Represent the Population Distribution Characteristics

Represent the Population Distribution Characteristics
in the Modern Period of 1776-1953 with GIS
Cao Shuji
(Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 200433,
Wang Jun, Chen Xiangdong
(Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing, China, 100039,
1. Introduction
In the recent decade, the fast growing GIS technique applications promote the geography advancement in the main
branches. Comparatively, the historical geography takes the chance to make use of GIS just recently. This case
aims at GIS application of data process to the historical population during the period of 1776 to 1953, with the
relatively clear-recorded date, location and textual checked information. In the digital platform, the academic
achievement in the field of historical geography is presented, to response the project of CHGIS.
2. Process to the population data
The author carried out the textual check to official records, 3000 copies of local archives and personal records,
reach the conclusion as follows: (1) reconstruct the population number in the state level in 1776 and 1820, with
carefully review to county’s record. (2) study the effect from war and natural disaster to population, calculate the
population of 1851 and 1880 according to reasonable population growth rate. (3) establish the reginal population
in 1910,with the comparison to that in 1953. In general, the integrity table of population data of each state in
1776, 1820, 1851, 1880, 1910, and 1953 is transformed to the attribute datasheet for the GIS.
3. Process to the GIS data
The GIS database is composed with attribute data and graphic data, and the later is the digitalization of the part of
the Qing Dynasty of Chinese Historical Atlas, and the authority dataset of ArcChina, for the map coordination and
projection control. After the process of scan, orientation, vector digitalization, map-join in the Arc/Info platform,
the graphic coverage of Qing Dynasty is constructed with layers of polygon, arc, and label-point of toponyms. In
the ArcView platform, the polygon attribute tables share the common field of PLACENAME with population
datasheet, and join the tables. With the display functions of the ArcView, the thematic mapping to the number and
density of population, the ratio of checked and original data, the ratio of urbanization is carefully processed and
represented with various classifications and legend types. The visual representation of the population distribution
characteristics is achieved with GIS.
4. Population distribution characteristics
With the screenshots for presentation, we could illustrate the main characteristics of population distribution in
each standard moment as follows:
(1). In 1776, the most denseness is in the lower reach of Chang Jiang valley, with the decrease westward.
(2). In 1820, the original data of population is more than the actual in the part of Sichuan, Hubei provinces, and
less in part of Jiangsu, Zhili and Henan.
(3). Urban population in the middle of Qing, the urbanization ratio in the Huabei Plain between 4.6-12.5%.
(4). In 1880, for the large wars and serious disasters, the population in the East China reduced large, and the
density depressed to some content.
(5). In 1910, the population density in the lower reach of Chang Jiang valley upgraded gradually, and raised in the
southeast coast area.
5. Arguments for GIS application case
According to the complex practice, it’s known that several themes deserve more technique skills for the
reasonable result, such as the segregated polygon of county, the no data area in the border and small islands,
suitable data classification and the legend design, and the precision of original paper map, etc.
About the Authors:
Cao Shuji, Doctor, Professor, engaging in the population history. Wang Jun, Doctor, Associate Research Fellow,
interested in the historical geography and application of GIS. Chen Xiangdong, Associate Research Fellow, Senior
engineer in RS/GIS.