MAINTENANCE MANUAL MM (H) XX/201Y FEATURE NO. Feature no. Location AUTHOR This manual has been prepared for the sole and specific use of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Any other persons who use any information in it do so at their own risk. November 2011 Landslip Preventive Measures Division 2 GEO 2 Revision Record Revision Date number B 7/201Y A 1/201Y Description Prepared Checked Approved General revision to format General revision to format ABC DEF GHI 3 Foreword Feature No. Feature no. is a stabilization measure (NS) /defence measure (ND)* at Location. LPM Division 2 of Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department carried out / [Name of Consultant] was commissioned by the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department under Consultancy Agreement No. CE XX/YYYY (GE) to carry out* a Stage 3(H) Study (Stage 3(H) Report No. S3(H)R xx/yyyy) for the Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures. This Maintenance Manual summarizes the landslide mitigation works carried out and the maintenance requirements of the Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures. This Manual also contains the results of the design review during construction. Depending on the outcome of the review, the design model finally adopted and therefore shown in this report may be different from that in the corresponding Stage 3(H) Study Report. ( ) Chief Geotechnical Engineer/LPM Division 2 *Approved by: ________________________ <Name> Project Director [Name of Consultant] *Delete as necessary. 4 Contents Page No. 1 General Advice 5 2 Recommended Maintenance 6 3 Contract/Works Details 8 4 Record Sheets and As-built Drawings 9 Appendix I List of Features 10 Appendix II Location Plan of Features Listed in Appendix I 12 Appendix III Record Sheets of Features Listed in Appendix I 14 Appendix IV Typical Record Sheets for Routine Maintenance Inspections and Works 19 Contract Summary of the Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Works Carried Out 25 Appendix VI Design Approach, Parameters and Method of Analysis 27 Appendix VII Verification of the Design Geological Model 30 Appendix VIII Brief Records of Construction Review 32 Appendix IX Summary of Previous Studies Carried Out 34 Appendix X As-built Drawings 36 Appendix XI Other Specific Maintenance Requirements for the Defence Measures 39 Certificate of Design and Completion of Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures 40 GEO Checking Certificate for Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures 43 Appendix V GCD 115 GCD 116 5 This maintenance manual consists of four parts: 1 General Advice 1.1 Feature No. Feature no., at Location for which you have maintenance responsibility has been constructed under Contract No. GE/XXXX/XX managed by the Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO), Civil Engineering and Development Department. 1.2 It was agreed in the Standing Committee on Slope Safety meeting of 21.12.2001 that natural terrain mitigation measures have to be maintained. Further technical guidance is provided in Geoguide 5 - Guide to Slope Maintenance (2003) published by the GEO. 1.3 Technical guidelines on landscape maintenance and management are given in GEO Publication No. 1/2000 – Technical Guidelines on Landscape Treatment and Bio-engineering for Man-made Slopes and Retaining Walls. The vegetation planted should be maintenance free. In the situation that they are damaged (e.g. by hill fire, landslide, etc.), they should be revegetated with similar species. 1.4 Maintenance departments are urged not to replace vegetation on slope surfaces by chunam or sprayed concrete as part of routine maintenance works. WBTC No. 25/93 includes guidelines on the ‘Control of Visual Impact of Slopes’. 1.5 For the continued satisfactory performance of the mitigation measures, regular maintenance including the upkeep of the physical integrity as well as the landscaping and bioengineering works is essential and the recommendations contained in the relevant Circular/Geoguide/GEO Publication should be followed. 1.6 This manual provides information and specific advice for your future maintenance of the slope. You should follow the specific recommendations on maintenance given in Part 2 of this Manual. 1.7 Parts 3 and 4 of this Manual provide you with the construction details and other relevant information for your maintenance works. 6 2 2.1 Recommended Maintenance You are advised to carry out the following: Routine Maintenance Inspection to be carried out annually before the onset of the wet season; (Others to be specified) (Note 1); 2.2 Routine Maintenance Inspection Routine Maintenance Inspections should cover the measures, the area containing the measures and the adjoining ground. They should preferably be carried out between October and February, and any required maintenance works should be completed before the onset of the wet season in April. These maintenance inspections should be undertaken by your Assistant Clerk of Works, Technical Officer, Works Supervisor or above, as appropriate, who should make recommendations with regard to the following maintenance items (such inspecting officers are expected to have the knowledge of and experience in recommending the list of maintenance items including those related to landscape softworks): 1 clearance of accumulated debris from drainage channels and slope surface, catch trenches and pits, containment basins and straining structures; repair of cracked or damaged drainage channels or pavements and retaining wall; repair of or replacement of cracked or damaged hard slope surface cover or sections; removal of any vegetation that has caused severe cracking of slope surface cover and drainage channels; removal of loose rock debris and undesirable vegetation from rock slopes or around boulders; re-grassing of bare soil slope surface areas; repair of missing or deteriorated pointing in masonry walls; unblocking of weepholes and outlet drainpipes; repair of / notification to relevant parties of leaky exposed water-carrying services; Engineer Inspections for Maintenance are not normally required unless specified by the designer or in special provisions. Geoguide 5 Section 7.5 refers. 7 repair of or replacement of rusted steel furniture; removal of accumulated debris behind the debris/rockfall barriers; repair of or replacement of damaged components of the debris/rockfall barriers; maintenance of landscape items or bio-engineering works; repair of or reinstatement of the ground adjoining the measures if affected by severe erosion; repair of or reinstatement of the pavement of the associated vehicular maintenance access and the adjoining drainage channels, slopes, retaining walls and the other geotechnical features if found necessary; removal of Mikania micrantha (薇甘菊), if any, from the slope surface; removal of Leucaena leucocephala (銀合歡) seedlings, if any, from the slope surface (Note 2); (others to be specified to upkeep the integrity and function of the measures, e.g. specific maintenance requirement from the supplier of any defence measures). In cases where unusual conditions or problems are observed during routine maintenance inspections, e.g. a check dam filled up with a large amount of landslide debris or significant movement observed at boulders supported by buttresses, the owner or the party required to maintain the mitigation measures should seek advice from a professionallyqualified geotechnical engineer and inform the Landslip Investigation Section of LPM Division 1 of GEO. The records of Routine Maintenance Inspection should be properly made and kept. Typical Routine Maintenance Inspection record sheets are attached as Appendix IV. 2.3 Other Specific Maintenance Requirements for the Defence Measures Details shall refer to Appendix XI. 2 Refer to paragraph 33 of ETWB TCW 3/2006 8 3 Contract/Works Details 3.1 The details of the Contract and a summary of the Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures carried out are given in Appendix V. 9 4 4.1 Record Sheets and As-built Drawings The record sheets given in Appendix III provide detailed information with regard to: Technical information such as the dimensions of the features, surface conditions of the features, drainage details, consequence/susceptibility classes and details of study/mitigation works; Maintenance schedule such as a list of items requiring routine maintenance, and frequency of maintenance inspections; Location plan and site plan showing the extent of feature and the adjoining maintenance access and geotechnical features to be maintained; Plan/Sections of feature and the adjoining maintenance access and geotechnical features to be maintained; Layout plan of water-carrying services on or adjacent to the feature; Record photographs. 4.2 The following drawings are the as-constructed drawings for the slope and are given in Appendix X: Drawing No. Drawing No. 10 Appendix I List of Features 11 Appendix I List of Features – Submissions and File Reference Consultant’s File Ref. No. GEO’s File Ref. No. Relevant Documents Checked GEO Feature No.(1) Drg. No. Report Title Memo Reference Memo Reference and Date of and Date of Documents Checker's Submission to Comments Checker Remarks Notes: (1) If GEO Feature No. is not available, provide a reference no. shown in the location plans at Appendix II. 12 Appendix II Location Plan of Features Listed in Appendix I 13 Outline the boundary of natural hillside catchment and highlight the extent of the feature required maintenance in this location plan with different legend. Appendix II – Location Plan of Features listed in Appendix I 14 Appendix III Record Sheets of Features Listed in Appendix I 15 MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR NATURAL TERRAIN (SHEET 1 OF 4) HAZARD MITIGATION MEASURES FEATURE REFERENCE NO. (1) Feature no. Location (address) Location Date of Construction Map Co-ordinates (1980 DATUM) Easting Northing Purpose of the Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures: TECHNICAL INFORMATION (continue on separate sheets if necessary) Stabilisation Measures(2) Boulder Buttresses: Total No. of Buttresses: Soil Nails: Total No. of Soil Nails Installed: Maximum Length of Soil Nails (m): Raking Drains: Total No. of Raking Drains: Maximum Length of Raking Drains (m): Others: Defence Measures(2) Types of Measures: Check Dam/ Earth Bund / Boulder Fence / Other: Containment Structure Typical Dimensions: Others: MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Frequency of Routine Maintenance Inspections: Man-made Items for Maintenance: Guidelines on seeking geotechnical engineer’s advice: INFORMATION PROVIDER Records prepared by: Firm: Signature: Date: Note: (1) Upon request, the Geotechnical Engineering Office can provide a reference number if applicable. (2) Use a separate Sheet 1 for each type of defence measure. Different types of stabilisation measures (e.g. buttresses and soil nails) in the same location can be considered as a group for record purpose. Appendix III – Record Sheets of Features Listed In Appendix I (Sheet 1 of 4) 16 MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR NATURAL TERRAIN (SHEET 2 OF 4) HAZARD MITIGATION MEASURES FEATURE REFERENCE NO. Feature no. LOCATION PLAN AND SITE PLAN (with scale and indication on access) Appendix III – Record Sheets of Features Listed In Appendix I (Sheet 2 of 4) 17 MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR NATURAL TERRAIN (SHEET 3 OF 4) HAZARD MITIGATION MEASURES FEATURE REFERENCE NO. Feature no. PLAN/SECTIONS OF FEATURE TO BE MAINTAINED Refer to as-built Drawings in this Maintenance Manual Note: All dimensions are in millimetres and all levels are in metres above Principal Datum. Appendix III – Record Sheets of Features Listed In Appendix I (Sheet 3 of 4) 18 MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR NATURAL TERRAIN (SHEET 4 OF 4) HAZARD MITIGATION MEASURES FEATURE REFERENCE NO. Feature no. RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS (with descriptions and date; and with the vantage points indicated on the plans) Note: Add additional record sheets for photographs as necessary. Appendix III – Record Sheets of Features Listed In Appendix I (Sheet 4 of 4) 19 Appendix IV Typical Record Sheets for Routine Maintenance Inspections and Works 20 RECORD OF ROUTINE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION (SHEET 1 OF 4) FEATURE REFERENCE NO. (1) Location (address) Date of Inspection: Weather Condition at Time of Inspection: Maintenance Action Item Location Reference Action Required No Works Completion Date Yes Clear drainage channels of accumulated debris Repair cracked/damaged drainage channels or pavements along crest and toe of slope or retaining wall Repair or replace cracked or damaged impermeable slope surface cover Remove surface debris and vegetation that has caused severe cracking of slope surface cover and drainage channels Remove loose rock debris and undesirable vegetation from rock slopes or boulders Re-vegetate bare soil slope surface Repair pointings in masonry walls Unblock weepholes and outlet drainpipes Repair/notify relevant parties of leaky exposed water-carrying services Repair or replace rusted slope furniture (e.g. steel gates, boundary fences and stairs) Remove debris from defence measures Repair or replace damaged/corroded components of defence measures (e.g. wire ropes, anchor ropes and posts etc.) Repair or replace the landscaping works Others (specify works and give details) Recommended Date for Completion of Above Works: Notes: (1) Upon request, the Geotechnical Engineering Office can provide a feature reference number if applicable. Appendix IV - Typical Record Sheets for Routine Maintenance Inspections (Sheet 1 of 4) 21 RECORD OF ROUTINE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION (SHEET 2 OF 4) FEATURE REFERENCE NO. SITE PLAN (Reference numbers should be assigned to locations of man-made items for which maintenance works are required. The corresponding reference numbers should be quoted in the photographic records.) Notes: (1) Add additional record sheets for site plan as necessary. Appendix IV - Typical Record Sheets for Routine Maintenance Inspections (Sheet 2 of 4) 22 RECORD OF ROUTINE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION (SHEET 3 OF 4) FEATURE REFERENCE NO. Immediate advice from professionally-qualified geotechnical engineer needed (Yes/No) (1) ? Immediate arrangement for investigation and repair of exposed water-carrying (Yes/No) services needed? OTHER OBSERVATIONS (continue on separate sheets if necessary) (e.g. condition of trees for which specialist advice is needed) Inspected by: (Name of person undertaking inspection) of Signature: (Organisation) Date: Due date of next inspection: Received by: (Name of owner or his authorised representative) of Signature: (Organisation) Date: Note: (1) Where unusual conditions or problems are observed, e.g. a check dam filled up with a large amount of landslide debris or significant movement observed at boulders supported by buttresses, the case should be reported to the owner or party responsible for the maintenance of the mitigation measures. Appendix IV - Typical Record Sheets for Routine Maintenance Inspections (Sheet 3 of 4) 23 RECORD OF ROUTINE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION (SHEET 4 OF 4) FEATURE REFERENCE NO. RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS (with descriptions, date, and reference numbers as given on the site plan) Notes: (1) Add additional record sheets for photographs as necessary. (2) Record photographs should show in detail areas where maintenance works are required and be annotated with descriptions. Appendix IV - Typical Record Sheets for Routine Maintenance Inspections (Sheet 4 of 4) 24 RECORD OF ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WORKS (SHEET 1 OF 1) FEATURE REFERENCE NO. Maintenance works arranged by: (Name) of Signature: (Organisation) Date: Maintenance works carried out by: (Name) of Signature: (Organisation) Date: Maintenance works carried out on: RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS (with descriptions, date, and reference numbers as given on the site plan) Notes: (1) Add additional record sheets for photographs as necessary. (2) For removal of loose rocks from rock face or clearing debris from defence measures, e.g. check dam, the estimated volume of debris removed should be recorded. (3) Record photographs should show in detail areas where maintenance works have been carried out and be annotated with descriptions. (4) Record photographs before and after the execution of maintenance works should be taken from the same vantage points. Appendix IV - Typical Record Sheet for Routine Maintenance Works (Sheet 1 of 1) 25 Appendix V Contract Summary of the Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Works Carried Out 26 CONTRACT AND SUMMARY OF THE LANDSLIP PREVENTION AND MITIGATION WORKS CARRIED OUT (SHEET 1 OF 1) FEATURE REFERENCE NO. Feature no. LOCATION (ADDRESS) Location SLOPE MAINTENANCE OFFICE LANDSLIP PREVENTIVE MEASURES CONTRACT DETAILS Contract No: GE/xxxx/yy Contractor: Works commenced: Works completed: Maintenance period expired on: Brief Description of Works Carried Out Appendix V - Contract And Summary of the Landslip Preventive Works Carried Out (Sheet 1 of 1) 27 Appendix VI Design Approach, Parameters and Method of Analysis 28 DESIGN APPROACH, PARAMETERS AND METHOD OF ANALYSIS (SHEET 1 OF 2) DESIGN APPROACH PARAMETERS Soil Type Colluvium Completely Decomposed Granite Highly Decomposed Granite STABILITY ANALYSES Factor of Safety Bulk Weight Cohesion (kN/m3) (kPa) 19 4 19 7 19 10 Before mitigation works Angle of friction (°) 28 37 40 After mitigation works PLAN Outline the design approach adopted and the method of analysis for the stabilization/defence measure as appropriate CRITICAL SECTION Appendix VI – Design Approach, Parameters and Method of Analysis (Sheet 1 of 2) 29 DEBRIS MOBILITY MODELLING (SHEET 2 OF 2) DESIGN EVENT DMM PARAMETERS WCE/CE Volume Mode of Potential Failure (Channelised Debris Flow/Open Hillslope Failure) Trapezoidal/rectangular cross section Apparent Friction Angle Cohesion DMM Result Debris Impact Load Debris Depth Debris Impact Velocity PLAN m3 ° kPa Outline the design approach adopted and the method of analysis for the stabilization/defence measure as appropriate CRITICAL SECTION Appendix VI –Design Approach, Parameters and Method of Analysis (Sheet 2 of 2) 30 Appendix VII Verification of the Design Geological Model 31 VERIFICATION OF THE DESIGN GEOLOGICAL MODEL Original Design Verification / Amendments during Construction Date (SHEET X OF Y) Verified by (Name/ Post/ Qualif.) ign ic s e ph ed a h r t f og o t o n ph tio , a n c ifi , wh e c.) t r e e d, f v hom e o s s) s r o l i e w p f ex re eta g. by s d 2 i . o ce nd el (e. a N a f s e ot pe ng od i o N l d m s e Fin gical n the ida nc e lo u geo rds wh ical G o hn c e re c T O (GE Appendix VII – Verification of the Design Geological Model (Sheet X of Y) 32 Appendix VIII Brief Records of Construction Review 33 BRIEF RECORDS OF CONSTRUCTION REVIEW Design Details Construction Review Date Fi g n i nd s ch d an (SHEET X OF Y) Reviewed by Approved (Name/ by Post/ (Name/ Qualif.) Post/ Qualif.) s e g an Appendix VIII - Brief Records of Construction Review (Sheet 1 of 1) 34 Appendix IX Summary of Previous Studies Carried Out 35 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS STUDIES CARRIED OUT Type of study LPM Consultant/GEO Division Appendix IX - Summary of Previous Studies Carried Out (SHEET 1 OF 1) Date 36 Appendix X As-built Drawings 37 [DRAWING NO. GED XXXXX/XX] 38 [DRAWING NO. GED XXXXX/XX] 39 Appendix XI Other Specific Maintenance Requirements for the Defence Measures 40 GCD 115 Certificate of Design and Completion of Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures 41 Feature No. Feature no. Certificate of Design and Completion of Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Works (to be completed by Project or Maintenance Department/Office or their Consultants) Name of Government Department/Office : Name of Consultants : Agreement No. and Title : Contract No. and Title : Appendix I : List of Features - Submissions and File Reference. Appendix II : Location Plans of Features Listed in Appendix I Appendix III : Record Sheets of Features Listed in Appendix I (Appendix A of Geoguide 5 refers) Part 1 : Certificate of Design We certify that :(a) we have exercised all reasonable skill and care to be expected of a professionally qualified and competent person, experienced in work of a similar nature and scope, in the performance of duties relating to the preparation, review, checking and certification of the design and amendments of design of the natural terrain hazard mitigation measures as shown and described in the submissions listed in Appendix I; (b) the design and amendments of design shown in Appendix I complied with the relevant standards at the time when they were carried out and an in-house independent check has been undertaken and completed to confirm that they are complete, adequate, and valid, and all conditions imposed under the Geotechnical Engineering Office’s checking procedures in relation to these designs and amendments of design have been complied with; and (c) the design and amendments of design shown in Appendix I have been conveyed accurately and completely to the Engineer for the Contract for execution. Date : Signed : Name : Designation: Part 2 : Certificate of Completion I certify that the natural terrain hazard mitigation measures listed in Appendix I have been completed in accordance with the design and amendments of design as conveyed to me by the designer. Date : Signed : Name : Designation: GCD115 (1/2) 42 Feature No. Feature no. Appendix I List of Features - Submissions and File Reference Consultant’s File Ref. No. GEO’s File Ref. No. Relevant Documents Checked GEO Feature No.(1) Drg. No. Report Title Memo Reference Memo Reference and Date of and Date of Documents Checker's Submission to Comments Checker Remarks Notes: (1) If GEO Feature No. is not available, provide a reference no. shown in the location plans at Appendix II. GCD115 (2/2) 43 GCD 116 GEO Checking Certificate for Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures 44 Feature No. Feature no. File ref. : GEO Checking Certificate for Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures Checking Certificate No.: --- Agreement No. and Title : Contract No. and Title : GCD 115 Certificate of Design and Completion of Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures (Submitted by the Consultant / In-house Design Team*) 1. I confirm that the design of the geotechnical features included in the Certificate of Design and Completion of Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures as given in GCD 115 has been found to be satisfactory under the Geotechnical Engineering Office's checking requirements. 2.* The geotechnical works for the geotechnical feature(s) given in GCD 115 were constructed to mitigate the natural terrain hazard. Associated defensive measures and/or stabilization measures were also constructed at geotechnical feature(s) reference no. _________ to supplement the geotechnical works for the features in GCD 115. It is noted that these measures were prescribed based on experience and judgment of the designer and no detailed design/stability assessment* had been carried out for them. 3.* (Other qualifying statements to be included as appropriate, if any) Date : Signed : ( ) Deputy Head of the Geotechnical Engineering Office (Landslip Preventive Measures) Civil Engineering and Development Department * Delete whichever is not applicable. GCD116 (1/1) MM (H) XX/201Y