Title: Multiword Expressions

Title: Multiword Expressions
By Timothy Baldwin
Multiword expressions (MWEs) are word amalgams which are lexically,
syntactically, semantically and/or statistically idiosyncratic in some way,
and occur in a wide range of configurations including verbal idioms (e.g. "kick
the bucket"), verb particle constructions (e.g. "throw up") and coordinate
structures (e.g. "dull and boring"). In recent years, there has been increasing
awareness in computational linguistics of the need for specialised methods to
detect and capture the syntactic flexibility, semantic generalities and productivity
of MWEs. In this talk, I will document some of the difficulties posed by MWEs
for real-world NLP applications, and outline a range of methods which have
been proposed to tackle these issues.
Timothy Baldwin is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science
And Software Engineering, University of Melbourne. His research---funded by
the NSF, NTT, ARC, Google and others---has included deep linguistic
processing, multiword expressions, deep lexical acquisition, information
extraction and web mining. He has given invited talks at various conferences,
summer schools and universities worldwide, and is the author of over 100
journal and conference publications. He is currently on the editorial board of
Computational Linguistics, a series editor for CSLI Publications, and a Member
of the Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG Initiative (DELPH-IN).