Minutes of 20th CCC EXCO Meeting of 15th EXCO Date: Time: Attendee: Observer: Absent: Chairman: October 20th, Sunday, 2013 9:00pm – 11:50pm Eastern Time Location: Skype Dn. Apollos Lee, David Lee, Pr. Timothy Yeung, Darren Li, Victor Liu, Ken Chen Pr. Luke Hsieh, Tony Kuo Pr. Philemon Tsen Dn. Apollos Lee Recorder: Victor Liu 1. Prayer in understanding by Pr. Hsieh 2. Confirmation of last EXCO Meeting minutes. Proposed by: Ken Chen, Seconded by: David Lee 3. Review of last minutes. See below (action Items and matter arising from last meeting). 4. Proposals/Other matters to discuss 5. Department report by email if any. 5.1 RA: 5.2 Education & Training: 5.3 DLM: 5.4 FA: 5.5 GA: 6 Local Church report by email if any. 6.1 Calgary: 6.2 Edmonton: 6.3 Montreal: 6.4 Toronto: 6.5 Vancouver: 7. Confirmed day and time of next meeting: November 17th, 2013 8. Prayer in understanding by Pr. Timothy Yeung # 10 Content Deadline/Status Action by To establish a bylaw ad-hoc committee 1st meeting: 1) Bro. Michael Chu will set up the bylaw committee with all local church’s contact persons. 2) The committee will inquire a final completed copy from Dn. Lee, and CCC will be sending it out to local church and IA for ratification. 2nd meeting: 1) The contact person will relay the questions and concerns to bro. Michael 2) GA will contact IA regarding the bylaw review progress 3) The deadline moves to mid of June 3rd meeting: 1) Bylaw coordinator will inform local church contact person to adopt the bylaws by comparing/compromise local church bylaws with unified bylaw 2) IA will review CCC bylaw in October 3) The deadline moves to mid of September 4th meeting: 1. After study of each local church bylaw, it is not practical to ask local church to adopt the unified local church bylaws. The committee will have a comprehensive report in September. 2. The committee will draft a letter to understand the bylaw adoption progress of each local church. 5th meeting: in progress 6th meeting: EXCO will have a meeting with local church bylaw coordinators to acquire more information regarding the progresses and obstacles on the one of the following proposed dates: Nov. 6, 7 or 14 @ 10pm. 7th meeting: There are few items need to be clarify/consider: 1) Executive officers should be elected by congregation according to CRA 2) To adopt the bylaw by “Minimum requirement” and what is minimum? 3) The due day of the bylaw adoption day can be moved to before next NCC. 4) To understand the concept of adopting unified bylaw from IA. 8th meeting: To understand every local church’s process/method of adoption of ULCB, and it will be communicated to EXCO by email. 9th meeting: 1) Have communicated with local church regarding the method of the bylaw adoption. The majority of local churches are using the unified bylaw as a minimum requirement. 2) The definition of “adoption” need to be clarified in next NCC. 3) Will make a suggestion regarding the direction of “adoption” in NCC. th 10 meeting: 1) Bro. Michael will call all local church bylaw coordinator before the NCC and write a report, and make recommendation to NCC. 2) Bro. Michael will provide the Organization Chart by March 15, 2011. 11th meeting: - Number 2 above completed. CCC has not received recommendation from Bro. Michael. - In view of helping the local church to adoption the unified bylaws, three proposals are drafted to submit to NCC. th 12 meeting: Bro. Michael will modify the bylaws according to IA’s amendment and NCC’s resolutions also will have a meeting with local church’s bylaw coordinators. 13th meeting: 1) modify unified bylaws with IA’s amendment by June 26 2) communicate with local church’s bylaw coordinator to request/collect for any inputs by July 17 3) compile all inputs by July 31 4) finalize the bylaw with local church bylaw coordinators by Aug 21 5) send out the finalized unified bylaw by Sept 18 14th meeting: 1) modify unified bylaws with IA’s amendment by June 26 (completed) 5) communicate with local church’s bylaw coordinator to request/collect for any inputs by July 17 Will review the progress on August 14 15th meeting: The email has sent out on July 26, and only Eric from Toronto has some issues would like them to be discussed. There are no concerns or comments with the updated by-laws so far. 3) compile all inputs by August 31 TBD in next EXCO meeting CCC 4) finalize the bylaw with local church bylaw coordinators by Sept. 21 5) send out the finalized unified bylaw by Oct. 18 th 16 meeting: 1) will list out all concerns or questions from local churches, and will email to EXCO for review. 2) Br. Michael will discuss and reflect the concerns from Canada with Eld. Lin for his suggestions. 3) In order for a better communication, it is better to communicate with local church committee instead of local church bylaws coordinators. 18th meeting: 1) CCC will send out IA amended Canada unified bylaws for NCC delegate’s approval by December 10. Brother Michael will submit the bylaws to Federal Government for their review/correction. th 19 meeting: 1) The letter is on hold due to unable to carry out 14th NCC resolution, and will make a report in next NCC. Brother Michael is filing an application to submit the bylaw for CRA’s review/correction. 21st meeting: 1) Bro. Michael will prepare a written report for NCC, and bro. Victor will find out how to handle this proposal back to NCC by February 17. The application for CRA’s review has filed on January 15th, 2012, and still waiting for CRA’s responds. 15 EXCO 5th meeting: 6th meeting: 49 56 The coordinator is still in process of setting up the committee 1) Still waiting for Montreal’s response 2) Accepting dn. Tsui’s reformations as state in his report item number: 2.3 I recommend that this item (#2 from 19th meeting) closed. 2.4 If CCC EXCO decides to restart this application with the finalized CCC By-Law version, please find out which local church would volunteer to submit the CCC by-law to CRA for pre-view. It is recommended that CCC by-law committee will work with the local church on this matter. 8th meeting: GA will provide an updated by-law for the committee. 9th meeting: Dn. Lee will have meeting with bylaw coordinator on Dec. 31st, 2012 to discuss a. Updated bylaw b. New nfp law c. Re-send NCC resolution of adopting unified bylaw th 16 meeting: a. Edmonton church will adopt the current unified bylaw, and it is in progress of submitting the bylaw to Federal and provincial .government. 17th meeting: Report from Dn. Tsui: We have to see if any modification we need on chapter 1 as this mainly talked about the CCC organization that may confuse to CRA. 18th meeting: No Update 19th meeting: in progress 20th meeting: in progress. No update from bylaw committee. Local church website standardization for Canadian churches 7th meeting: DLM will setup the website for local churches in Canada. The site will be hosted by third party, and the budget will be $500 a year. 8th meeting: The third party server has up and running. Training website will be followed after Vancouver and Toronto’s websites are completed. 9th meeting: We are still working on few technical issues and find workers for maintaining the website. We shall get the website ready and start to train workers soon. 10th meeting: Toronto church’s website will be hand over on 29 11th meeting: a training video is in progress 12th meeting: No update 15th meeting: Planning a meeting with bro. Jeremy Lin from Toronto. Will follow up. 17th meeting: In progress 19th meeting: in progress 20th meeting: in progress Tanning for new EXCO members and local church board members on parliamentary procedure Consider to have pre NCC seminar 14th meeting: Will study onwork 15th meeting: Training Dep. officially appointed Dn. Lee to design the program for Pre-NCC seminar if held. In Progress DLM In Progress E&T 60 66 67 68 19th meeting: in progress 20th meeting: in progress eLibrary Sermon Uploading Guidelines Designate a coordinator to represent your GA, CB or church for IA IMP to coordinate with them on further detailed uploading arrangements. Please provide Deacon Lucas Wong, IA IMP manager, at wilson.wong@tjc.org the name and email address of your coordinator by end of June, 2013. 14th meeting: will postpone to next meeting 15th meeting: Bro. Darren Li to represent CCC. To discuss with Dn. Wong. 17th meeting: IA wishes Canada to start the project. DLM will collect the upload guideline from other GAs or IA as a reference. 19th meeting: in progress 20th meeting: in progress Create cloud storage for CCC internal use, and it will be password protected access 19th meeting: in progress 20th meeting: The website has been done, and documents need to be uploading to the website. 2013 work report & 2014 work plan (Deadline: 9/10) to IA 19th meeting: Work plan has sent to IA, the work report is still working on it. 20th meeting: Completed The future of IA evangelical fund. 19th meeting: GA will forward the related documents to EXCO members, and the item will be discussed in next meeting. 20th meeting: in progress In Progress DLM Completed DLM Completed GA In Progress GA In Progress GA 69 Reminders: 1. In the event of CCC board handover, the outgoing EXCO’s RA and GA should hold an EXCO handover meeting as soon as possible by using any method. 2. It should have a recommended arrival and departure time in the NCC announcement letter for next NCC. 3. Create a check list for NCC preparation for local church Power bar for computers Name tags Table Name tags Hard copies for EXCO Seating arrangement Projector Microphone and speaker (if needed)