
All humans have 46 chromosomes in each cell of their body, (23 pairs)
A chromosome is a rod shaped cell structure that directs the activites of a cell and passes on the traits
of a cell to new cells.
n : a threadlike body in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order
Facts about Chromosomes
-You have 23 pairs of chromosomes in every cell
-Chromosomes are rod-shaped and can be found in the nucleus.
-Prokaryotic cells are cells without nuclei.
-Eukaryotic cells are cells with DNA and chromosomes.
-Chromosomes are made of protein and DNA, which all escapes during the
Chromosome's life.
-The life of a Eukaryotic cell has two phases... mitosis and interphase.
-Mitosis is cell division.
-Interphase is the time between mitosis, in which the cell grows.
-S phase is DNA duplication in a cell.
-"G1" is the gap between mitosis and interphase.
-"G2" is the time between S phase and mitosis
-Chromosomes direct all activities of the cell, including growth and reproduction.
-Chromosomes are responsible for passing traits of a cell to a new cell.
-Chromosomes are made of nucleic acid.
Anyway, if you still don't get it. Think of chromosomes as an encyclopedia, chromosomes contain a
whole lot of information. They give the cell their information, the way you get information from an
encyclopedia. They could also be called instruction manuals, because the chromosomes know what
traits to pass on to a new cell when the cell divides. Chromosomes also oversee growth as well as
reproduction, and other cell functions.