Jesus is more gothic than any

Jesus is more gothic than any!
The Proof
Jesus never referred to himself as goth. Everyone knows the
gothest thing someone can do is deny he/she is a goth (case in
point: Andrew Elritch and The Sisters of Mercy).
He is referred to as Lord Jesus. Even to this day, people call him
Lord Jesus, much like other gothlings go by titles such as Lord
Ashtoroth, or Lord Wolfbane. It wasn't so cheesy, in the
He was mocked by "normals." Even the gothest goth of them all
was made fun of by ignorant rednecks and trendies.
Jesus was obsessed with death. Yes, he lived and breathed it, to
to speak. He hung out in tombs with dead guys like Lazarus. He
also spent time with lepers.
Jesus was secretly a vampire. At his last supper he said, "This
cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood."
Transubstantiation is nothing but a fancy spell that changes wine
into real blood! After all, how else could Jesus promise eternal life?
In addition, when Jesus was up on the cross, the sun went dark so
he wouldn't get those nasty sunburns vamps are so prone to.
He was always depressed. Think about it. What real Goth is ever
happy? With all the exciting masochistic stuff he went through, is it
any wonder that "Jesus wept?" He was, after all, known as the
"man of sorrows."
Jesus was a great dresser. C'mon now. He might not have worn
black all the time, but just take a close look at all those pictures we
see of Christ. He wore long flowing robes, looking positively
ethereal in white, or sombre in blood red. He wasn't afraid to pull
gender-benders, either, which proved very influential to the San
Francisco goth scene. He tended to wear a lot of dresses and
skirts, yet somehow still look both undeniably male and sexy!. And
check out the fashion accessories. A crown of thorns or funeral
shroud are the epitome of angst-fashion.
He went to the coolest clubs and dens of iniquity. Jesus hung
out with the real "alternative" crowd of the time. His buddies were
tax-collectors, fetishists, and women of ill-repute. He also literally
hung around with murderers (check out the cross scene), once
again showing his fascination with death.
Christ surrounded himself with goth chicks. Mary Magdalene
and Veronica were two of the first goth-chicks, but Jesus also has a
horde of gothic groupies. How else would you describe all those
nuns/brides of Christ? They wear all black and white, and are
heavy into crosses, rosaries, and the contemplation of holy
He had the gaunt look down pat. You have to admit, few pictures
you've ever seen of the guy had him rosy-cheeked and robust. The
man was positively scrawny and white. He had cheekbones from
Hell, and even his hipbones stuck way out.
He was big on crucifixes. Crosses are very goth. Jesus liked
them so much that he would occasionally carry a huge one around
with him. He was somewhat partial to ankhs too!
Christ was into body piercing. He only did it a few times, but
what a statement he made with his piercings! He had a huge-guage
piercing gun zap his hands, feet, and side. To top it all off, he did it
all in front of an audience, making him one of the first performance
artists. Here's a picture of his stage-hands helping him set up for
his first piercing act.
Jesus was fascinated with the occult. When Jesus wasn't
hanging around with whores and lepers, he was often out
consorting with demons. He liked to find people possessed with evil
spirits so that he could order the demons around. Once he even
told a bunch of demons to go live in a herd of swine. To top it all off,
he even went comparison shopping with Satan once. Here he is
dissing the devil.
He spent time in tombs. Like I mentioned before, he hung out with
Lazarus in one once, but there's much more to it. He once
pretended to be dead for three days so that he could sleep in one.
How goth can you get? I'll bet you never lived in a tomb. Only
Christ, vampires, and Poppy Z. Brite characters get to do that.
Jesus knew how to party. Once he went to this wedding where
everyone was a bunch of tight-asses. All they wanted to drink was
water, but he fooled them. He went and switched wine (or was it
absinthe?) for the water! Voila! Instant party!
Jesus was into kinky domination and submission. Okay, we all
know that he liked to hang out with harlots. That's been quite
established, even by the most zealous of right-wing Christians. But
what did the big C do with these lovely ladies of the night? Well, he
had them wipe his feet with their hair and tears. And let's not forget
what he did to the moneychangers in his Dad's temple!
He was into fishnet. Jesus rarely went anywhere without his trusty
fishnet. Occasionally, he would get a bit sick of it, and would throw
it overboard while boating, but one of his disciples would always
give it back to him. Of course, the disciple would clean all the fish
out of it first.