
Representing Yellow
Interpreting and evaluating Blue
I have been:
I have been:
identifying the mathematics within the problem
looking for patterns and exceptions to form convincing
making the problem simple so I can present it using
symbols, tables and diagrams
thinking about the appropriateness and accuracy of my
results and conclusions
comparing and evaluating to help me choose how to
present the problem
making a distinction between evidence and proof
selecting mathematical information, equipment and
methods to use
considering someone else’s work and commenting
constructively on the strategies used
Analysing Green
Analysing Red
Use appropriate mathematical procedures
I have been:
making accurate mathematical diagrams, graphs and
calculating accurately, using appropriate methods and
manipulating numbers, algebraic expressions and equations
recording methods, solutions and conclusions
estimating, approximating and checking
Use mathematical reasoning
I have been:
making connections within mathematics
visualising and working with images
identifying and classifying patterns
making and explaining generalisations
exploring the effects of changing values
listening to feedback and learning from mistakes
working logically towards results, solutions and proofs
identifying techniques that can be used to tackle
Communicating and reflecting Purple
I have been:
communicating my own findings well, orally and in writing
discussing my work with others
comparing and refining the way I work
recognising and thinking about equivalent approaches
relating the current problem to similar situations
I have been:
I have been:
identifying the mathematics within the
identifying the mathematics within the
making the problem simple so I can
present it using symbols, tables and
making the problem simple so I can
present it using symbols, tables and
comparing and evaluating to help me
choose how to present the problem
comparing and evaluating to help me
choose how to present the problem
selecting mathematical information,
equipment and methods to use
selecting mathematical information,
equipment and methods to use
I have been:
I have been:
identifying the mathematics within the
identifying the mathematics within the
making the problem simple so I can
present it using symbols, tables and
making the problem simple so I can
present it using symbols, tables and
comparing and evaluating to help me
choose how to present the problem
comparing and evaluating to help me
choose how to present the problem
selecting mathematical information,
equipment and methods to use
selecting mathematical information,
equipment and methods to use
Use mathematical reasoning
Use mathematical reasoning
I have been:
I have been:
making connections within mathematics
making connections within mathematics
visualising and working with images
visualising and working with images
identifying and classifying patterns
identifying and classifying patterns
making and explaining generalisations
making and explaining generalisations
exploring the effects of changing values
exploring the effects of changing values
listening to feedback and learning from mistakes
listening to feedback and learning from mistakes
working logically towards results, solutions and
working logically towards results, solutions and
identifying techniques that can be used to tackle
identifying techniques that can be used to tackle
Use mathematical reasoning
Use mathematical reasoning
I have been:
I have been:
making connections within mathematics
making connections within mathematics
visualising and working with images
visualising and working with images
identifying and classifying patterns
identifying and classifying patterns
making and explaining generalisations
making and explaining generalisations
exploring the effects of changing values
exploring the effects of changing values
listening to feedback and learning from mistakes
listening to feedback and learning from mistakes
working logically towards results, solutions and
working logically towards results, solutions and
identifying techniques that can be used to tackle
identifying techniques that can be used to tackle
Use appropriate mathematical procedures
Use appropriate mathematical procedures
I have been:
I have been:
making accurate mathematical diagrams,
graphs and constructions
making accurate mathematical diagrams,
graphs and constructions
calculating accurately, using appropriate
methods and notation
calculating accurately, using appropriate
methods and notation
manipulating numbers, algebraic
expressions and equations
manipulating numbers, algebraic
expressions and equations
recording methods, solutions and
recording methods, solutions and
estimating, approximating and checking
estimating, approximating and checking
Use appropriate mathematical procedures
Use appropriate mathematical procedures
I have been:
I have been:
making accurate mathematical diagrams,
graphs and constructions
making accurate mathematical diagrams,
graphs and constructions
calculating accurately, using appropriate
methods and notation
calculating accurately, using appropriate
methods and notation
manipulating numbers, algebraic
expressions and equations
manipulating numbers, algebraic
expressions and equations
recording methods, solutions and
recording methods, solutions and
estimating, approximating and checking
estimating, approximating and checking
Interpreting and evaluating
Interpreting and evaluating
I have been:
I have been:
looking for patterns and exceptions to
form convincing arguments
looking for patterns and exceptions to
form convincing arguments
thinking about the appropriateness and
accuracy of my results and conclusions
thinking about the appropriateness and
accuracy of my results and conclusions
making a distinction between evidence
and proof
making a distinction between evidence
and proof
considering someone else’s work and
commenting constructively on the
strategies used
considering someone else’s work and
commenting constructively on the
strategies used
Interpreting and evaluating
Interpreting and evaluating
I have been:
I have been:
looking for patterns and exceptions to
form convincing arguments
looking for patterns and exceptions to
form convincing arguments
thinking about the appropriateness and
accuracy of my results and conclusions
thinking about the appropriateness and
accuracy of my results and conclusions
making a distinction between evidence
and proof
making a distinction between evidence
and proof
considering someone else’s work and
commenting constructively on the
strategies used
considering someone else’s work and
commenting constructively on the
strategies used
Communicating and reflecting
Communicating and reflecting
I have been:
I have been:
communicating my own findings well,
orally and in writing
communicating my own findings well,
orally and in writing
discussing my work with others
discussing my work with others
comparing and refining the way I work
comparing and refining the way I work
recognising and thinking about equivalent
recognising and thinking about equivalent
relating the current problem to similar
relating the current problem to similar
Communicating and reflecting
Communicating and reflecting
I have been:
I have been:
communicating my own findings well,
orally and in writing
communicating my own findings well,
orally and in writing
discussing my work with others
discussing my work with others
comparing and refining the way I work
comparing and refining the way I work
recognising and thinking about equivalent
recognising and thinking about equivalent
relating the current problem to similar
relating the current problem to similar