London Borough of Sutton Comments on the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places by the Acting Returning Officer This Appendix sets out the suggestions that have been received on a ward by ward basis together with recommendations on whether they should be accepted or not. Where no proposals are made in respect of specific wards, the polling places in that ward have been previously used for elections without any adverse comment and are wheelchair accessible, Existing Polling Places and Electorate as at 1 June 2011 Worcester Park Ward PD Letters AA AB AC Polling Place Green Lane Primary School, Green Lane Christ Church with St Philips (Wesley Hall), Ruskin Road Dorchester Primary School, Dorchester Road Electorate 2334 3475 2566 No proposals Nonsuch Ward PD Letters BA BB BC Polling Place Cheam Common Infants School, Balmoral Road. Cuddington Recreation Pavilion, Sandringham Road Cheam Leisure Centre, Malden Road Electorate 2106 2322 3655 No Proposals Stonecot Ward PD Letters CA CB CC Polling Place Cheam Park Farm Infants School, Molesey Drive Sutton Life Centre, Alcorn Close North Cheam Baptist Church Electorate 4075 1728 2304 Proposals: (i) The Liberal Democrat Party suggest investigating the use of St Oswald’s Church for CA polling station to avoid closing Cheam Park Farm Infants School. ii) The Headteacher at Cheam Park Farm Infants’ School has asked if the Polling Station could be sited in either Rainbow House or St. Oswald’s Church Hall. Response: There are three polling stations located at Cheam Park Farm Infants’ School. Any alternative premises would have to be able to accommodate at least two of the three stations. Rainbow House is situated on the Cheam Park Farm Infants’ School campus. It has its own entrance and could accommodate one polling station. There is only on street car parking as at present. Access into the building might be problematical for wheel chair users as there are small lips across doorways that would have to be negotiated. There would also be limited space for tellers outside the building. There is only one toilet, designed for people with a disability. Contact has been made with the church authorities responsible for St. Oswald’s Church Hall who are amenable, in principle, to allowing the hall to be used as a polling station. The Hall is situated in Brocks Drive, just around the corner from Cheam Park Farm Infants’ School in Molesey Drive. There are regular hall users that would be prevented from using the hall on polling day. The hall has been inspected and would be suitable to accommodate three polling stations. There would be space for tellers just inside the front door. Access for wheelchair users is not a problem. However, there is no off street car parking, though that is currently the case at the Infants School. RECOMMENDATION: That, in future, St. Oswald’s Church Hall is used as a polling station for CA polling district in place of Cheam Park Farm Infants School. Cheam Ward PD Letters DA DB DC Polling Place Cheam Methodist Church Hall St Dunstan’s C of E School, Anne Boleyn’s Walk St Andrews Church Hall, Northey Avenue Electorate 2628 1986 3221 Proposals: The Liberal Democrat Party are of the opinion that the polling station at St Andrews Church Hall is overstretched. They suggest that the following roads should be moved from DC Polling District (St. Andrews Church Hall) to DB Polling District (St. Dunstan’s C of E School): Devon Road, Meadowside, Manor Road and Burdon Lane up to its junction with Manor Road. Response: The proposals from the Liberal Democrat Party would transfer approximately 350 electors from St. Andrews Church Hall to St. Dunstan’s C of E Primary school. For some electors this would mean an increased distance of around half a mile to get to the Primary School. During the Referendum the Polling Station Inspectors who visited both of these Polling Stations on a number of occasions throughout the day, did not report any problems. RECOMMENDATION: That no changes be made to the Polling Districts in DB and DC polling districts. Sutton North Ward PD Letter EA EB EC Polling Place Holy Family Hall, Stayton Road Benhilton C of E Primary School, All Saints Road Westbourne Primary School Electorate 3235 3520 807 No proposals Sutton West Ward PD Letter FA FB FC Polling Place St Albans Church Hall, Gander Green Lane Homefield Preparatory School, Western Road Overton Road Pavilion Electorate 2249 4200 1465 No proposals Sutton Central Ward PD Letters GA GB GC Polling Place Robin Hood Junior School, Thorncroft Road The Thomas Wall Centre, Benhill Avenue St Barnabas Church Hall, St Barnabas Road Electorate 2114 2304 3236 No proposals Sutton South Ward PD Letters HA HB HC Polling Place Overton Road Pavilion Devonshire Primary School, Devonshire Avenue Barrow Hedges School, Harbury Road Electorate 1808 4771 958 Proposals: The Liberal Democrat Party has drawn attention to the fact that the current boundary between polling districts HB and HC is the former constituency boundary and, as such, divides four roads in two. As that constituency boundary has now been moved, there is no need for the old line to be maintained. To avoid confusion locally and some administrative inconvenience, the Group has suggested that the parts of Chalgrove, Hillcroome and Mayfield Roads that are currently in HC polling district be transferred to HB polling district and that the part of Ridgway currently in HB polling district be transferred to HC polling district. They calculate that this would result in the net transfer of about 125 voters to HB district. The Party also suggest investigating whether the Community Hall at Christchurch, in Christchurch Park would be suitable for use as a polling station in place of Devonshire Primary School. Response: The suggestion to move properties between one polling district and another would seem sensible especially if it avoids confusion locally. The Church Authorities at Christchurch have been contacted. In principle they are agreeable to the Community Hall being used as a Polling Station. The premises have been inspected and it would be possible to accommodate three polling stations on the premises. Car parking is available in the nearby church car park and wheel chair users could drive around the Church and park outside the premises. Suitable amenities exist for the polling station staff though there are limited facilities for tellers. RECOMMENDATIONS: (i) That properties numbered 1 to 25 (odds) in Chalgrove Road (37 electors), 1 to 5 (odds) Hillcroome Road (21 electors) and 1 to 41 (odds) Mayfield Road (54 electors) be transferred from HC polling district to HB polling district and the polling district boundary amended accordingly; (ii) That properties numbered 36 to 56 (evens) The Ridgeway (30 electors) be transferred from HB polling district to HC polling district. (iii) That the Community Hall at Christchurch in Christchurch Park be used as a Polling Station instead of Devonshire Primary School. Belmont Ward PD Letters IA IB IC ID Polling Place Overton Road Pavilion St Johns Church Hall, Northdown Road Community Centre, Shanklin Village Chiltern Church, Chiltern Road Electorate 730 2758 979 3100 Proposals: The Liberal Democrat Party has suggested that the 979 persons who may vote at the Shanklin Community Hall should instead, vote at Overton Park Pavilion thus merging polling districts IA and IC. They state that there are long periods of inactivity at Shanklin Community Centre; that Overton Park Pavilion is easily walkable through Overton Park and that space, parking and access at the Pavilion are good. The Party also suggest that numbers 15 to 21A Holland Avenue would fit geographically more neatly into polling district IA rather than IB. This would be a continuation of the polling district dividing line up York Road from its junction with Grange Road. Response: Whilst the sentiments behind the proposal to merge polling districts IA and IC can be understood, it would mean for some electors in IC polling district a drive of over one mile or a walk across parkland over grass. With regard to the proposal to move some properties from IB into IA I would take an alternative view and suggest that Nos 1 to 13 Holland Avenue (9 electors) should be moved from polling district IA into polling district IB. This would mean that the whole of Holland Avenue was within one polling district. RECOMMENDATIONS: (i) That no change be made to the polling arrangements for IA and IC polling districts. (ii) That Nos 1 to 13 Holland Avenue be moved from polling district IA to polling district IB and the polling district boundary be amended accordingly. St Helier Ward PD Letters JA JB JC JD Polling Place Glastonbury Centre, Hartland Road Hill House, Bishopsford Road Sutton Arena, Middleton Road Carshalton Sports College, Winchcombe Road Electorate 1914 1347 1293 3433 Proposals: The Sutton Liberal Democrat Party has suggested that, as Hill House and Sutton Arena are very close together and each station has relatively small numbers, they should be merged with voting taking place at St. Helier Arena. This would require a larger area than that currently provided. They have also highlighted the fact that Glastonbury Primary School is due to close and suggest that Abbey Primary School would be an alternative venue, Response: Investigations have taken place with the Council’s Leisure Contractor to see if a larger space could be made available at Sutton Arena. It would be possible to use an alternative room there which could accommodate both Polling Stations, thought it is slightly further away from the entrance to the arena than the existing facilities. An alternative would be to use Hill House for both polling districts instead. The existing accommodation at Hill House would be able to accommodate a second polling station. However, it would be further to travel for electors living south of Sutton Arena. With regard to the use of Abbey Primary School, talks have already taken place with the Headteacher concerning this matter. It is understood that an area of the school has been identified which could be used as a polling station without the school having to close. RECOMMENDATIONS: (i) That Sutton Arena is used as a Polling Station for the JB and JC Polling Districts; (ii) That arrangements be confirmed with the Headteacher at Abbey Primary School for part of that school to be used as a polling station in place of the Glastonbury Centre. Wandle Valley Ward PD Letters KA KB KC KD Polling Place The Quad Youth Centre, Green Wrythe Lane Middleton Library, Green Wrythe Lane Wandle Valley School, Welbeck Road All Saints Church Centre, New Road Electorate 1102 1773 2182 2830 Proposal: The Sutton Liberal Democrat party have suggested that, as The Quad Youth Centre (KA Polling District) and Middleton Circle Library (KB polling district) are relatively close together, the two polling districts should be merged with polling taking place at Middleton Circle Library. A letter has also been received from the headteacher of Green Wrythe Primary School asking if that school could be considered for use as a polling station. Response: Merging KA and KB polling districts would make a large polling district. At the Referendum the Electoral Commission issued guidance on the maximum number of electors at each polling station. Merging the two polling districts would exceed that number. Furthermore, it is felt that Middleton Circle Library is not large enough to accommodate two polling stations. Green Wrythe Primary School has been visited and would be a possible location. The polling stations would be situated in the newly refurbished School Hall. When the headteacher was asked if they realised that the school would have to be closed whilst polling was taking place the answer that came back was that the Governors were aware of that but they wanted to invite the community into the school to see the school’s achievements. This was one way of achieving that aim. The Quad Youth Centre would also be able to accommodate two Polling Stations. RECOMMENDATION: That the Quad Youth Centre be used as the polling place for KA and KB polling districts. The Wrythe Ward PD Letters LA LB LC Polling Place Pavilion, Royston Park Muschamp Primary School, Muschamp Road Victor Seymour Infants School, Denmark Road Electorate 1839 2967 2914 Proposals: The Liberal Democrat Party has highlighted the problems that were experienced with the physical environment at Royston Park Pavilion. On the eve of the Referendum there was a flood of hot water overnight which rendered the building unusable and polling had to be transferred to another polling station outside the ward. The Party are concerned to prevent a repetition of this but are of the opinion that there is no alternative site that is convenient for the electorate in that Polling District. They have suggested that the Council consider an accessible vehicle based back-up facility that could be taken to Royston Park in an emergency. In a personal note, Councillor Roger Thistle suggests that either a suitable vehicle be used that could act as a polling station in an emergency or that the Polling District boundary be redrawn so that Rushy Meadow Primary School was used instead. The Headteacher of Muschamp Junior School has also asked that, in future, the polling stations be situated in the nursery at the school so that the rest of the school can remain open. The Headteacher is concerned that the pupils do not loose a further day’s education. Response: The concerns about Royston Park Pavilion are shared. There have been problems at this Polling Station on the last two occasions that it has been used. The proposal to provide an alternative vehicle based back up facility is being investigated. The challenge will be to find something that is suitable as a Polling Station and will meet the needs of polling station staff who will be there for up to sixteen hours on the day. An alternative to using Royston Park Pavilion would be to use either Rushey Meadow or Muschamp Junior Schools as the polling station for LA polling district. Both of these schools are outside the LA polling district and are at least half a mile away from Royston Pavilion. This proposal has not been discussed with the headteacher at Rushey Meadow School, which would probably have to close for the day. Muschamp Junior School is already a polling place with two polling stations. Whilst the nursery at the school was used for the referendum, the accommodation for two polling stations was cramped. It would not be suitable for an election with a large turnout. However, the hall in the main school is large enough to accommodate a third polling station if it was decided to relocate the polling station from Royston Park. A further alternative would be to locate a temporary building at Royston Park just for the election together with appropriate staff facilities. RECOMMENDATIONS: (i) That investigations be made into whether the authority has suitable mobile accommodation that could be used in an emergency as a Polling Station at Royston Park; (ii) That if a suitable vehicle is not available and the pavilion cannot be used, then the polling station be relocated to Muschamp Junior School; (iii) That the Headteacher of Muschamp Junior School be informed that whilst the Council has every sympathy with her desire that the pupils should not loose a day’s education because of an election, due to the lack of suitable alternative premises in the vicinity Muschamp Junior School will continue to be used as a polling station and that the main hall will be required, in case Royston Park Pavilion becomes unavailable at short notice. Carshalton Central Ward PD Letters MA MB MC Polling Place The Scout Hall, Westmead Road Highfield Hall, Carshalton Road All Saints C of E Primary School, Rotherfield Road Electorate 2945 2138 2499 No proposals Carshalton South and Clockhouse Ward PD Letters NA NB NC ND Polling Places Barrow Hedges Primary School, Harbury Road Stanley Park Junior School, Stanley Park Road The Café, The Oaks, Croydon Lane Hillcrest Hall, The Mount, Coulsdon Electorate 2560 3319 236 1278 Proposals: The Liberal Democrat Group have suggested that as polling district NC is so small, it should be merged with polling district NA with electors voting at Barrow Hedgers Primary School. They suggest that, if adopted, the electors in that ward should be written to with an explanation for the change and it be suggested to them that they apply for a postal vote. The Electoral Services Officer has also received a request from Whitethorn Methodist Church in Whitethorn Avenue that their premises be considered for use as a polling station. Response: I can appreciate the reasoning behind the proposals to merge polling district NC with polling district NA. However, if that was adopted, voters would be faced with a journey of over a mile and a half to reach Barrow Hedges Primary School. The Polling Place at Wallington High School for Girls would be marginally closer. Whilst the sentiments behind encouraging people to apply for a postal vote are also appreciated, electors should have a choice of how they vote – either by turning up in person or by post. The room at Whitethorn Methodist Church has been inspected. The accommodation there would be adequate with space for one polling station. Wheelchair access from the car park would be via the pavement and along a slightly graded slope into the building. However, the existing accommodation at Hillcrest Hall has been used for a number of years. It is close to the local amenities and local people are used to going there to vote. RECOMMENDATIONS: (i) That Polling District NC be retained and voters continue to vote at The Oaks Park Café; (ii) That Hillcrest Hall continue to be used as a polling station for NC Polling District. Wallington North Ward PD Letters OA OB OC Polling Place Elm Grove Hall, Butter Hill Holy Trinity Church Hall, Manor Road Holy Trinity C of E School, Bute Road Electorate 2633 3440 1759 No proposals Wallington South Ward PD Letters PA PB PC PD Polling Place United Reformed Church Hall, Holmwood Gardens Wallington Public Hall, Stafford Road St Michael's Church Centre, Milton Road St Patrick's Church Hall, Park Hill Road Electorate 2092 1577 1924 2205 Proposals: The Liberal Democrat Party has suggested that there are parking problems at St Michaels and All Angels Church Hall. Apparently the entrance is often difficult to turn into due to on street parking and there is no a barrier to the car park. They suggest that electors in PC polling district vote at Bandon Hill Primary School in Sandy Lane South instead. They state that the venue is already used as a Polling Station by electors in Beddington South Ward and that many of the voters in the PC polling district would be familiar with this Polling Station as they used it until the 2002 Boundary Review. Response: I am not aware of any parking problems at St. Michael’s Church Centre which has a small car park. The Polling Station Inspector who visited the premises on a number of occasions during the recent referendum did not encounter any problems. Arrangements can be made to ensure that the barrier is lifted on election day. Bandon Hill Primary School has no off-street car parking. RECOMMENDATION: That St. Michael’s Church Centre continue to be used as a Polling Station. Beddington North Ward PD Letters QA QB QC QD Polling Place Portable Building, 152 Beddington Lane Beddington Primary School, Derry Road Beddington Infants School, Croydon Road High View Primary School, The Chase Electorate 271 2555 1884 2961 Proposals: The Liberal Democrat party has suggested that as the electorate in QA polling district is so small, that polling district should be merged into the existing QB polling district. They state that most of the electors, in The Meads are relatively near Beddington Park Primary School and that there are about 50 households on the Herbs estate for whom no polling station – including the current portable building – is particularly convenient. It is suggested that electoral services write to the residents explaining why the polling station has been moved and encourage them to apply for a postal vote. Response: This is a similar situation to that in NC polling district and the Oaks Park Café. Whilst the reasoning behind the proposals to merge polling district QA with polling district QB can be appreciated, some voters would be faced with a journey of over a mile to reach Beddington Park Primary School in Derry Road. Whilst the sentiments behind encouraging people to apply for a postal vote are also appreciated, electors should have a choice of how they vote – either by turning up in person or by post RECOMMENDATION: That polling district QA is retained. Beddington South Ward PD Letters RA RB RC RD Polling Place Bandon Hill Primary School, Sandy Lane South Phoenix Centre, Mollison Road Wallington Girls School, Woodcote Road St Marks Church Hall, Church Road Electorate 1783 3121 1692 1366 Proposal: The Liberal Democrat Party has suggested that Beddington South Ward be reduced to three polling districts by abolishing RD polling district and rebalancing the other three districts. They suggest that this is done as follows - roads in the north of Woodcote (The Newlands, Ingleby and Oaklands Way etc) go to Bandon Hill Primary School rather than the Phoenix Centre; that roads in south east Woodcote (Great Woodcote Park, Ambrey Way etc) go to Phoenix Centre and that roads in south west Woodcote (Buckingham Way, The Ridge, Lordsbury Fields etc) go to Wallington High School for Girls. Response: St. Mark’s Church Hall is situated just outside the borough. On Polling Day, the premises are shared with the London Borough of Croydon. Whilst the sentiments behind the proposals to reduce costs are appreciated, I am not sure that any real savings would be achieved in this instance. The Phoenix Centre (RB polling district) already has over 3,000 electors voting at two polling stations. There is little scope for relocating some roads in that district to RA polling district so that the electors vote at Bandon Hill Primary School. Abolishing the RD polling district would inevitably mean that some roads would transfer to The Phoenix Centre with possibly over 800 additional electors. To ensure that the election process is dealt with efficiently, it would be necessary to provide an additional polling station and staff at The Phoenix Centre, thus partially negating the savings made by not using St. Mark’s Church Hall. A further 500 electors could be transferred to Wallington High School for Girls though that is less problematic in terms of numbers. RECOMMENDATION: That no changes be made to the Polling Districts in Beddington South Ward.