Instructions and Forms for Relief Requests Related to the Impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita July 21, 2006 Mississippi Department of Education This document and the included forms have been designed to facilitate actions related to the impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on Mississippi School Districts. Please read this information very carefully. The Achievement, Growth, and AYP models for 2006 incorporate special procedures for acknowledging the possible impact of displaced students on the accountability results. Details concerning displaced students and the 2006 accountability models can be accessed from the 2006 Accountability Information Center web page on the Mississippi Assessment and Accountability Reporting System (MAARS) or, directly, by using the following URL: The “Request for Review” and “NCLB Appeals for Districts and Title I Schools Identified for Improvement” processes are the same as in earlier years. Information concerning those processes can be accessed from the 2006 Accountability Information Center web page on MAARS or at: The rest of this document and the included request forms are to be used ONLY for requesting relief beyond that provided by the displaced student subgroup procedure and the regular Request for Review and NCLB Appeals processes. Relief related to the assignment of School Performance Classifications under the 2006 state Achievement and Growth Models and special consideration related to the 2006 NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Model are DIFFERENT. They have different requirements and require the use of different request forms. An explanation of hold harmless waiver requests for the state Achievement and Growth models appears below. The form required for making a request for a hold harmless waiver is on page 2. An explanation of requests for a one-year delay in the federal NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) model appears on page 3 and the one-year delay request form is on page 4. A. Hold Harmless Waiver Requests for the state Achievement and Growth Models Legislation passed during a special session in September 2005 (SB 2012) amended Mississippi Code of 1972, Section 37-17-16 adding a clause, (4)(i), allowing any school district to submit information describing extreme hardship due to Hurricane Katrina and request that the schools in the district be held harmless under the 2006 state school level accountability system (the state Achievement and Growth Models). The waiver request must be submitted to the Mississippi Department of Education according to the procedures outlined on the request form (see page 2). The MDE will compile the submitted requests and forward them to the Mississippi State Board of Education for consideration at its August 2006 meeting. In accordance with the legislation, the SBOE may grant a waiver. If the district is requesting that only certain schools be held harmless, those schools must be specified in the request. If a waiver is granted, all schools within the district (or only those specified in the request) will be held harmless in 2006. That means that each school will retain the School Performance Classification, Achievement Level, and Growth Status assigned in September 2005. Those results will be identified in any 2006 accountability results as “held” results. The results from the 2006 Achievement and Growth Model calculations will be considered invalid and will not be reported. Request for a Hold Harmless Waiver 2006 Achievement and Growth Models (School Performance Classification, Achievement Level, and Growth Status) Important: This form is to be used ONLY for requesting a hold harmless waiver to the 2006 results of the Achievement and Growth Models (the state school-level accountability models). The form for requesting a one-year delay under NCLB is on page 4. 1. All Mississippi school districts are eligible to submit a request. 2. Enter the district code and name in the spaces provided below. 3. Provide a brief statement describing the "extreme hardship" due to the impact of Hurricane Katrina (beyond that already accounted for by the displaced student subgroup procedure) that would warrant a hold harmless waiver for the schools in your district. 4. The district superintendent must sign and date this request in the spaces provided. 5. Mail the request to the address shown at the bottom of this page. All requests must be received in the Office of Research and Statistics by 5:00pm on AUGUST 11, 2006. District Code: District Name: Extreme Hardship Explanation (if only for specific schools, list the school codes and names): Additional page(s) may be attached, if necessary. Signature of District Superintendent: Mail this request to: Date Hold Harmless Request Office of Research and Statistics Mississippi Department of Education 359 N. West Street (P.O. Box 771) Jackson, MS 39205 2 B. One-Year Delay Requests for Accountability under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Aside from the incorporation of the displaced students subgroup within the 2006 AYP Model and the normal NCLB Appeals procedure, any additional relief is limited to districts that meet certain criteria outlined in a letter from U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings. The flexibility outlined in the letter is based on existing provisions in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The relief available under provisions 1116(b)(7)(D) and 1116(c)(10)(F) of NCLB comprises a oneyear delay from certain accountability requirements for districts or schools that failed to make AYP due to the impact of the disaster. In districts granted a one-year delay, schools failing to meet AYP in 2006 (and/or the district, if the district failed to meet AYP) will not be assigned 2006 AYP determinations. For purposes of tracking improvement status (applicable to all districts and to Title I schools), the 2006 AYP results for those schools (and/or the district) will simply be skipped and the 2005 and 2007 AYP results will be used for determining whether the district and Title I schools are identified for improvement in 2007 or move forward in the improvement process. According to the USDE letter of September 29, 2005, a formal waiver will not be required from USDE for a one-year delay under NCLB if the following three requirements are met. 1. The district must be in an area designated as a disaster area as a result of the hurricanes. All counties in Mississippi were designated as such under FEMA Disaster Declaration 1604-DR. 2. Schools in the district must have sustained substantial damage such that they were closed for a significant period of time as a result of the hurricanes. 3. The State Education Agency (Mississippi Department of Education) must use good judgment in determining whether districts meeting the above criteria have experienced "exceptional circumstances" due to the disaster and should be granted a one-year delay of the NCLB AYP results (and any corresponding sanctions) for 2006. The SEA must report to the USDE a list of school districts that were granted delays. In order to be considered for a one-year delay, a formal request must be submitted to the Mississippi Department of Education according to the procedures outlined on the request form (see page 4). The MDE will evaluate the submitted requests and determine whether a one-year delay will be granted. If a one-year delay is granted, the 2006 AYP results for any school failing to make AYP (and/or the district, if the district failed to make AYP) will be ignored. In all 2006 accountability reporting the AYP results for those schools (and/or the district) will be shown as “not/applicable.” If the district or school was identified for any level of improvement for the 2005/2006 school year (Improvement-Year 1, Improvement-Year 2, Corrective Action, Restructuring Plan, or Restructuring), any applicable requirements (e.g., offering school choice, providing supplemental educational services) must continue during the 2006/2007 school year. 3 Request for a One-Year Delay 2006 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and Title I Improvement Status No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) Important: This form is to be used ONLY for requesting a one-year delay to the 2006 results of the AYP Model and corresponding requirements. The form for requesting a hold harmless waiver under the state Achievement and Growth Models is on page 2. 1. The district must be located in a declared disaster area and have schools that were damaged and closed for a significant period of time as a result of the hurricanes. 2. Enter the district code and name in the spaces provided below. 3. Provide a brief statement describing the "exceptional circumstances" due to the impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (beyond that already accounted for by the displaced student subgroup procedure) that would warrant a one-year delay under NCLB. 4. The district superintendent must sign and date this request in the spaces provided. 5. Mail the request to the address shown at the bottom of this page. All requests must be received in the Office of Research and Statistics by 5:00pm on AUGUST 11, 2006. District Code: District Name: Exceptional Circumstances Explanation: Additional page(s) may be attached, if necessary. Signature of District Superintendent: Mail this request to: Date One-Year Delay Request Office of Research and Statistics Mississippi Department of Education 359 N. West Street (P.O. Box 771) Jackson, MS 39205 4