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William Ford C.E. Junior School
William Ford C.E. Junior School aims to recognise the uniqueness of each
child and develop it to the full, regardless of gender, race, social background
or ability. The school wishes to provide for all pupils the best possible
educational opportunities available within the funds allocated by the
Authority. The law states very clearly that education during normal school
hours is to be free of any compulsory charge to parents and William Ford
C.E. Junior School warmly endorses the principle and is committed to
upholding the legal requirements.
It is recognised, however, that many educationally valuable activities have
been and will continue to be dependant upon financial contributions in part
from parents. Without that financial support, the school would find it
impossible to maintain the quality and breadth of the educational programme
provided for pupils.
The school’s concern is to keep financial contributions to a reasonable
minimum and to ensure as far as possible that all children are able to take
part, irrespective of their circumstances.
The school policy on charging will aim to ensure that no child is excluded
from an activity because of the inability or unwillingness to pay on the part
of the parent.
Those activities for which a charge may be made are governed by the
Education Reform Act 1988 and laid down in the DfEE Circular 2/89.
In order to enrich and enhance the curriculum for all pupils activities may be
organised for which the Governors will request contributions from parents.
They reserve the right to:
 Charge parents for activities offered as an optional extra wholly or
mainly outside school
 Reclaim from parents the cost of wilful breakages and damage to
school property and equipment
 Charge for lost school equipment, books etc. parents are expected to
replace or purchase lost items of school property
 Seek voluntary contributions to fund activities either within or
outside school hours
 All children study music as part of the normal school curriculum.
Some charges may be made for individual instrumental tuition
undertaken by the Community Music Service. Parents will be informed
about this charge before they agree to their children beginning
Voluntary Contributions
When organising school trips or visits that enrich the curriculum and
educational experiences of the children, the school invites parents to
contribute to the cost of the trip or activity.
If insufficient
contributions are received, it may be necessary to cancel a trip or
activity. If a trip or activity goes ahead it may include children whose
parents have not paid any contribution. We do not treat these children
differently from any others.
If a parent wishes their child to take part in a school trip or event but is
unwilling or unable to make a voluntary contribution, we do allow the child
to participate fully in the trip.
Sometimes the school pays the additional costs in order to support the
visit. Parents have the right to know how each trip is funded. The school
provides this information on request.
The following is a list of activities organised by the school. This list is
not exhaustive:
 Visits to museums
 Visits to other sites, which enhance an area of the
 Visits to the theatre
 Outdoor activities
 Musical events
 Visits by educational dramatists
Sporting activities that require transport
Residential visits
If the school organises a residential visit a charge is made to cover the
costs of transport, board, lodging and tuition.
Any family experiencing financial problems is invited to contact the
Headteacher as additional help may be available for families receiving social
income benefits or who have a number of siblings also attending trips.
Arrangements for monitoring and evaluation
This policy will be reviewed periodically by the Governors finance and
resources sub-committee and may be amended if appropriate.
Headteacher and Governors will consider any eventuality not covered by this
policy and a decision made in line with the LA Policy of Charging.
Signed ………………………………………………………………… Dated …………………………………………..
Graham Mundy – Chair of Governors