Chapter 2

Chapter 2
1. Yes, because all the isotopes of a particular element react chemically in the same
manner. (Outcome 2.2)
2. Radiation therapy uses precisely controlled doses of radioactivity that are targeted to
irradiate only the tumor. A patient subjected to CT scanning does not become a
radiation source. (Outcome 2.2)
3. Examples of acidic substances: vinegar (acetic acid); aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid);
rust remover (oxalic acid); toilet bowl cleaner (muriatic acid); and automobile battery
fluid (sulfuric acid). Examples of basic substances: ammonia; lye; drain and oven
cleaner (sodium hydroxide); milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide); and antacids
(sodium bicarbonate). Examples of acidic foods: meat (protein in general); whole
wheat (grain in general); eggs; cheese; cranberries; plums; cola drinks; and tomatoes.
Examples of basic foods: milk (fresh); vegetables; raisins; apricots; and nuts.
4. Cholesterol is an essential compound for synthesizing steroids, including hormones
like estrogen and testosterone. Cholesterol is also important for the transport of lipids
throughout the body. These compounds are essential for life, and so it would be
impossible and unhealthy to get one’s cholesterol down to zero. (Outcome 2.3)
5. The body utilizes carbohydrates to provide energy for metabolic reactions. Proteins
are important in that they comprise structural components of tissues such as collagen,
muscle fibers, cell membranes, elastin, and keratin, and also have functional roles as
antibodies, enzymes, and certain hormones. (Outcome 2.3)
6. The symptoms of many inherited diseases stem from protein malfunction because
genes encode proteins. (Outcome 2.3)
7. The conformation of a protein determines its function.Extreme heat causes an
irreversible change in albumin’s properties. (Outcome 2.3)