Nguyen Thi Thu Quynh Presentation on the Thesis topic To be presented on 9 November 2007 Thesis title: Justice for victims of violations by peacekeepers I/ The research question: Should peacekeepers be immunized from prosecution? II/ Background: Half a century after the adoption of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights (1948), with the adoptions of the international treaties which are the two Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Convention against Torture and the Convention on the Rights of the Child it can be said that the norms and standards setting process is rather complete. An important work today for every nation state and the international community is to ensure the full implementation of those norms and standards. The work can only be fully achieved when there are willingness, efforts and cooperation from every individual in the world, from every government state and international community. The international community is moving toward to achieve that end. There are still problems, still violations here or there, it’s quite natural and understandable, however how nation states and international community dealing with those violations, how they protect and ensure justice for the victims of the violations is the most obvious way of expressing their willingness and effort in the long course of human rights protection and promotion. The end of the Cold War does not mean peace and security is guaranteed every where, regional conflicts even become more numerous since then, and consequently the number of Peace Keeping Operations has increased noticeable. One the one hand the role of PKOs in ensuring peace and security is undeniable, but on the other hand there is growing reports about violations committed by peacekeepers. Obviously we can not stop deploying the PKO just because of those violations by its troops. International community in general is firmly committed to ensure justice for every one regardless of who are the violators. However with the special characteristics of the violators in the case of PKOs, there is difficulties of ensure of justice for victims. To study of the application of international human rights and international humanitarian laws, international criminal law involving PKOs is the aim of this thesis and there will be some recommendations for the problem afterwards. 1 III/ Existing studies: A number of books, articles have been published on the issue of the application of international human rights and humanitarian laws in conflicts, the responsibility and accountability of all parties concerned in a conflicts, and on prosecution of violators in general and peacekeepers in particular …, based on those previous studies and some other sources of information I will use the combined approach for my thesis to describe and analyze the legal ground for holding peacekeepers be accountable for their acts, the violations committed by them, the process and difficulties of prosecuting the perpetrators in those cases. IV/ Methodology I will use descriptive method to describe about the human rights violations in PKOs with data and sources from published reports, articles. To analyze the violations of peacekeepers, I will use the international law and international relations method in order to be able to draw out a broad picture on the process of prosecution the perpetrators, ensuring justice for victims (the influencing factors that make difficult the prosecution process of violators, the arguments by nation states and international community on the question of should peacekeepers be given immunity right …). Using positivism to provide legal grounds of peacekeepers’ accountability and responsibility so that I can make a conclusion that peacekeepers should be held accountable for their acts in all circumstances. The outline of the thesis is as followed: Introduction Chapter 1: Brief definition of the PKO, overall information about PKOs. Legal ground for PKO, criminal liability of peacekeepers and the issue of jurisdiction over violations committed by peacekeepers: - The UN Charter: Articles … chapter VI, VII; - International treaties such as ICC Statute, international human rights conventions and humanitarian law; - Relevant UN resolutions and agreements on PKOs Chapter 2: 2 The violations committed by peacekeepers How was the persecution of perpetrators taking place (how was the justice implemented towards victims of those cases), the jurisdiction on those cases. The sub-conclusion on the characteristics of the perpetrators in the case of PKOs, weaknesses of the discipline system for peacekeepers, justice towards victims in those case Chapter 3: Conclusion The role of UN in creating human rights norms and standards and the respect by it in reality The discipline system for peacekeepers (existence, weaknesses …) The liability of peacekeepers and parties concerned Recommendations Main sources: both primary and secondary sources are used - United Nations Charter (chapter VI, VII …) The Statute of the International Criminal Court The Geneva Conventions 1949 International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law Books on UN Peace Keeping Operations, persecution of peacekeepers Reports of Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International Information from websites of UN, ICC, EcHR, … Some law journals … 3