Tuttle, Mary Ellen Maylett

Mary Ellen Maylett Tuttle
September 4, 1873 ~ March 3, 1966
As told by Mary Ellen to Elva A. Christiansen, February 12, 1955
She walks – This dainty Lady –
A shepherdess of sheep
Her flocks are thoughts,
She keeps them white
She guards them from the steep
And folds them in for sleep
A gentle mother –
Mary Ellen Maylett Tuttle was born September 4, 1873, at Manti, Utah, in the
house at 282 West 4th North, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Hill.
Her father, William Francis Maylett, was born April 10, 1826, at Ivington,
Hereford, England. Her mother, Margaret Wilson, was born November 25, 1848,
in Liverpool, Lancashire, England. Her brothers and sisters were Frank, twins
Henry and Edward, and Ann Maylett Billings.
Telling the story Mary Tuttle continues:
“My first recollection was attending school in the old rock schoolhouse which I
enjoyed going to. Father also had a ranch west of Manti. I went there and
helped make butter and cheese and helped with the milking of the cows.
“I remember wanting to go to Grandmother Wilson’s for lunch. She made
delicious short cake and gave us bread, butter and jam. She lived at West 3 rd
North – a lot owned by Edwin Andersen at present. The rock building torn down
was Grandmother Wilson’s home. She taught school there for many years. In
the morning they would take the beds down and put the benches in. At night
they did the reverse.
“My mother was the third wife. Father and his first wife, Elizabeth Rudd, joined
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in England. Then they decided to
come to America when the Church was preaching to come to Zion.
“The journey from England was very successful until they reached Iowa. There
they ran out of finances. Father had some relatives there. With their kindness
and help, he decided to go into the mercantile business to get enough money to
come to Utah. Later they were very happy to arrive in Salt Lake City.
“Shortly after their arrival, he was called to go back, in time to help pull the last
handcarts across the plains.
Prepared July 24, 1999 by Susan Kay Rives Monson
Mary Ellen Maylett Tuttle
September 4, 1873 ~ March 3, 1966
As told by Mary Ellen to Elva A. Christiansen, February 12, 1955
“My mother’s family came to Utah in 1855. My grandmother was Margaret
Lockwood Wilson and my grandfather was Thomas Wilson. They came when
people were going hungry. They suffered for six long weeks, living on weeds.
When the grains came, mother (Margaret Wilson) helped her brothers and sisters
to get enough grain for one meal a day until harvest time.
“My grandmother sewed clothes for people to help get enough money for food.
“Father’s first wife, Elizabeth Rudd, was born December 27, 1828, in Shropshire,
England. His second wife was Elizabeth Hall. His third wife, Margaret Wilson,
was born November 25, 1848, in Liverpool, Lancashire, England.
“The first wife, Elizabeth Rudd, and my mother, Margaret Wilson, were very
companionable, getting along together very well. The second wife, Elizabeth
Hall, seemed to be very unkind in her dealings, misrepresenting dealings from
one family to another. This made it very hard for Margaret Wilson, the third wife.”
Mary Ellen Maylett attended Sunday School. She liked to dance very much.
Dancing took place in the old Greers Hall, located just north of Wooley’s home.
They also danced in the hall at Council House where the library stands and in a
hall above Carpenter’s Store. Many sleigh-riding parties were held. After the
sleigh riding an oyster supper was always expected.
“Some of my girlfriends were: Heneritta Cox, Belle Barton Bench, Mary Jane
Johnson, May Cahoon, Cora Henrie Maylett, Goldie Stringham and Lavern
Tunk(?) Larsen.”
Many evening parties were held among the neighborhood boys and girls. Frank
Tuttle was a young man of the neighborhood, paying attention to Mary Ellen
Maylett. They kept company for two years. Then on January 28, 1895, they
were married at her mother’s home. At first they lived with Mary’s folks. Then
they moved in part of the Tuttle home. For some time, Mary’s health was poor.
But to this union was born eight sons and daughters, namely
 Ava Tuttle
 Vaughn Tuttle Liston
 Edna Tuttle Larson
 Muriel Tuttle Rives
 Joseph Henry Tuttle
 Marion Shoemaker Tuttle
 Ray Tuttle
 Edwin M. Tuttle (nicknamed and called Ted by many).
When Frank Maylett’s wife, Cora, died, she left a baby boy. Mary Maylett told
her brother Frank she would take the baby into her home and when he wanted
him back she would let Frank have him. This child was christened Dell Maylett.
Prepared July 24, 1999 by Susan Kay Rives Monson
Mary Ellen Maylett Tuttle
September 4, 1873 ~ March 3, 1966
As told by Mary Ellen to Elva A. Christiansen, February 12, 1955
When Dell was between three and four years of age, his father remarried, taking
Dell away from the Tuttle home. Many tears were shed by the child’s Aunt Mary
and Uncle Frank who had reared him up to this point.
Mary Tuttle’s husband was a farmer and also an Elder in the Church. Mary has
been a Relief Society teacher for many years, until she was not able to go. She
served on the quilting committee and refreshment or social committee in the
Relief Society. Her daughter Ava worked eight years for Manti City as Treasurer
and Recorder.
Many prizes have been won in the Fair by Mary Tuttle for her crochet, knitting,
and hairpin [lace] work. These are some of her hobbies. Also, piecing quilts and
cutting rug rags for homemade rugs.
Sister Tuttle is a small woman with a most charming personality that endears her
to her many friends and neighbors. She has a warm welcome for everyone that
comes to her home. We pray that her Heavenly Father will give her added health
and strength that she may continue to be an inspiration to her family for a long
time to come. This good woman also related when she was baptized out to the
Warm Springs when she became of age.
She also pays tribute to her father’s first wife saying, “I scarcely knew which was
my own mother for a long time, the two polygamous wives were so close to each
Grandchildren remember their Grandmother Maylett as being a perfect little
English lady. William Francis Maylett carried messages all during the Black
Hawk War. He rode a little white pony. William Francis Maylett was a judge in
Sanpete County before they kept records. He was a self-educated man. His
mother died when he was born. His father died when he was eight years old. He
was married to his first wife on the ship coming over from England.
Mary Tuttle has made over one hundred or more doilies besides many other
pieces of handwork and has given them away. She likes to encourage everyone
and make them happy.
Prepared July 24, 1999 by Susan Kay Rives Monson