Drug Education Policy BACKGROUND INFORMATION St.Ambrose Catholic Primary School presently has approximately 250 girls and boys aged 3-11 on role who mostly come from the residential areas of Speke and Hale. Within each year group there are identified pupils with Special Educational Needs. POLICY INFORMATION AND CONSULTATION PROCESS A working party of governors, parents and staff are to meet to discuss the amendments needed to update and extend the policy statement to meet relevant requirements. The policy is to be adopted at a full governing body meeting in the Autumn Term 2013. Inclusion for all in St.Ambrose Catholic Primary School Inclusion is a dominant principle of government policy at both national and local level. Within our school we aim to implement this principle by, focusing on individual well-being, encouraging pupil participation, celebrating achievement and viewing diversity as a rich resource to support the well being and learning of all. All children are treated according to their needs regardless of their physical, cultural, social background or religion. This policy has been written in accordance with our Mission Statement. The Every Child Matters agenda is weaved throughout our school ethos and aims for every child, whatever their background or their circumstances, to have the support they need to : Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being AIMS OF DRUG EDUCATION St.Ambrose Catholic Primary School believes that drug education in this school will be developmental and a foundation for further development in the secondary school. Drug Education will contribute to the requirements of Section 1 of the 1988 Education Reform Act and the school curriculum should be one which: Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society. Prepares such pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. The school will work towards these aims in partnership with parents. The aim of the drug education policy is to clarify the content and manner in which drug education will be delivered in this school. Other school policies which have relevance to drug education are: Equal Opportunities Sex and Relationship education Child Protection Behaviour/Anti Bullying Teaching and Learning Special Educational Needs Health and Safety PSHE and Citizenship Anti-Bullying Safeguarding Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Whistleblowing E safety MORAL AND VALUES FRAMEWORK The drug education programme will reflect the school’s aims and demonstrate and encourage the following values: Respect for self Respect for others Responsibility for own actions Responsibility for family, friends, school and wider community EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES This school is committed to working towards equality of opportunity in all aspects of school life. All resources used will support this commitment. CONTENT The drug education programme will: Provide information that is relevant and appropriate to the age and development stage of pupils. Enable pupils to make healthy, informed choices by increasing knowledge, exploring attitudes and developing and practicing skills. Foster self- esteem, positive self-image and confidence. The content of the drug education programme will be based on the recommended LEA drug education curriculum programmes using the ‘Health for Life’ and QCA documents as frameworks. Topics will include: Medicine (drugs) Personal Safety My healthy body Substance abuse ORGANISATION Drug education will be co-ordinated by the Headteacher in close cooperation with the PSHE co-ordinator. Advice can be obtained from Tony Merchant, LEA Drug Support Advisor and members of the Healthy Food team. Delivery will be: Through topics Through planned aspects of science Addressed occasionally in assembly time Through discussing issues with our Learning Mentor Through pastoral time Through story time Through circle time Active learning methods which involve pupils’ full participation will be used. Elements of drug education within the science curriculum will be formally and informally assessed. The resources used may be made available for parents to view at annual parents’ meetings. Individual parents can also view resources by contacting the Headteacher direct. At present all members of staff are committed to delivering the drug education programme which is supported by regular in-service training programmes with Tony Merchant. SPECIFIC ISSUES STATEMENTS Outside agencies Outside agencies will be used to support and assist the teachers in the development of classroom based work. Confidentiality Pupils will be made aware that some information cannot be kept confidential, and made to understand that if certain disclosures are made certain action will ensue. Complaints Procedures Any complaints about the drug education curriculum should be made to the Headteacher who will report to the governors. Solvent based products The following solvent based products are not allowed on school premises: Aerosols eg. deodorants Solvent based felt tipped pens Tobacco products The school adheres to and enforces the local authority no smoking policy. Medication in school All pupils who suffer from asthma will be included on the school’s asthma register. Younger children will need to have quick and easy access to such and therefore the class teacher holds responsibility for careful storage. Older children, those in KS2, are encouraged to be responsible for their own inhalers, again class teachers are responsible for their safe storage. Parents of children who require medication during the school day must sign a consent form available from the school office. If medicine is to administered 3 times a day, the pupil does not need to bring it to school as the first dose can be taken before school, the next after and the final dose at bedtime. If the medicine is to be administered 4 times a day, the pupil will be required to recover at home in order that the medicine can be administered at the correct intervals. This medication will be kept in a tin in the refrigerator in the staff room or in the admin’s office. INCIDENTS OF DRUG POSSESSION OUTSIDE SCHOOL Residential visits Where a pupil is found in possession of drugs during a residential visit the following procedures will be implemented: Immediate confiscation of the substance found; School immediately informed and subsequently the parents of the pupil; The pupil to be returned to school as soon as possible; The school’s drug policy to be activated on the pupil’s return. Field Trips Where a pupil is found in possession of drugs during a day trip, the following procedures would be implemented: Immediate confiscation of the substance found; School informed as soon as practicable; Pupil to be kept with a member of staff for the rest of the day; Parents to collect pupil on return from field trip; The school’s drug policy to be activated on the pupil’s return. School holidays Immediate confiscation and disposal of the substance in the presence of another member of staff; Inform the school as soon as practicable; Pupil to be kept with a member of staff for the rest of the holiday; The school’s drug policy to be activated on the pupil’s return. Disciplinary procedures The school recognises the need for a progressive response to a drug related incident and will handle each case individually recognising that the future of the pupils involved could be affected by the decision and subsequent action taken. With this in mind the following hierarchy of disciplinary procedures will be referred to. All incidents will be recorded in the drug incident book retained by the Headteacher. SUBSTANCE/OFFENCE Tobacco – possession/consumption Alcohol - possession Alcohol - intoxication Solvents - possession Solvents - consumption Class C drugs, eg cannabis - possession/consumption, first offence Class C drugs, eg cannabis - dealing Class B drugs, eg amphetamine – REACTION Confiscation, talk to pupil and inform parents Confiscation, talk to pupil and inform parents Attend to pupil, administer first aid if necessary. Talk to pupil and inform parents and arrange counselling and support through the school/LEA Drug Support Adviser Confiscation, talk to pupil and inform parents Attend to pupil, administer first aid if necessary. Talk to pupil and inform parents and arrange counselling and support through the school/LEA Drug Support Adviser Confiscation, inform LEA Drug Support Adviser. Talk to pupil and inform parents. 3 day exclusion. Confiscation, inform LEA Drug Support Adviser. Talk to pupil and inform parents. Long exclusion, 10 days/permanent. Confiscation, inform LEA Drug possession/consumption, first offence Class B drugs, eg amphetamine dealing Class A drugs, eg heroin possession/consumption/dealing Support Adviser. Talk to pupil and inform parents. 3 day exclusion. Confiscation, inform LEA Drug Support Adviser. Talk to pupil and inform parents. Long exclusion, 10 days/permanent. Confiscation, inform LEA Drug Support Adviser. Talk to pupil and inform parents. Permanent exclusion. Following court proceedings the school would consider reinstating the pupil subject to consideration of the following: The court decision and recommendation Parental attitude Pupil attitude Other pupils’/parents’ attitudes If it is deemed inappropriate to reinstate the pupil the school will assist in finding an alternative school replacement. Disciplinary procedures agreement Parents/guardians will be provided with and required to sign with their children an agreement to abide by the disciplinary procedures relating to drug-related incidents laid down by the governors on admission to the school. EVALUATION, MONITORING AND REVIEW Elements of drug education within the Science curriculum will be formally and informally assessed by class teachers. Overall monitoring and reviews will be monitored by the PSHE co-ordinator and Headteacher. Delivery will be: - Through topics – links with QCA documents - Through planned aspects of science – QCA documents - Through story time/circle time - Inset POLICY INFORMATION AND CONSULTATION PROCESS A working party of governors, parents and staff are to meet to discuss the amendments needed to update and extend the policy statement to meet relevant requirements. The policy is to be adopted at a full governing body meeting in the Spring Term 2012. DISSEMINATION OF THE POLICY All staff members and governors will receive a copy of this policy. This policy will be reviewed in the Summer Term 2014 July 2013