
Druery, R. C., Meisner, M. A., & Dula, C. S. (2010, November). Depression or Bipolar?
Diagnosing Mood Disorders in Primary Care. Poster presented at the annual convention
of the Tennessee Psychological Association (TPA). Nashville, TN.
Gibson, B. W., Byington, R. E., Leonard, R. L., White, C. D., & Dula, C. S. (2010, November).
Branded For Life: Further Analyzing Stigma Against Tattoos. Poster presented at the
annual convention of the Tennessee Psychological Association (TPA). Nashville, TN.
Thomas, J. H., Bowling, J. R., Fox, R., & Dula, C. S. (2010, November). DWI (Driving While
Impulsive): Investigating Relationships Between Impulsivity and Dangerous Driving in a
Simulated Environment. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Tennessee
Psychological Association (TPA). Nashville, TN.
Ramey, W. D., Oatts, S., & Dula, C. S. (2010, November). Analysis of Perceived Organizational
Support In College Students: Are There Differences Between Job Categories? Poster
presented at the annual convention of the Tennessee Psychological Association (TPA).
Nashville, TN.
Bell, R.A., Taylor, D.A., White, C.D., Shi, D., Martin, B.A., & Dula, C.S. (2010, April) Oh My
Heavenly GPA! Relationship between Grades, AcademicSelf-Efficacy, Family Conflict
and Church Attendance. Poster presented at the annual Appalachian Student Research
Forum, Johnson City, TN
Siddell, K. D., & Dula, C. S. (2010, April). You Are Driving Me Crazy: Effect of young children
on driving behavior. Poster presented a t the annual Appalachian Student Research
Forum. Johnson City, TN.
Thomas, J. H., Dula, C. S. (2010, April). Beat It: The effects of music type on dangerous
driving behavior. Poster presented a t the annual Appalachian Student Research
Forum. Johnson City, TN.
Thomas, J. H., West, E., & Dula, C. S. (2009, November). Does Personality Drive?: A Study of
the Effects of Impulsivity On Dangerous Driving. Presented a t the Tennessee
Psychological Association Conference, Nasheville, TN.
Bell, R. A., Taylor, D. A., Martin, B. A., & Dula, C. S. (2010, April). Good God, My GPA Is
Awesome!: The relationship between GPA, self-efficacy, and church attendance. Poster
presented at the Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, TN.
Gibson, B. W., Martin, B. A., Taylor, D. A., & Dula, C. S. (2010, April). On The Road, Again:
Relationships between anger, anxiety, and driving behaviors. Poster presented at the
Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, TN.
Taylor, D. A., Druery, R. C., Shi, D., Martin, B. A., & Dula, C. S. (2010, April). Worrying About
The Future: Effects of self-efficacy and anxiety on academic goals. Poster presented at
the Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, TN.
Sun, S., Martin, B. A., & Dula, C. S. (2010, April). A Study of the Relationship Between Type A
Personality and driving Behavior. Poster presented at the Appalachian Student Research
Forum. Johnson City, TN.
Wu, J., Martin, B. A., & Dula, C. S. (2010, April). Consider This!: Relationships between
Conscientiousness and Dangerous Driving. Poster presented at the Appalachian Student
Research Forum. Johnson City, TN.
Dickson, A. D., Martin, B. A., & Dula, C. S. (2010, April). Be Aware. . . Drive With Care. Poster
presented at the Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, TN
Taylor, D. A., Martin, B. A., Bowling, J. R., & Dula, C. S. (2010, March). God Is My Co-Pilot:
Relationships between Fundamentalism, Spirituality, Religiosity, and Dangerous
Driving. Poster presented at the Georgia Undergraduate Research in Psychology
Conference. Kennesaw, GA.
*Martin, B. A. & Dula, C. S. (2010, February) We’re Getting Under Your Skin: The
Development of the Martin Stigma Against Tattoos Measure. Poster presented at the
annual Mid-South Psychology Conference. Memphis, TN.
*Siddell, K. D., Martin, B. A., & Dula, C. S. (2010, February). But I’m A Good Driver:
Dissonance between perceived and actual driving behaviors. Poster presented at the Mid
South Psychology Conference (MSPC). Memphis, TN.
*Taylor, D. A., Martin, B. A., Gibson, B. W., Bell, R. A., & Dula, C. S. (2010, February). Does
Family Matter?: Home Environment, Family Conflict, and Extracurricular Activities.
Poster presented at the Mid South Psychology Conference (MSPC). Memphis, TN.
Dickson, A. D., Martin, B. A., Miesner, M. T., & Dula, C. S. (2009, November). Nervously
Navigating: The effects of anxiety on dangerous driving. Poster presented at the annual
convention of the Tennessee Psychological Association (TPA). Nashville, TN.
Dobson, A. D., Siddell, K. D., Martin, B. A., & Dula, C. S. (2009, November) The Endangered
Sex: Sex Differences in the prevalence of safety belt use. Poster presented at the annual
convention of the Tennessee Psychological Association (TPA). Nashville, TN.
Gibson, B. W., Griffith, L., Taylor, D. A., & Dula, C. S. (2009, November). Do Biological
Parents Impact the GPA and Extracurricular Activities of Middle School Students?
Poster presented at the annual convention of the Tennessee Psychological Association
(TPA). Nashville, TN.
*Martin, B. A., Fox, R. T., & Dula, C. S. (2009, November). Can You Hear Me Now?: Effects of
conversation type on dangerous driving behaviors. Poster presented at the annual
convention of the Tennessee Psychological Association (TPA). Nashville, TN.
Ramey, W. D., Rollins, J., Martin, B. A., & Dula, C. S. (2009, November) Show Me The Money:
The relationship between Job Satisfaction and annual pay. Poster presented at the annual
convention of the Tennessee Psychological Association (TPA). Nashville, TN.
Taylor, D. A., Bell, R., Martin, B. A., & Dula, C. S. (2009, November) We Wouldn’t Call It
Fighting: Differences between parent and student perception of family conflict and the
effect on academic performance. Poster presented at the annual convention of the
Tennessee Psychological Association (TPA). Nashville, TN.
Taylor, D. A., Byington, R. L., & Dula, C. S. (2009, November) The Effects of Family on the
Prevalence of Safety Belt Use. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Tennessee
Psychological Association (TPA). Nashville, TN.
Oatts, S., Gibson, B., White, C., Zou, Y., & Dula, C.S. (2010, April). Knuckle Down & Buckle
Up: A Study Of Prevalent Safety Belt Use. Paper presented at the Boland
Undergraduate Student Research Symposium. Johnson City, TN.
Siddell, K. D., & Dula, C. S. (2010, April). Ssssh, I Am Trying to Drive: Proposed distracted
driving interventions for parents and guardians. Paper presented at the annual Boland
Undergraduate Student Research Symposium. Johnson City, TN.
Thomas, J. H., Martin, B. A., & Dula, C. S. (2010, April). Grooving To the Beat of Dangerous
Driving. Paper presented at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research.
Missoula, MT.
Thomas, J. H. & Dula, C.S. (2010, April). Music and Dangerous Driving: The problem and
suggested interventions. Paper presented at the annual Boland Undergraduate Student
Research Symposium. Johnson City, TN.
Martin, B. A., Taylor, D. A., Watkins, A. E., Bowling, J. R., & Dula, C. S. (2010, March).
Branded For Life: Testing the validity of the Martin Stigma Against Tattoos Survey.
Paper presented at the Georgia Undergraduate Research in Psychology Conference.
Kennesaw, GA.
Dickson, A. D., Thomas, J. H., Martin, B. A., West, E., & Miesner, M. T. (2010, February).
Personality Is My Pilot. Paper presented at the Mid South Psychology Conference.
Memphis, TN.