Quiz #3

Name: _____________________________________
Unit 2A: Life Activities & Taxonomy
Quiz #3
Per. _______
1. Red blood cells contain a higher concentration of potassium than the surrounding blood plasma
does. This higher concentration is maintained by the process of
A. cyclosis
B. osmosis
C. simple diffusion
D. active transport
2. The mosquito, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, is most closely related in structure to
A. Aedes sollicitans B. Ades aegypti
C. Culex pipens
D. Anopheles punctulatus
3. The diagram below illustrates possible evolutionary pathways of some species.
Which statement is a valid inference based on the information in the diagram?
A. Species A is the common ancestor of all life on Earth.
B. Species D is more closely related to species E than to species F.
C. Species B is the ancestor of species F.
D. Species C is the ancestor of species that exist at the present time.
4. If an organism reproduces asexually, its offspring will most likely be
A. genetically different from each other
C. genetically identical to the parent
B. produced from specialized cells known as gametes
D. produced as a result of fertilization
5. Urus horribilis, the scientific name of the grizzly bear, refers to the bear’s
A. kingdom and phylum
C. genus and phylum
B. kingdom and species
D. genus and species
6. The passage of the end products of digestion into the cells of an organism is an example of
A. absorption
B. digestion
C. circulation
D. regulation
7. Organisms under constant chemical changes as they maintain an internal balance known as
A. interdependence B. homeostasis
C. synthesis
D. recombination
8. Which process requires cellular energy?
A. diffusion
B. passive transport
C. active transport
D. osmosis
9. In a modern system of classification, two organisms would be most closely related if they were
classified in the same
A. kingdom
B. phylum
C. genus
D. species
10. Organisms that obtain and ingest organic molecules for nutrition are classified as
A. autotrophs
B. heterotrophs
C. unicellular
D. multicellular
11. Organisms that are similar in structure and the manner in which they perform life functions,
but are incapable of interbreeding, could be classified in the same
A. genus but not species
C. phylum, but different kingdoms
B. species, but different phyla
D. genus, but different kingdoms
12. Small molecules are combined to form large molecules by the life function of
A. regulation
B. excretion
C. transport
D. synthesis
13. Excretion is best described as the removal of
A. metabolic wastes from a cell
C. water molecules from dipeptide hydrolysis
B. toxic wastes by the process of cyclosis
D. undigested material from the digestive tract
14. The wildlife naturalist M.T. Thompson classified the American antelope as Gazella thompsonii.
The common name “gazelle” is derived from which part of the scientific name?
A. kingdom
B. phylum
C. genus
D. species
15. Which statement best describes cellular respiration?
A. It occurs in animal cells but not in plant cells
B. It converts energy in food into a more usable form.
C. It uses carbon dioxide and produces oxygen.
D. It stores energy in food molecules.
16. Hydras, earthworms, grasshoppers, and humans are classified in the same
A. genus
B. species
C. phylum
D. kingdom
17. Which term includes all the activities required to keep an organism alive?
A. growth
B. excretion
C. metabolism
D. nutrition
18. The modern classification system is based on structural similarities and
A. evolutionary relationships
C. habitat similarities
B. geographic distribution
D. Mendelian principles
19. The members of a certain species of grass in a lawn are genetically identical. The best
explanation for this observation is that the species most probably reproduces
A. by an asexual method
C. after pollination by a particular species of bee
B. after pollination by the wind
D. by identical sperm fertilizing the egg
Base your answers to questions 20 through 22 on the diagram below. Letters A through L
represent different species of organisms. The arrows represent long periods of geologic time.
20. Which two species are the most closely related?
J and L
G and L
F and H
F and G
21. Which species was best adapted to changes that occurred in its environment over the longest
period of time?
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) J
22. Which two species would most likely show the greatest similarity of DNA and proteins?
(1) B and J
(3) J and K
(2) G and I
(4) F and L
23. In classification systems, which group is the largest subdivision of a kingdom?
A. genus
B. phylum
C. order
D. class
24. The dichotomous key shown below can be used to identify birds W, X, Y, and Z.
Bird X is most likely
A. Certhidea
B. Geospiza
C. Camarhynchus
D. Platyspiza
Name: _______________________________________
Unit 2A
Answer Sheet
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