COVENANT UNIVERSITY COURSE COMPACT FOR 2012/2013 ACADEMIC SESSION College: Science and Technology Department: Petroleum Engineering Programme: Petroleum Engineering Course Code: PET. 322 Course Title: Structural geology and geological mapping Units: 3 Course Lecturer(s): ROTIMI, O.J. and AMELOKO, A.A Semester: Omega Time: 3 Hrs contact per week Location: P23 or P28 (Chemical/Petroleum Engineering Building) a. Brief overview of Course The course basically is designed and meant to introduce students to a principal aspect of petroleum geology which deals with detail identification of structures that are important and support the exploration of oil and gas. Emphasis will be laid on how to observe, map and interpret these structures that occur as an ingredient for petroleum accumulation (traps). b. Course Objectives/Goals At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. Know the basis of sedimentary rocks and stratigraphy linking the same with structures. 2. Know the theory of deformation mechanism and origin of structures 3. Understand the concept of folds and faults, and the effects of structures on reservoirs 4. Understand how structures are mapped, the various methods and techniques in contouring for generation and interpretation of surface and subsurface data for exploration purposes. c. Methods of Lecture Delivery/Teaching Aids Lecture Delivery Methods Lecturing/Teaching Method Instructor-Student Interaction (Discussion method) Tutorial Method Charts as instructional materials Teaching Aids Visual Aids (Use of PowerPoint slides, Lecture handouts) Audiovisual Aids (Use of video players-VCD,DVD) d. Course Outlines Modules & Details of Topics WEEK 1 - Introduction to stratigraphy and its origin - Concepts and theories in stratigraphy - Types and aspects of stratigraphy WEEK 2 - Introduction to mechanisms of deformation of rocks - Familiarization with factors that determine which deformation mechanisms will dominate and deformation types - Rheology WEEK 3 - Origin and formation of regional arches and domes - Importance and effect of regional arches and domes WEEK 4 - Classifications of Folds and faults - Importance and identification of folds and faults WEEK 5 - Introduction to diapirs - Importance and effects of diapirs WEEK6 - Effects of structures in reservoir - Joints, stylolites and faults WEEK7 - Contouring techniques WEEK 8 - The use of angle of dip in mapping of structures WEEK 9 - Measurement of thickness in deviated wells WEEK 10 - Methods in the generation of isopach and isochore maps WEEK 11 - Generation and interpretation of fault plane maps - Heave and throw analysis e. Tutorials Tutorial questions will be given on regular basis. f. Structure of the Programme/Method of Grading Continuous Assessment Mid semester Tests and assignments – 30% Examination Final Semester Examination – 70% g. Ground Rules & Regulations Separate notebook for the course Lateness to lectures not condoned Students must prepare materials for practical and come with all materials to practical classes. Absenteeism, insolence and unruly behavior will not be entertained h. Topics for Term Papers/Assignments/Students Activities This section is embedded in the continuous assessment section above and will be initiated from discoveries made and questions arising from class discussions. i. Alignment with Covenant University Vision/Goals: This is important in driving the standard of the University. Alignments in terms of dressing and student identification card display amongst other things will be checked. j. Contemporary Issues/Industry Relevance The study mapping and interpretation of basinal sedimentary structures is the backbone of all exploration activities in the industry and an adept knowledge is required for a concise understanding of the discipline. A foundation of industrial and field practical experience is sought to be laid. k. Recommended Reading/Text 1. Structural geology: Principles, concept and problems – by Robert D. Hatcher Jr. 2. Physical geology – by Plummer, McGeary and Carlson 3. Elements of petroleum Geology – by Richard C. Selley Rotimi O.J., Feb. 2013