only charge my statement upon my authorization. Master Card Number: ____________________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________ Name on Credit Card: _____________________________________________________ Visa Card Number: ______________________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________ Name on Credit Card: _____________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Still Seeing Spots Appaloosas – 283 Rough Rider Road – Grassy Butte, ND 58634 – Telephone 701.863.7122 – E-mail Enclosure 2 Procedures for Using Cooled Semen 1. Do not open container until you are ready to inseminate the mare. 2. Remove semen from the packaging and inseminate the mare immediately. Do not warm semen before inseminating. 3. If you wish to evaluate the semen, keep a small sample in an incubator for 10-15 minutes before evaluation. Do not warm the sample in a water bath or microwave. Your input as to semen quality is appreciated. 4. Upon availability, two insemination doses will be provided in case your mare ovulates later than expected. Use one dose immediately. The second dose should be put in a refrigerator for use the following day. The refrigerator should be kept at 40 degrees F, 5 degrees C. The Equitainer will not keep the second dose cool enough once it has been opened. REMEMBER: Rapid variation in temperature adversely affects semen quality. Please handle quickly and carefully. 5. Put coolant cans, thermal cup, and semen cup back into the Equitainer and ship it back to us without delay. NOTICE: In the Equitainer, with your shipment, are important forms. Please insure that you fill them out correctly and mail them to the proper party as SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you have any questions or concerns please call. Allen Quarter Horses Still Seeing Spots Appaloosas 8647 North US Highway 45 Effingham, Illinois 62401 283 Rough Rider Road Grassy Butte, ND 58634 Farm: 217.536.6212 Home: 217.536.5982 Cell: 217.343.9201 Fax: 217.536.5982 Home: 701.863.7122 E-mail: Still Seeing Spots Appaloosas – 283 Rough Rider Road – Grassy Butte, ND 58634 – Telephone 701.863.7122 – E-mail