The current dump site was originally intended to be an modified

[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
[], []
Solid Waste Disposal Site
Improvement and 2-Year Extension
Supply, Installation, Civil Works and Operations
IBD Loan []
Bid No. []
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Item 1. Invitation to Bid
Date: []
Loan No: []
Bid No: []
1. The Government of [] has received a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
towards the cost of a Solid Waste Disposal Project for the City of [], which is the capital of [].
For purposes of this Project, the Borrower is the [].
2. Local and Foreign Offers. Bidding is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as
defined under the “Guidelines for Procurement” of the IDB. The bidding will be considered
viable if only local firms respond; however, it is not restricted to only local firms. Local
firms (wherein the bid includes more than 40% of total cost considered to be of local origin,
i.e., local labor, materials, and service costs) shall be granted a 10% margin of preference on
the adjusted CIF price of the foreign offers expressed in their local currency equivalent. In
comparing local and foreign offers, the bids shall be compared on the basis of delivered price
at the project site with deductions for import duties, consular fees, port taxes, local sales
taxes, and value-added taxes. The rate of exchange used in such comparison shall be the
official selling rate of the currency no earlier than 30 days prior to the date specified in the
Invitation to Bid for the opening of bids.
3. Governing Laws. The procurement shall be governed by local legislation in [], provided that
it is not in conflict with the policies of the IDB. Bidding documents shall be drawn up in the
language of [], which is English.
4. Fair and Competitive Bidding. The bidding shall follow basic principles of public bidding
publicity, equal treatment of bidders, competition, and due process. No preference or
discrimination that favors or jeopardizes on bidder to the detriment or benefit of others shall
be permitted. Access to all bidding information shall be equally available to all bidders,
including clarifications made at any time during the bidding process. Due process shall
permit bidders to contest other offers and defend their offers against objections.
5. Responsive Bidding. Bids should be substantially responsive to the bidding document.
However, it the bidder can demonstrate that the bidding documents were not clear, an error or
omission can be addressed without the bidder being automatically disqualified. However,
failure to sign a bid, present a guarantee or submit the bid before the specified time shall be
considered automatic grounds for disqualification.
6. Two-Envelope Bidding. This bidding shall be by a two-envelope procedure. The City of []
now invites technical proposals (including information on the financial, legal and technical
qualifications of the firms, as well as technical methods which the firms intend to follow in
implementation of this project) and sealed cost bids (including unit and combined prices for
each price item) from eligible bidders for furnishing the necessary labor, materials,
equipment and services for the supply, installation, construction and operation of an
improved and extended disposal system at the existing [] disposal site.
7. Technical Understanding. The technical proposal shall demonstrate a complete
understanding of the technical requirements for safe solid waste disposal, and shall include
specialists with practical field experience in the construction and operation of sanitary
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
landfills, including environmentally safe methods of leachate and landfill gas management.
Once the technical proposals in Envelop No. 1 have been reviewed, for those proposals
considered acceptable the bidders are considered qualified. Later, all of the cost bids in
Envelop No. 2 shall be opened for only the qualified bidders, and the lowest bid shall be
accepted from among the qualified bidders.
8. Contact Office. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from, and inspect
the bidding documents at, the office of:
9. A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by any interested eligible bidder on
the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a non-refundable
fee of []. Additional sets of documents may be purchased each at the same price.
10. Tax Compliance. Bidders registered in [] must submit a valid Tax Compliance Certificate the
11. Bid Security. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security, in an acceptable form, not less
than 2 percent of the Bid amount in [] dollars or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible
currency, and must be delivered to or placed in the Tender Box provided for this purpose at
the [] on or before [] on []. One original and two copies of the Bid must be submitted and
must be addressed to:
12. Bid Opening. Bids will be opened in the presence of those bidders’ representatives who
choose to attend at [] on [] at the offices of []. Bidder’s representatives who are present shall
sign a register evidencing their attendance.
13. Late Bids will not be accepted.
14. To analyze the bids, the City shall verify that:
 The bids are duly signed;
 The required bonds, securities and guarantees are included;
 The technical proposals demonstrate an understanding of the proposed project;
 The bids comply substantially with the requirements of the bidding document;
 The bidder is responsive to clarifications that may be requested by the City regarding any
gaps, omissions, or contradictions;
 The bids contain no calculation errors; and
 Comparison of bids.
15. At bid opening, the City will announce the bidder’s names, the Bid Prices, written
notifications of bid modifications and withdrawals, if any, the presence of requisite bid
security and such other details as the City may consider appropriate.
16. After the public opening of bids, information relating to the examination, clarification,
evaluation and comparison of bids and recommendations regarding the award of contract
shall not be disclosed to bidders or others not officially concerned with such bid evaluation
process until the award of the Contract to the successful bidder has been announced.
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
17. Bid Clarification. The City may ask bidders for clarifications regarding their bids. The
clarifications may change neither the contract nor price of the offer, nor violate the principle
of equal treatment of bidders.
18. Bid Rejection. The City may reject all bids if none provide a viable technical proposal in
order to qualify for bidding, if there is evidence of collusion or lack or competition, or if all
of the bid prices offered are unreasonable (e.g., if they are more than 20% above or below the
estimated costs for the project).
19. Bid Checking and Correction. Bids determined to be substantially responsive will be
checked by the City for any arithmetic errors and corrected where there is a discrepancy
between the amounts in figures and in words, or between the unit rate and the total amount
determined by multiplication of the unit rate and the quantity. If needed for bid comparison,
all bids will be converted to the local currency of the Employer’s country at the selling rate
published on the date bids are opened.
20. Bid Acceptance for Consideration. Only bids determined to be substantially responsive to the
requirements of the bidding documents shall be considered for possible award. The award
shall be made to the bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest qualified
evaluated bid and has been determined to be substantially responsive to the bidding
documents, and which meets standards of capacity of financial responsibility. The IDB’s
approval is required prior to the awarding of the contract. If the IDB determines that the
proposed award is not in accordance with the terms of the loan contract signed with the
Borrower, the contract corresponding to the bid will not be eligible for financing by IDB and
the IDB may cancel the amount of the loan corresponding to the ineligible expenditures.
21. Following selection of the best bidder, as described above and approval of IDB, the signature
of a contract between the successful bidder and the Borrower completes the bidding process.
22. Protests or Complaints. Protests or complaints that may arise up to the time the contract is
signed by the winning bidder will be accepted, as long as they follow the proper forum for
due process in [] and are presented within 10 calendar days of the specific bidding event
being protested.
23. Bid Costs. The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of
his/her bid. The City and the Government of [] will in no case be responsible or liable for
these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Item 2. Procurement Schedule.
1. Request for Proposal Package Available from:
[], at the address of
[], in the city of []
[], telephone number
2. Price of Proposal Package:
3. Pre-proposal conference will be held:
[], at the address of
[], in the city of []
4. Proposal submission will be no later than:
[], at the address of
[], in the city of []
5. Review of proposals to determine which are technically qualified will be at:
[], on the day of []
6. Opening of cost proposals, of technically qualified firms only, will be at:
[], on the day of
[], at the address of
[], in the city of []
7. Proposal evaluation and recommendations presented to the City Council at:
[], on the day of [].
8. Proposal evaluation and recommendations acted upon by the City Council by
9. Contract signed, contingent upon final award of quantities, by [].
10. Start of Contract, by [].
11. End of Contract, by [].
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Item 3. Instruction to Bidders on
Preparation and Submission of Proposals.
1. Site Visitation and Information Gathering. The bidder is advised to visit and examine the
various sites of works and their surroundings to obtain for him/her self all information and
understanding that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a Contract. The
bidder will be granted permission to visit the sites in a timely manner for bid preparation, but
only upon the express condition that the bidder will release and indemnify the Contractor
from any and against all liability in respect thereof and will be responsible for all liability in
respect thereof, including responsibility for personal injury, loss of or damage to property and
any other loses, damages or costs which accrue from exercise of such permission of access.
The costs of visiting sites shall be at the bidder’s own expense.
If any information useful for bid preparation has not been provided to the bidder at the start
of the bidding process, it shall be the responsibility of the bidder to seek such information.
Questions regarding additional information needs shall be answered as quickly as possible by
the Contractor and answers shall be sent to all bidders equally at the same time.
3. Available Bidding Documents. The set of bidding documents includes the following sections,
together with a set of design drawings.
Item 1 – Invitation to Bid
Item 2 – Procurement Schedule
Item 3 – Instruction to Bidders
Item 4 – Proposal Background
Item 5 – Proposal Recitals, Highlights, and Definitions
Item 6 – General Conditions of Contract
Item 7 – Agreements and Affidavits
Item 8 – Conditions of Particular Application
Item 9 – Construction and Operation General Requirements
Item 10 – General and Technical Specifications
Item 11— Financial and Audit Provisions
Item 12 – Bill of Quantities, Priced Items and Schedules
4. Bid Responsiveness. The bidder is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions,
forms, terms, specifications, definitions, and drawings in the bidding document and take
whatever steps are necessary to understand their full meaning. Failure to comply with the
requirements of bid submission will be at the bidder’s own risk. Bids which are not
substantially responsive to the requirements of bidding herein specified shall be rejected.
5. Bidding Clarification. A prospective bidder requiring clarification of the bidding documents
shall see such clarification in writing (by mail, facsimile or email) at the Employer’s
addressed. The Employer will respond in writing, provided such request for clarification is
received earlier than 20 days prior to the deadline for submission of bids. Written copies of
the clarification shall be provided to all prospective bidders known to the Employer to be
preparing a bid.
6. Bidding Modification. If the Employer needs to modify the bidding documents at any time
prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Employer may do so by issuing an
Addendum in writing to all prospective bidders known to the Employer to be preparing a bid.
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
In such case, the Employer may, at his/her discretion, extend the deadline for submission of
bids in order to afford prospective bidders reasonable time to take the Addendum into
account in preparing their bids.
7. Bid Language. The bid shall be prepared in the English language. All correspondence
associated with the bidding process shall be prepared in the English language.
8. Bid Pricing. Unless otherwise stated, the bid prepared shall be for the whole works described
herein, including any and all related operations described herein.
9. The bid shall include any and all duties, taxes and other levies required by the City and
Government of [] for contracted works and operations as described herein, as of the date 30
days prior to the closing date for submission of the bids.
10. The rates and prices quoted by the bidder shall be fixed for the duration of the Contract and
shall not be subjected to any adjustment on any account, except as otherwise noted and
provided in Contract.
11. The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidder in [] currency, calculated for use with
official exchange rates published on [], 30 days prior to the final date for submission of bids,
by The Bank of [] or other similar authoritative sources.
12. Bid Validity. Bids shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period of [] days after the
date of bid submission.
13. Only one bid may be submitted by each bidder. Any member of a bidding team shall not
participate in more than one bid.
14. Bid Copies. The bidder shall prepare and submit one original and [] copies of the bid
documents, clearly marked “original” and “copy” as appropriate. In the even of any
discrepancy between the, the original shall prevail.
15. Bid Signatures. Each page of the original and copies of the bid shall be signed by a person
duly authorized to bind the bidder to the Contract. Proof of authorization shall be furnished
in the form of a written Power-of-Attorney which shall accompany the bid.
16. Bid Withdrawal. Withdrawal of a bid during the interval between the deadline for submission
of bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified by the bidder may result in
forfeiture of the bid security.
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Proposal Submission Form, Municipal Solid Waste Disposal, [], [].
Pursuant to the foregoing “Request for Proposals, the undersigned has thoroughly read and
examined the attached “Request for Proposals” and the scope of services, including all technical
specifications and design drawings, and understands the amount of work to be done and hereby
proposes to do all the work and furnish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to comply
fully with the scope of services.
Upon acceptance of this proposal, in whole or in part, by the City of [], the proposer is bound to
execute a contract and furnish a performance bond approved by the City of [] for performance,
completion and operation of the works in accordance with this Agreement and its attachments and
for the unit prices contained in this Proposal, which are firm to a period of 120 days.
The proposer agrees to provide environmentally safe and sanitary disposal in a cost-effective and
efficient manner at the [] disposal site, following upgrading and extension. The proposer agrees
to dispose of all of the mixed municipal solid waste from the City of [] and whichever
municipalities are also currently contributing to the [] disposal site.
Monthly fee required to fully cover all construction activities, as well as 2 years of operation:
__________________________[] $/month
Receipt of addenda numbers (addenda to the “Request for Proposals”): ___________
_________________________________________is acknowledged.
Respectfully submitted,
______________________________ By __________________, ________________
Name and Title of Officer
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Item 4. Proposal Background
Introduction to Request for Proposal.
The Inter American Development Bank, at the invitation of the City of [] and Government of [],
has obtained funds to improve solid waste disposal for [] and some of the small surrounding
municipalities. The improvement effort involves extending the area of the existing disposal site,
preparing the site to minimize adverse environmental impacts, mitigate some of the adverse
conditions at the existing site, and operate the extended landfill to appropriate sanitary landfill
standards. The improvement effort will be conducted over a 2-year period in order to enable
sufficient time to conduct site studies and design efforts for development of a new sanitary
landfill for the next 20 years.
This Invitation to Bid requests technical and cost proposals (two envelopes) for conducting the
civil works and operations for the upgrading, extending and operating []’s existing solid waste
disposal site according to appropriate sanitary landfill standards, as defined subsequently in this
document’s technical specifications and design drawings. The successful bidder (a private
corporation1 hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”) will enter into negotiations to reach an
agreement with the City of [] (a municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as the “City”).
Background on [].
[] has about [] residents. Eighty to ninety percent of []'s population lives along the coastal zone,
which comprises only 7% of the country's total area.
[]a is a low-income country, and remains one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere.
Current Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is only $US [] per capita per year. []'s economic levels
dropped significantly during the 1980's, but have been steadily increasing in the 1990's since
structural readjustment in 1989 took effect. Between 1991 and 1995, growth has averaged over
6.5% annually; inflation has dropped from 105% to 8%; interest rates on treasury notes declined
from 33% to 15.5%; and the public sector deficit decreased to 13% of GDP.2 In 1993, the
population with income below the poverty line and with basic needs unfulfilled was 29% of
national population and 21% of []'s population...a significant drop from earlier levels.
Agriculture is a principle contributor to GNP (gross national product), especially sugarcane, rice,
and livestock. Most agriculture is conducted along the coastal zone. Forestry is also a major
economic activity, and it is conducted in the interior. More than half of the country’s forest is
within State Forest boundaries. Mining has recently become significant, and includes gold,
bauxite, and diamond mining. Tourism is still in its infancy.
The main industries in [] are sawmills, food processing plants, soap and detergent manufacturers,
metal working and foundries, sugar refineries, pharmaceutical plants, alcohol
distilleries/breweries, and plastics manufacturers.
Background on [] – The Solid Waste Context.
A consortium of corporations will not be acceptable as the Contractor; however, the Contractor will be
permitted to have subcontractors providing specialized services.
Economic achievements described in a speech made by [], Minister of Finance of [], at the [] Group for
Cooperation in Economic Development Meeting at the World Bank, May 1996.
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
[] is the capital of [] and it is located along the nation’s Atlantic coastline and the []. The
population of [] is about 180,000.
Waste Quantity. [] generates about 0.65 kg/capita/day of mixed municipal solid waste. As gross
domestic product grows, waste generation also grows, but not at the same rate. If []'s economy
continues to grow at a rate of about 5% annually, waste generation might grow at 1.5% to 2%
For the rate of 0.65 kg/capita/day, []’s 180,000 residents and visiting workers and traders would
therefore generate an estimated 117 tonnes/day of mixed municipal solid waste. Assuming an
average compaction collection truck contains solid waste at about 500 kg/cubic meter density,
makes 2 trips per day and collects 5 to 6 tonnes/trip, the city needs the equivalent collection fleet
of 12 compactors, plus a back-up of 2 trucks.
Assuming that solid waste in a sanitary landfill would reach about 900 kg/cubic meter density
naturally within a year, require 1 unit volume of soil cover for every 6 unit volumes of solid
waste, and have an average depth of 10 meters, the city needs about 0.7 hectares of landfill area
annually (at current waste generation levels). Biodegradation will cause the waste quantity to
decrease (as solid organics are converted to carbon dioxide, steam, and other air emissions) such
that at least 30% of the solid waste quantity is emitted to the atmosphere. The result is that only
about 10 hectares of landfill space (at 10 meters depth) are required to meet the needs of the next
20 years.
Waste Character. The following expectations for [] are likely: dry combustibles (i.e., paper,
cardboard, plastic, textile, and wood) of 10% to 25% of mixed municipal solid waste; nonorganic recyclables (i.e., metals, glass, rubber) of 5% to 10%; miscellaneous fines of 10% to
15%); and compostables (i.e., vegetable/putrescible organics) of 60% to 70%.
Density of collected solid wastes in [] are expected to be: 470 to 500 kg/cubic meter in large open
trucks, and 500 to 580 kg/cubic meter in fully loaded compaction trucks. Immediately after
compaction at a disposal site, the waste density is expected to reach about 700 kg/cubic meter.
Within 1 year, following natural consolidation and biodegradation, the waste density will be
about 900 kg/cubic meter; and it will reach a final density of about 1,000 kg/cubic meter in 2 to 3
years of []’s wet tropical climatic conditions.
Solid Waste Budget Data. Total budgeted recurrent expenditures (e.g., minus landfill capital
development) dedicated for solid waste management in 1998, after mid-year revision, were $G
268.8 million (not including road sweeping and drain cleaning conducted by the City Engineers
Department). Solid waste recurrent expenditures were 16% of the total budget (i.e., $G 1731.9
million), or 22% of the operations budget (i.e., $G 1,238.9 million, after subtracting
overhead/administrative costs). The main budgeted items for solid waste management were as
Under Code 13 budget for administration, which totaled $[] 22.8 million, $[] 10.5 million
was for salaries and $[] 3.5 million was for building maintenance.
Under the Code 14 budget for collection, which totaled $[] 173.6 million, 20.8 million
was for salaries and $[] 112.9 million was for payment of collection Contractors.
Under the Code 16 budget for disposal, which totaled $[] 96.2 million, $[] 10.6 million
was for salaries, $[] 25.4 million was for landfill equipment hire, and $[] 40 million was
for capital development works to improve dumpsite access.
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Under the Code 25 budget for mechanical workshop, which totaled $[] 32.3 million, an
estimated 50% is related to repair of solid waste vehicles, i.e., $[] 16.2 million.
Given that solid waste management operations consume 22% of the total city budget minus these
overhead items, it would be reasonable to assume that 22% of the overhead budget is related to
solid waste management. Therefore, in addition to the above direct total recurrent costs of $[]
268.8 million, there is an additional $[] 59.1 million for overhead costs, making the overall total
$[] 327.9 million.
The [] exchange rate during this budge year was about $[] 140 to $US 1, which means that the
total recurrent costs for solid waste management were equivalent to about $US 2.3 million, or
annually $US 12.8 per resident of []. Based on the estimated quantity of waste in [] of 0.65
kg/capita/day and a collection service level of about 85%, or 99 tonnes/day collected citywide,
this amounts to about $US 63.4 per tonne of solid waste for recurrent expenditures. This
estimate includes depreciation and interest on capital investment borrowing in the case of private
sector contractors, but not in the case of the municipality’s work with its own equipment and
The Existing Disposal Site. The disposal site is located at [] and adjacent to the []. The area is a
wetland. No proper landfill procedures are being followed, although the site began in 1993 as a
demonstration sanitary landfill. Operations involve spreading waste in layers and away from the
access road with 2 small bulldozers and one shovel, which are hired from the private sector.
The existing open dump, like all sites in the coastal plain, is below sea level and only a minimal
distance (0.5 to 1 meter) above groundwater. As noted earlier, the city’s water supply comes
from a series of wells drilled into the deep aquifer (270 meters or more below the ground surface)
that stretches throughout the city area, including below this dump site. This site should be
properly closed as soon as another disposal site becomes available.
Extension of the Existing Disposal Site. The existing dump’s operations can be extended and
improved during the interim period while a new facility is being sited, designed, and
implemented. Improved operation would use heavier bulldozers or specialized landfill
compactors for greater productivity and better compaction; application of soil cover or alternative
cover materials would minimize vectors and limit infiltration; development of gas wells would
assist gas ventilation; and reduced side slopes would minimize risk of slope failure. A perimeter
channel is needed to intercept contaminated surface drainage and some portion of the leachate.
The oldest section of the existing dump could be excavated for recovery of the already
decomposed and burned residuals; and these residuals could be subsequently used for cover
material, if the cost were lower than obtaining suitable soil cover from off site.
Landfill is a structure that is built over time. The first phase builds the support structures (fences,
drains, sanitary block, gatehouse, etc.). Subsequent stages build the landfill, cell by cell, and
layer by layer, until the final closure layer and landscaping is completed. The current dumpsite
was originally constructed to be a modified sanitary landfill of interim design standard. Yet, poor
operations turned it into an open dump. Therefore, it is imperative that this project to extend and
improve the existing site be done environmentally suitable and safe design standards, until the
final closure is completed.
To ensure that the landfill is constructed according to specifications and design, the
management/operation contract will be awarded as part of the construction package. The
contractor would mitigate the unstable steep side slopes, improve drainage, mine aged areas of
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the site for decomposed material which could be used as daily cover, increase waste compaction,
limit the working face, manage landfill gas and leachate, provide fire protection, and conduct
litter patrol along access routes and in channels.
The city would need to significantly improve its gate control, to prohibit access by all large
animals and children and restrict access to only registered adult waste pickers. To maintain their
access, these registered adults will be required to follow site procedures regarding where, when,
and how they are allowed to work to gather recyclables from the waste.
Both the contractor and city would maintain records of incoming truckloads during the extended
operation. Improved databases of information gathered at the gate, for the baseline of loads
received and waste sources will support design of and cost recovery at the new landfill.
The technical specifications and design drawings for this Invitation to Bid are outlined in detail in
Item 10.
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Item 5. Proposal Recitals, Highlights and Definitions.
1. The City desires to have an interim land disposal facility for solid waste, while studies,
investigations, designs, and impact analyses proceed for a new long-term disposal facility.
2. The City desires that this interim land disposal facility enable solid waste to be deposited in
an environmentally safe and cost-effective manner appropriate to the City’s level of available
3. The City desires to continue to provide disposal for some of its adjacent municipalities.
4. The City has space available for this interim land disposal facility at its existing landfill along
5. The City intends to use this interim land disposal facility for a period of about 2 years, during
which time the Contractor will receive regular monthly payments to cover construction and
operation costs, as well as a reasonable margin of profit.
6. The City desires that issues of truck access for unloading, waste compaction and cover, slope
stability, drainage, fire incidence, access to children and animals, and overall appearance and
odor will be significantly mitigated at the existing and proposed interim land disposal facility.
7. The City intends that the interim land disposal facility, as well as the mitigated existing
disposal facility, will alter public perception about landfill and ease the way for the proposed
new sanitary landfill to be accepted by the public for implementation.
Proposal Highlights.
1. The term of the contract is for two years, including the [] month period of construction.
Operations for waste receipt in the existing area of the landfill will continue in parallel with
the initial phases of construction. As an area for waste receipt is readied, operations will
move to the new area of the landfill, and subsequent phases of construction will continue.
2. The term of the contract may be extended, for additional operations, to the extent that
capacity remains within the planned airspace of the landfill as designed and specified in the
Agreement between the City and the Contractor.
3. The City intends to pay the Contractor in 24 equal monthly installments. Contractors must
keep records indicating the quantities of materials used and the quantities of solid waste
brought to the disposal site.
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1. “Abattoir Waste” means the solid and semi-solid waste generated from the slaughter of
2. “Allocation Quantity” means the quantity of mixed municipal solid waste that the Contractor
agrees to landfill each year.
3. “Aftercare” means the maintenance and long-term care of the works, including the final
structure of landfill cells, and the management and continuous environmental monitoring of
leachate, landfill gas, and other environmental contaminants arising from the works,
operations, or deposition of solid waste.
4. “Animal Carcasses” means dead animals that are normally handled by the centralized
incineration facility, such as dead dogs.
5. “Bulky Waste” means any waste that is significant in size (e.g., over 0.3 cubic meter) and
unable to be readily broken down into smaller sizes by the on-site bulldozer equipment,
including engine motors, appliances, large tree stumps.
6. “City” means the municipality of [], organized under the laws of the Country of [].
7. “City Council” means the duly elected governing body of the City of [].
8. “Commercial” means all premises generating solid waste, except residential premises, public
markets, industries (e.g., manufacturing plants) and institutions (e.g., hospitals, schools,
government offices, police and military barracks).
9. “Construction/Demolition Debris” means the waste obtained from the action of putting up or
taking down a structure, and includes mixtures of excavated soil, broken pieces of concrete,
brick, roofing shingles, metal nails, piping, wood, and insulation.
10. “Contract” means the agreement entered into between the parties including the Articles and
the Conditions (including the Schedules).
11. “Contractor” means Private Corporation, possibly with subcontractors, but not a consortium.
12. “Contract Period” means the period referred to for conduct of the total project, including all
construction and operation required under the Contract.
13. “Daily Cover Material” means the soil or other inert cover material used between each daily
layer of waste for purposes of minimizing infiltration, avoiding nuisance and minimizing
windblown litter.
14. “Delivery Points” means the location at the disposal site where adequate access, gate control,
space, and traffic control measures are in place for the solid waste collection and transfer
vehicles to unload during the designated work hours of the disposal site.
15. “Disposal Facility” means the dumpsite known as [] Landfill, which is currently authorized to
receive municipal solid waste for disposal under applicable laws and regulations of the
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[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Government of [] and which will be extended and operated as a modified sanitary landfill
during the Contract.
16. “Disposal Service” means the receipt and deposition of solid waste within a modified sanitary
landfill disposal facility that has environmental management systems for control of odors,
dusts, water pollution, gaseous emission, rodents, insects and other adverse impacts.
17. “Excremental Waste” means waste with fecal material, and mainly includes nightsoil, sludge
from septic tanks and cesspits and aqua privies.
18. “Final Cover” means the soil material and topsoil placed on the final stage of landfill cells to
minimize infiltration, reduce odors, and support final vegetation and landscaping.
19. “Garbage” means any and all readily putrescible material, whether vegetable or animal in
nature, including wastes obtained during the preparation, processing, consumption or storage
of foods.
20. “Gate” means entrance gate of the Disposal Facility.
21. “Gate House” means building wherein the entrance and exit records are kept, particularly the
driver, time of arrival, size (or weight) of each incoming load of solid waste, and time of
22. “Hauler” means licensed or otherwise approved corporation hired by premises directly or by
the City for purposes of door-to-door solid waste collection.
23. “Hazardous Waste” means all wastes considered toxic/carcinogenic, flammable, explosive,
infectious, sharp/injurious, radioactive, or otherwise dangerous to the public health or health
and safety of the workers handling such wastes. Such wastes are intended to be separated and
segregated at the source of waste generation and disposed of specially to avoid risk of adverse
health or injury consequences.
24. “Health and Safety Plan” means a document which outlines all procedures to follow for
potential risks, emergencies, accidents, and other incidences that might endanger the health
and safety of workers, visitors, and/or the general public, including but not limited to fires,
spills, leaks, gaseous emissions, dusts, explosions, slides, cave-ins, and terrorist acts.
25. “Intermittent Cover” means the soil or other inert materials used between landfill cells to
minimize infiltration and deter any possibility of fire spread if fire within one cell should
26. “Internal Access Roads” means the landfill’s interior roads, which are constructed
temporarily and commonly with suitable materials found in Construction/Demolition Debris.
27. “Landfill Cell” means a layer of one day’s solid waste that has been spread, compacted and
graded into a block-like mass and covered at the end of the workday with relatively
impermeable and clean soil.
28. “Landfill Gas” means the gases generated from natural biodegradation of solid waste within a
land disposal facility, particularly those gases (e.g., methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen
sulfide) generated from anaerobic degradation.
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29. “Leachate” means the drainage through and from a land disposal facility, caused by
infiltration from precipitation and surface drainage, after dissolved and particulate
constituents from the waste have contaminated it.
30. “Mixed Municipal Solid Waste” means garbage, rubbish, and other solid and semi-solid
materials accumulated in residential dwellings, commercial establishments, institutions and
industries. It does not include construction/demolition debris or bulky waste, nor does it
include hazardous waste.
31. “Performance security” means a surety bond or letter of credit that guarantees compensation
to the city in the event that it must assume the obligations and/or duties of the contractor in
order to continue the services as defined by this contract for a period of at least [] months.
32. “Permitted Waste” means the solid waste types that are allowed to be delivered to the
Disposal Facility and deposited within its landfill cells, as either expressly provided in the
Contract or permitted within the Facility’s environmental permit.
33. “Premises” means any land, building and/or structure wherein garbage or rubbish or solid
waste is generated or accumulated.
34. “Recycling” means the process of segregating, collecting, sorting, and turning used products
or materials into new products or materials.
35. “Residential” means premises wherein people live, including single-unit dwellings and
multiple-unit dwellings.
36. “Rubbish” means all non-putrescible waste discharged to the mixed municipal solid waste
stream, including yard wastes, paper, cardboard, textiles, straw, ashes, floor sweepings, and
drain cleanings.
37. “Salvaging” (or Waste Picking, or Materials Recovery) means the process of controlled
removal of waste materials for the purpose of reuse or recycling.
38. “Service” means the disposal of the solid waste and all other services to be provided under
the Contract and includes the whole of the work to be executed, including any goods or
materials to be supplied by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract.
39. “Site Access” means the road which leads from a main route near the landfill to the Gate of
the landfill.
40. “Source Segregation” means the setting aside of wastes according to their inherent nature, for
purposes of facilitating recycling.
41. “Specification” means the description of the Service referred to in the Contract.
42. “Stable Matter” means all manure, bedding, and other waste normally accumulated in the
housing and care of livestock or poultry.
43. “Waste Pickers” means the registered adult people engaged in sorting recyclable materials
from the wastes deposited at the land disposal facility.
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44. “Weigh Station” means the weighbridge and office for weighing, recording, and comparing
weight data of all incoming trucks hauling solid waste to the disposal facility.
45. “Working Face” means the restricted area of exposed solid waste at the selected day’s landfill
cell wherein solid waste collection vehicles are designated to unload.
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Item 6. General Conditions of Contract
1. Fundamental Purpose. The fundamental purpose of the Contract is to construct and provide
reliable, safe, effective, environmentally sound, and satisfactory disposal service for the
Contract Period to handle all of the solid wastes sources already being accommodated at the
[] disposal site at the signing of the Contract. The Contractor shall construct the works,
provide the equipment, and operate the disposal site according to the designs, specifications,
methods, and environmental criteria required under the Contract and in accordance with local
statutes and permits.
2. Contractor’s General Obligation. During the Contract Period the Contract shall provide the
Disposal Service in a proper, skillful and workmanlike manner to the Contract Standard and
to the entire satisfaction of the City, and shall employ sufficient persons sufficiently
instructed, killed and supervised and provide sufficient plant, equipment, works, and
management to ensure that it can comply with its obligations under the Contract. The
Contract shall at all times be under the duty to be courteous to the general public and all
persons and Designated Haulers using the disposal site, as well as all Officers and
representatives of the City. The Contractor shall at all times be under the duty to act with
commercial prudence. The Contract shall at all times in providing the Service comply with
all legal duties imposed upon it whether arising by way of statute or common law, including
any provisions of site licenses or permits.
3. Contractor’s Project Manager. The Contractor shall provide a full-time English-speaking
Project Manager who shall reside in [], [] to manage and coordinate the civil works, supply of
equipment, disposal site operation, and aftercare in a manner that ensures that the Contractor
executes its obligations in accordance with the Contract. The Project Manager shall require
the approval of the City prior to the start of work under this Contract.
4. Contractor’s Employees. The City shall be at liberty to object to and require the Contractor
to remove forthwith from the works and/or operation any person employed by the Contractor
who in the opinion of the City is incompetent, negligent, rude, or otherwise misconducts
himself or herself relative to this Contract. Such misconduct shall be found if said employees
offer any advantage, gratuity, bonus, discount, bribe or loan of any sort to any agent or
employee of the City or other Government entity in [] with respect to this Contract.
5. Engagement of Labor. The Contractor shall pay rates of wages and observe hours and
conditions of labor which are not less favorable than the general level of wages, hours and
conditions observed by other employers in [], [] which are involved in construction and field
operations, including operation of heavy earth-moving equipment.
6. Contractor’s General Liability. The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the
City against the consequences of any breach of its obligations and also against injury to, or
death of, any person, or loss of, or damage to, any property, including property owned by the
City or any Designated Hauler. Without thereby limiting its responsibilities under the
Contract, the Contractor shall make such insurance arrangements as the City may require in
order to ensure that it can meet its obligations. Such insurance shall include at least a
Comprehensive General Liability policy with a minimum limit of not less than [] combined
single limit for bodily injury and property damage per occurrence, Comprehensive Vehicle
policy with a minimum limit of not less than [] for bodily injury and property damage per
occurrence, Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability policy with a minimum of at
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least [] employer’s liability coverage, Environmental Liability policy with a minimum limit
of not less than [] aggregate, and Excess Umbrella Liability policy with a minimum limit of
not less than [] per occurrence. Neither party shall be liable for indirect or consequential loss.
7. Sufficiency of Information. The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied itself before
submitting its tender as to the accuracy and sufficiency of the site conditions, waste
quantities, collection fleet discharge requirements, rates and prices stated by the Contract.
The Contractor is obliged under the Contract to address any discrepancies, risks,
contingencies and other circumstances in its bid that might reasonably influence or affect the
Contractor’s bid price.
8. Contract Mutually Explanatory. Except as otherwise expressly provided, the provisions of
the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. Any ambiguities or
discrepancies shall be resolved by the City, who shall thereupon issue to the Contractor
appropriate instructions in writing and the Contractor shall carry out and be bound by such
instructions. In the event of any inconsistency between Conditions and Schedules, the
Conditions shall prevail over the Schedules.
9. Variation of Conditions. No deletion from, addition to, or alteration of the Contract shall be
valid or of any effect unless agreed in writing and signed by the parties.
10. Good Faith. The Contractor and the City will act in good faith towards each other in relation
to all matters arising under this Contract. Each party shall inform the other fully and as soon
as possible of any circumstance which might lead to any substantial change in the nature,
composition or amount of the solid waste to be disposed or any other circumstance which
might alter the burden of the obligations of each party under the Contract. The Contractor
shall inform the City fully and as soon as possible of any circumstances that might prejudice
the Contractor’s ability to provide the Service, whether temporarily or permanently. Both
parties will do all things reasonably within their power which are necessary or desirable to
give effect to the spirit and intent of this Contract and its fundamental purpose. Both parties
recognize that it is of paramount importance that there is no break in the provision of any
form of waste management service during the Contract Period, except in such extreme
circumstance as a Force Majeure (i.e., Act of God, riots, wars, civil disturbances,
insurrections, terrorist acts, epidemics, landslides, hurricanes, earthquakes, lightning, floods,
washouts, explosions, fires and government orders and regulations beyond the reasonable
control of the City or Contractor).
11. Reasonableness. Any act, omission, decision, requirement, agreement or any other step of
any kind taken by either party shall be so taken reasonably and in good faith and so as not to
place an undue burden upon either Party, and any reference (express or implied) to period,
time, occasion, amount, price or any other matter shall be subject to the qualification of
reasonableness, unless the context otherwise requires. The Contract shall at any time as
required by the City prove to the City’s satisfaction that it has the capacity at the date of the
said requirement to the end of the Contract period.
12. Fundamental Change. If an unforeseen fundamental change of circumstance arises of such a
kind that it is no longer possible to operate the Contract according to its terms, either party
may require such minimum variation in the Contract as will enable the Service to be provided
for the remainder of the Contract Period in accordance with the fundamental purpose of the
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13. Change of Law. If any legislation or other provisions having the force of law or by means of
any decision of any Court shall affect any part of the Contract to render it void, invalid,
illegal or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, the parties shall make such minimum
variation in the Contract as will enable the Service to be provided for the remainder of the
Contract period in accordance with the fundamental purpose of the Contract.
14. Change of Quantities. Change in the quantity of waste being delivered to the disposal site
shall not necessitate change in the Contract, except for the negotiated fee associated with
delivery of the Service. Change in the quantity of waste shall not be grounds for any delay or
stop of work by the Contractor or delay or stop of payment by the City. Emergency
circumstances, such as storms or fires, which might result in unexpected fluctuations in the
waste quantity shall be considered significant cause for any change in the quantities covered
under this Contract, unless such emergency circumstances lead to changes in quantities for
more than a [] day work period.
15. Ownership of Waste. The City owns all waste in the jurisdiction of [] once it has been placed
at its collection point for collection service by the City or its Designated Haulers. Upon
arrival at the disposal facility, all wastes delivered shall become the property of, and held at
the entire responsibility of, the Contractor; and the City shall have no claim over, nor any
responsibility for, and such waste during the Contract Period of this Contract. This shall
include responsibility for any hazardous conditions created by such waste at the disposal
facility, including fires, explosions, gas releases, slides, spills, and other possible hazards.
The Contractor, in the event of such hazards, shall be fully responsible for expeditious and
adequate emergency response to protect the health and safety of all workers and well as the
general public.
16. Waste Inspection. The Contract shall carry out random checking of Waste entering the
Disposal Facility to confirm that only Permitted Wastes are being deposed on the Site. The
City shall support the Contractor’s efforts to confirm that only suitable Permitted Wastes are
being received at the Facility.
17. Site Cleanliness. The Contractor shall provide and maintain efficient and sanitary latrine
accommodation for the use of all persons working and visiting the Disposal Facilities and
shall keep the Site reasonably clean and sanitary. The Contract shall conduct a litter patrol
daily along the roads leading to the Site, within 1 km of the Site gate, and shall conduct a
litter patrol daily within the cemetery adjacent to the Site and within the drains surrounding
the Site.
18. Possession of the Disposal Site. The Contractor shall conduct works and operations at the
disposal site along [], using equipment and resources owned by the Contractor. However, the
site shall not be owned by the Contractor and shall remain vested in the City.
19. Change of Works or Operations. No change ordered by the City shall be valid without said
order being presented to the Contractor in writing. The City shall be responsible for
additional expenses, if any, of executing a change order. Within [] days of receiving a change
order, the Contractor shall provide the City with an estimate of the effect and/or cost of said
change. If the Contractor fails to comply with the change ordered, the City shall be entitled
to perform the change with its own resources or pay another Contractor to perform the change
and any cost incurred in so doing shall be recoverable by the City from the Contractor.
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20. Assignment and Subcontracting. The Contractor shall not assign nor subcontract the Contract
or any part thereof or the benefit or advantage of the Contract or any part thereof without the
previous written consent of the City; and if given, the Contractor shall not be relieved of any
liability or obligation under the Contract. The Contract shall be responsible for any acts,
defaults or neglects of any employees or agents to parties to which this Contract or parts
thereof may be assigned or subcontracted.
21. Contractor’s Obligation For Performance Security. The contractor shall furnish to the city,
and maintain during the term of the agreement, a letter of credit or surety bond as
performance security in a form reasonably acceptable to the city in the penal sum of [], With
good and sufficient surety acceptable to the city and conditioned upon the city performing the
obligations provided in this contract and any extension or renewal thereof.
22. Environmental Contingency. The performance security also shall be subject to covering
environmental damages and/or impairments and environmental clean-up costs caused by
pollution incidents occurring from the contractor’s or its subcontractor’s negligence,
including coverage for release of liquid, gaseous, or solid materials, whether they are defined
as waste or non-waste materials.
23. Failure to Maintain Security. This contract may be terminated by the City if performance
security is canceled and not replaced immediately with an equivalent.
24. Termination by the City. The City shall have the right to terminate the Contract if the
Contractor commits an irremediable breach of any of its obligations under the Contract
(including unauthorized assignment of the Contract or any portion thereof, failure to maintain
permits or licenses, failure to provide and maintain sufficient labor and equipment for
execution of the work, failure to commence work on time or evidence that work has been
abandoned), or any other breach which it fails to remedy in a way and a time to the
satisfaction of the City; becomes bankrupt or otherwise incapable of rendering the Service
required under the Contract; is pending a Winding Up Order regarding liquidation,
receivership, or other legally valid requirements to stop all business activities.
25. The City shall be entitled, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies, to terminate this
Contract immediately without opportunity to cure and without resort to the panel and
arbitration procedures established in this Contract at any time after occurrence of the
 If an application is filed or a resolution passed for the winding up, liquidation, dissolution
or bankruptcy of the Contractor;
 If any of the Contractor’s equipment, properties, or assets are attached by any
governmental authority, court or tribunal;
 If the assets or security created in favor of the City are seized or threatened with seizure,
and such seizure or threat of seizure is not revoked or set aside within 7 days;
 If any permission/sanction/license necessary to carry out the services required under this
Contract shall have been revoked or not obtained;
 If it is discovered, at any time, that the Contractor has made a false or incorrect statement
or representation in this agreement;
 If it is discovered, at any time, that the Contractor has a partner, director or proprietor
who is connected with persons in government responsible for award of this Contract
through known family or financial relationship;
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If it is discovered, at any time, that the Contractor has a partner or proprietor who is
connected with another firm through family or financial relationship which has tendered
separately under different names or establishments for the same contract, or is similarly
connected with another firm working in a competitive zone under a comparable contract;
If the Contractor fails to comply with its obligations under this Contract and has received
[] Warnings which have not been resolved as provided in this Contract or which have not
been withdrawn, by reason of the panel and arbitration proceedings established in this
26. Contractor’s Taxation Responsibilities. The Contractor shall procure any necessary import
permits, pay all customs and import duties promptly, pay all value-added taxes as may be
required, pay all employee income taxes, pay all corporate income taxes.
27. Copyright. Copyright in the Contract Documents shall vest in the City but the Contractor
may obtain or make at its own expense any further copies required for use by the Contractor
in performance of the Service, but for no other purposes whatsoever.
28. Confidentiality. The City shall not disclose to any person any information or material
provided to the City by the Contractor pursuant to the Invitation to Bid or the Contract which
the Contractor declares to be commercially sensitive information, and shall take such steps to
limit distribution of such commercially sensitive information to only those parties within the
City administration who need to have access to it for the performance of their duties for the
City, and that such persons are as few as possible.
29. Notices. Any notice, demand, or other communication required to be given under the
Contract shall be sufficiently served if served personally on the addressee in writing, or sent
by pre-paid first class recorded delivery post, by facsimile with recorded transmission, or by
email with recorded transmission to the registered office or last known address of the party.
30. Complaint Resolution. The City may investigate each case where it has received a complaint
in writing, including any complaint put in writing by the department and signed by
complainant, where the Contractor has failed to perform the services required under the
Contract. If the City considers the complaint to be justified after investigation, within [] days
it may request the Contractor to resolve the complaint. If the Contractor fails to comply
within [] days with the instruction of the City to resolve the complaint, the City may write a
default notice and issue a sanction. If the Contractor considers the complaint is unjustified, or
if it is unable to reach an agreement with the City on how to resolve the complaint, the
Contractor may seek within a period of [] days the separate review.
31. Warning. If the Contractor defaults in performance, the City may issue a warning that the
Contract may be terminated if the default is not resolved. If the Contractor considers the
warning is unjustified, or if it is unable to reach an agreement with the department on how to
resolve the basis for the warning, the Contractor may seek a review and determination
32. Disputes and Arbitration. The parties will use their best endeavors to resolve by agreement
any dispute, difference or question between them with respect to any matter or thing arising
out of or relating to the Contract, including a reference to conciliation by an independent
person to be agreed between the parties, or, in the case of failure to agree, by a three-member
panel of arbitrators (i.e., representatives of a professional arbitration body appropriate in the
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circumstances of the case), one member selected by the City, one by the Contractor, and the
neutral chairperson selected by the first two panel members. Such independent persons or
body shall be given all information and assistance by the parties in carrying out his/its duties,
to recommend or approve terms of settlement between the parties.
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Item 7. Agreements and Affidavits
This Contract is made the _______ day of ___________20 __ between
the City of _____________ the one part and the Contractor ____________ of the other part.
Whereas the City wishes to have provided an extended and improved solid waste disposal service
at [] for all of the City’s mixed municipal solid waste, excluding bulky wastes and large
construction/demolition debris, and of a nature set out in the Contract for the Contract Price; and
Whereas the Contractor is willing to perform such Service in accordance with the provisions of
the Contract and the Contract Price;
It is now agreed between the City and the Contractor that this Contract constitutes the sole
contract or agreement between the City and the Contractor for the performance by the Contractor
of the Service and that the Contractor shall provide the Service in accordance with the provisions
of the Contract and to the satisfaction of the City for the Contract Period.
In witness whereof the City has caused its Common Seal to be hereunto affixed and the
Contractor has caused its Common Seal to be affixed/executed as a Deed, hand, and/or seal as
appropriate the day and year first before written.
In witness the seals and/or hands of the parties hereto.
Signed for and on behalf of the City: _______________________
On the date of _____________ and in the presence of the Witness: ________________
Signed for and on behalf of the Contractor: __________________
Located at the following main office or place of business and telephone number: []
On the date of _____________ and in the presence of Witness: ______________
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The following affidavit is submitted by the Proposer as part of this proposal:
The undersigned deponent, of lawful age, being duly sworn, upon his or her oath deposes and
says: that he has lawful authority to execute the within and foregoing proposal; that he/she has
executed the same by prescribing his/her name hereto under oath for and on behalf of said
proposer; that proposer has not directly or indirectly entered into any agreement, express or
implied, with any proposer or proposers, having for its object the controlling of the price or
amount of such proposal or proposals, the limiting of the proposals or proposers, the parceling or
farming out to any proposer or proposers or any other persons of any part of the Contract or any
part of the subject matter of the proposal or proposals or of the profits thereof, and that he/she has
not and will not divulge the sealed proposal to any person whomsoever, except those having a
partnership or other financial interest with him or her in said proposal or proposals, until after the
said sealed proposal or proposals are opened.
Deponent further states that the proposer has not been a party to any collusion among proposers
in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to make a proposal at a fixed price or to
refrain from submitting a proposal; or with any City or National Government Official or
employee as to quantity, quality, or price in the prospective contract, or any other terms of said
prospective contract; or in any discussions between proposers and any Official concerning
exchange of money or other things of value for special consideration in the letting of a contract;
that the proposer/contractor has not paid, given or donated or agreed to pay, give or donate to any
Official, Officer or employee of the City or National Government any money or other thing of
value either directly or indirectly, in the procuring of the award of the Contract pursuant to this
Executed under penalty of perjury on this _________________day of ____________, 19[], at
Name, Title and Signature of the Proposer: ___________________________________________
Date: __________________
Witnessed thereof by: _______________________
Date: _____________________
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The Contractor and City agree that Contractor is an independent Contractor and not an employee
or agent of City. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership, agency, joint
venture or similar relationship between Contractor and City. The Contractor will not represent to
anyone that its relationship with City is other than that of an independent Contractor. The
Contractor shall be fully and solely responsible for its own acts and omissions and those of its
employees, officers, agents and authorized sub-Contractors.
Executed under penalty of perjury on this _________________day of ____________, [], at
Name, Title and Signature of the Proposer: ___________________________________________
Date: ______________
Witnessed thereof by: _________________________________
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Know all persons by these presents, that we,
................................................................................................................................ , (hereinafter
called “principal”), as principal, and
................................................................................................................................ , a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of the government of ...................... , (hereinafter called
“surety”), as surety, are held firmly bound unto
................................................................................................................................ , (hereinafter
called “obligee”), as obligee, in the penal sum of ......................................................... , good and
lawful money of the country of ...................., For the payment of which, well and truly to be
made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns, jointly and
severally, firmly by these presents.
Whereas, the Contractor has entered into a certain written Contract with the oblige, dated the
............ Day of ..............., 19...... , for solid waste facility works and disposal, which Contract is
hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length
Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the Contractor shall faithfully
perform the Contract on his part, free and clear of all liens arising out of claims for labor and
materials entering into the performance of the Contract and indemnify and save harmless the
obligee from all loss, costs, damages, or expenses that it may suffer by reason of the failure so to
do, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
In this Performance Security, words and expressions have the same meanings as in the Contract
and the Surety shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all the terms and conditions of the
The Contractor and the Surety bind themselves, their successors and assigns in the appropriate
sum stated for the appropriate period stated. The sum shall be equivalent to [] % of the total bid
price for works and operations under this Contract, until the expiry of [] years after the date of the
Certificate of Completion of all works and operations under this Contract.
Provided, however, that no suit, action or proceeding shall be had or maintained against Surety on
this bond unless the same be brought or instituted within one year after the date of completion or
default by principal. Written notice to Principal and Surety must be given within thirty days after
the occurrence of an alleged default or failure to perform.
Signed and sealed this............ Day of ..........., 19.... .
(Seal) .............................
Witnessed thereof by:
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Item 8. Conditions of Particular Application
1. Performance Security. The performance security shall be in the form of a bank guarantee or
bond. The amount of the security shall be [] percent of the Contract Price. The security shall
be denominated in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Prices is
2. Contractor’s General Responsibility. The Contractor shall promptly inform the Employer
and Engineer of any error, omission, fault and other defect in the design of or specification
for the Works and Operations that are discovered when reviewing the Contract bidding
documents or in the process of the execution of the Works or Operations.
3. Labor. The Contractor is encouraged, to the extent practicable and reasonable, to employ
staff and labor with the required qualifications and experience from sources within the
Republic of [].
4. Equipment. The Contractor shall not bring on to the Site any hired Equipment unless there is
an agreement for the hire thereof within seven days after the date of any forfeiture becoming
effective and on the Employer undertaking to pay all comparable hire charges under
comparable hiring terms and conditions.
5. Advance Mobilization. The Employer will make an interest –free advance to the Contract in
the lump sum amount equivalent to [] percent of the Contract Price, payable in proportionate
amounts of foreign and local currencies as provided for in the Contract. The advance loan
shall be used by the Contractor exclusively for mobilization expenditures, including hiring of
equipment and workers and purchase of supplies.
6. Retention. A retention amounting to [] percent of the amount to be paid in any monthly
Interim Payment due to the Contractor shall be made by the Employer until such time as the
cumulative total of such deductions shall about to [] percent of the Contract Price. The
retention money shall be issued after the Engineer has certified that the Works are completed
and the Period of Maintenance and Start Up has been completed.
7. Taxation. Any equipment, materials and supplies brought into [] by the Contractor or his/her
Subcontractors for the purpose of carrying out the Services shall be exempt from any
importation duties, taxes, fees and levies provided that said items shall be subsequently
withdrawn from [] upon completion of the Works.
8. Bribery. The Employer shall be entitled to terminate the Contract and recovery all amounts
resulting from the cost of such termination if the Contractor shall have offered or given to any
person any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing any action
in relation to obtaining or executing the Contract.
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Item 9. Construction and Operation General Requirements.
1. Timeliness of Works and Operations. The Contractor shall conduct all construction in a timely and
efficient manner, working steadily and productively until completion of all works specified in these
technical specifications and designs. Following the commencement of the Contract the Contractor
shall carry out the works and operations in such a way as to ensure a continuous and unhindered receipt
and safe disposal of solid waste during the agreed hours of operation.
2. The Contractor shall conduct construction during at least [] hours of each week, from at least [] AM to
[] PM (inclusive of rest and food breaks) during five days weekly, and from [] AM to [] PM on
Saturday and [] AM to [] PM on Sunday. The Contractor shall conduct operation during at least []
hours of each week, from at least [] AM to [] PM (inclusive of rest and food breaks) during five days
weekly, and from [] AM to [] PM on Saturday and [] AM to [] PM on Sunday.
3. Access Control. At the Contractor’s sole expense, the Contractor shall prominently post signs a the
entrance to the Disposal Facility detailing the regulations that must be followed by vehicles entering
the site, visitors, and registered waste picker; indicating the hours of operation, specifying the types of
wastes or recyclable materials accepted, any fees for disposal and for recycling, and telephone numbers
to call in case of emergency.
4. The Contractor shall construct and maintain all internal roads running in and over the Disposal Facility,
from the end of the public access road to the point designated at the working face for dumping of
materials. As needed, the Contractor shall maintain a special all-weather road or ramp for access
during the wet weather seasons so as to avoid any vehicles becoming stuck or otherwise delayed.
5. Availability of Equipment. The Contractor shall maintain and repair all equipment to have it available
at least 90% of the work hours during which construction and/or operation is to be conducted.
Materials shall be ordered and delivered in a timely manner to avoid equipment downtime.
6. All equipment used at the Site shall be registered in [] and have passed a valid inspection within the 6month period prior to the start of construction. All equipment shall be insured against theft and
liability, with sufficient coverage to ensure steady construction activity is maintained.
7. Materials. Materials employed throughout the Works and Operations under this Contract shall be free
from defects or imperfections, unused and of recent manufacture and of a classification and grade in
full conformity with the technical specifications. The Contractor shall verify selected materials by
required laboratory and field-testing, as required under the technical specifications. The Contractor
shall maintain and submit monthly a record of all materials testing results. All materials, supplies or
articles shall be provided in the same measure as specified. Materials, supplies or articles other than
those named and specified, or in measures other than those specified, shall be approved only when
Independent Consultants engaged by the City have been satisfied as to their strength, reliability and
8. Personnel. The Contract shall employ only such superintendents, mechanics, equipment operators,
guards, and other workers who are careful, competent, and fully qualified to perform the duties or tasks
assigned to them. All workers shall have sufficient skill, ability and experience to properly perform the
work assigned to them. All workers shall be trained to be courteous and responsive to the general
public, to all Designated Haulers and to Government Officials or representatives.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
9. Health and Safety. The Contractor shall provide a safe and healthy work environment, and provide
adequate protection for each type of work activity (including but not limited to gloves, hard hat,
goggles, safety belts, boots, noise protection, breathing masks). Workers shall be vaccinated for
hepatitis, tetanus, and polio; and shall receive regular medical examinations for injuries and infectious
diseases which may be work related. The Contractor shall operate the Disposal Facility in compliance
with all applicable National or City laws and regulations pertaining to safety. The Contractor shall
maintain a log of all accidents and injuries that may occur on-site.
10. The Contractor shall guard and isolate the workspace so that the public does not have access. If such
access occurs and there are related accidents and injuries, the Contractor shall be fully liable for
emergency medical attention and damages.
11. The Contractor shall conduct excavation and trenching so as to avoid any risk of slopes collapsing and
people being injured. Slope minimization, stabilization and shoring, as needed, shall be employed to
avoid risk of slope failure.
12. The Contract shall publish and distribute a Health and Safety Plan to be followed by all workers, waste
pickers, visitors, Designated Haulers and others working or otherwise spending time at the disposal
site. The City shall take such steps, as it reasonably can to ensure that such Plan is observed, as well as
supported by emergency personnel employed by the City. The Contractor shall provide and maintain a
stock of all necessary medical, fire, gas, and electric shock emergency response or first aid equipment
and stores recommended in the Health and Safety Plan. There shall be a designated trained Health and
Safety Officer at the Site during all hours of Works and Operations, who shall be responsible for
adherence to the Health and Safety Plan and emergency response.
13. The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the hazards of landfill gas, which is potentially explosive and
can cause significant fires to burn within and at the surface of the landfill. Smoking, the use of naked
lights and welding shall be prohibited in areas of the Disposal Facility where landfill gas is present and
can migrate. Warning signs shall be put up to remind workers and visitors of these restrictions. All
vehicles and plant shall carry fire extinguishers and shall be equipped with properly functioning spark
14. The Contractor shall publish and distribute the rules governing operations at the disposal site and
enforce these rules during the duration of this construction and operation contract. The City shall take
such steps, as it reasonably can to ensure that such rules are observed, as well as supported by
Cleansing Supervisors, Inspectors, and other City enforcement personnel.
15. Hazardous Wastes. The Contractor shall not be required by the City or any Generator or Designated
Hauler to accept Hazardous Waste. Any discharge of Hazardous Waste observed by the Contractor
shall be reported to the City and/or Generator within [] hours and it shall be the responsibility of the
City and/or Generator to promptly resolve safe management of said wastes.
16. The Contractor shall not be required by the City or any Generator or Designated Hauler to accept
Abattoir Waste, Animal Carcasses, Excremental Waste, or Bulky Construction/Demolition Debris.
Any discharge of such wastes observed by the Contractor shall be reported to the City and/or Generator
within [] hours and it shall be the responsibility of the City and/or Generator to promptly resolve safe
management of said wastes.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
17. Damage. The Contractor shall avoid damage to public roads and walkways to and from the site and to
properties adjoining the site. If such damage occurs, the Contractor shall be fully responsible for
immediate and complete repair.
18. Inspection. The Contractor shall allow access to the City’s designated representatives for inspection of
works and/or records at any time during normal working hours. The City has the right to use qualified
independent consultants and/or testing specialists to certify construction methods and/or materials.
19. Parallel Works and Operations. The Contractor shall enable and conduct landfilling operations on one
area of the disposal site while conducting construction on another area of the same site, regardless of
whether the operations are conducted by the Contractor or by some other party engaged by the City.
Construction activity shall not cause inconvenience, queues, breakdowns, hazards, or inefficiencies
among the City’s solid waste collection fleet (including Designated Haulers).
20. Waste Receipt. During construction, the Contractor shall provide Delivery Points for the City’s solid
waste collection fleet that are readily accessible and convenient for timely and safe unloading. These
Delivery Points shall be at or near the working face of the designated daily working face of the disposal
site and shall not incur significant double handling by site’s landfill equipment. The Delivery Points
shall be open for the reception of waste during the disposal site’s designated work hours of [] to []. The
Contractor shall ensure that all vehicles in which waste is delivered to any Delivery Point are unloaded
promptly and their movements onto, in and out to the Delivery Points are expedited.
21. The Contractor shall give no preference or priority of treatment over Designed Haulers to any other
persons bringing wastes to the Disposal Facility with respect to the disposal of solid wastes at the
Facility nor shall the Contractor give any preference or priority among Designated Haulers.
22. The Contractor shall not charge disposal fees to persons or Designated Haulers bringing wastes or
materials to the Disposal Facility.
23. Use of Compost from Waste. The Contractor agrees to use any compost products generated by the City
through any City-initiated composting efforts as cover material at the Disposal Facility, as needed,
provided that the cost of the compost products does not exceed the Contractor’s lowest cost for
alternative cover materials, and provided that said compost products are determined by applicable
governmental agencies to be acceptable alternative cover material.
24. Cooperation with Waste Pickers. The Contractor shall cooperate with those Waste Pickers whom the
City has registered and suitably identified as permitted site access during normal working hours of the
land disposal operation.
25. Site Closure. The Contractor shall address all closure and after-care requirements of the landfill for the
initial [] month period following completion of the Disposal Service wherein solid wastes are received
at the Disposal Facility. The Contractor shall publish and disseminate a Closure and After-care Plan
address all final grading, drainage, landscaping, maintenance, and environmental monitoring
procedures to be followed.
26. The Contractor shall maintain records on a daily, cumulative weekly, and cumulative monthly basis on
all Works and Operations conducted. These records shall be compared on a monthly basis with the
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
original construction and operations plan submitted by the Contractor, with all delays clearly noted.
The Contractor shall submit a summary of these records to the City within a monthly progress report.
27. Complaints. The Contract shall make available at each Delivery Point a Complaints Book for the use
of persons delivering waste to the Delivery Point, and have that Book available for review by the City.
28. As-Built Drawings. The Contractor shall develop and submit reproducible “as-built” drawings,
showing details of construction for all as-built facilities, including final materials, measurements,
elevations, wiring, piping, color-coding, etc.
29. Progress Photos. The Contract shall routinely make progress photos of all aspects of Works and
Operations at the Disposal Facility, at each key step in implementation and progress, as well as during
each incident of accident or failure. Photos shall be submitted monthly to the City, together with the
monthly records.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Item 10. General and Technical Specifications
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Brief Description of the Works
Location and Scope of Works. This disposal site is located in the city of [] at the [] and [] .The capital works
 The construction of a perimeter fence
 The construction of the extension of [] to [] ()
 The construction of a wash bay
 The construction of a site office.
 The construction of a sanitary block, septic tank and water trestle
 The construction of a shed for litter pickers/workers.
 The upgrading of the existing dumpsite to environmentally acceptable standards. Including facilities
for gas emission and monitoring of leachate migration.
The rehabilitation works also consist of the building of shoulders, the cleaning and dressing of some existing
drains and construction of a small quantity of new earthen drains.
The Works shall be carried out according to Drawings No SWD1 to SWD9, and it shall be the Contractor's own
responsibility to prepare from these drawings any such Working Drawings that he may require for the proper
setting out and construction of the Works.
Datum Of Levels
The levels shown on Drawings refer to []. For the purposes of this Contract the datum to be used shall be the
benchmark or benchmarks which the Engineer has ascribed a value prior to commencement of the Works.
From the benchmark specified in Clause 3 hereof, the Contractor shall check the levels of any temporary
benchmarks he proposes to use in setting out the Works and shall establish additional benchmarks.
The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer, in duplicate, maps and records in an approved form giving details of
the location and level of each bench-mark used or established by the Contractor. Levels shall be transferred and
ascribed to benchmarks within an accuracy of 0.25/k inches where k is the length in miles of the leveling circuit.
Before commencing the Works the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval a Programme
showing the order in which he proposes to carry out the Works. The Contractor shall revise this Programme as
necessary to ensure completion of the Works within the time periods stated in Clause 1 specified above. The
Programme shall include the following details:
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
(i) a statement giving the numbers a categories of supervisory and technical staff and skilled and unskilled labor
to be employed on the Works;
(ii) a list and type details of major Construction Plant (including vehicles) which the Contractor proposes to
employ on the Works;
(iii) details of the Contractor's methods of working for all operations;
(iv) details of the Programme for the Works from the date of receipt of the Engineer's Order to Commence the
Works, including a complete resource allocation showing the number of units and allotted times for each unit of
Construction Plant, materials and labor allocated to each part of the Works.
Notice Of Operations
The Contractor shall give full and complete written notice of all important operations to the Engineer sufficiently
in advance to enable the Engineer to make such arrangements as the Engineer may consider necessary for
inspection and for any other purpose. The Contractor shall not start any important operation without the written
approval of the Engineer.
Accommodation And Latrines
The Contractor shall provide throughout the period of construction of the Works and shall maintain and clean
suitable accommodation and sufficient latrines for use by his employees. He shall ensure that his employees do
not foul the Site but make proper use of the latrines.
Contractor's Power Supply
The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for the supply of electric power for the purposes of the Contract.
Suppliers Of Materials
Before ordering a material of any description intended for the Permanent Works, the Contractor shall submit for
the approval, of the Engineer the name of the maker or supplier proposed and details of the place of origin and
specification of the material. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall supply to the Engineer for his
retention a copy of any such order placed.
Natural Materials
The Contractor shall make all arrangements for locating, selecting and processing natural materials to comply
with the Specification and shall submit to the Engineer for approval full information regarding the proposed
location well in advance of commencement of working of the material. Approval of a source does not imply that
all material in that source is approved.
Disruption Of Local Communities
The Contractor shall take all measures necessary to avoid nuisance and disruption to local communities. In
particular the Contractor shall ensure no damage is done to crops, pasture, housing or woodland outside the area
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
for which the Engineer's approval for bush clearance has been given, that all irrigation supplies and drainage to
such areas are maintained and that the Contractor's operations do not cause flooding or pollution hazards. During
construction, the Contractor shall make necessary diversions of the drainage water of the facade for discharging
through the nearby koker at his own cost.
Maintenance Of Access
Due to the nature of the soils in the project area the use of vehicles on unsurfaced roads or embankments during
wet weather can cause substantial damage. The Contractor shall ensure that during such periods he shall make
such arrangements as necessary to 6prevent damage to the roads aforementioned. If roads or embankments are
damaged the Contractor shall make immediate repairs to the approval of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall determine the location of all services within the site. The Contractor shall take all necessary
measures to ensure that no damage or disruption to these services occurs. If the Contractor wishes to interfere
with any services for the purpose of the construction of temporary or permanent works he shall obtain all
necessary approvals from the relevant responsible authorities.
The Contractor shall keep all vehicles and equipment used for performing services in good repair, appearance and
sanitary condition. Each vehicle shall have at least one broom and shovel at all times to clean up solid waste that
may be spilled or otherwise scattered during the process of collection. All lights, horns, warning devices,
mufflers, fuel tanks and emission controls on said vehicles and equipment shall be kept operable at all times, with
an average fleet downtime of no more than 5 Percent. When vehicles are down for maintenance or repair, it shall
be the Contractor’s obligation to provide a replacement vehicle from the spares in its fleet or a comparable
replacement through a rental agreement. All odometers on said vehicles shall be kept operable at all times and
shall be replaced only upon prompt notice thereof to government.
The Site
Except where otherwise shown on the Drawings or specified herein, the Site shall mean the extent of such public
and private lands as is, in the opinion of the Engineer, necessary or practicable for the execution of the Works.
The Contractor shall not use the Site for any purpose not required by the contract.
The Contractor shall where ordered provide photographs of and make a record to the approval of the Engineer of
the condition and levels of the surfaces of the Site immediately before entering on them for the purpose of
executing the Works.
Areas Outside The Site
In the event of the Contractor making use of any special or temporary wayleave or additional accommodation
acquired by him or any tip for disposal of surplus materials he shall obtain the written consent of the owner,
occupier or authority having charge of the land in which such wayleave, accommodation or tip as situated and
shall make a record agreed by the owner, occupier or authority aforesaid of the condition of the surface of that
land before entering thereon.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
The Contractor shall permit the Employer and the Engineer and any person authorized by the Employer or the
Engineer to use for the purposes of the Contract any such special or temporary wayleave or additional
accommodation acquired by the Contractor.
In the event of the Contractor making use of any special or temporary wayleave or additional accommodation
made available to him by the Employer for the purpose of the Contract, the land in which such wayleave or
accommodation is situated shall be deemed to be part of the Site as defined in Clause 14 hereof.
Access To Site
Before the commencement of any part of the Works the Contractor shall make temporary access tracks including
all necessary temporary diversions and bridge works to the part of the Site concerned, both for the Contractor's
own access and for the maintenance of public access, all to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall
maintain such access tracks in a condition suitable for the safe and easy passage of plant, vehicles and pedestrians
until these tracks are no longer required for the purposes of the Contract.
The Contractor shall make a record to be agreed by the Engineer of the condition of the surfaces of any private
lands or of any public cultivated or maintained lands over which access to the Site lies before use for access and
he shall keep such surfaces in a reasonable state of cleanliness and repair during the execution of the Works. On
the termination of the Contractor's use of such access he shall restore the surfaces to a condition at least equal to
that obtaining before his first entry on them.
Condition Of Site
The Contractor shall maintain the Site in a neat, tidy and healthy condition.
SECTION 100 101
All excavation is to be carried out to the lines and levels shown on the drawings or to such other dimensions as
the Consultant or his representative may supply.
The depth of excavation has been given in successive stages of excavation as stated in the Standard Method of
Excavation and backfilling shall be carried out in such a manner as to avoid damage to adjacent structures and the
Contractor shall provide any temporary support that may be required.
Nature Of Ground
Ascertain the nature of the ground and sub-soil to determine whether water, running sand or any other difficulties
are likely to be encountered and whether cutting by hand or mechanical means must be use. The contractor
should notify the Consultant or its Representatives immediately should any adverse conditions be encountered.
Remove any rocks encountered with wedges, levers or rock drills. Blasting will not be permitted on site.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
The water level in the ground has not been established and the Contractor is to ascertain the level of the water
table before excavation commences.
Top Soil
The topsoil is to be excavated separately to such depth as described in the Bills of Quantities. The Contractor
must take all precautions necessary to prevent topsoil being removed from the site and he must ensure that the
topsoil is adequately protected in the spoil heaps against erosion and deterioration from the weather.
Approval Of Bottoms
The excavation for all foundations shall be inspected by the Consultant or its representatives before any concrete
is placed and the Contractor shall give a minimum of two (2) working days notice that such an inspection will be
Level And Ram
Level and ram surface of ground and bottom of all excavation to receive concrete.
Should excavation be taken below the specified levels, the difference in level shall be made up by filling in with a
1:4:8 concrete mix at the Contractor's own expense.
Backfilling shall be carried out with white sand or selected excavated material approved by the Engineer around
foundations and at the back of walls, etc., up to the original ground level or as directed. It shall be carried out in
horizontal layers not exceeding 6" - 9" loose thickness, moistened or dried as required and thoroughly compacted
by mechanical or other approved means to 90% Standard Proctor Density for white sand and/or as approved by
the Consultant for selected excavated material. The bottom 3" of excavation for concrete shall be removed on the
same day as the building layer for concrete is placed on it. If the excavation should become disturbed or
weakened by water or other means, the Contractor shall be required to remove a further thickness of soil as the
Consultant or his representative may direct and to backfill same with 1:4:8 concrete at the Contractor's own
The Contractor shall take due precaution to ensure the safety of any block or reinforced concrete walls which may
subject to excessive loading during the compaction of the fill and/or hardcore by shoring or otherwise protecting
these walls.
Behind retaining walls, due care is to be taken to avoid excessive ramming over and above that necessary to
thoroughly compact the fill. Where a retaining wall is supported by concrete columns or slabs against
overturning, backfill is not to be placed behind such walls until the supporting members are in position and
capable of acting as supports. Alternatively, such walls should be adequately shored against overturning.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Where backfill is to be placed on both sides of a wall, it shall be placed on both sides together, so that at no time
will the difference in level exceed 12 inches.
No backfilling shall be carried out which covers work that has not been inspected and approved.
Earth Filling
Placing. Where with the approval of the Engineer or his representative, the filling is not to be compacted, due
allowance shall be made by the Contractor for consolidation and shrinkage in the height and width and all
deficiencies shall be made good.
Cart away surplus excavated material form site unless otherwise directed. Allow in rates for excavation in items
measured as "extra over excavation" for any additional cost of disposal.
Materials Arising
No materials found in the excavations are to be used in the works without the written permission of the
Earthwork Support
Timbering. The Contractor shall provide adequate timbering to prevent collapse of the earth cuts where
appropriate. The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the excavation and any damage caused by them to
other parts of the Works. Excavations are to be exposed for as short a time as possible.
The Contractor shall provide adequate timbering to prevent collapse of the earth cuts where appropriate. The
Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the excavation and any damage caused by them to other parts of the
Works. Excavations are to be exposed for as short a time as possible.
SECTION 200 201
This work shall consist of excavation, disposal and compaction of all material not being removed under some
other item which encountered within the limits of the work and which is necessary for the construction of the
roadway in accordance with the Specifications and in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades,
thicknesses and typical cross-sections shown on the Plans or established by the Engineer.
Unclassified Excavation
Shall consist of the excavation and disposal of all materials of whatever character encountered in the work
including stripping top soil after clearing and grubbing and after cross sections of the cleared and grubbed areas
have been made.
Muck Excavation
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Shall consist of the removal land disposal of deposits of saturated or unsaturated mixtures of soils and organic
matter not suitable for foundation material regardless of moisture content.
Where excavation results in a sub-base or sub-grade of unsuitable material, the Engineer may require the
Contractor to remove the unsuitable materials and backfill to the finished graded section with approved materials.
The contractor shall conduct his operations in such a way that the Engineer can take the necessary measurements
before the backfilling is placed.
Excavation which requires more than one handling prior to final placement and which was reserved for later use
in the work, will be paid for only once at the Contract unit price but will be also paid for as Clay Capping for
embankment if used for this purpose. All excavation removed from the sites or deposited in other areas except for
clay capping to embankment shall be paid for just once in its original conditions.
All suitable materials removed from the excavation shall be used as far as practicable in the formation of
embankment, sub-grade, shoulders, slopes, and for other purposes as directed by the Engineer.
Embankment construction shall include constructing road-way embankment; the placing and compacting
approved material within road-way areas where unsuitable materials has been removed, and the placing and
compacting of embankment materials in holes, and depressions, within the road-way area. Only approved
materials shall be used in the construction of embankments and backfills.
Construction of Embankment and Treatment of Cut Areas with Moisture and Density Control
Unless the Engineer states that water and rolling are not required, all embankments shall be compacted in
accordance with the following requirements.
The Contractor shall compact the material placed in all embankment in layers and the material scarified to the
designated depth below sub-grade in cut sections, until a uniform density of not less than 95% of the maximum
determined by AASHTO T 180 - E, method is attained at a moisture content determined by the Engineer to be
suitable for such density. The Engineer will, during the process of the work, make density tests of compacted
material in accordance with AASHTO T 147, T 191, T 205, or other approved field density tests, including the
use of properly calibrated nuclear testing devices. A correction for coarse particles may be made in accordance
with AASHTO T 224. If, by such tests, the Engineer determines that specified density and moisture condition
have not been attained, the Contractor shall perform additional work as may be necessary to attain the specified
Construction of Embankment and Treatment of Cut Areas with Moisture and Density Control
Except for the first layer of fill over swampy grounds, embankment materials shall be deposited in layers not
exceeding 8" in thickness before compaction. Dumping and rolling areas shall be kept separate and no lift shall
be covered by another until compaction complying with the requirements of this sub-section is secured.
The clay material from excavation shall be placed on embankment to form clay blanket. Clay blanket shall be
compacted and trimmed to give a neat appearance.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Shall consist of white sand or selected material (approved by the project Engineer) required for the construction of
embankments, subbase, liners or for other engineered portions of the works and shall be obtained from approved
sources Borrow shall be free of deleterious material.
Borrow material shall not be placed until after the readily accessible roadway excavation has been placed in one
fill unless otherwise permitted or directed by the Engineer. If the Contractor places more borrow than is required,
and thereby cause a waste of excavation, the amount of such waste will not be paid for.
All borrow areas shall be balded and left in a neat condition and properly graded to drain.
Ditches shall conform to the slope, grade and shape of the required cross section, with no projection of roots,
stumps, rock or similar matter. The Contractor shall maintain and keep open and free from leaves, sticks and
other debris, all ditches dug by him until final acceptance of the work. The flow lines shall be in satisfactory
shape to provide drainage without overflow.
Materials excavated from ditches shall be disposed of as otherwise directed by the Engineer.
During the construction of the roadway, the roadbed shall be maintained in such a condition that it will be well
drained at all times.
White Sandfill for Embankment
Description. This work shall consist of supplying, placing, spreading and compacting of selected granular fill,
material for embankment and earth works as specified, all as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer
and as specified herein. The minimum height of this fill shall be 6 inches, which is the thickness of the sub-base
assumed for the pavement design.
Materials. Fill material shall be local white sand free from foreign and deleterious materials and with the
following gradation requirements.
ASTM Sieve No.
4 (4,75 mm)
8 (2,36 mm)
16 (1,18 mm)
30 (600 micron)
50 (300 micron)
100 (150 micron)
200 (75 micron)
Limits of % Passing
87 - 98
78 - 95
65 - 85
40 - 75
15 - 45
C.B.R. Requirements. C.B.R. obtained shall not be less than 15% when compacted to the Standard
Proctor density in accordance with AASHTO T 99, Method C, and tested after soaking for four days. In addition,
the material shall be non-plastic.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
5. (a) Placing and Compacting. The fill material shall be placed in uniform layers that can be compacted to the
required density and to the lines, grades and cross sections shown on the plan or as directed by the Engineer. The
upper 6 inches of the fill shall be thoroughly compacted to minimum of 96 percent of the Standard Proctor
Immediately following final placing and compacting, the material shall be compacted to the full height by
means of smooth-wheel power rollers, pneumatic-tired rollers or other approved compaction equipment. Rolling
shall progress gradually from the sides to the center, parallel to the centerline of the road and shall continue until
all the surface has been rolled. Any irregularities or depressions that develop shall be corrected by loosening the
material at these places and adding or removing materials until the surface is smooth and uniform. Along curbs,
headers, walls and that all places not accessible to the roller, the material shall be compacted thoroughly with
approved tampers or compactors. The material shall be both balded and rolled until a smooth even surface has
been obtained.
SECTION 300 301
The work specified in this Section consists of the construction of as subbase course composed of naturally mixed
sand and clay, on the prepared subgrade, in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines,
grades, noted and typical cross sections shown in the plans. When the specified compacted thickness of the
subbase is greater than six inches the subbase shall be constructed in two or more courses; otherwise the base may
be constructed in either one or two courses.
General Requirements. Sand-clay material for use in the construction of sand-clay base shall be a mixture of
suitable sand-clay and white sand, blended in the proportion of 60 parts by weight of sand-clay to 40 parts by
weight of white sand, the materials shall be free of trash, foreign matter and other deleterious material. It shall not
contain lumps or aggregate of such nature or in sufficient quantity to prevent the obtaining of a smooth surface,
free from pits and pockets. It shall not contain particles of aggregate that will not pass a one-inch sieve.
Before any subbase course material is used it shall first have been tested by the laboratory and approved by the
Composition and Gradation
The material passing the 10-mesh sieve shall meet with the following requirements for composition, gradation,
(Percent of material passing the 10-mesh sieve)
Clay (material smaller than 0.005 mm) ...
8 to 21 Silt (material from 0.005 to 0.05 mm) ....
0 to 10 combined clay and silt..........
8 to 25
C.B.R. Requirements
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Sand- clay/white sand mix, not less than 25% when compacted in accordance with AASHTO T 99 method C, and
tested after soaking for four days. In addition the plasticity Index shall not exceed 6, and the liquid limit must not
be greater than 25% (based on tests made on the portion passing the No. 40- sieve).
Source of Materials
The Contractor shall obtain sand-clay material from borrow pits approved by the Engineer. Reef sand from local
deposits in the Region may be used for this purpose but only on approval of the Engineer, provided always that
the applicable tests for gradation and composition and strength are first carried out.
Placing Materials
Single Course Subbase. The material may be dumped directly on the subgrade but shall be uniformly distributed
by approved methods. The loose thickness shall be as designated by the Engineer and shall be checked
continuously by the Contractor to insure that the finished subbase will have the thickness and shape required by
the typical section.
Single-Course. The material shall have approximately the optimum moisture content and the loose consistency,
as determined by the Engineer, before being compacted. Wetting or drying will be required when the material
does not have the proper moisture content to insure the required density. If the material is deficient in moisture,
water shall be added and uniformity mixed-in by sling the base course to its full depth. If the material contains an
excess of moisture are attained the material shall be compacted to a density not less than 98 per cent of the
maximum density which will be acceptable at any location outside the traveled roadway, such as intersections,
crossovers, turnouts, etc., shall be 95 percent of such maximum.
Each course of multiple-course shall be compacted as specified above for single-course base. Prior to the placing
of material for the overlying course, the density tests shall have been made on the lower course and the Engineer
shall have determined that the specified compaction requirements have been met. In the compaction of the upper
course the operations of wetting, discing, etc., shall not be such as to disturb the density in the lower course. For
multiple-course base the density shall be determined separately for each layer.
Testing Surface
The finished surface of the subbase course shall be checked with a template with a template cut to the required
crown and with a 15-foot straightedge laid parallel to the centerline of the road. All irregularities greater than 1/4
inch shall be corrected by scarifying, and removing or adding base materials as may be required, after which the
entire area shall be re-compacted to meet the specified density requirements.
Thickness of Subbase
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
A 2-inch under-tolerance in the thickness of the subbase will be allowed. All area where the thickness of the
completed subbase is less than the thickness required after such tolerance, shall be corrected by scarifying, adding
base material and re-compacting as specified.
SECTION 400 401
The material shall consist of suitable crusher run stone which shall be free from any deleterious matter and shall
meet all the pertinent requirements stated below.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Gradation Requirements
Percent by Weight
Sieve No.
100 - 80
80 - 55
No. 4
50 - 30
No. 30
30 - 10
No. 200
15 - 5
C.B.R. Requirements
Not less than 61% when compacted in accordance with AASHTO T99, Method C, and Tested after soaking for
four days.
All compaction shall be done at optimum moisture content, as determined by AASHTO T99, Method C. The
density shall not be less after compaction than 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO
T99, Method C.
Testing Surface
The finished surface shall be checked with a template. All irregularities greater than 1/4 inch shall be corrected
by scarifying, and removing and adding material as may be required, after which the entire area shall be recompacted to meet the specified density requirements.
A 2-inch under-tolerance in the thickness will be allowed. All areas where the thickness is less than required
after such tolerance shall be corrected by scarifying, adding material and re-compacting as specified.
Prime And Tack Coats
Description. The work specified in this Section consists of the application of bituminous prime coats on
previously prepared bases and the application of bituminous tack coats on previously prepared bases and on
existing pavement surfaces. All such work shall be accomplished in accordance with these specifications and in
conformity with lines, dimensions and notes shown in the plans.
Prime Coat. The material used for prime coat shall be medium curing cutback asphalt, MC-30 or MC - 70,
meeting the requirements for Bituminous Material.
Cover Material for Prime Coat
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
The cover material shall be sand (bare or hot-asphalt). The sand shall be non-plastic and free from silt, clay
balls and root particles, and from any noticeable sticks, trash vegetation or other organic matter.
Tack Coat
Unless a specific type or grade of material is called for in the plans or special provisions, the material used for
tack coat shall be emulsified asphalt, grades RS-2, SS-1 or SS-1H, meeting the requirements for bituminous
Pressure Distributor. The pressure distributor shall be equipped with pneumatic tires having a sufficient width
of rubber in contact with the road surface to avoid breaking the bond or forming a rut in the surface. The
distance between the centers of openings of the outside nozzles of the spray bar shall be equal to the width of the
application required, within an allowable variation of two inches. The outside nozzle at each end of the spray
bar shall have an area of opening not less than 25% not more than in excess of the other nozzles. All other
nozzles shall have uniform openings. When the application covers less than the full width, the normal opening
of the end nozzle at the junction line may remain the same as those of the interior nozzles.
Sampling Device on Transport Tanks
All transport tanks delivery bituminous material, for use of the project shall be equipped with an approved
spigot-type sampling device.
Cleaning Base and Protection of Adjacent Work
Before any bituminous material is applied, all loose material, dust, dirt, caked clay and other foreign material
that might prevent proper bond with the existing surface shall be removed for the full width of the application.
Particular care shall be taken in cleaning the outer edges of the strip to be treated, to ensure that the prime or
tack coat will adhere.
When the prime or tack coat is applied adjacent to curb and gutter, valley gutter or any other concrete surfaces,
such concrete surfaces (except where they are to be covered with a bituminous wearing course) shall be covered
with heavy paper, or otherwise protected as approved by the Engineer, while the prime or tack coat is being
applied. Any bituminous material deposited on such concrete surfaces shall be removed.
Weather Limitations
Prime and tack coats shall be applied when all other weather conditions and the condition of the surface are
Application of Prime Coat
General. The surface to be primed shall be clean and the moisture content of the base shall not exceed 90% of
the optimum moisture. The temperature of the prime material shall be between 100 oF and 150 oF. The actual
temperature shall be that which will ensure uniform distribution, and will be designated by the Engineer. The
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
material shall be applied by means of a pressure distributor. The amount to be applied will be dependent on the
character of the surface shall be sufficient to coat the surface thoroughly and uniformly, with no excess.
Rate of Application
The rate shall be not less than 0.20 - 0.50 gallon per square yard. The depth of penetration shall be about 3 - 10
If so required by the Engineer the base shall be lightly sprinkled with water and rolled with the traffic roller, in
advance of the application of the prime.
The prime base shall be covered by a light uniform application of cover material. If considered necessary for
proper distribution of spread, the cover material shall be lightly dragged with a drag broom, after it shall be
rolled with a traffic roller, for at least ten passes over the entire area.
Application of Tack Coat
General. Where a bituminous surface is to be laid and a tack coat is required, the tack coat shall be applied as
specified herein below.
Method of Application
The tack coat shall be applied with a pressure distributor except that on small job, if approved by the Engineer,
application may be by other mechanical device or by hand methods. The bituminous material shall be heated to
a suitable temperature as designated by the Engineer and shall be applied in a thin, uniform layer.
Rate of Application
The rate of application shall be between 0.02 and 0.08 gallon per square yard.
Curing and Time of Application
The Engineer will designate the curing period for the tack coat. The tack coat shall be applied sufficiently in
advance of the laying of the bituminous mix to permit drying but shall not be applied so far in advance that it
might lose its adhesiveness as a result of being covered with dust or other foreign material.
The tack coat surface shall be kept free from traffic until the subsequent layer of bituminous hot mix has been
SECTION 600 601
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
The work specified in this Section consists of the construction or a wearing surface composed of separate
applications of bituminous material covered with aggregate, either in single application, double (alternate)
Composition and Proportioning
The composition and proportioning for the bituminous surface treatment and for mineral seal coat, shall be as
shown in the table shown below:
Proportions for Bituminous Surface Treatments
Cover Bituminous
(Ft.3 / S.Y.) (Gal. / S.Y.)
0.42 - 0.46
0.18 - 0.22
0.22 - 0.36
Second 0.18 - 0.24
0.26 - 0.31
0.31 - 0.37
General Materials Specifications
The materials used shall conform to the following requirements:
Bituminous material
Asphalt cement,
viscosity grade AC-5
Emulsified asphalt, grade RC -2
Cut-back asphalt, grade RC-3000
Cover materials
stone or slag .......
Section 800
The contractor may use cut-back asphalt or emulsified asphalt in lieu of asphalt cement, at his option.
Pressure Distributor. The pressure distributor shall meet the requirements to be determined.
The rollers used for this surfacing shall be 3 - 5 ton steels tires (or combination steel and rubber tire) rollers,
self- propelled, pneumatic tired traffic type rollers equipment with at least seven smooth-tread, low pressure
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
tires and capable of carrying a gross load of at least eight tons. The inflation of the tires shall be maintained
such that in no two tires shall the air pressure vary more than five pounds per square inch. The traffic roller
shall be loaded as directed by the Engineer.
Limitations to Width of Application
The application of bituminous and cover materials shall be over the entire width to be treated unless, in the
opinion of the Engineer, traffic conditions are not suitable for full-width application, in which case the
application shall be confined to one side of the road at one time over such area as the economical distribution of
material from one delivery point will permit, leaving the opposite side open for traffic.
Preparation of Road Surface
Cleaning. The surface to be covered shall be swept clean and free of sand, dirt, dust and other deleterious
material, by means of mechanical rotary sweepers, hand brooms or other approved methods, and shall be free
from moisture.
Condition of Underlying Surface
Where a prime coat had previously been applied to the surface no bituminous material shall be applied until
the prime coat has become thoroughly cured, as determined by the Engineer. Surface treatment shall not be
applied over any pavement mixture when, due to heat from the sun or insufficient length of the curing period,
the stability of the existing pavement is such as to allow penetration or displacement of the existing surface by
the cover material during the rolling operations.
Limitations to Application
The area to be covered by any one application of bituminous material shall not be greater than can be covered
with the aggregate without interruption due to limitations of hauling and spreading equipment or to any other
For double application surface treatments, the second application of bituminous and cover materials shall be
applied the same day as the first application, as far as is practicable and consistent with the curing
Spreading Cover Material
Spreading. The spreading of the cover material shall follow immediately after each application of bituminous
material. The cover material shall be distributed uniformly over the bituminous surface in one or two courses,
as specified. Spreading shall be done by means of approved mechanical spreaders. Only experienced in this
type of work shall be used in driving the spreaders (or trucks, when towed spreaders are used). Trucks or
spreaders shall not be driven on the uncovered bituminous material.
Double Application
For double application the cover material shall be distributed alternately over the bituminous surface in two
separate courses. The coarse size shall be applied immediately after the first application of bituminous
material and shall be distributed uniformly, in an amount that will cover the surface completely with a single
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
layer of material. The first application shall then be broomed as needed to obtain a uniform surface, assuring
and then rolled. After the first application of bituminous material shall be made and immediately thereafter the
fine size cover material shall be distributed uniformly over the surface in the quantity specified, or in an
amount which will fill completely the voids of the first application. The fine size cover material shall then be
broomed as needed to secure a smooth and uniform surface, and shall then be rolled as specified.
Brooming and Dressing
Immediately after each application of cover material experienced and skilled workmen shall broom the surface
in order to secure a uniform distribution of cover material and a smooth surface. Additional aggregate shall be
placed by hand on any areas not properly covered. If deemed necessary, the surface shall then be dragged with
a light drag broom or other dragging equipment approved by the Engineer, of a type that will not disturb the
embedded aggregate. This operation shall be supplemented by additional hand brooming until a smooth and
even surface is required. The dragging and brooming shall be repeated, in conjunction with the rolling, for as
long as required, to ensure a uniform surface. These dragging requirements shall apply for each application of
cover material.
Rolling and Curing
General Requirements. Immediately after the spreading and dragging of each application of cover material the
entire surface shall be rolled. The rolling shall begin within 30 minutes after the spreading of cover material.
Rolling shall begin at the edges and progress to the center of the surface, uniformly lapping each preceding
track and covering thoroughly the entire surface. During rolling, additional dragging and hand brooming shall
be done as specified.
Rolling shall first be done with a traffic roller, followed immediately with a steel-wheeled roller. The entire
surface shall be covered one time with the steel-wheeled roller. The cover material shall then be again rolled.
The rolling shall be continued as long as is necessary to ensure thorough keying of the cover material into the
bituminous material and to secure a uniformly closed surface.
Omission of Steel-tired Roller
Over stabilized bases or where the surface to be covered is irregular, rolling with the steel-tired roller may be
omitted, if so directed by the traffic.
Surface Requirements
The finished surface shall be uniform and shall conform to the lines, grades and typical cross section. Any
portions of the completed surface which are defective, not properly finished, have fat joints, or are not in
reasonably close conformance with these specifications, shall be replaced with a satisfactory surface laid in
accordance with these specifications. In this care no compensation will be made for the replaced surfaces.
After the application of bituminous material, traffic shall not be allowed to use the road until the cover
material has been placed and thoroughly rolled. If practicable, traffic shall be kept off the finished surface for
the first 48 hours after finishing is completed. Where it is impracticable to keep traffic off the finished surface
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
for such period, traffic shall be restricted to a maximum speed of 15 miles per hour during this time. For this
purpose the Contractor shall furnish and maintain suitable barricades and lights, and shall provide watchmen
and vehicles to lead traffic through the sections of the roadway being protected. At least two such watchmen
shall be kept on duty continuously during this 48 - hour restricted periods and the number shall be sufficient to
assure enforcement of the 15 mile per hour maximum speed.
This Sections specifies the materials and the composition for asphaltic concrete
General Specifications. The materials used shall conform to the requirements specified for the following:
Asphaltic Cement viscosity grade AC-20
Mineral filler
Coarse Aggregate, Stone or Slag
Fine Aggregate
All materials shipped to the asphalt plant will be sampled at their destination.
Specified Requirements
Conditions of Aggregate. The aggregate shall be clean and shall contain no deleterious substances. Coarse or
fine aggregate containing any appreciable amount of phosphate shall not be used.
Fine Aggregate and Mineral Filler
In laboratory tests, and for the purpose of proportioning the pavement mixture, all material passing the No. 10
sieve and retained on the No. 200 sieve shall be considered as fine aggregate and the material passing the No.
200 sieve shall be considered as mineral filler.
Any screenings used in the combination of aggregates shall contain not more than 15 percent of material
passing the No. 200 sieve. When two screenings are blended to produce the screening component of the
aggregate, one of such screenings may contain up to 18 percent of material passing the No. 200 sieve.
Screenings may be washed to meet these requirements.
Permissible Variation for the Coarse Aggregate
The design of the mixture shall be based on the use of Grade 16S Coarse aggregate as specified for the coarse
aggregates. If, however, after the design has been established, aggregate shipped to the job fails to meet the
foregoing gradation requirements yet such aggregate, when blended with other aggregate for the mix, will
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
produce an aggregate combination falling within the design gradation tolerances, the aggregate will be
acceptable on this basis. No variation from the maximum size will be permitted.
General Composition of Mixture
The aggregate shall be so graded, and the prescribed constituents (prepared as hereinafter set out) shall be
combined in such proportions, as to produce a mixture conforming to the general composition limits as shown
in the table below for mineral aggregate combination.
Oversize aggregate shall be restricted by scalping screens having an opening of 7/8 inch square.
Where hand placing and finishing of asphaltic concrete is permitted for small and irregular areas, such as
turnouts, crossovers, acceleration and deceleration lanes, the portion of the coarse aggregate retained on the
No. 4 sieve may be omitted from the mixture and the percent by weight of the coarse aggregate passing No. 4
sieve and retained on the No. 10 sieve shall be as discussed below.
For the percentages shown in the design mix for the total material retained on the No. 10 sieve and for the total
material passing the No. 10 sieve, a tolerance of four percent will be allowed from the percentage specified as
the design mix.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Table 1
on Sieve
No. 4
No. 4
No. 10
No. 10
No. 40
No. 80
No. 200
No. 40
No. 80
No. 200
91 - 95
Total Mix
For Total
Passing Sieve
Min. Marshall
( 0.01 in.)
on Sieve
by Weight
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
2 in.
3/8 in.
No. 4
No. 10
No. 40
3/8 in.
No. 4
No. 10
No. 40
No. 80
Samples for the Job Mix
No asphaltic construction shall be started on the project until the Engineer has approved the design of the job-mix
formula from the samples of all materials to be used. Samples of materials proposed to be used shall be prepared
by the Contractor for examination by the Engineer at least 14 days before plant operations are to begin. The work
of preparing and testing of the job-mix formula shall be carried out in a laboratory approved by the Engineer.
Modifications to Master Ranges
The general composition limits prescribed in 607 are master ranges of tolerance to govern mixtures made from
any materials meeting the specifications and are the maximum and minimum for all cases.
Allowable Tolerances
After the job-mix formula has been established, the mixture shall meet the approved formula for the project
within the following allowable tolerances (which are the maximum for any materials and may be applied only
within the limits of the general composition range):
Materials Exceeding Master Range
After the design mix has been established from the materials submitted to the designated Laboratory all materials
shipped to the plant or used in the mix shall not vary from the gradation of materials upon which the design was
based, sufficiently to cause the mix to fall outside the master range. Any materials which would cause the mix to
fall outside these tolerances shall be rejected for use in the mix.
Materials Requiring Adjustment of Bituminous Material Content
Job materials found to have characteristic requiring a content of bituminous material less than is indicated in the
formula prescribed in 607 will be rejected, or shall be adjusted to provide a blend which will produce a balanced
mixture under the terms of the formula. Where job materials otherwise meeting specifications are found (because
of highly absorptive or other special characteristics) to produce an acceptable balanced mix only if the bituminous
material content is increased over the amount specified, the materials may be accepted provided that the job mix
is adjusted to require the use of such increased amount of bituminous material.
Laboratory-Compacted Density
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
The laboratory-compacted mixture shall have a density of not less than 95 nor more than 98 percent of the
calculated theoretical density of a voidless mixture composed of the same materials in like proportions.
Sampling of the Mixture in Use
Samples of the mixture in use will be taken as many times daily as is necessary and the mixture shall be
maintained uniform throughout the project within the specified tolerances.
Change in Sources of Supply for Materials
If an additional source of supply for materials is approved, the job-mix formula will be re-designed by the
designated Laboratory.
Sand bitumen means a thorough controlled hot-mixed hot-laid plant mixture of dried sand and penetration grade
bitumen which when compacted forms a dense material.
Materials for Sand Bitumen
Asphalt Cement Viscosity Grade AC-20
Sand shall be material passing the 6.35 mm (3@) sieve free from clay, organic and deleterious material and shall
be non-plastic.
Mineral Filler
Mineral filler shall consist of finely ground particles of limestone, hydrated lime, ordinary Portland cement or
other non-plastic matter as approved by the Engineer. It shall be thoroughly dry and free from lumps. At least
75% (by weight) shall pass a 75-micron sieve and 100% shall pass a 0.425 mm sieve. It shall have a bulk density
in toluene measured in accordance with B.S. 812 of between 5 and 9 Lb./gal.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Grading Requirements
Table 2
% passing
by weight
No. 4
No. 10
No. 40
No. 80
88 - 100
60 - 90
40 - 70
20 - 45
10 - 30
2- 6
The grading of sand aggregate plus filler shall be within the grading envelope given in
the Table 2.
The sand shall have a minimum Uniformity Coefficient of 5.
Bituminous Materials
Asphalt Cement
The grades of asphalt cement shall conform to the requirements given in the following table
Spot test (when and as specified). See note below.
Standard with Naphtha Solvent - Negative for all grades
Naphtha - xylene Solvent - percent Xylene - Negative for all grades
Heptane - Xylene Solvent - percent Xylene - Negative for all grades.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Requirement for Asphaltic Cement
Viscosity Grade
AC - 20
Viscosity, 140 o F (60o C),
Viscosity, 275o F (135o C), Cs
Penetration 77o F (25o C) 100
gm, 5 sec
Viscosity Ratio
= Visc. 140o F after TFOT
= Visc. 140o F before TFOT
Ductility, 77o F ( 25o C) 5 Cm.
per min., Cm.
Flash Point, COC,
Solubility in
Trichloroethylene, %
Tests on Residue from
Thin Film Oven Test:
Note: The use of the spot test is optional. When it is specified the engineer shall indicate whether the standard
naphtha solvent, the naphtha-xylene solvents, or the Heptane-xylene solvent will be used in determining
compliance with this percentage, and also is the case of xylene solvent, the percentage of xylene to be used.
Material failing to meet the viscosity requirements (140 oF) shown above will be paid for at reduced rates as
shown in the table below.
AC - 20 [Viscosity
140 OF (poises)]
of Original Payment
1600 - 2400
1500 - 1599 or 2401 2500
1375 - 1499 or 2501 2625
Less than 1375 or
greater than 2625
No payment or to be
removed and replaced at the
discretion of the Engineer
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Certification as to viscosity shall be submitted for all viscosity -grade materials delivered to the project.
For viscosity grade AC-20, silicone shall be added to the asphalt cement at the rate to 25 cubic centimeters of
silicone mixed to each 5,000 gallons of asphalt cement. If a dispersing fluid is used in conjunction with the
silicones, the resultant mixture containing the full 25 cubic centimeters shall be added, in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendation.
The blending of silicone mixture with the asphalt cement shall be done by the producer prior to shipment. The
producer shall furnish a certificates indicating compliance with the above requirements.
Cut-Back Asphalt, Rapid-Curing Types
Rapid curing cut back asphalt shall conform with the requirements of AASHTO M 81 except that the penetration
range shall be from 60 -120 instead of 80-120.
For grade RC-3000, in addition to the requirements shown in Table 1 of AASHTO M 81 the following values
shall be added to the requirements for Distillation Test.
Distillate, Percentage by
volume of total distillate
to 680o F
RC - 3000
to 320o F
to 374o F
to 437o F
All other requirements for the Distillation Test (and for other properties included in the Table) shall be shown in
Table 1 of AASHTO M 81.
The penetration test will be made in accordance with AASHTO T 49.
Cut-Back Asphalt, Medium -Curing Types
These materials shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 82
Emulsified Asphalt
These materials shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 140 (for Anionic) and M 208 (for Cationic). The
viscosity requirements for Grades RS-2, SS-1, and SS-IH to be used as tack coat shall not apply.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Mineral filler shall consist, in general, of rock dust, Portland cement, slag dust, hydrated lime, or any other inert
mineral matter from sources approved by the Engineer. The mineral filler should be thoroughly dry and free from
lumps consisting of aggregations of fine particles. Ground phosphate will not be allowed as mineral filler. Stone
or slag screening may also be used as filler material for asphaltic concrete mixtures, under the provisions specified
The mineral filler shall meet the following gradation requirements:
Total passing No. 30 sieve
Total passing No. 80 sieve
95 (min)
Total passing No. 200 sieve
65 (min)
Provision for Use of Coarser Filler Material
Process screening from stone or slag, having a coarser gradation than as specified above, may also be used as
filler material provided the particular product, and the source thereof, are approved by the Engineer and that the
material meets the following requirements:
(a) All of the material shall pass the No. 10 sieve, and not more than 35 % shall pass the No. 200 sieve.
(b) The material passing the No. 200 sieve shall be free from organic impurities, and not more than 4.0% of such
consist of clay minerals. The plasticity index of the material passing the No. 200 sieve shall not exceed 4.
(c)For the stone or slag material from which the screening are produced the loss, when subjected to the Los
Angeles Abrasion Test, shall not exceed 45%.
Coarse Aggregate
General. Stone for coarse crushed aggregates shall be obtained from any proven satisfactory [] quarries or from
any other quarries approves by the Engineer.
All coarse aggregate shall be washed and shall be free from disintegrated pieces, salt, alkali, vegetable matter and
adherent coatings. The weight of extraneous substances shall not exceed the following:
Coal and lignite
Coal lumps
Soft fragments
Cinders and clinkers
Free Shells
Sticks (wet)
Material passing the no. 200 sieve
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
In addition, the sum of the percentages of all substances listed above shall not exceed ten.
Stone shall be composed of clean, durable rock. The loss, when the stone is subjected to the Los Angeles
Abrasion Test, shall not exceed 45%, except that for stone used in bituminous surface treatments the loss shall not
exceed 40%.
The stone shall also comply with the soundness requirements as set out in AASHTO M 80; however, the test for
soundness shall be made at the option of the Engineer.
The following additional limitations shall apply for stone used as aggregate in all asphaltic concrete used as a
wearing coarse.
Pre-Cenozoic limestones and dolomites shall not be used as crushed-stone aggregates, either coarse or fine, for
wearing courses of asphaltic concrete surface courses.
Grades of Coarse Aggregate
Square Mesh
Percent by Weight
: inch
2 inch
d inch
No. 4
No. 10
No. 16
90 - 100
70 - 90
30 - 50
The gradations for the various grades of coarse aggregate are as shown in the following table:
Coarse Aggregate Gradation
Percent by weight of coarse aggregate passing square - opening laboratory sieves.
The above gradations represent the extreme limits for the various sizes indicated which will be used in
determining the suitability for use of coarse aggregate from all sources of supply. For any grade from any one
source, the gradation shall be held reasonably uniform and not subject to the extreme percentages of gradation
specified above.
Any natural sand portion of the fine aggregate other than screening shall be siliceous and shall contain not more
than 10% of material passing the No. 200 sieve.
Fine aggregate containing more than 1.00 % of phosphate shall not be used.
This fine aggregate, when tested by means of laboratory sieves, shall meet the following requirements.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
on Sieve
Percentage by
No. 4
No. 4
No. 10
No. 40
No. 80
No. 200
-----No. 10
No. 40
No. 80
No. 200
90 - 100
0 - 15
15 - 50
25 - 60
8 - 40
0 - 10
Fine Aggregate
Fine Aggregate for Cement Concrete
Composition. This fine aggregate shall consist of approved sand composed only or hard, strong, durable uncoated
All fine aggregate shall be reasonably free from lumps of clay, soft or flaky particles, salt, alkali, organic matter,
loam or other extraneous substances. The weight of extraneous substances shall not exceed the following
Material passing the no. 200 sieve
Coal and lignite
Clay Lumps
Cinders and clinkers
In addition, the sum of the percentages of all materials listed in the above table shall not exceed five.
Test Requirements
The fine aggregate shall be subjected to the calorimeter test for organic impurities, and if the color produced is
darker than the standard solution, the aggregate shall be rejected unless it can be shown by appropriate tests that
the impurities causing the color are not of a type that would be detrimental to the concrete. Such tests shall be in
accordance with AASHTO Methods T 71 and M 6.
Sand. Fine aggregate shall be reasonably well-grades, from coarse to fine and when tested by means of laboratory
sieve, it shall meet the following requirements, in percent of total weight:
Total Retrained on:
No. 4
No. 8
No. 16
No. 30
0 to 5
0 to 15
3 to 35
30 to 75
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
No. 50
No. 100
65 to 95
93 to 100
The above gradation represents the extreme limits which will be used in determining the suitability for use from
all sources of supply. The gradation from any one source shall be reasonable uniform, and not subject to the
extreme range of gradation specified above. For the purpose of determining the degree of uniformity a fineness
modulus determination shall be made upon representative samples, submitted by the Contractor, from such
sources as he proposed to use.
Fine aggregate from any one source, having a variation in fineness modulus greater than 0.20 either way from the
fineness modulus of the representative sample submitted by the Contractor, may be rejected.
Fine Aggregate for Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course
Composition. This fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand, stone screening, slag screening, or a combination
thereof, composed of clean, tough, angular grains, free from clay, loam and other foreign matter. As delivered to
the mixer it shall be free from clayey lumps or loosely bonded aggregations and the individual particles shall be
free from adhering dust. Stone or slag screening shall be produced from material complying with the abrasion
requirements specified for coarse aggregate. The following additional limitation shall apply for stone used as
aggregate in all asphaltic concrete used as a wearing course.
Source of Material. The areas or other sources for obtaining this fine aggregate shall be furnished by the
Gradation Requirements. Any screening used in the combination of aggregate shall contain not more than 15%
of material passing the no. 200 sieve and. if necessary to meet this requirement, they shall be washed.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
SECTION 900 901
Concrete Components
Concrete shall consist of cement, graded aggregate and water thoroughly mixed, placed and
All cement used in the works shall be Ordinary Portland Cement to B.S. 12 Part 2 unless
otherwise specified. The cement used shall be obtained from manufacturers approved in writing
by the Engineer.
Storage of Cement
The cement shall be delivered to the site of the works in properly sealed bags and must be
protected from the weather during transit by effective coverings. The Contractor shall provide at
his own cost perfectly weatherproof and well-ventilated sheds having a floor raised at least 450
mm above ground. Cement that has been damaged in transit or contain lumps shall not be used in
the Permanent Works.
Fine Aggregate
Fine aggregates for concrete shall be clean white sand complying with B.S. 882 - 1201.
Coarse Aggregate
Coarse aggregate for concrete shall comply with B.S. 882-1201. Coarse aggregate may be either
natural gravel or broken stone and shall be obtained from quarries, pits or other sources approved
by the Engineer. The aggregates shall be free from clay, earth or other organic or similar
Gradation of Aggregates
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
The grading of coarse aggregate by analysis shall be within the limits laid down in B.S. 882 1201, Table 1. Should an analysis of the grain size of the material show a deficiency of any
particular size such as to affect the density of concrete, the Engineer may require the Contractor
to add such quantity of aggregate of the particular size that he may deem advisable. In every
case, the material shall, when mixed with sand produce a well-graded mixture from the largest to
the smallest size specified to ensure that concrete of high density shall be produced.
Storage of Aggregates
All sand and aggregates for concrete shall be stored on close fitting timber, steel or concrete
stages of approved design with drainage slopes or in bins of substantial construction in such a
manner as to prevent segregation of sizes and to avoid the inclusion of dirt and other foreign
matter in the concrete.
Water for Concrete
Clean fresh water is to be used for the mixing of all concrete and is to be from a source approved
by the Engineer.
Concrete Classes
The classes of concrete to be used in the Works shall be as shown on the Drawings and Bills of
Quantities. Preliminary tests are to be carried out jointly by the Contractor and the Engineer to
determine the mixes which will satisfy the specification. Trial mixes shall be prepared under full
scale conditions and tested in accordance with B.S. 1881.
Test Cubes
Test cubes shall be made, cured, stored, transported and tested in accordance with B.S. 1881.
Samples of concrete shall be taken at random as directed by the Engineer from each sample two
cubes shall be made and marked for testing at 7 days and 28 days.
Cube Failure
Should any test cube fail to attain the specified strength an immediate examination shall be made
to find the cause of the failure and where necessary the concrete section corresponding to the
cubes cut out and replaced.
The concrete shall be of such consistency that it can be readily transported, placed and compacted
in the works without segregation of the materials. The resulting concrete shall be free from
Water/Cement Ratio
The water-cement ratio for the various classes of concrete shall be determined by trial mixes and
in no case shall the water-cement ratio used is allowed to exceed by more than 10% of those
determined by trail mixes. Efficient means shall be provided for determining the moisture
content of the sand and coarse aggregate at all times.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Mixing of Concrete
The aggregate and cement shall be proportioned by means of efficient mechanical mixers. The
mixers shall be carefully maintained and cleaned and they shall be provided with a simple and
convenient means of checking the weighing mechanism. Ready-mix concrete may be used
subject to the approval of the Engineer.
Placing of Concrete
The concrete shall be deposited as nearly as possible in its final position without rehandling or
segregation. Where possible bottom opening skips shall be used and concrete should not be
dropped through a greater height than 1.5 m. Placing of concrete under water will not be
Preparation of Existing Concrete Surfaces
Surfaces to which concrete is to be placed shall be cleared of all loose material and clay particles
by compressed air and water jets. Existing concrete surfaces should be thoroughly roughened so
that no smooth skin of concrete that may be left from the previous work is visible. The area
should then be covered with a layer of cement mortar slurry prior to placing new concrete or use
can be made of a suitable epoxy approved by the Engineer.
Bar Type
Steel reinforcement shall comply with B.S. 4449 "hot rolled steel bars for reinforced concrete".
The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with copies of the manufacturer's certificates of tests
for the steel reinforcement to be supplied.
Bar Bending
Bars shall be bent cold in a manner that will not injure the material. Where splices or overlapping
in reinforcement are required, the bars shall have an overlap of not less than 30 diameters where a
U-hook is employed on each of the overlapping bars and 45 diameters for bars without hooks.
Welding of reinforcing bars will not be permitted.
Bar Placing
The number, size, form and position of all steel reinforcement bars, ties, links, stirrups and other
parts of the reinforcement shall be in accordance with the drawings and they shall be kept in
correct position at the required cover without displacement during the process of compacting the
concrete. The Contractor shall provide all the necessary distance pieces and spacer blocks at his
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
own cost to maintain the reinforcement in the correct position. Bars shall be bound together with
No. 16 S.W.G. binding wire twisted tight with pliers with the free ends bent inwards.
Before any steel reinforcement is embedded in the concrete any loose mill scale, loose rust, oil,
grease or other deleterious matter shall be removed. Partially set concrete which may adhere to
the exposed bars during concreting operations shall likewise be removed. Bars with reduced
cross-section due to excessive rusting will be rejected.
Additional Drawings & Schedules
The Contractor will be provided with bending schedules detailing the reinforcement required for
the Permanent Works. All further working drawings and lists of reinforcement necessary to carry
out the works shall be provided by the Contractor.
Formwork Design
The Contractor shall submit for approval of the Engineer details of the methods and materials
proposed for formwork to each section of the work. Formwork shall be constructed from sound
materials of sufficient strength, properly braced, strutted and shored as to ensure rigidity
throughout the placing and compaction of the concrete without visible deflection. Carpenters
should be on standby during pouring of concrete to make any adjustments to formwork if
Ease of Removal
Formwork shall be constructed so that it can be removed easily without shock or vibration to the
concrete. No part of any metal tie or spacer remaining permanently embedded in the concrete
shall be nearer than 75 mm to the finished surface and the cavity shall be so formed as to permit
satisfactory filling with cement mortar. All joints shall be close fitting to prevent leakage of grout
and at construction joints the formwork shall be tightly secured against previously cast or
hardened concrete to prevent stepping or ridges to exposed surfaces.
Preparation of Concrete
Before concrete is placed the formwork shall be thoroughly cleared and freed from sawdust,
shaving dust or other debris. After cleaning, the formwork shall be coated with an approved
release agent which shall not be allowed to run on to the reinforcement or other embedded
steelwork or concrete.
Time Before Stripping
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
No formwork shall be removed until the concrete has gained sufficient strength to support itself.
Normally, vertical forms may be removed after 7 days and soffit forms after 28 days.
Site Formation
Site Infrastructure
Landfill Liner
Landfill Operations
Bad Weather Landfill Operations
Waste Reception
Leachate Management
Landfill Gas Management
Volume and density of Waste
Surface Water Management
Groundwater Management
Nuisance Avoidance
Environmental and Operational Monitoring
Environmental and Pollution Control Requirements
Materials Use and Recovery
Final Cap
Landscape Work
Landfill Aftercare
1200 Site Formation
Advance Works. The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out such work as is necessary
to the final earthwork levels to produce the site formation configuration, measurements, and
slopes as designed as specified under this Contract.
Base and Surface Slopes. The Contractor shall maintain a slope of no less than 2 percent and no
more than 4 percent along the compacted base of the landfill cells, on the compacted surface of
each intermittent landfill layer of cells, and along the compacted surface of the final cover so as to
ensure drainage of leachate and/or surface water and minimize erosion.
Side Slopes. The Contractor shall maintain side slopes on the compacted landfill cells of no more
than 35% (about 1 measurement vertical for each 3 measurements horizontal) so as to ensure
slope stability. If local seismic and/or geotechnical conditions require gentler slopes than 35%,
the Contract shall be responsible for determining this design requirement and avoiding slope
failure. Mitigative measures for slope stabilization, such as use of geotextiles, shall be employed
by the Contractor to the extent needed to ensure slope stability. Slopes shall be inspected by
suitably experienced and qualified persons employed by the Contractor on a regular basis to avoid
slope failure or distress. Precautions are to be carried out by the Contractor as needed during
periods of heavy rainfall.
1201 Phasing
Works Phasing with Operations. The Contractor shall conduct all Works so as to enable the
continuation of uninterrupted disposal operations at the Disposal Facility. Works shall be
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
conducted in such a manner that collection vehicles are not delayed at the Disposal Facility from
unloading and returning to their collection routes. The Contractor shall prepare a new area of
landfill cell development immediately after undertaking the Contract such that the existing area
can be cleared and enable construction of the extended Access Road through to [].
Landfill Cell Construction. Each landfill cell shall be sized to minimize the exposed working
face of uncovered solid waste material, and thus the potential for adverse environmental and
health impacts from such uncovered wastes. Restoration and Aftercare shall be phased in line
with operations, planting seasons, and progressive completion of landfill cells so as to minimize
adverse visual and environmental impacts.
Phasing of Works and Operations shall be conducted to minimize materials handling, materials
stockpiling, double handling, adverse visual impact, noise during evening or other rest periods.
Blasting shall be minimized at the Site, and no blasting shall be conducted on Sundays or public
holidays. All activities likely to produce significant noise, dust, or other nuisance shall be
conducted at times so as to minimize public discomfort.
1202 Site Infrastructure
Buildings. The Disposal Facility shall have a Site Office for supervision, recordkeeping, staff
meetings, review of designs and specifications, public education, and meals. The Office shall be
equipped with computers for word processing and analytical spreadsheets. The Disposal Facility
shall have a truck washing facility for all vehicles to be washed before leaving the Facility. There
shall be a sanitary block and set of changing rooms for the Facility’s workers. The Contractor
shall fully equip and furnish these infrastructure units, provide all plumbing and electrical
connections, and maintain full utility services to these units (including water supply, electricity,
and telephone)
Perimeter Control. The Contractor shall construct and maintain perimeter control over the
Disposal Site so that no unauthorized persons or animals shall gain entrance to the Site or remove
materials or goods from the Site. This shall include a competent perimeter fence, gatehouse, and
guard system. The Contractor shall take all reasonable measures to prevent trespassing on the
Site. Scavenging shall be allowed only by Registered (Adult) Waste Pickers and according to
rules prescribed by the City.
Supplies. The Contractor shall provide storage for fuel, lubricants, water, spare parts, and other
necessary consumables required for uninterrupted landfill operations.
Communications. The Contractor shall provide and maintain open channels of communication
that are accessible to the public (such as telephones) and to the City supervisors, inspectors and
officials (such as radios). Such services shall enable the general public to readily log complaints
and shall enable a rapid response to emergency situations.
Lighting. The Contractor shall provide lighting in all areas of operations, including the landfill
working face, truck washing operations, and entrance gate during night hours of operations. The
lighting shall be adequate to fully enable operations to be conducted safely during the night.
1203 Landfill Liner
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
On-site Soil Liner Preparation. The landfill liner shall be constructed by grading and compacting
the on-site clayey soil materials to meet the technical specifications of slope and compaction at
optimum moisture to minimize permeability and infiltration. The City recognizes that the on-site
soils are compressible and will, in time, consolidate unevenly under the weight of the overlying
landfill cells, such that creation of underdrainage for leachate is not technically viable.
1204 Landfill Operations
Tipping Face. The Contractor shall provide a well-defined tipping face for disposal of Waste.
The width of the tipping face shall be dimensioned to minimize the measurements of exposed
solid waste while also providing sufficient width for the number of vehicles likely to be at the
tipping face during peak hours. The angle of the tipping slope in each daily landfill cell shall be
no steeper than 1(V) on 5(h).
Good Weather Operations. The Contractor shall conduct landfilling by the area method during
dry or otherwise good weather conditions. The area method of landfilling involves placement of
a layer of compacted refuse equivalent to one day’s refuse on the base of the landfill, and building
up the landfill cell by cell, layer by layer. Trucks unloading their waste drive directly along the
landfill base, on a prepared interior road, to the working face of each cell. A layer of cover is
applied at the end of each workday.
Bad Weather Operations. The Contractor shall conduct landfilling by the ramp method during
wet or otherwise bad weather conditions. The ramp method of landfilling involves dropping
waste from a ramp-unloading platform onto the base of the landfill located below the ramp.
Trucks unloading their waste drive only on the ramp, while only landfill equipment works on the
landfill cell below. A layer of cover is applied at the end of each workday.
Windblown Litter Control. The Contractor shall construct and daily use a portable fence designed
to block and capture windblown litter from the working face of the landfill. The portable fence
shall be constructed of heavy metal frames with mesh screens of adequate size and number to be
placed adjacent to all active tipping and landfill cells to catch windblown litter. The fencing shall
be cleared daily of all litter caught on its screens and nets.
Roads to be Kept Clean. The Contractor shall ensure that no vehicle or mobile plant leaves the
Disposal Facility with mud, debris or waste on it that may drop or be deposited on the public
roads, adjacent property, or private right of way. The Contractor shall sweep and keep clean at all
times the Access Road between the Facility entrance and the nearest main street junction.
Drains to be Kept Clean. The Contractor shall, at all times, ensure that no materials and wastes
shall be discharged or allowed to be discharged into a drain, including those open channels along
the Access Road and around the perimeter of the Disposal Facility, which is likely to impede the
free-flow of water therein, cause damage to the drain or channel, create an aesthetic nuisance or
damage any person. The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of flow of drainage
within the Site and at the edge of the Site, as well as in drains and channels along the Access
Road. Such maintenance shall include clearing blockage of underground pipes, removing
floating materials, and desilting channels, pipes and drainage chambers.
Litter Patrol. The Contractor shall patrol daily the Access Roads and [], within a radius of []
around the Disposal Site, for purposes of finding and collecting all litter and waste material
falling or spilling from collection vehicles or windblown from the Disposal Facility.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
1205 Waste Reception
Acceptance of Only Permitted Wastes. The Contractor shall scrutinize all Wastes arriving at the
Disposal Facility to ensure that only Permitted Wastes shall enter the Site. No Hazardous
Wastes, Abattoir Wastes, Bulky Wastes, Animal Carcasses, or Excrement Wastes shall be
permitted. The City shall identify procedures and sites for the safe disposal of these Wastes and
require all Generators and their Designated Haulers to use such sites.
Gate Records. The Contractor shall develop and maintain a list of all vehicles bringing wastes to
the Disposal Facility, recording each vehicle’s identification number, time of arrival, driver, time
of departure, and size of the load. The Contractor shall allow the City and its authorized
representatives full access to view all vehicles bringing wastes and obtain all gate records, as
needed by them for the conduct of their work.
1206 Leachate Management
Leachate Collection. Leachate will be drained from the landfill cells to the perimeter drainage
channels by gravity flow along the compacted base of the landfill. The drainage channels shall be
constructed to be sufficiently lower in elevation than the base of the landfill so as to encourage
leachate to flow into these channels. The City recognizes that the compressible on-site soils will
not allow the slope of the landfill base to be maintained over the life of the Disposal Facility and
that some leachate will migrate into the groundwater. For this reason, this Disposal Facility is an
interim measure only, until a new Sanitary Landfill is sited and implemented.
Leachate Management. The Contractor shall minimize the generation of leachate through
optimum compaction and cover of waste, minimize the head of leachate above the landfill liner
and/or base at any time, minimize the potential for perched leachate within the landfill cells,
prevent surface ponding of leachate on the base of the landfill, and encourage the direction and
flow of leachate into the drainage channel system for leachate collection. No leachate treatment
is planned for this interim landfill. Leachate within the open channels shall be pumped onto the
surface of completed landfill cells during dry weather so as to recirculate to encourage optimum
landfill biodecomposition activity within the landfill cells.
1207 Landfill Gas Management
Landfill Gas Ventilation. Landfill gas ventilation wells shall be developed within the landfill
cells, at least one ventilation well every one hectare of landfill area. Such wells are to be built
from the base to the top surface of the landfill and shall consist of rock filled gabons.
Landfill Gas Utilization. The Contractor shall be permitted to extract and utilize landfill gas at
the Disposal Facility, as well as to sell the landfill gas or any resulting gas byproduct, so long as
such activities do not adversely affect any of the Contractor’s abilities to fully meet its
responsibilities under this Contract. Expenses from such landfill gas extraction and utilization
shall be borne solely by the Contractor. Revenues from such landfill gas extraction and
utilization shall be gained solely by the Contractor.
1208 Volume and density of Waste
Equipment. Landfill equipment (such as bulldozers and compactors) used for spreading, grading
and compacting solid waste and cover shall be sufficiently heavy to densify these materials
maximally, ensuring optimum use of the available void space and minimization of daily cover
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
requirements, as well as reduction in problems of roads and other pests. Such equipment shall be
equivalent to at least D8 Caterpillar in weight.
Compaction Levels. Each daily layer of solid waste shall receive a minimum of 8 passes of such
equipment for purposes of compaction; and a layer shall consist of no more than 20 centimeters
of waste. The solid waste shall reach a density of no less than 800-kg/cubic meter on the day of
deposition and after being compacted by the landfill equipment. The cover material shall reach a
permeability of no more than 10-6 cm/sec following compaction.
1209 Surface Water Management
The Contractor shall construct all necessary drains or structures to prevent water from running
onto active areas of the Disposal Facility, minimize infiltration to the landfill cells, limit erosion
of side slopes and cover material, and avoid leachate generation. All flows of surface water shall
be appropriately designed to drain from the Site so as to avoid flooding, erosion or other damage
downgradient of the Site. All flows of surface water shall be designed to minimize contact with
wastes. To the extent possible, surface water shall be diverted around the perimeter of the Site.
Design and construction of the surface water collection shall be compatible with the overall
surface water management system in the vicinity of the Site.
1210 Groundwater Management
The Contractor shall construct all necessary waste reception areas, landfill cells, and underlying
layers of compacted clay soil to prevent water from pooling on the surface of the landfill liner or
infiltrating through the landfill liner. All liners shall be graded and compacted to provide a slope
that encourages water to flow to an open channel rather than infiltrate through the liner. Daily
and Interim Cover Material shall be selected, graded and compacted to prevent infiltration of
water to the waste material. The Contractor shall conduct operations in such a manner that
settlement/consolidation of the liner and related underlying soil material will still enable water to
flow toward the open channels rather than perch on the liner and eventually infiltrate through the
liner. Phasing of landfill cell construction shall be organized to encourage areas near the open
channels to settle earlier than areas away from the open channels, so as to maintain flow to the
1211 Nuisance Avoidance
Noise Control. All aspects of the Works, Operation, Restoration and Aftercare shall be
undertaken in such a manner as to minimize noise attributable to the Site. All Plant and Mobile
Plant to be used on the Site shall be effectively sound-reduced by means of silencers, mufflers,
acoustic linings or shield, acoustic sheds or screens or other means, to avoid disturbance to any
nearby noise sensitive receivers. The Contract shall conduct routine maintenance to keep all
silencing equipment in good operation in order to minimize noise. Any work causing excessive
noise shall not be conducted near schools during school hours or near the cemetery during any
funeral services. If the City determines that excessive noises are routinely disturbing nearby
noise sensitive receivers, the Contractor may be required to install noise barriers, specifically
reimbursable under a negotiated Contract Change Order.
Dust Control. The Contractor shall minimize the generation of dust as a result of Works and
Operations, at all times. The Contract shall install and use effective dust suppression equipment,
including water sprays for Interior Access Roads and for the Soil Cover excavation and
placement activities. Fine-grained materials delivered for Construction (such as cement, fuel ash,
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
and/or sand) shall be stockpiled within a three-sided enclosure and regularly wetted with water
Rodent Control. All wastes brought to the Site shall be contacted before the close of the
workday, to minimize voids that could provide habitat for Rodents.
Insect Control. All wastes brought to the Site shall be covered with at least 15 centimeters of soil
cover or equivalent, to avoid the migration of fly larvae out of the waste. As needed, waste
disposal areas shall be sprayed with insect pesticide acceptable to agencies regulating protection
of water quality. Workers conducting the spraying shall be properly trained and wear suitable
protective clothing and a mask. Such spraying shall be conducted in non-peak work hours or
non-work hours. The Site shall be kept clear of empty containers or tires that are capable of
retaining water and thus supporting mosquito larvae or pupae. Similarly, the Contractor shall
allow no formation of pools or stagnant water, and any cisterns used for storing water shall be
kept clean and covered.
Odor Control. The Contractor shall minimize odors attributable to waste and/or waste
decomposition. Wastes shall be immediately deposited at the working face of the landfill cell
upon arrival at the Disposal Facility, and then immediately graded, compacted, and covered. The
size of the working face shall be minimized.
Fire Control. Controlled burning of waste shall not be permitted at the Disposal Site. Smoking
shall not be permitted in any of the areas of the Site wherein Wastes are received or deposited.
Small fires shall be immediately extinguished with water or fire extinguishers if the seat of the
fire is visible and the burning materials are known to be non-hazardous. If the fire spreads
rapidly or the nature of the burning materials is unknown, the landfill equipment shall be used by
the Contractor to cordon off the fire, and the area shall be evacuated by all except trained and
authorized Fire Services personnel. After extinction, any materials involved in a fire shall be
excavated or otherwise removed from the scene of the fire and monitored to ensure that they do
not re-ignite. For subsurface fires, cut-off trenches and flooding with water shall be used to
extinguish the fires, while the area is cordoned off to avoid spread of the fire.
Wheel Washing. Vehicles shall be have their wheels washed before leaving the Disposal Facility,
so that wastes which are contaminated and odorous are not spread along the Access Roads.
1212 Environmental and Operational Monitoring
Leachate Monitoring. The Contractor shall develop and maintain viable groundwater monitoring
wells upgradient and downgradient of the Disposal Facility. The Contractor shall monitor the
leachate levels, leachate quantity, and leachate quality during all stages of landfill development,
operation, and aftercare. The groundwater monitoring wells, groundwater parameters sampled,
and analytical procedures shall address the requirements of environmental regulatory bodies in [].
If monitoring establishes that leachate is migrating from the Disposal Facility in significant
quantities to cause harm to the general public, consideration shall be given to the construction of
a leachate barrier and collection system (under condition of a Contract Change Order, as needed).
The Contractor shall cooperatively work with the City to reach agreement on any emergency
mitigative measures and to implement said measures under a Contract Change Order in as
expeditious a manner as possible to safeguard public health and environmental protection.
Gas Monitoring. The Contractor shall develop and maintain a system of landfill gas monitoring
drillholes around the perimeter and within the landfill cell area of the Disposal Facility. The
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Contractor shall monitor landfill gas quantity and composition during all stages of landfill
development, operation, and aftercare. The landfill gas drillholes, sampling devices used and
analytical procedures shall address the requirements of environmental regulatory bodies in []. If
monitoring establishes that landfill gas is migrating from the Disposal Facility in significant
quantities to cause harm to the general public, consideration shall be given to the construction of
landfill gas barriers and/or extraction systems (under condition of a Contract Change Order, as
needed). The Contractor shall cooperatively work with the City to reach agreement on any
emergency mitigative measures and to implement said measures under a Contract Change Order
in as expeditious a manner as possible to safeguard public health and safety.
Surface Water Monitoring. Surface water drainage channels in the vicinity of the Disposal
Facility, both upgradient and downgradient of the Facility, shall be monitored by the Contractor
for contamination by surface runoff or leachate from the landfill operations. If monitoring
establishes that the surface water is contaminated in significant levels to be harmful to the general
public or downgradient aquatic life, consideration shall be given to collection and/or treatment of
the surface water (under condition of a Contract Change Order, as needed). The Contractor shall
cooperatively work with the City to reach agreement on any emergency mitigative measures and
to implement said measures under a Contract Change Order in as expeditious a manner as
possible to safeguard public health and environmental quality.
1213 Environmental and Pollution Control Requirements
All aspects of the Works, Operation and Aftercare shall be conducted such that the pollutant
levels at the Disposal Facility are adhered to. If during any environmental monitoring it is found
that the pollutant levels rise above these stipulated maximum levels, the Contractor shall
immediately remedy the cause of this adverse environmental impact within 14 calendar days and
shall be subject to receipt of a Warning.
For leachate, total chemical oxygen demand levels shall be no higher than 100 mg/l
and total nitrogen shall be no higher than 200 mg/l in the open channel at the point
wherein it flows from the Site.
For landfill gas, the concentration of flammable gas outside the Disposal Facility
boundary measured at the ground surface from a drill hole shall not exceed 30 ppm.
For groundwater, total chemical oxygen demand levels shall be no higher than 50
mg/l measured in a groundwater monitoring well downgradient of the Disposal
Facility and at the Facility’s boundary.
The five-minute noise level shall not exceed 75 decibels at the ground surface along
the Disposal Facility’s boundary.
Measured dust concentrations at any monitoring location along the boundary of the
Disposal Facility shall not exceed 10 mg/cubic meter over 8 hours of total suspended
1214 Materials Use and Recovery
The Contractor shall construct a work shed for registered adult Waste Pickers to carry out
recovery of recyclable materials arising from the Disposal Facility’s waste receipts. The work
shed shall provide protection from rainfall, and be furnished with worktables to facilitate sorting
activities. Tubs for washing plastic film, bottles and cans shall be provided, as well as water
supply for washing purposes. Drainage from this activity shall be discharged to the perimeter
open channel. The Contractor shall no conduct any solid waste materials recovery or recycling
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
activities. The Contractor shall not enter into any revenue generating arrangements with the
Waste Pickers, nor influence those agents to whom the Pickers sell their recovered materials, nor
compete with the Pickers for access to recoverable materials.
1215 Final Cap
The final cap shall be designed and constructed over the whole surface area of the Site below
which waste has been deposited in a controlled landfill manner. The final cap shall have a
durable working life in excess of the period during which discernible amounts of leachate and
landfill gas are still being produced and over which discernible settlement is occurring due to
waste degradation, which shall be considered to be 5 years in the case of []’s tropical climate and
highly organic putrescible solid waste. The final cap shall contain the waste to minimize
environmental nuisances, provide an aesthetic appearance, provide a growing medium for
restoration planting and revegetation, minimize infiltration and resulting leachate generation,
minimize oxygen entering the landfill cells and interacting with potentially exploitable or
flammable landfill gas, and assist with the control of landfill gas arising from within the landfilled
mass and ventilating to the atmosphere. The final cap shall not be prone toward erosion and shall
accommodate vehicle access track, public footpaths, and appropriate surface water drainage.
1216 Landscape Work
Within 6 months from the start of this Contract, the Contractor shall develop and submit for
approval a Restoration Plan that shall include a landscape plan. The landscape plan shall address
the surveyed wishes of surrounding residents regarding the types of uses they would like to have
on the Site upon completion of landfilling and Aftercare. The landscape plan shall be prepared
by a qualified Landscape Architect and shall be designed to create a useful and aesthetically
pleasing space for the public following completion of the Site and Aftercare period. To the extent
possible, the landscape shall blend into the surrounding landscape in terms of topography and
vegetation and shall enhance the overall aesthetic value of the neighborhood.
1217 Landfill Aftercare
Following completion of the landfill final cover and landscaping, any irregularities in the landfill
cap which develop due to settlement or erosion or slides shall be repaired, made good and planted
in accordance with the Restoration Plan, such that the final cap continues to fulfil its performance
function (i.e., minimize infiltration, mitigate odors, create an aesthetic completed appearance).
During Aftercare, the Contractor shall provide thorough and responsive landscape management to
ensure the optimum survival and growth rates of newly planted grasses, shrubs and trees. The
Contractor shall maintain in a safe condition and pleasing appearance all pedestrian and vehicular
routes, fencing, pavilions, playing fields, gates and other structures erected for public use upon
closure of the landfill operations.
Leachate and landfill gas shall be managed, including collection, removal, treatment and
discharge, as conducted during landfill operations, including maintenance, refurbishment, and
replacement of any leachate and landfill gas management facilities so that the systems continue to
fulfil their required performance criteria as they did during landfill Operations.
Monitoring during Aftercare shall continue to be undertaken by the Contractor as it was during
landfill Operations.
The Aftercare Period shall last for [] months. Upon completion of Aftercare, the City shall
inspect the Disposal Facility and, if acceptable in terms of the Contract specifications, shall issue
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
a Handover Certificate requiring the Contractor to curtail all efforts under this Contract and leave
the Site in the inspected and accepted condition described in the Handover Certificate.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Item 11. Financial and Audit Provisions
The following financial provisions shall apply to this construction and operations contract:
1. The Contractor shall provide to the City proof of payment of road taxes for each vehicle,
proof of vehicle registration and insurance, proof of vehicle road-worthiness and adequacy of
emissions control, proof of contractor/franchisee registration, proof of the Contractor’s
payment of income taxes each year, and proof of holding any essential permits in intervals of
12 months from the commencement date of this Contract.
2. Prior to the commencement date under this Contract, certificates of insurance or verified
copies of all insurance policies shall be provided to the City, together with a certificate of the
insurer that the policy or policies are in full force and effect and that same will not be altered,
amended or terminated without thirty (30) days written notice having been given to the
department. If the levels of coverage and policy conditions outlined in the insurance policies
do not meet the requirements of the department, the Contractor will be required to obtain
additional coverage prior to the start of work. All insurance policies shall be renewed at least
fifteen days before expiry. The Contractor shall furnish the City with adequate evidence that
the Contractor has obtained and is maintaining in force workman’s compensation and
employee’s liability insurance to cover immediate expenses and long-term costs, including
loss of income, related to injury and disability obtained during and from work operations.
3. All accounting periods other than the first and last shall begin on the first and end on the last
day of each calendar month during the Contract period.
4. The first accounting period shall being on the first day of the Contract Period and end on the
last day of the calendar month during which it began.
5. The last accounting period shall begin on the first day of the calendar month during which the
Contract Period terminates and end on such termination.
6. After the end of each accounting period, the Contract shall submit to the City an account in
respect of that part of the Service performed during that accounting period. Any such
account may be amended by the Contract to correct purely clerical and arithmetical errors
until the certificate mentioned in the next paragraph is issued.
7. Within [] days of receipt of the account mentioned above, the City shall issue a certificate
certifying the amount properly due on that account in accordance with the Contract, having
regard to the account and any additions or deductions required or authorized by the Contract.
8. Within [] days after the issue of such a certificate as mentioned above, the City or the
Contractor, as the case may be, shall pay such amount as is properly certified and due. In the
event of late payment by either party, that party shall pay interest at the rate of [].
9. For avoidance of doubt, the Contractor shall be entitled, at the most, to such monies as are
shown on the submitted accounts, and in respect of services actually supplied to the City by
the Contractor or on its behalf.
10. During the Contract Period the Contract Price shall be reviewed annually on the anniversary
of the commencement of the Contract Period and the adjustments made in the subsequent
annual review period as a function of the following:
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
11. Landfill operating costs shall be adjusted as a function of official changes in the cost for
diesel fuel, as determined by []. Each year, on the anniversary date of the signing of this
Contract, the fuel costs in the Contract value shall be increased or decreased respectively by
[]% of the net percentage change in the fuel price index. Similarly, each year, the labor costs
in the Contract value shall be increased or decreased respectively by [] % of the net
percentage change in the consumer price index. For this cost escalation clause to be applied,
the Base Rate in the Contract shall be broken down to show the portion of costs attributable
to fuel and to labor.
12. The City shall only pay in respect to the lump sums designated in the Contract, based on the
estimated amounts of waste currently and projected to be received at the disposal site. These
amounts shall not be changed unless the City requests that an additional source of waste (such
as another municipality) be allowed to discharge their wastes at the site. In such case, this
additional source of waste shall not be discharged until such time as the City and the
Contractor have negotiated an additional lump sum payment structure for this additional
waste. The additional lump sum shall be commensurate in cost per tonne or cost per cubic
meter as the quantities already being handled in this Contract, and not be negotiated at any
significantly different rate. The rate shall be estimated to the best of ability of the City and
Contractor, understanding that there shall be no weighbridge available at the disposal site
during the duration of this Contract.
13. The Contract shall be charged sanctions or penalties for non-compliance with the Contract,
including non-compliance with environmental, health and safety standards and regulations.
Work stoppages and delays shall be cause for sanctions or penalties. The rate structure for
such sanctions or penalties is provided under [] of this Contract.
14. The Contractor shall permit the City to have access at all times to the premises, facilities, and
records of the Contractor regarding this Contract, and, if so required, to ensure that its
Officers, servants and agents give such information and other assistance to the City as will
enable him or her carry out his or her duties under this Contract.
15. On the last day of each year of this Contract, the Contractor shall present an annual financial
summary of all costs, accounts and payments regarding this Contract, including a summary of
all civil works, all equipment used, all operations conducted, and all waste loads and
quantities received at the disposal site.
16. On the last day of each year of this Contract, the Contractor shall present an annual
environmental summary of all environmental impacts, monitoring actions, and mitigative
measures at the disposal site, including all activities to address the public’s perception of the
environmental effects of the disposal site.
17. The Contractor may petition the City at any time for additional payment rate adjustments on
the basis of unusual changes in the cost of operations, such as new or revised laws,
ordinances or regulations; changes in the location of disposal sites or changes in disposal
fees; and for other reasons. The City shall have the right, as a condition for its approval, to
demand inspections by itself or by an independent auditor of pertinent records that
demonstrate the need for an adjustment to the payment rates.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Item 12. Bill of Quantities – Priced Items and Schedule
[*] To be modified from IDB document from GWSC with addition of specific items from Charles Garrett
Introduction. The Bill of Quantities includes this Preamble, the Parts of the Bill of Quantities and the
The quantities set out in the Bill of Quantities are the estimated quantities of the work and they are not to
be taken as the actual and correct quantities of the Works to be executed by the Contractor in fulfillment of his
obligations under the Contract.
The Permanent Works shall be measured net notwithstanding any general or local custom except where
otherwise specifically described or prescribed in the Contract.
The rates and prices in the Bills of Quantities shall, except where otherwise provided in the Contract,
cover all the Contractor's obligations under the Contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper
execution and maintenance of the Works.
Except where otherwise detailed in the Bill of Quantities or specified, labor, including the supervision
thereof, materials. Construction Plant, Temporary Works, transport to and from the site and in and about the
works and other things of every kind required for the execution and maintenance of the Works shall not be
measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the rates and prices in the Bill of Quantities.
The total quantity included in the final measurement of each item shall be measured to the nearest integer
relative to that item or to two decimal places if so indicated in the Bill of Quantities.
All measurement in this Contract is in accordance with the standard foot-pound-second system. If the
Contractor wishes to use the metric system, he shall obtain the Engineer's approval prior to starting the work.
The following abbreviations are used in the Bill of Quantities:
lump sum
[] Dollar
Where in the Bill of Quantities there is a Schedule or subsidiary bill setting out the quantities of
component materials and work which comprise a unit of work measured under a single item in a Part of the Bill of
Quantities, the said quantities shall be subject to admeasurement and valued at the rates and prices entered therein
and the total thereof shall be the rate for the item in the Part.
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
Base Course
The quantity of sand-clay/white sand base to be paid for under this Section shall be the area in square yards of
base course, completed and accepted.
Crusher Run Stone
The quantity of crusher run base course to be paid for under this Section shall be the area in square yards of base
course, completed and accepted.
Prime and Tack Coats
The quantity to be paid for under this Section shall be the area in square yards completed and accepted.
Surface Dressing (Double Bituminous Surface Treatment)
The quantity to be paid for under this section shall be the area (in square yards) completed and accepted.
Asphaltic Concrete Hot Mix
The quantity to be paid for under this section shall be the area in square yards completed and accepted.
This schedule of rates for Labour, Fuel and Lubricants and Materials shall be used for computing any increase or
decrease in cost.
The Tenderer shall submit with his Tender document evidence including quotations to substantiate the rate and
price entered in this schedule.
Grade of Labour
Rates (G$) per day
Dragline/Excavator/Bulldozer Operator
Skilled Labour
Unskilled Labour
Fuel and Lubricant
Hydraulic Oil
Engine Oil
Gear Oil
Unit Rates (G$)
imp. gal
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
List of Materials
White sand
Crusher Run
RC 250
Unit Rate (G$)
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
NAME OF CONTRACTOR: .............................................................................
[] Solid Waste Disposal Project
NAME OF CONTRACTOR: .............................................................................