STAFFORDSHIRE HISTORIC CHURCHES TRUST County Organiser John Wallbridge 171 Newhampton Road West Wolverhampton WV 6 0RP Tel. 01902 742612 Email Treasurer Preb Michael Metcalf 196 Stone Road Stafford ST16 1NT Tel. 01785 600260 Email May 2014 Dear If you are an ‘old hand’ with Ride and Stride please ignore the next paragraph. If you are new to Ride and Stride please read on. Ride and Stride is the sponsored event in aid of the Staffordshire Historic Churches Trust. On the second Saturday of September every year, all over England, cyclists and walkers are sponsored to visit churches; and churches open between 10am and 6pm to receive them. Half the money raised is returned to your church to use how you wish; the other half is given in grants to churches of all denominations towards the cost of repairs and maintenance. Ride and Stride is the principal source of income for SHCT. Ride and Stride day is also the best time in the year to visit churches and find them open throughout the day. Would the folk in your church consider getting involved as cyclists and walkers or as welcomers? Some churches which get a lot of visitors even like to sponsor the welcomers for every visitor they clock in. Last Year 157 churches took part in Staffordshire 28 new churches took part 110 cyclists and walkers were sponsored Approx. £14,000 was raised, Gift Aid will be added to this £20,500 was paid out in grants. SHCT exists to help churches. Can we help your church? This year Ride and Stride day is Saturday September 13th between 10am and 6pm (or as long as you can manage). Things you will need for the day can be collected on the following days between 6 and 7pm. (Please collect if you can, it does save on postage) 1. Monday June 23rd Holy Trinity church hall, Baswich, Stafford, ST17 0BY 2. Tuesday June 24th College Hall, Cathedral Close, Lichfield, WS13 7LD 3. Wednesday June 25th St Andrew’s Church, St Andrew’s Close, Wolverhampton WV6 0QZ 4. Saturday 28th June 2.30–4.30pm St Mary’s, Colton WS15 3JW . This is the AGM of SHCT – all welcome. There is always a good tea! Provisional list of churches will be available by June 23rd; final list in mid-August; latecomers on the website Suggestions A number of churches combine R&S with other activities at the church to make it an even better day for everyone. Several churches combine R&S with English Heritage Open Days to attract more visitors. For more information Google ‘heritage open days’. I’m sorry some churches get few visitors especially when you are all ready to welcome people. To avoid disappointment the best thing I can recommend is you get in a group with neighbouring churches and then have the fun of visiting one another’s churches. As St Paul says so often, we need to encourage one another. A few requests If you really can’t open (and hopefully man) your church please do consider option C – ‘Closed but register available in porch’. Please reply to this letter as soon as possible so that I can compile the list of participating churches – the longer your name is on the list the greater your chance of getting more visitors. Please let me know if you are organising a group of cyclist/walkers which others might like to join. Please get people to fill in the sponsor form fully: every year we miss out on hundreds of pounds in Gift Aid because there are insufficient details to make a claim. Please look at the website and use it to get informed about R&S this year. Your description of your church is for the website – an increasingly important tool to get people interested. Reports and photos of the day would be most welcome for the website - a good way to advertise R&S. 144 new churches were invited to take part in Ride and Stride last year; 12 responded. Can you help to increase the number of participating churches? Is there a church near you that could be invited? A word from you has more effect than a letter from me! Finally A big thank you for your work on behalf of Ride and Stride, whether opening your church, or cycling/walking yourself, or encouraging others to take part, or making the refreshments which visitors appreciate, or any of the other things which can make this a special day in the life of our wonderful churches. Best wishes, John Wallbridge SHCT events Go to for more details 1. Sunday July 13th church tour: Weston under Lizard, Blymhill, Lapley, Weaton Aston 2. Thursday July 17th ‘Summer Evening at Chillington Hall’ 3. Saturday October 4th church tour – details to be fixed 4. Saturday October 11th quiz evening with fish and chips at Baswich Also Friday May 30th 11am-1pm coffee morning in aid of SHCT at St John’s in the Square, Wolverhampton