Intangible Investments and Innovation:

Intangible Investments and Innovation:
A Pilot Study of the Norwegian Food-Producing Industry
Frans Prenkert
Centre for Cooperative Studies
Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation
BI Norwegian School of Management
Project Outline
October 4, 2007
Executive Summary
This project running between March 2008 and March 2009 aims at investigating intangible
investments and innovation in two of the major business firms within the Norwegian foodproduction sector: Tine BA and Nortura BA. The purpose is to explore and describe patterns
of intangible investments – that is the interfaces between tangible resources – related some
specific technological areas within the Norwegian food-producing industry.
The starting point for this research study is to identify the business related innovations as
existing tangible resources. Tangible resources are products and equipment/facilities. Having
identified tangible objects, we will identify and specify the intangible investments made by
Tine BA and/or Nortura BA in order to develop and use an existing product or facility. We
will identify up to two tangible products and/or two facilities (machines, equipment) that
has recently been developed or drastically changed. The products and facilities selected
are those that are important from the point of view of the two companies. Interviews will take
place with at least two key informants for each identified product or facility tangible resource.
Expected outcomes are detailed case descriptions of intangible investments – the “costs” and
benefits and the relations to tangible resources, mappings of the technological contexts and
innovative processes of these investments, as well as an evaluation of the methodological
tools used. Moreover, discussions of findings will be organized as round-table discussions
with Tine and Nortura with the possible development of an educational program regarding
innovative capabilities and intangible investments.