VT 122 Clinical Pathology and Parasitology Spring Quarter Instructor: Dr. Salvador Hurtado Office: 110-Q. Phone: 964-6665 Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 2:00-4:30, or by arrangement E-mail: shurtado@pierce.ctc.edu MATERIALS OF INSTRUCTION: Laboratory Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, Hendrix. Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual, Foreyt. Lecture note packet. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Recognize the common internal and external parasites that affect domestic animals and be familiar with the parasite’s general characteristics. 2. Understand the basic physiology of mammalian organ systems and how laboratory tests measure their function. 3. Collect and handle laboratory specimens for testing. 4. Perform the following laboratory tests: urinalysis, fecal flotation, skin scraping, vaginal cytology, blood chemistry, and diagnostic tests for infectious diseases. 5. Perform a cursory postmortem examination. GRADING PROCEDURE: Two midterm written exams (100 pts. each) Two midterm practical exams (50 pts. each) Quizzes Final written exam Final practical exam = = = = = 200 100 30 100 50 480 Total Points Grades will be assigned based on the percentage of total points attained in accordance with the departmental grading system. Attendance and punctuality to the laboratories is required. Each time a student is tardy to the laboratory 10 points will be deducted from the total points attained during the course. Each time the student is absent 20 points will be deducted. A maximum of 100 points may be deducted from a students’ grade during the quarter for attendance and punctuality. Wearing an approved uniform is required in all lectures and laboratories. Students with disabilities who believe they may need academic adjustments, auxiliary aids or services to fully participate in course activities or meet course requirements are encouraged to register with the Access & Disability Services (ADS) Office, Room 300K in the cascade Building. You may also call the ADS Office to make an appointment to meet with the ADS Coordinator at (253) 964-6526 or 964-6527. Students requesting academic adjustments must obtain the approved Quarterly Academic Adjustments, Auxiliary Aids or Services (green) form provided by ADS before any adjustments are made. For life-threatening emergencies call 911 and then Campus Safety. In the event of an emergency evacuation, gather all personal belongings and leave the building using the nearest safe exit. Be prepared to be outside for a minimum of an hour and stand a minimum of 200 feet from any building or structure. Do not attempt to re-enter the building until instructed. Should a class be cancelled, it is your responsibility to keep up on reading, homework, and deliverable assignments. LECTURE SCHEDULE: Week #1 #2 Introduction; life cycles and characteristics of internal and external parasites Reading Assignment (RA): Hendrix ch. 6 and 7 Life cycles and characteristics of internal and external parasites #3 Life cycles and characteristics of internal and external parasites #4 Life cycles and characteristics of internal and external parasites; Exam #5 Anatomy and physiology of the urinary tract; urine analysis. RA: Hendrix ch. 5 #6 Estrus determination in the dog. RA: Hendrix ch. 12 (pp. 505-507) #7 Organ systems and blood chemistry. RA: Hendrix ch. 3 #8 Organ systems and blood chemistry; Exam #9 Overview of immune system. RA: Hendrix ch. 9 #10 Necropsy. RA: Hendrix ch. 10 LABORATORY SCHEDULE: Week #1 Laboratory equipment; fecal examination, fecal flotation. RA: Hendrix ch. 1 #2 Fecal flotation; Baermann technique, fecal sedimentation #3 Skin scraping; Review #4 Exam; urine collection and catherization #5 Urinalysis. #6 Urinalysis #7 Estrus Determination/Vaginal Cytology; Exam. #8 Blood sample collection; blood chemistry. #9 Diagnostic tests for infectious diseases; cytologic smear preparation, RA: Hendrix ch. 11 #10 Necropsy; Final Practical Exam