Stephen Reeder - Doughty Street Chambers

Stephen Reeder – Mediator/ADR practitioner
Stephen Reeder
Stephen practices as a mediator in the UK and internationally. Within the UK he works
out of London, Manchester, Bristol and Cambridge and undertakes work throughout the
country. Most of his international work is carried out in Western Europe and the US.
He is experienced in mediation, arbitration, inquisitorial med-arb and early neutral
Whichever route you choose for appointing Stephen a composite fixed fee can usually
be agreed for mediator fees, mediation rooms, parties’ break-out rooms, IT resources,
catering and any other needs identified by the parties. Mediations can be hosted in
London, Manchester, Bristol, Cambridge, the Hague, New York or at any other location
convenient for the parties.
Stephen is experienced in using multi-party video conferencing, Facetime and online
mediations to bring parties together to find timely outcomes in urgent disputes.
His background in the music business and broadcast media industry means that he has a
good understanding of disputes arising from 
recording, publishing & performance
royalties, rights & clearance
advances, accounting & recoupment
management contracts
sunset incomes
multi-territory broadcast, digital platforms & social media
Rome Convention rights
WIPO Internet Treaty rights
Direct Contact Details
Direct Line
UK Office
UK Cell
Fax to Email
0207 400 9051
0207 404 1313
07795 844502
0207 269 1271
You are welcome to contact Stephen directly to discuss your dispute and the services
available to assist you to choose the form of dispute resolution which best suits your
Stephen Reeder – Mediator/ADR practitioner
Stephen offers his mediation services from two business platforms, Doughty Street
Chambers and the Centre for Justice.
53-54 Doughty Street
Pall Mall Court
61-67 King Street
Manchester M2 4PD
Broad Quay House Parkstraat 83
Prince Street
2514G The Hague
Bristol BS1 4DJ
Doughty Street Chambers is one of the pre-eminent sets of barristers chambers in the
UK and has an international reputation for excellence. As a member of Doughty Street
Chambers Stephen accepts instructions to act as a lead or joint mediator and to represent
parties in mediations. He leads the ADR team at Doughty Street and is the most
experienced mediator in that team.
For a discussion about availability, fees and resources please contact his dedicated
business manager Nick Chuter.
Tel. 0207 404 1313
Stephen also accepts instructions to resolve disputes using the inquisitorial med/arb
determination model developed by the Centre for Justice in London. He is a member of
the CFJ faculty of assessors which consists of 16 of the leading dispute resolution
specialists in the UK.
For a discussion about availability, fees and resources please contact the CFJ Director &
General Manager Elizabeth Reeve
Tel. 0207 283 5307
Mediation practice & experience
Stephen is a CEDR and ADR Europe trained mediator with many years experience. He
has been listed in the directory of mediators of the Bar Council of England & Wales
since its inception. He has extensive experience whether acting as a lead mediator or
representing parties at mediations. He also has experience as a joint/second mediator in
large scale dispute resolution. Within the last 18 months he has acted as mediator and
represented parties in relation to the following types of dispute :
Stephen Reeder – Mediator/ADR practitioner
Property & affairs dispute arising from Court of Protection proceedings
and on behalf of Deputies relating to rights and royalties income for an
incapacitated songwriter and composer
Performance fees & royalties (music)
Management contract disputes (both TV/film and music)
Sunset income disputes (music)
Territory and platform disputes (online gaming)
Data & freedom of information disputes (TV)
Passing off and merchandising disputes (music)
Litigation practice & experience
Stephen believes that a specialist knowledge of the subject area of the dispute, and of
the realities of litigation, greatly assists the ADR process whether he is engaged as the
mediator or as a party representative. He was called to the Bar of England & Wales in
1991 and has praticed as a barrister since that time. He is an experienced representative
before all levels of tribunal including the specialist tribunals, the Administrative Court,
High Court, Court of Protection, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court and European Court.
Stephen has held part-time judicial appointments since 2006 and is a Deputy Regional
Judge. This judicial experience is a useful addition to his skill set for use in ADR and
What the professional directories say
Stephen appears in a number of professional directories. The leading directory for the
Bar of England & Wales is the ‘Chambers Guide to the Bar’
“charming and effective”
(Chambers Guide 2007)
“it’s not just about another fee : he offers an excellent standard of client care”
(Chambers Guide 2008)
“hard working and committed and deft across all areas”
(Chambers Guide 2009)
“a strong player”
(Chambers Guide 2010)
Stephen Reeder – Mediator/ADR practitioner
“he brings a good all round approach to disputes”
(Chambers Guide 2012)
“charismatic and charming.....he goes beyond the call of duty”
(Chambers Guide 2012)
"assured.....meticulously prepared and easy to deal with"
(Chambers Guide 2013)
"instructing solicitors appreciate his excellent client relationship skills and his ADR
capabilities.....he's very highly rated...he has a real empathy and warmth of
personality.....he has an excellent reputation"
(Chambers Guide 2014)
What the people say
“he really got all the ins and outs of the case and helped people when they couldn’t
see the wood for the trees”
(Mrs BR – party)
“Mr Reeder demonstrated a complete mastery of the long and convoluted factual
history and a detailed understanding of the legal issues and of the restricted remedy
powers of the court which had told us it might be better to mediate”
(Mr ARS – solicitor representative)
“I liked the way you made us all laugh, pause, think and take stock over endless cups
of tea. I was amazed you got them back around the table with us after everything that
had been said before”
(Ms EP – government executive officer)
“I wanted to thank you for your efforts last week. Although we could not settle the
claims on Thursday you have helped us to identify the two issues which are really all
the court needs to decide for us to sort this out. Thankfully we’re now looking at a
day in court instead of a week”.
(Mr CB – party)
"Top stuff. Really good. He really lived up to his reputation today and he's top of our
list for next time"
(ADF - director of legal & business affairs)