FORMS & Paper work

The School for Youth Leadership is now taking applications for 2013.
If you or someone you know could use a year of going deeper with
may suit your members or yourself! All those who have participated
in the past had said what a life changing experience it was.
God and being a part of many mission and ministry opportunities
then get in touch with the Schools for Youth Leadership.
Would any of your SAGALA members benefit from a Red Shield
camp? Speak to your CO about this opportunity.
It is a school for youth and young adults wanting to be involved in
Missionary Badge Syllabus, Missionary Badge Coupon, New Enrolment
ministry teaching leadership principles and dynamics as the name
Advice, Resignation Advise, Year of the Founder Badge coupon,
suggests but a lot of people who come, come for the personal
Design Template Centenary Jamboree badge, Live light Brochure.
growth elements as well.
The course is based on intensive discipleship- learning to live like
Jesus. What you get out of the nine months at the school is so much
more than you could experience through years of church attendance.
Aiming for character and competence- it's more than skills and head
There are mission trip available that Guards and Rangers may be
Need to contact ask a question?
Phone: (02) 9266 9569. Alcatel 10569
Check out the website:
News News
Forms and paper work are a necessity for any group or organisation.
interested in taking part in. These include overseas youth mission
We are trying to make sure that it is not an issue for leaders but do
trips, bush missions, Short term Urban missions as well as service
remember you need to keep accurate records of members and their
opportunities as camp leaders at Kids camps -all within the Salvation
attendance. To help you with this there are roll books available or an
exercise book can be ruled up but it must be kept
A program book with a roll is another easy
( or check with the Corps Officer.
way to keep attendance and a helper, Junior Leader, or
Other organisation such as Scripture Union and Australian Inland
Patrol leader can be put in charge of this.
Mission ( also run mission trips that
When new members are enrolled we put them on the
data base. You can ensure they are on by either completing a new
enrolment form (attached) or sending a copy of the members’
Individual record form with the badge coupon for new enrolment.
Remember also to specify if you need a Stepping up or link badge
when you send in a new enrolment. To remove members there is a
resignation form but you may also wait until the end of year review.
The data base is really a bonus for keeping track of members. If it is
up to date, then figures such as number of badges achieved or
number in any section can be extracted from it for the annual report–
or at any time at all. It can be used by you as a record of all
Enter your Username and Password.
You will need to enter your
Notes User name (firstname lastname) and your Internet password to
access the database.
The corps officer will be able to ask IT for
access for you.
The SAGALA (YP) database has been developed with the Children &
Click on the Sign In button. The SAGALA database will be displayed.
Youth Mission Team to record the badges and awards for the children
participating in the SAGALA program.
The Divisional Youth
Secretaries will be able to enter the details for Badges and Awards
earned, and the Corps will be able to access the database to check
where the children are up to with earning their awards. The Corps
will also be able to update some of the fields in the Award records.
The SAGALA database can be accessed to view information via the
Web using Internet explorer. To access the SAGALA Database via the
Open Internet explorer and type the URL into the address field (not
Thank you to those corps who have responded to the request to
the search) at the top of
update the attendance of the members. If you would like to ask any
the Internet Explorer screen and press the Enter key.
The Salvation Army Internet Logon screen will be displayed.
you are unsure if you have the
correct access to the SAGALA database, please contact the IT
I hope you are enjoying this year’s Special Event badge. Enclosed is a
Helpdesk on (02)9266-9667.
badge coupon for you to send direct to me. There is a video available
from trade about the life of William Booth that your Corps may care
Have you tried Make cents fund raising – selling cards $28 for 30
to purchase. This is useful for badges on the theme of The Army and
cards 0402 553569. Remember Woollies as well as Masters and
for Junior Soldiers.
Bunning’s do fund raising BBQs for community groups. Check out this
website for other ideas. Just remember no raffles.
The Bible Society has a Bible reading ‘challenge’ which could easily be
Sample of Patrol Emblems -
used for SAGALA Members. (Less than 20% of Christians read their
Wombat Possum Koala Platypus Kangaroo Bluebell Boronia Waratah Wattle
Blue Wren Robin Kookaburra Cockatoo Rosella
You can order Patrol badges or Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol
Leader stripes from your DHQ. There are certificates as well on the
website. Give me a call if you would like some further tips.
Organising your section into patrols allows you to delegate tasks;
allows members to gain experience in aspects of leadership and show
If you are looking for badge syllabus check out the website as most
they are responsible; it is also a natural way that children interact with
are there with the exception of the Explorer and Moonbeam syllabus.
each other. It gives members experience working collaboratively,
There are also interesting items on both the SAGLA site and the other
developing cooperation and team spirit. Patrols become the teams
pages. Have a browse through resources for some hints on
when playing games saving time and reducing friction between some
Discipleship or Discipline!
members. They become the groups at camp sharing tents and duties.
Patrols should ideally be between four to six members with a mix of
Enclosed is the Syllabus for this year’s Missionary badge!! This badge
has a good overlap with existing badges and would be ideal to do
simultaneously with Make Poverty History, Community Service and
spread over the whole term.
ages and personalities. In single sections older and more mature
members usually become the patrol leaders but at times giving the
responsibility to the active members or encouraging a member whose
attendance may be waning can turn them around.
For those who have combined sections you may have patrols across
There is a need to clarify the administering of medications particularly
sections that include members from each section ie: a Guard, a
at camps. The Safe Salvos / Caring for Kids policy is clear about the
Ranger, an Adventurer, an Explorer. Or each section can be a separate
administration of medications and our role as leaders.
patrol. Although at times the single sex homogenous groups work
better and allow more use of the patrol system for example at camp.
The Safe Salvos Policy is that:
You may hold elections to select the patrol leaders or choose them
will not be supplied non-prescription medication by the leadership
yourself in the first instance.
team or medical officer (unless that medical officer is a doctor).
Patrol can become responsible for marking the roll, entering stats,
running games, flag parties, cleaning and packing away. A roster
system works well for this and can be rotated every month allowing
patrol to gain experience and express their responsibility.
Patrol Leader
Guard and Ranger
Non-prescription drugs: During the course of a program, participants
Leaders will control and supervise the administration of nonprescription medication only if it is noted on the health history
The individual Record/Permission form states:
I understand that if urgent medical attention is needed every effort will be made to
contact the persons listed on this form. In the event that contact cannot be made, I
give my permission for my child to receive such medical treatment as deemed
necessary. ‘I’ being the parent.
Assistant Patrol Leader
Adventurer Sunbeam
By teaching the Patrol leaders a skill beforehand it becomes easier to
teach the rest of the members and gives the Patrol Leaders kudos.
Patrol Leaders can be trained at special fun days, during the holidays
or once a term, Patrol leader only nights, a half hour before the
meeting or other suitable time.
This indemnity covers medical treatment in
an emergency.
To clear up cases where parents may think that it is automatic that
you would give their child paracetamol a rider should be placed on
the camp form. Such wording for a camp form would be:
Important: Please note in regards to non-prescription medications
such as paracetamol (e.g. Panadol) that children's and youth
workers do not provide medications. Every attempt will be made
to contact the parent or carer named on this form should any
medical issue arise at camp.
If you believe that it is in the young person’s best interest to receive
treatment for a headache or pain at camp you need to contact the
parent first. This would not be your first line of treatment. A drink, lie
down and removal from activity would. It would also be unwise to
administer paracetamol before 12 noon; following a head injury;
where other medication is already present; where paracetamol has
“The site’s booked, the team is coming together, we’re planning some
been given in the last 4 hours; where there is a pre-existing illness or
amazing things for the week – but most of all we need you to come
hypersensitivity to paracetamol. The condition of the medication
to the Jamboree and make it even better. Over the next few weeks
needs to be checked first then the correct dose for weight and age
and months we’ll keep the information coming – there’s lots to do so
need to be followed and then a written record of any dose should be
please let us know us know if we’ve forgotten anything – we’re not
kept when paracetamol and presented to parents when they collect
their child. If the pain does not abate you should consider sending
the child home.
Gilwell Park: The venue of the Jamboree is a great Scout Camp with
lots of activities on site – our camp is going to take the site over for
the whole week so we can have a real party. It’s only 20 miles from
central London and easy to get to from all London airports, by rail or
We need to know you’re coming to the Jamboree. You could write,
The International World Centenary of The Salvation Army Scouts and
email or phone us but it would be more fun if you used carrier
Guides is to be celebrated in 2013 with an international camp. A
pigeon, a message in a bottle, smoke signals, serenade…Put your
contingent from both Australian Territories will participate in this
video online saying ‘I’ll be there’ – be as creative as you can – we’ll
put the best ones on the website and there will be a prize for the
best entry.”
No camp would be complete without a great badge. For our
centenary camp, we need your creative genius to design a
memorable badge that captures the spirit of the camp. We are
running a competition to design the camp badge. Download the
template (enclosed) to help with some ideas and send a picture of
Tell teens what success looks like. What are the characteristics
your design to We’ll have a gallery of all entries
of a great teen helper? In what areas will you hold this person
as they arrive and will decide on the winner at the beginning of
accountable? They may aim for just showing up unless you give them
November – so you have until 31st October to send your entries in.
clear expectations.
The competition is open to anyone attending the Jamboree or
connected with Salvation Army Scouting or Guiding now or in the
buddy’s hand? If so, tell him. Does she need to sit next to a rowdy
past. Need more inspiration – here are the badges from some
child and keep that kid calm? Tell her. At first, you may feel like the
previous camps.
teen needs more instruction than the kids you’re leading, but after a
Give them a specific job. Does the teen need to hold their
while they will catch on. Don’t assume each teen has worked with
kids before or knows what they are doing. Don’t be afraid to give
LOTS of instructions! Remember, the more you invest in teens as their
leader, the more you’ll get out of them in return. You are investing
not just in ‘kids’ or first-time volunteers, but you are investing in
Young people can be a great help in ministry and adult leaders have
future ministry leaders. Make the most of the opportunity you have
to create some incredible future leaders! ~ Meredith Teasley
a responsibility to ensure that young people are trained and
-Meredith currently serves as a Kids Camp Specialist with LifeWay Christian
equipped to succeed in their role. Too often we see young people set
up to fail because they have not been adequately informed, trained
and supported.
Use these tips from Meredith Teasley to equip young people in your
ministry and invest in your future leaders.
Share the vision. Too often, we get teens to sign up and then
tell them nothing else until they show up. Unless you tell them
otherwise, these students or teens may assume they are just there to
meet a quota for volunteers or helpers. Find a time to cast the vision
for them.
Thanks to Karen Connors for passing this on.