Doctoral Students in Music
Dr. Steven Kreinberg,
Associate Dean
November 2002
Doctoral Music Degree Procedures Update
I am writing to clarify several procedural items regarding doctoral programs at Temple
University and, more specifically, in the Boyer College. Clarification is necessary due to
new regulations passed within the past few years either by the Temple University Graduate
Board or the Boyer College of Music Graduate Curriculum and Policy Committee. Please
read these items carefully. Additionally, you are strongly encouraged to check the
Graduate School Web Site ( for the latest regulations
related to graduate education at Temple University. Discrepancies between this document
and the Graduate School Web Site should be directed immediately to my attention for
Effective January 1, 1997, no doctoral music student will be permitted
to register for dissertation or monograph credits until the Preliminary
Examinations have been passed AND an approved proposal is on file in the
Associate Dean's office.
A copy of the approved dissertation/monograph proposal must be
submitted to the Graduate School within 30 days of its approval. Submit your
proposal with the completed transmittal form, which is attached to this
I hope that the attached will be of assistance to you. As always, feel free to contact your
advisor or me if you have additional questions or concerns regarding them.
Doctoral Music Degree Procedures
Acceptable English
a. All students, including those for whom English is not the native language, are
expected to present all written work in acceptable English. No double standard
exists to differentiate students on the basis of proficiency in the use of the
English language.
Entrance Examinations
a. Students should take these examinations prior to matriculation, but absolutely no
later than during the first semester of doctoral study.
b. Students must have passed the examinations by the time 24 credits of doctoral
coursework have been completed. Students will not be permitted to register
beyond 24 doctoral credits until all of the examinations, including any piano
proficiency/performance examinations, have been passed.
c. To schedule the examinations, students must register in writing with the
Associate Dean's office one month prior to the requested date.
Preliminary Examinations (sometimes called "Prelims", "Comps" or
"Comprehensive Exams")
a. Students may take these examinations in the last semester of coursework or
after all coursework has been completed (with the exception of
dissertation/monograph credits and/or the final recital).
b. All grades of "Incomplete" in coursework (with the exception of the final doctoral
recital for DMA in Performance majors) must be satisfied before a student will be
permitted to sit for the examinations. Any other exceptions to incomplete
coursework must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies.
c. The final recital (Music 954) may not be presented by doctoral majors in
Performance until the Preliminary Examinations have been passed.
d. To schedule the examinations, students must register in writing with the
Associate Dean's office one month prior to the requested date.
Doctoral Advisory Committee
a. The Doctoral Advisory Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving the
monograph/dissertation proposal, and for guiding the preparation of the
monograph/dissertation itself.
b. Typically while the student is taking doctoral coursework, the individual will
identify a potential topic and possible faculty members with whom s/he would like
to work. The doctoral student, in consultation with the Department Chair or
Program Director, seeks out a graduate faculty member with whom s/he will
develop the dissertation or monograph proposal and project. Ordinarily, that
faculty becomes the Major Advisor of the dissertation or monograph research. It
is also common during this process for the student and Major Advisor to identify
other faculty members who might serve on the Doctoral Advisory Committee.
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c. Doctoral students should confer with their major advisor and Department Chair to
identify a minimum of three faculty (including the major advisor) to be nominated
for the student's Dissertation Advisory Committee. Minimally, this list should
comprise at least two from the student's home department, and typically one
from outside the student's home department. Refer to the Graduate Bulletin for
details on committee membership.
d. In consultation with the doctoral student, the Department Chair forwards in
writing to the Director of Graduate Studies the suggested nomination list of
faculty members who might comprise the Doctoral Advisory Committee.
e. The Director of Graduate Studies - in consultation with the doctoral student, the
Department Chair, the major advisor, and other faculty members - officially
appoints the Doctoral Advisory Committee.
f. For majors in Performance, the Doctoral Advisory Committee also assumes the
responsibility for approving the final recital repertoire and will act as the final
recital adjudicating committee.
Dissertation or Monograph Proposal.
a. All doctoral students must submit a dissertation or monograph proposal before
official work on the project may begin.
i) The student must submit one copy of the proposal bearing the original
signatures of all members of the Doctoral Advisory Committee to the
Associate Dean's office for placement in the student's academic folder.
ii) The student must distribute copies of the signed proposal to each member of
the Doctoral Advisory Committee.
(a) Music Education majors have a defense of the proposal, which is
signed by members of the DAC and subsequently by the Associate
(b) Performance and Composition majors obtain signatures of the DAC,
the Director of Graduate Studies, and the Associate Dean.
iii) The student must submit an additional copy of the signed proposal to the
Graduate School. Submit your copy along with the transmittal form, which is
attached to this document. Note that the proposal is due in the Graduate
School within 30 days of the committee’s approval of the proposal.
b. Students may not register for dissertation credits (Music Studies 999 or Music
Education 999) or monograph credits (Music 999) until the Preliminary
Examinations have been passed and a signed, approved proposal is on file.
Effective January 1, 1997, no doctoral music student will be permitted to
register for dissertation or monograph credits until an approved proposal
is on file in the Associate Dean's office.
Dissertation and Monograph Credits
a. Students who have completed all coursework and have not passed the
Preliminary Examinations must register for course number 799, "Preliminary
Examination Preparation." Course 799 credits do not count toward the
minimum of 6 required credits of dissertation or monograph research.
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b. Students who have passed the Preliminary Examinations but do not have an
approved proposal on file must register for course number 899, "Pre-Dissertation
Research." Course 899 credits do not count toward the minimum required
credits of dissertation or monograph research. Students who obtain an
approved, signed proposal during the regular drop/add period will be
permitted to drop 899 and to add 999. Students who submit approved
proposals after the drop/add period (typically the first two weeks of the
semester) must remain in 899 for that semester; in these instances the
credits in 899 will not be counted toward the required credits of
monograph/dissertation credits in 999.
c. Students who have passed the Preliminary Examinations and who have an
approved proposal on file register for 999 until the dissertation or monograph has
been successfully defended. Students may not register for course 999 until both
the Preliminary Examinations have been passed and an approved proposal has
been achieved.
d. Doctoral candidates (Music Education, Performance, Composition) must take a
minimum of 6 credits of dissertation or monograph research (course 999) to
obtain the degree. Students in Music Therapy take a minimum of 9 credits of
e. Doctoral candidates must register each fall and spring semester for dissertation
or monograph research from the time candidacy is reached (that is, from the
time a student has passed the Prelims and has an approved proposal on file)
until the dissertation or monograph has been successfully defended.
f. It is typical that the dissertation or monograph will undergo numerous revisions
over the course of several semesters. Doctoral candidates should anticipate this
procedure, and allow sufficient time for the process.
The Penultimate Semester Before An Anticipated Graduation
a. Doctoral candidates are strongly urged to schedule a graduation check with the
Associate Dean in the penultimate semester in which graduation is expected.
The Final Semester: The Dissertation/Monograph Defense
a. Doctoral candidates must be registered for dissertation or monograph research
in the semester in which the document is defended.
b. Defenses occur only during the Fall and Spring semesters. Defenses are not
scheduled during the Summer.
c. The Graduate School has detailed guidelines for submission of dissertation or
monograph materials. Stop by the Graduate School (5th floor of Carnell Hall) to
obtain a packet of dissertation/monograph guidelines.
d. Students who anticipate graduating in the current semester should register to
graduate by obtaining a graduation application from the Main Office in Presser
Hall. Deadline dates are in the early weeks of the semester, so don't let this slip
e. Early in the semester in which a defense is anticipated, the dissertation or
monograph advisor will notify the Director of Graduate Studies and request from
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the Director that the Doctoral Examining Committee (that is, the
dissertation/monograph defense committee) be appointed.
f. The Doctoral Examining Committee consists of the Doctoral Advisory Committee
plus at least one additional graduate faculty member, from Temple or another
university, but not from the faculty of the student's home department. The
additional graduate faculty member is appointed by the Director of Graduate
Studies in consultation with the major advisor of the Doctoral Advisory
Committee, the Department Chair, and the Associate Dean. Refer to the
Graduate Bulletin for details on the Doctoral Examining Committee membership.
g. One month prior to the requested defense date, the "Permission to Schedule
Dissertation/Monograph Defense" form bearing all appropriate signatures must
be submitted to the Associate Dean. This form is available from the Main Office.
h. Two weeks prior to the oral defense, submit individual copies of the abstract
and the completed dissertation/monograph to the following:
i) The Associate Dean
ii) Each member of the Doctoral Examining Committee
The Dissertation/Monograph Defense
a. The Graduate School has specific guidelines regarding who may attend the
defense. Consult the Graduate School Bulletin for details.
b. At the defense, the first order of business will be for the Doctoral Examining
Committee to choose a chair from among them to officiate at the defense. This
chair cannot be from the candidate's home department. (Like the other
members of the Examining Committee, this individual may fully participate in the
questioning of the candidate.)
c. The student and Major Advisor are responsible for seeing that any paperwork to
be signed at the defense and filed with the Graduate School and/or Boyer
College of Music is accomplished.
d. Typically during a defense, the doctoral candidate is asked to make corrections
to the document. Please note that the final submission of the dissertation or
monograph is due in the Graduate School within one month of the defense.
Students who submit materials to the Graduate School past the one month
deadline must re-defend the document, so don't miss this deadline.
e. The Graduate School also sets final dissertation/monograph submission dates
beyond which the student may not graduate that semester. Contact the
Graduate School for a list of the final submission dates for graduation.
f. After all of your materials are submitted to the Graduate School, have a big
party. Invite your family and friends. Celebrate!
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Monograph/Dissertation Proposal Transmittal Form
Please complete and submit this form along with the dissertation proposal within thirty (30) days
of the Committee’s approval of the proposal.
Return to:
Graduate School
Temple University
501 Carnell Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Social Security No. _______________________ Department ____________________________
Proposal Approval Process for Boyer College of Music: Committee, Brucia, & Kreinberg
Degree (circle one)
Date Proposal was Approved by Committee _________________________________________
Doctoral Committee Advisory Chair ______________________________________________
(print name)
Preliminary Exams Passed?
Date Passed __________________
Foreign Language Required?
If Yes, Date Passed _____________
I have read and approved the above student’s Dissertation/Monograph Proposal:
Committee Members
print name
sign name
(Dissertation/Monograph Advisory Chair)
Director of Graduate Study (Professor Kenneth Bruscia) ________________________________________________________________________
Associate Dean (Professor Kreinberg) ______________________________________________________________
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(last name)
(first name)
(social security number)
(degree: DMA/Ph.D.)
In completing this form, I understand that all coursework and recitals must be completed and
grades of "Incomplete" changed to a letter grade (except in the case of pre-approved delay
of recitals) prior to scheduling the dissertation/monograph defense.
Title of Dissertation/Monograph:
Requested Date of Defense:
By signing below, I am indicating that I have obtained the final draft of the student=s monograph/dissertation, and that I
believe the student is now ready to defend the document.
Associate Dean
Rev. November 2002