AGM Minutes The AGM was held at the Marriott Hotel in Leicester on Sunday 1 September 2013 It was a well attended meeting and the minutes are detailed below. MINUTES The meeting opened at 9.40am ITEM 1 - Welcome Paul Read welcomed members to the AGM ITEM 2 – Apologies Helen Mence read the list of apologies. ITEM 3 – Minutes of the last meeting Paul Read stated that there were no matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting, therefore they were accepted. Proposed by Marie Theresa Laundy and seconded by Heather Fitchett. ITEM 4 – The Presidents Report Miss Ann Oliver thanked the teachers for attending and stated that BTDA had had a good year. She explained that with effect from January 2014 no comments would be received on the candidate profile for Vocational Examinations, the General Graded Examinations will follow. She explained that a lot of work had been completed to produce new DVDs for the accredited disciplines. She added that there would not be any changes to the programmes of study for the next two years; although change is ongoing teachers needed time to make the amendments. Members were informed that there would be an increase in membership fees from January 2014. Miss Oliver informed members of the new IT system for the office. Teachers will in future be able to enter sessions online. The pilot will commence in October. She then discussed Gala Weekend and encouraged teachers to book for next year and explained that Malta was holding a technicon. She gave an update on the PRS, however there is a stalemate and no progress has been made. Miss Oliver informed the members that BTDA had given £30K in scholarship awards and thanked the teachers for their entries in all 7 areas. She stated that the Graded exams are the future and allow students to progress and achieve an accredited qualification. She had discussed with a few teachers the problem of unqualified teachers, this discussion was opened to the floor . Denise Booth explained that she was running a campaign to stop unqualified teachers she gave an example of a situation in her area. Ann Oliver was proud to announce a college student was now performing in Thriller Live on the West End straight after graduating from LCPA. ITEM 5 – Presentation of the Accounts On behalf of Kemp Taylor and Partners Mr Taylor gave the highlights of the financial report. ITEM 6 – Re-Appointment of the Auditors – Kemp Taylor & Partners This was proposed by Sylvia Lorden and seconded by Jackie Everitt. ITEM 7 – General Council/Trustees Report. On behalf of the BTDA trustees Peter Boddington explained that they had held 4 meetings since the last AGM. There job is to ensure that finances are kept in check and to see if there are any areas that need addressing. Despite the UK economy the Trustees were pleased that examination entries have improved. GQAL has also gained new members and the PEARL award has increased substantially. He then informed members of the future plans and thanked teachers for their hard work and continued support. ITEM 8 – Election of the Council/Trustees Paul Read explained that all members of the trustees wished to stand again and asked for them to be re-elected. Proposed by – Pamela Schild and seconded by – Maxine Phillips ITEM 9- Artistic Directors Report Classical Ballet Report Kathleen Davis stated that continuous improvements were taking place and Grade 6 & 7 had been updated with Male Work. The Additions to the Advanced 1 and 2 were launched in April at Head Office. She clarified that for Classical Ballet the dances should be a Classical piece not National. Modern Jazz Report Emma Hillyer stated that the amendments to the Vocational grades had been successfully received with positive feedback from teachers. She thanked Gemma Hall for all her work with the new music. She added that the Vocational amendments and the new music became compulsory on 1 September 2013 and informed teachers that candidates will be asked to perform the elevation routines individually in the Vocational Examinations and a solo performance is required. The General Grades Prep to Five continues to be very well received and our next venture is to review Grades 6, 7 and 8 and record new DVDs. She conveyed her thanks to the group for their hard work throughout the year. Tap Report Mark Hudson thanked teachers for taking on the new work and discussed the technicons he had attended all over the country. Updated Programmes of Study are available from Head Office. Acrobatic Report Pam Chater stated that all the DVDs were available, The group were looking at Introducing a qualification after Grade 8 as students tend to take acrobatic exams earlier that other disciplines. Greek Report Yvonne Novelli explained that the group had completed the POS technical assessments and reviewed Grades 6, 7 & 8. She thanked Carla Sessions for all her work and welcomed Debbie Ryan to the artistic group. She clarified that the teachers dance in grade 6, 7 & 8 had been removed and discussed the dress of the Chiton dance and the Tamba used in Grade 8. Lyrical Report Tracy Liggins stated that the DVDs were available and clarified that Grade 8 has two dances one set by the teacher and one by the candidate in contrasting styles. She confirmed that the amendments to Grades 1, 2 & 3 and the Rose Award are compulsory. Bollywood Report Anand Bhatt stated that the Prep to Grade 5 was complete, the grades 6, 7 & 8 are in progress. The music for Prep to Grade two is complete and the DVDs is due to be recorded. He explained that we are looking to launch the Programme of Study in the Bollywood world at the Alchemy Festival at the South Bank next year. Modelling Report Wendy Oram stated there were no amendments to the Programme of Study but she would love to see more teachers use it in their schools. A taster DVD is available and a DVD is being produced for the Grades and medals. ITEM 10 - Area and Festival Organisers Each area representative gave a report and were presented with a bouquet of flowers. ITEM 11 – LCPA Emma Hillyer commented on the performances the students had taken part in including the Choreography Review, Move It performances, The Musical ‘The Witches of Eastwick’ and the Summer Show. She explained that the College students had taken Vocational Examinations up to Diploma level in each discipline. Final she announced that one of the 2013 Graduates had started his first professional job in Thriller Live on the West End, the College is very proud of his achievements. ITEM 12 - General Secretary’s Report Helen Mence informed members of the new Examiner Monitoring process that has been implemented. Although it will not affect teachers she asked for their co-operation as teachers will be unaware prior to their session if it has been selected for a monitoring visit. She then explained that the examination times were being reviewed and hoped that the ground work would be complete by the end of October. She thanked the teachers that had taken part and stated that In the mean time it is important that session runs according to the published timetable. She gave details of a new software system that is being devised and asked if teachers are planning a session in late November or December and wish to be involved in the trial to put their names forward for the pilot. The new style Rose Awards were shown. She informed teachers that new legislation regarding first aid courses was coming into force on 1st October; we will keep teachers updated of any changes. ITEM 13 – Chief Examiner’s Report Helen Mence read the report from Barbara Wood. She thanked teachers for directions and their hospitality. ITEM 14– Any other business Sara Higgins asked about the PRS Licence, should we pay for BTDA Music? Replied that teachers should pay for BTDA music. Gail Nevitt asked if teachers should pay PPL as well? Answered, Yes, but we are not sure if they are doing a blanket fee. ITEM 15 – Dance Register Lorna Plamin explained a new incentive by DTAP – The Dance Register. She gave details of the online database and how this acts as a form of quality assurance for dance teachers. The cost to BTDA members is a reduced rate of £15.00 a year. She stated she would be available for questions later in the day. ITEM 16 – Safeguarding Policies Kate Everest explained that she had been on a safeguarding course. She had devised sample documents and policies for child protection, code of behaviour and could offer help and support if required. Please request copies from Head Office. ITEM 17 – Closing Remarks Miss Ann Oliver stated that it had been an interesting meeting and she thanked the staff and teachers for their support. The meeting closed at 11.25am