King Saud university-Preparatory year deanshi

King Saud university-Preparatory year deanship
Self-learning Program-Female Campus
Student Name: Rana Al Ohaly
ID: 432201087
Assignment 5
Week 7
Level: 6
Section no.: 28444
Topic: EVALUATING in Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
Select and read ONE persuasive essay from the following links then give your own review by answering the questions
Please hand in a COPY of the essay with your homework assignment.
Why People Should Read for Pleasure
In the past years the use of the television and the Internet has increased; this situation has caused many people to change
their likes and the way that they enjoy their free time. Because of television and the Internet, many people spend less time
reading, so the purpose for this essay is to present reasons why people should read just for pleasure. The reasons that I give you
are quite simple: to improve your knowledge, to expand your general culture, to have more fun, to make your imagination fly,
to find new ways to express your ideas, and finally to expand your vocabulary.
The first reason that I give you to enjoy reading is that when you read, you can expand your knowledge and also your
culture. There are a lot of good books in which you can find history, novels, tragedies, comedies and a variety of other themes.
You can see that people who read more often frequently have a bigger knowledge of life and also a bigger perspective of their
environment. I think that fact gives them an advantage over all others who do not read frequently.
The second reason to read more often is that through books you can have fun and even travel in your imagination. Children
have not yet lost the ability of getting into their dreams, and because of this, in their first years the parents read a lot of tales
in which they use their imagination. Adults should try to keep this ability, so we do not forget the importance of the use of the
imagination. The imagination also represents a tool that could help you to develop your professional career in a creative way.
Finally, the third and the most important feature that reading offers you is that it does not matter the age that you have,
you always could expand your vocabulary and the ways to express your ideas to the others in a simple and correct form. By the
time you can improve the kind of books that you read, there are a lot of categories, so you will never stop learning from the
pleasure of reading. People who know how to choose a book generally have the capability of choosing a formal book in which
they can find formal grammatical structures and obviously a formal vocabulary. All these things allow them to gain greater
fluency in their communication.
In conclusion, I recommend that you enjoy reading more often. There are excellent reasons for doing it; you just have to
want to expand your knowledge and your culture, to improve your imagination and also your vocabulary. I know that we should
evolve with the technology; that is, it is good to know how to navigate in the internet, but we must also not forget the books.
Try to choose good books at the beginning, and then I ensure you that you never will stop reading.
King Saud university-Preparatory year deanship
Self-learning Program-Female Campus
Assignment 5
Week 7
Answer the following questions as a critical response to the text passage:
1. What is the main idea of the text?
To convince the reader to read books for pleasure.
2. Comment on the text’s format and style.
Though there were multiple reasons mentioned in the introduction only three of those were discussed in the essay.
Moreover, most of the reasons mentioned in the introduction were too smiliar in their ideas and could have been
combined into fewer yet stronger arguments. One thing that made the essay more clear and easier to comprehend is the
way the writer dedicated a paragraph to each reason and expanded upon it.
3. Comment on the tone and choice of language in convincing the reader.
The tone was passionate and showed the writer’s strong feelings about what he/she was trying to convince the reader of.
What might be remarked upon is that the writer’s use of english expressions and wording is somewhat awkward. One
example would be his/her use of “bigger knowledge” .
4. Comment on the types of persuasion the writer uses to persuade his audience.
The ideas are convincing though they could have been further elaborated and made more convincing with practical
examples of the benefits presented. The ideas that the writer wished to covey were understandable, but his/her line of
thought was sometimes confusing to follow and were not very organised and defined.
5. Discuss your personal response to the passage. Were you persuaded? Give sound reasoning for your answer.
Personally, I am a big fan of reading for pleasure and I completely agree with the writer’s reasons most of which had
prompted me to start reading in the first place. The first two reasons, though, could have been better argued by giving
more practical benefits of why reading for pleasure could be usefull in our everday lives. The part of this essay which I do
not quite think was relevant is the comparison between reading and using the Internet. All this comparison has done is
confuse the reader about the purpose of this essay; whether it is comparative or persuasive.
6. Would you recommend the passage to a friend?
It would not be my first choice of an essay to convince a friend to take up reading for pleasure. I would rather find an
essay with more convincing arguments and with a more intrigueing style of writing.
King Saud university-Preparatory year deanship
Self-learning Program-Female Campus
Assignment 5
Week 7
Homework Task 2:
Go to visit a restaurant then answer the questions below:
1. Write the restaurant’s name.
Relais D’Entrecote
2. Where is it located?
Rue Du Rhone, Geneva, Switzerland
3. How many people were there? (Mostly full, three people, packed with waiting queues)
Completely packed with a very long waiting queue
4. What type of dining did you choose? (buffet…)
One set meal for everyone.
(For buffet), were the dishes properly labeled?
Can you recommend any specific dishes that caught your eye?
The standard meal that is served to everyone is an Entrecote (steak) served with the restaurant’s special homemade
secret sauce and a side of French fries.
7. Did you order dessert? How did you find it?
Crème Brulee. It was very delicious and rich but might be considered too rich and leave you stuffed.
Evaluate the restaurant’s service quality. (Comment on the waiter’s courteousness? Did they explain the
menu or made recommendations? Were the courses served in order? Comment on the state of the dish
when they arrived on your table.)
The waitresses were all very friendly and made us feel at home with their warm welcome and lively conversation
while serving the food. They gladly explained what Entrecote is and how it is made. The courses are served the same
way to everyone: a salad followed by the steak then a choice of desserts. The food is very simply served with no
decoration or intricate presentation which is part of the charm of the restaurant and adds to its homely
King Saud university-Preparatory year deanship
Self-learning Program-Female Campus
Assignment 5
Week 7
Describe what you liked and disliked in the restaurant’s design and ambience?
I liked the dim lighting and the constant hum of the large number of people chatting around us both of which gave
the restaurant a warm atmosphere. Also, the old-fashioned design of the place, which is all covered in wood
paneling and huge vintage posters, took us to the past in a fun way. One aspect that might have made the
restaurant a bit uncomfortable was how tight packed it was; you can hear all your neighbours’ conversations and
vice versa.
10. Were the prices commensurate with the expected quality/quantity?
The price might be a little high but that is expected in such a world-famous restaurant. The quality of the food is
also very much worth its money and the two servings are more than enough to satisfy the biggest of appetites.
11. Do you think the food and service were good value for money?
Both were beyond satisfactory; it is the kind of restaurant you would want to go to everyday because of the great
food that, though it never changes, is nonetheless always pleasing. Another reason you always want to go back is
the incredible standard of service that is provided to the extent that within a few visits to the restaurants you
immediately get to know the waitresses on a personal level.
12. Comment on the sanitary conditions of the restaurant.
Though it might sometimes be messy, due to there being a second serving served by the waitress from a big plate to
all the table, the cleanliness of the food, plates and cutlery is never in doubt.
13. Will you come back to this restaurant?
I have no doubt that I will. This restaurant is my very favourite and it is a source of great anticipation for the whole
family when we visit it. No matter the diversity of our tastes in food we can all agree that the food there is amazing.