Annual Report 2005-06 Archives (Thompson)

Archives and Records Management
Annual Report, 2005-2006
Submitted by Jody Thompson, Department Head
Released the Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills Digital Collection exhibit. The exhibit
was first released in October 2005. Architectural drawings were added in May
Added 730 digital items in Archives’ Collection of e-Publications in SMARTech.
Completed processing of manuscript/university archives and photograph
collections (total of 1500 architectural drawings and 30.5 linear feet).
Completed conversion of approximately 200 finding aids from Encoded Archival
Description (EAD) Version 1.0 to Version 2002.
Completed work with the Technique and Office of Information Technology (OIT)
to host the Technique’s files on the Library’s server.
Worked with the Music department to establish an electronic archive of audio and
video records of the Georgia Tech Band, Glee Club, and other performing musical
Archivists completed month-long (December 19, 2005-January 20, 2006)
inventory of the Archives’ holdings.
Developed and implemented pointer records in Library Catalog for the Georgia
Tech Sponsored Research reports received from Office of Sponsored Programs
(OSP); entered into discussions with OSP to transition to an electronic delivery
system for Sponsored Research reports for inclusion in SMARTech.
Completed re-design of Records Management portion of Archives web site.
Established on-line Records Management retrieval form to automate and
standardize the retrieval process.
Christine de Catanzaro, Access Archivist
GOALS FOR 2005-2006
1. Continue to work with the Systems Department to develop and refine the finding
aids database
-continuing project with implementation of Archivist’s Toolkit
2. Continue to work with the Systems Department to update existing finding aids
from EAD Version 1.0 to EAD Version 2002, according to RLG Guidelines
standards, and launch the finding aids on the web
-completed conversion
3. Complete continuing processing projects and begin others, according to
departmental priorities; continue to train and supervise student assistants in
processing, to improve workflow
-completed training of interns and students in processing tasks; continuing with
processing and training
4. Finish work on new processing manual, emergency manual, and revision of
photocopying forms for researchers
-completed manuals and revisions
5. Continue to seek training and continuing education opportunities in archival work
-completed 3 classes and 3 workshops, attended 2 annual meetings
 Completed conversion of approximately 200 finding aids from Version 1.0 to
Version 2002 (October 2005-March 2006)
Completed or supervised students and/or interns in the completion of the
following manuscript/university archives collections (total of 1,500 architectural
drawings and 28.2 linear ft.):
o Joseph F. and Vary T. Coates Papers (October 2005; MS #175): 6
linear ft.
o Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills Records (October 2005; VAMD #004)
(selected architectural drawings): 38.88 cubic ft. (approximately 1,500
o Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills: Related Materials Collection (October
2005; MS #177): .2 linear ft.
o Athletic Association Records (May 2006; UA #300): 9.1 linear ft.
o Georgia Tech Faculty Women's Club Records (June 2006; UA #301):
11.3 linear ft.
o Georgia Tech Women's Investment Club Records (June 2006; UA
#302): .4 linear ft.
o Georgia Tech Alumni Association--Women's Committee Records
(June 2006; UA #303): 1.2 linear ft.
Supervised completion of 8 photograph finding aids (processing under
supervision of Jody Thompson): approximately 2.3 linear ft.
o VAC024, VAC037, VAC042, VAC300: 1.4 linear ft.
o VAM035, VAM036: .5 linear ft.
o VAUA300, VAUA302: .4 linear ft.
Supervised the completion of preliminary inventories of several large collections,
o Fulton Bag (7th floor)
o Facilities drawings (various accession numbers)
o Other architectural drawings
Ongoing processing projects:
o E. Jo Baker Papers (UA #304): 14 linear ft.
o Center for Information on Women in Engineering Records (UA #305):
3 linear ft.
o Lottye Miner Papers (MS #310): .8 linear ft.
o Selected series of President Pettit Papers (UA #306): 60 linear ft.
Other Projects
 Helped supervise interns from Florida State University and the University of
South Carolina (May-June 2006)
 Worked with Systems Department on arranging the automation of part of the
EAD conversion project
 Supervised the local arrangements for DACS Workshop at Georgia Tech
(June 13, 2006)
 Participated in library-wide planning for managing digital video (June 2006;
 Assisted with departmental outreach by meeting (along with other archivists)
with faculty in Architecture, LCC, HTS, and Music; and meeting with subject
 Professional Activities Committee, Georgia Tech Library (6/2005-)
 CAPCR Committee (elected as non-voting member), Georgia Tech Library
Committees-Archival Associations
 Editorial Board, Provenance (Society of Georgia Archivists journal) (2005-2008)
 Committee member, Georgia Archives Week Committee (2005)
 Co-chair, Georgia Archives Week Committee (2006)
 Committee member, Society of Georgia Archivists Education Committee (2005)
 Chair, Society of Georgia Archivists Education Committee (2006)
 Board member, Society of Georgia Archivists (2006)
Continuing Education
Workshops and Meetings Attended
 Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, New Orleans LA (August 1720, 2005)
 "Exhibits Made Simple" workshop, Society of Georgia Archivists, Augusta GA
(November 2, 2005)
 Society of Georgia Archivists Annual Meeting, Augusta GA (November 2-3,
 Describing Archives: A Content Standard Workshop, SGA/SAA, Georgia Tech
(June 13, 2006)
 MARC According to DACS Workshop, SAA/SOLINET, Atlanta GA (June 1415, 2006)
 Digital Libraries class, University of South Carolina (August-December 2005)
 Digital Preservation class, USC (January-May 2006)
 Introduction to Organization of Information and Materials, USC (June 2006)
Presentations and Papers
 "Archival Certification: To Certify or Not To Certify--That is the Question,"
presentation to USC Archival Students Guild, Columbia SC (March 24, 2006)
 "Conversion to EAD Version 2002" panel member, EAD Roundtable, Society of
American Archivists Annual Meeting, Washington DC (August 3, 2006)
 "Digital Preservation of Audio Materials: Best Practices, Survey and Strategies"
paper completed; to be revised for possible publication (April 2006)
GOALS FOR 2006-2007
1. Work with the new Applications Developer to implement and adapt Archivist’s
2. Continue to work with the Systems Department to refine style sheet and search
engine for finding aids
3. Complete continuing processing projects and begin others, according to
departmental priorities; continue to train and supervise student assistants in
processing, to improve workflow
4. Continue to write finding aids, MARC records, and other descriptive tools using
national standards such as DACS and RLG
5. Continue to seek training and continuing education opportunities in archival work
Kirk Henderson, Records Manager
Records Management
 Continue development of ongoing educational outreach program. During the past
year, we have organized a Brown Bag presentation in coordination with other
Archives and Digital Initiatives staff to showcase Library programs and services.
This program will likely become a regular campus training opportunity to be
presented in the Fall and Spring of each year.
 Designed and implemented use of a postcard and letter-sized campus mail
brochure to promote Records Management services. Developed a targeted
mailing list based on GT Human Resources campus employee list. In the coming
year, I expect to continue this campaign with regular mailings to broaden campus
awareness of the Archives’ Records Center facility and related services.
 Completed re-design of Records Management portion of Archives website and
established an online records retrieval form to automate and standardize the
retrieval process. To further enhance client access to information, we will
evaluate the possibility of creating online access to departmental inventories of
material in the Records Center.
 Evaluate and refine relationships to departmental level records coordinators /
custodians. Establish brief written procedures regarding responsibilities of
designated staff members with regard to storing records material in the Archives’
Records Center facility.
 Work to develop relationship with OIT Information Security based on current
data classification and security initiative. Determine how their activities with
regard to unit-level data classification policies can promote awareness of records
management through-out campus.
Sponsored Research
 Have developed and implemented pointer record system to afford a means of
access to Georgia Tech sponsored research reports received from OSP. This
system facilitates a more streamlined handling of incoming material and should
resolve issues with any backlog of material that was not previously cataloged
within the former system. Within the coming year this work should be
 Inventory review of sponsored research boxes is ongoing. This review is intended
to resolve inventory location issues and facilitate database clean-up.
 As inventory of sponsored research is completed, evaluate the feasibility of
incorporating MS Access database into MySQL Records Management database.
Doing so would facilitate greater ease of access and less redundancy in data entry
 Have entered into discussions with OSP to transition to an electronic delivery
system for sponsored research reports.
Artifact collection
 Julian Harris Collection: Harris collection has had a preliminary inventory of all
pieces and the artifacts have been reorganized and consolidated in one area of the
7th floor storage area. In the coming year, we will evaluate a means of creating
more archival sound storage of material, potentially boxing many of the plaster
relief sculptures.
 Currently engaged in a general reorganization of artifact storage area within the
archives main storage. Archival boxes have been acquired to begin the project of
re-housing numerous small items as well as re-housing textile items (sweaters,
flags, etc.) in acid-free boxes.
 Nearly 400 items have been added to the GT Artifacts database including material
found during the Archives storage inventory of December 2005 – July 2006. As
more material is added to the database, we will work to develop a means of
searching these collections items and potentially establish a web-presence for the
material within the Archives’ newly designed website.
 Designed and installed a small exhibit featuring material from the Fulton Bag and
Cotton Mill Collection. As time permits, I would like pursue the development of
additional similar exhibit displays featuring different collections material, e.g.,
Julian Harris collection.
 Augment the material currently on display in the Neely Gallery area, potentially
drawing on the Archives’ existing collections.
 Develop a plan for hosting additional traveling exhibitions.
Training and Professional Development
 Georgia Records Association conferences: Attended Fall and Spring conferences
of the Georgia Records Association. Currently enrolled in the Records
Management Professional certification program through GRA. To date I have
passed the four required curriculum courses (Active Records management,
Imaging and Electronic Records, Inactive Records Management and Legal
Foundations of Records Management). I expect to continue attending these
Institute for Certified Records Managers: Passed two of the six sections for
certification as a records manager. I will continue testing toward certification,
with the next testing cycle occurring in November.
ARMA: Have attended and expect to continue participation in online web
seminars on various records management subjects, e.g. Emerging Technologies,
Radio Frequency Identification.
ARMA: Have attended and expect to continue to attend monthly presentations by
the local ARMA chapter on subjects such as document imaging, RFID, and
retention schedule development.
Germaine Schanzmeyer, Library Assistant II
New files entered into TPUB from indexing the Technique = 185/month.
Atlanta-Journal Constitution clippings to Vertical Files = 24/month.
Web-based Georgia Tech events to Vertical Files = 5/month.
Dept. announcements/brochures to Vertical Files = 6/month.
(Figures are averages per month.)
2005-06 Success of Goals
Indexing of the Technique updated the TPUB database for the years 1931-1933,
thus providing additional knowledge and information for researchers.
Maintenance of the Vertical Files added value to Archives' holdings, for use by
2006-07 Goals
Continue indexing the Technique for TPUB entries.
Continue maintaining Archives' vertical files.
Provide reference services for GT researchers, students, faculty, and external
Assist in processing gift book collections.
Yolanda Strayhorn, Records Coordinator II
Records Management Operations:
 Handle day to day operations of record center accessions and destructions
 Managed workflow of monthly destructions to balance destructions over several
months (ongoing)
 Participated in site visits to campus business units to discuss records management
program (ongoing).
Create and revise targeted campus mailing lists for marketing records program
Provide leadership for audit of Sponsored Research database (Access) before
migrating to SQL database (ongoing).
Obtained permission to destroy old sponsored research material on 7th floor and
organized movement to Ethel Street and then final destruction.
Remarkets records management services to Brown Bag attendees shortly after
Interviewed, selected and supervised student assistant and Tech Temp (ongoing).
 Researched provenance and history of Georgia Tech artifacts in preparation for
appraisal and database migration (ongoing).
Other Projects
 Records Management lead for Civil Engineering/ SMARTech scanning project.
 Contributor to the revision of the new records management website, which
includes automated retrieval forms; worked in conjunction with library systems
 Works with library systems department in revising the records management
database forms and data entry screens (ongoing).
Archives, Records Management and SMARTech: Your guide to managing and
preserving campus records, April 2006
Other Departments
Worked at Information Services desk 1 hour per week, and acted as occasional back
up if needed- desk, phone, chat, assistance in the LWC (ongoing)
 Scholarship Committee, Georgia Tech Women’s Forum (2006)
Continuing Education
Workshops and Meetings Attended
 Attended Atlanta ARMA workshops, sessions on Project Risk Management
and Auditing Your Records and Information Management System.
 Attended SLA Brown Bags at CDC and Intercontinental Hotels
 Attended ARMA sponsored seminar on Legal and Operational requirements
featuring Donald Skupsky.
 Attended Georgia Records Association professional conference, November 2005
and June 2006.
Attended and assisted with logistics “Describing Archives: A Content Standard”,
(DACS), June 2006
Attended ALA, New Orleans 2006
Defensive Driving, 2006
Invited to attend monthly Library IRC meetings
 Internship, Georgia Tech Archives ( Summer 2006)
Processing Completed
o Processed photos to integrate in existing Collection (VAM 022)
o Learned how to use EAD to develop finding aid
 Revised finding aid to Robert L Dodd Collection (MAS022 and
(VAM 022)
 Processed several patron research request
Processing: Continuing Projects
 E Joe Baker Papers (MS ) Accession 2000.097
Marketing Library and Information Services , FSU (Spring 2006)
Collection Development, FSU (Spring 2006)
Business Information, FSU (Fall 2005)
Research in Information Studies, FSU (Fall 2005)
Management of Information Organizations, FSU (Summer 2005)
Design Production of Multimedia Resources, FSU(Summer 2005)
GOALS FOR 2006-2007
1. Become more knowledgeable about OIT and individual department IT operations
and learn how we can help them manage electronic records under the BOR retention
2. Look for new ways to educate the campus about records management
3. Arrange permanent collections to expedite retrieval in case of disaster.
4. Continue to work with the library systems department to convert the sponsored
research and artifact database to SQL databases.
5. Complete Master’s in Library Science degree.
6. Continue to seek training and education opportunities in records management and
library science.
Jody Thompson, Department Head
Library & Campus Accomplishments
 Worked with faculty and students on instruction and research through archival
collections (along with other archivists).
1. School of History, Technology, & Science
2. School of Literature, Communication & Culture
3. Architecture
4. Math department
5. President’s Scholarship Program
Met with Dean Galloway (College of Architecture) and Dean Rosser (Ivan Allen
College of Liberal Arts) to solicit personal papers and departmental records;
established dialogue between deans and Archives.
Met with Library Information Consultants (ICs) and Career Staff to promote
archival holdings (along with other archivists).
Met with Music department to establish audio and digital recording archive (along
with other archivists).
Met Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) to discuss an electronic delivery of
Sponsored Research reports for inclusion in SMRTech (along with Records
Management staff, Tyler Walters, and Catherine Jannik).
Participated in the Library’s Digital Video Management Group meetings (ongoing).
Professional Accomplishments
 Presented: “SMARTech at Georgia Tech: The Role of an Institutional Repository
in a University Setting,” with Catherine Jannik, Society of Georgia Archivists
Annual Meeting, November, 2005
 Presented: “SMARTech at Georgia Tech: The Role of an Institutional Repository
in a University Setting,” with Catherine Jannik, Society of American Archivists
Annual Meeting, August, 2005
 Presented: “Brown Bag: Archives, Records Management and SMARTech, Your
Guide to Managing and Preserving Campus Records,” with Kirk Henderson,
Catherine Jannik, and Kent Woynowski, Office of Organizational Development,
September 2005 & April 2006
 Chair, Georgia Archives Week, 2005
 Subscriptions Manager, Society of Georgia Archivists
 President, Library Faculty Organization
 Chair, Library Staff Lounge Renovation Committee
Goals 2006-07
 Continue to develop the policies and procedures of the Archives and Records
Management programs and manage library faculty, staff, and student assistants.
 Continue to assist and advise university officers in managing their records
through all phases of the records’ life cycle.
 Continue to promote research and instruction through archival collections relating
to the Georgia Institute of Technology academic curriculum
 Continue to identify, collect, and appraise records and papers of the Georgia
Institute of Technology and its faculty, staff, students, and alumni for permanent
retention in the Archives
 Continue to work closely with the Library’s Digital Initiatives, Systems, and
Information Control and Management Departments in addressing preservation
and access of digital archival materials.
 Continue to oversee the Records Management program.
 Continue to solicit collections from alumni, faculty, deans, and students.
Kent Woynowski, Digital Collections Archivist
2005-2006 Goals Status Report
 Working with the Digital Initiatives Department, use the Fulton Bag and Cotton
Mill Strike Records or other collection to create a digital collection – Completed.
The Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills Collection includes all features and items
promised to the History of Science and Technology department collaborators,
including full-text searching, syllabi-specific subject headings, and scans of
architectural drawings.
 Identify publications currently held in the Archives and determine if they are
currently being produced digitally on campus. If so, develop a strategy to
incorporate them into SMARTech – Completed. The Archives' collection of ePublications is now a major source of content within SMARTech, with 730 total
 Implement and tweak the digital files inventory management database currently in
development with the Systems Department and develop a workflow for scanning
archival materials – Completed. A new system to manage the Archives' digital
and scanned materials, known as Aardvark and ArchiTech and based on DSpace
and Greenstone software, is in place and under development.
 Member-at-Large, Library Faculty Organization
 Continued work on a survey and inventory of the existing publications collection
in the archives' holdings, removing unnecessary copies and identifying gaps in the
collection. Second copies of publications have been removed to separate, secure
storage for preservation purposes.
 Completed work with the Technique and OIT to host the Technique's files on the
Library's server.
 Worked with the staff of WREK Radio to secure archival copies of the radio
program Tech Talk.
 Worked with the Office of the President to acquire paper and electronic copies of
all speeches given by President Clough to date as well as copies of the State of the
Institute, Return on Investment, and President's Report publications.
 Working with Heather King, established a system for viewing large-scale digital
images online using a technology known as Zoomify.
 With other Archives staff, worked with Frank Clark of the Music Department to
establish an electronic archive of audio and video recordings of the Georgia Tech
Band, Glee Club, and other performing musical groups.
 Released the Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills Digital Collection exhibit. The exhibit
was first released in October 2005. Architectural drawings were added in May
 Supervised the creation of DIMES (Digital Items Metadata Entry System), and
XML- and PHP-based content management system for the creation of the Fulton
Bag and Cotton Mills Digital Collection.
 Gave presentations at two Brown Bag lunches, sponsored by the Office of
Organizational Development, on the services offered by Archives & Records
Management and Digital Initiatives.
Alumni Association
Working as a member of the SGA Education Committee, helped to organize a
workshop on the DACS standard, co-sponsored by the Society of American
Gave presentation to the President's Scholarship Program on the Archives' Rare
Books and artifacts.
Worked with Systems to re-design and develop the Archives' Accession Database.
With the other Archives staff, completed a month-long inventory of the Archives'
Member of the Library's Digital Video Group, working to develop a policy for the
Library's acquisition and conversion of digital media.
Member of the Library Strategic Planning Task Force, tasked with creating the
Library's new strategic plan.
Scanned and added to SMARTech all back issues of the North Avenue Review, a
Georgia Tech student publication.
Search committees: Catalog and Metadata Librarian, ICM; Project Coordinator,
Digital Initiatives.
 School for Scanning, June 2005, Boston, Massachusetts
 Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, August 2005, New Orleans,
 Society of Georgia Archivists Annual Meeting, November 2005, Augusta,
2006-2007 Goals
 Work with Systems to develop and implement Aardvark, the Archives' electronic
dark archive for digital archival materials, using DSpace software.
 Work with Systems to develop ArchiTech, a system for creating digital exhibits
of archival material, using Greenstone software.
 Complete an inventory of the Archives' Georgia Tech Publications Collection,
removing second copies for secure storage and identifying publications for
 Continue to develop digital projects designed to support teaching and learning at
Georgia Tech.
Archival Materials & Reading Room Statistics:
Catalogued Archival Materials added:
Titles: 74
Size: 5.98 linear feet
Titles: 39
Volumes: 228
Size: 11.7 linear feet
GT E-Publications (SMARTech ):
Communities created: 10
Digital collections added: 30
Individual new digital items added: 626
Cataloged Materials added:
Collections processed: 8 collections/373 photographs, negatives, and slides (2.3
linear feet)
1500 architectural drawings (38.88 cubic feet)
0 films
0 videos or DVDs
Collections processed: 6 manuscripts (28.2 linear feet)
Uncataloged materials added:
Accessioned collections: 221 collections (417.61 linear feet)
Vertical files: 257 collections (2.57 linear feet)
Total linear feet added: 420.18
Reference Service/Use Materials
Registered Researchers
Faculty/staff: 53
Students: 312
Other: 53
Total Researchers: 418
Research Requests Answered by Archives Staff:
Georgia Tech users: 55
Non-Tech users: 66
Total Research Requests: 121
Types of Material Used:
In-house circulation:
Monographs: 13
Serials: 25
Sponsored Research: 0
Theses and dissertations: 1
Type of collections used in reading room:
Architectural drawings: 12
Artifacts: 0
CDs: 0
Manuscripts: 77
Monographs (Archives-general collection & rare books): 102
Oral Histories: 1
Photographs: 85
Serials: 391
Sponsored Research: 21
Vertical files: 165
Other: 1 (microfilm)
Miscellaneous Statistics
Number of copies made: 1270
Number of scans produced: 214 (researchers)
Number of prints created: 9
Number of Virtual Users:
(stats are from January 2006-June 2006)
Virtual Collections:
A Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions
of the Milky Way
A Thousand Wheels are Set in Motion
An Illustration & Mensuration of Solid
Finding Aids
Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills
Georgia Tech Advertisements
Georgia Tech Photograph Collection
Georgia Tech: Telling It like it was
Griffin Photograph Collection
National Security for the 21st Century
Photographs of the Historic American
Building Survey—Georgia
Splendid Growth: Architectural Drawings
of the A. French Textile Building
unable to access stats (still on video server)
unable to access stats (still on video server)
Witness to the Holocaust
Records Management Records Center Operations
Boxes: 1103
Accessioned sets: 214
Boxes: 1007
Accessioned set: 137
Box storage totals:
(As of June 2006)
Web site hits:
Average of 250 per month
(October 2005-June 2006)