1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Supporting Information Methods S1, Notes S1 & S2, Tables S1-S8 and Supporting references Methods S1 Isolation of full-length elements The BAC library of S. latifolia was characterized by Cegan et al., 2010. Screening was performed by radioactive hybridization with labelled Ogre reverse transcriptase and integrase genes as probes. BAC DNA was isolated and commercially sequenced using 454 sequencing with Roche GS FLX (GATC Biotech, Konstanz). 454 reads were assembled using Mira3 (Chevreux et al., 2004), TGICL (Pertea et al., 2003) and Roche GS De novo Assembler version 2.5.3. We also used 454 reads of S. latifolia genomic DNA (Macas et al., 2011). Contigs within individual clusters were manually assembled to reconstruct consensus sequences of Ogre elements. Basic sequence analyses were done in Geneious Pro (Biomatters). Homology searches were performed with FASTA and BLAST online applications. Full-length element prediction was carried out by an LTR finder (Xu & Wang, 2007), annotations and visualizations in Artemis (Rutherford et al., 2000). Sequence similarities were identified by JDotter (Brodie et al., 2004). Copy number estimation The copy number in S. latifolia genome was estimated by hybridization of respective LTR probes with the BAC library as follows: The number of elements per genome = Genome size x Percentage of genome / Element size x 100. Percentage of genome = Number of hybridizing clones x Element size / Total clone number x Average clone size. Average BAC clone size is 125 kbp. Total genome size of Silene latifolia male is 2.879 x 109bp - 1C (Široký et al., 2001; Lengerova et al., 2004). Additionally, copy numbers were estimated from genomic DNA - Illumina libraries. In silico copy numbers estimation Copy numbers were estimated from the Illumina genomic reads (accessible under ERX015036, ERX015035 in SRA) in the following manner: The reads were mapped uniquely to the reference LTRs obtained from the BAC sequences of distinct Ogre, Retand and Athila types with at least 90% overlap of the read to the reference sequence. The copy numbers were subsequently estimated from the sequencing depth (library coverage, LC), depth of coverage (DOC) and the genome size (GS) of Silene latifolia using the formula: DOC x GS/LC. Sequencing of genomic and transcribed Ogre copies Genomic DNA was extracted from young leaves using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Quiagen). RNA was extracted using the NucleoSpin RNA Plant kit (Macherey-Nagel) or RNA-Blue (Top-Bio). DNA contaminations were removed using the Turbo DNA-free kit (Ambion). Equal amounts of total RNA (1µg) were reverse transcribed using the High Capacity RNA-tocDNA kit (Applied Biosystems). Three degenerate primer pairs were designed to amplify the integrase gene of the three Ogre families (Table S1a). To prevent potential chimeric PCR products an emulsion PCR protocol (Williams et al., 2006) was followed with High fidelity Herculase II Fusion DNA polymerase (Agilent Technologies – Stratagene). PCR products were ligated into pDrive (Quiagen) or pCRII cloning vector (Invitrogen) and cloned into E. coli DH5α strain. After PCR screening, selected PCR products were sequenced (Sanger sequencing) from both sides. For analysis of Ogre CL5 splicing, we used primers described in Table S1b and for amplification of LTR sequences, Table S1c primers. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 RACE mapping of transcription starts and ends Total RNA was extracted by RNA-Blue (Top-Bio) from male flower buds less than 2mm in diameter. 5’ and 3’ RACE ready first-strand cDNA was amplified by the SMARTer RACE cDNA amplification kit (Clontech). 5’ and 3’transcription ends were amplified using Advantage 2 Polymerase mix (Clontech). PCR products were cloned and sequenced as described above. Gene specific primers used for amplification of transcription starts and ends are described in Table S1d. Computer processing of sequences Raw sequence files were trimmed and assembled in Geneious Pro software (Biomatters Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand). Sequence analyses and alignments were done in Geneious and Bioedit (Hall, 1999) using MAFFT (Katoh et al., 2002), ClustalW (Thompson et al., 1994) and manual refinement. Fluorescene in situ hybridization (FISH) To synchronize the germinating seeds of S. latifolia, the DNA polymerase inhibitor aphidicolin was used, and mitoses were then accumulated with oryzalin. Slides were prepared from root tips and treated as described in Lengerova et al. (2004) with slight modifications. Slides were analyzed using the Olympus AX1 microscope, and image analysis using ISIS software (Metasystems). To differentiate the arms of the Y chromosome, a cytogenetic FISH marker X-43.1 accumulated at subtelomeric regions of the majority of chromosomes was used (Buzek et al., 1997). Plasmid DNA clones containing integrase of respective Ogre families were used as probes. LTR probes were prepared from PCR products with primers (Table S1c) and genomic DNA. In situ hybridization Whole anthers and pistils of S. latifolia plants were fixed in 2% formaldehyde and 5% acetic acid in 60% ethanol. After fixation, the reproductive organs were embedded by Cryomount (HistoLab Products AB, Göteborg, Sweden) and frozen. Tissue blocks were cut longitudinally into 7 μm sections using CM 1800 (Leica Microsystems, Germany), transferred to microscopic slides and air dried. Probes cloned in pCR II-TOPO (Invitrogen - Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY, USA) were subjected to in vitro transcription and labeling with digoxigenin (DIG) using the DIG RNA Labeling Kit (Roche Applied Science, Mannheim, Germany). mRNAs were detected in the sections according to Brewer et al., 2006. mRNA and small RNA isolation and sequencing by Illumina, transcript level and sRNA abundance estimation Pollen grains were isolated from male flowers using 0.3M mannitol according to http://www.bio-protocol.org/wenzhang.aspx?id=67. High-molecular-weight and lowmolecular-weight RNA were isolated simultaneously according to Carra et al. (2007) from young male and female leaves, unfertilized and fertilized pistils and pollen grains. RNA and small RNA samples were sequenced at IGA Technology Services (Udine, Italy) on HiSeq2000 by using standard Illumina sequencing workflow. RNA reads treatment and mapping The sequence reads from five different organs of Silene latifolia (accessible at BioProject under PRJNA179506) from the Solexa RNA-Seq and miRNA-seq were clipped and filtered according to their quality using the FASTX-toolkit (http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/). In order to proof our hypotheses we downloaded external datasets of cDNAs from SRA (raw 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 reads accessible under SRR316288, SRR316289, SRR404980, SRR404981, SRR404982, SRR404983, SRR404984, SRR404985). Additionally we downloaded small RNA datasets of flowers and leaves from NCBI GEO (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/, accessible under GSM803576, GSM803577 and GSM803578). All the analysed cDNA reads were trimmed to the same size of 30 nucleotides. The reads were then mapped to the BAC sequences of Ogre and Retand elements using the LAST alignment tool (Kiełbasa et al., 2011). The parameters were adjusted according to the LAST manual, allowing up to 2 mismatches, which means setting the seed to 1110100 and initial match to 10 nucleotides for small RNAs and 1111101110010 and 15 nucleotides for cDNAs. The small RNA alignment results were then sorted for each position in the reference sequence based on the hit score using our own computational pipeline in bash. Low scored hits were removed from the lists. Similar analysis was done for the cDNA alignment, but this time the coverage of whole reads was recorded. The hit list values of cDNA reads were averaged before plotting using sliding window of size 15. As there was certain overlap in hit lists of two different types of Ogre subfamily (CL5_267 and CL5_277) and two types of Retand subfamily (Retand-1 and Retand-2) a method for merging hit lists using Python programming language was developed. In order to merge two elements, positions were normalized based on the element length using per mile scale and all the redundant reads mapped to both elements were counted only once. All the hit lists were normalized based on the library size and copy number estimated from the in silico copy number estimation following the formula 1.5x1012/F, where F is the factor value representing product of the library size, copy number value and reference sequence length. The results were visualized using Gnuplot, Gimp and LibreOffice suite. Genomic and transcriptomic proportions of three different types of Ogre (full length, with deletion, and with insertion) - splicing In order to count the proportions of different Ogre subfamilies, only regions unique for each type of Ogre were selected. To see the differences, especially spliced sites and deleted sites, a multiple alignment using the ClustalW algorithm was performed. For a spliced variant Ogre and an Ogre with a deletion, a subsequence was made linking both flanking regions of the splice site and the deleted site respectively. For the full length Ogre, the spliced site itself was selected. This small dataset was then analyzed in contrast to Solexa genomic reads (accessible under ERX015036, ERX015035 in SRA) and transcriptomic reads (accessible at BioProject under PRJNA179506) using the LAST alignment tool allowing up to two mismatches. The results were then filtered, whereby only reads covered by at least 90% were considered correct. The numbers of hits for different Ogre types were then summed using our own bash scripts. Bisulphite sequencing DNA from whole pollen grains, leaves and flower buds was modified by EpiTect Bisulfite Kit (Quiagen) and BisulFlash DNA Modification Kit (Epigentek). As a control for successful bisulfite conversion MROS1 gene was used (Janousek et al., 2002), all twenty sequenced clones showed equal methylation. Primers were designed using Bisprimer software (Kovacova & Janousek, 2012). At least 20 clones amplified on modified DNA samples and 20 clones amplified on non-modified DNA were sequenced. Hierarchical cluster analysis Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to separate DMR of sequenced pollen bisulfite treated DNA samples (to distinguish vegetative cells from sperm cells, based on the hypothesis that sperm cells have much lower methylation level than vegetative cells): we used R software - 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 Euclidean method for counting to generate a distance matrix that was clustered by hclust basic R tool with default settings (Akalin et al., 2012). Statistical evaluation of methylation level in pollen P-values from ANOVA test for linear modeling of an equation y = a + bx, where y is the methylation level of the sample and x denotes the treatment indicator for sample (= 0 if sample is in “control group” (sperm cells) and = 1 if sample is in “treatment group” (vegetative cells)). If the null hypothesis (Ho: b=0) is rejected, the “control” and “treatment” groups have different methylation levels (= differentially methylated region DMR) (Schultz et al., 2012). i = cytosine position in one sequence Global methylation n = number of seqs. Sem = standard error of measurement O5M1 Sd = standard deviation Pollen all Cluster 1 Cluster 2 mean ∑(Ci/(Ci+Ti)) / n 0.2476 0.4529 0.1873 sd 0.1473 0.1098 0.0919 mean + - sd 0.1003 – 0.3949 sem 0.0222 number of clustres ∑Ci / (∑ Ci + ∑ Ti) 95% confidence interval: including continuity correction P-value * statistically significant 0.3431 – 0.5628 0.0953 – 0.2792 0.2481 0.23 – 0.2672 0.0158 0.4494 0.1871 0.4051 – 0.4945 0.1686 – 0.2071 1.12E-010 yes O5M3 Pollen all mean ∑(Ci/(Ci+Ti)) / n sd mean + - sd 0.0347 2 Cluster 1 0.5838 0.1257 0.4580 – 0.7095 Cluster 2 0.6182 0.0662 0.2743 0.1123 0.5519 – 0.6844 0.1619 – 0.3865 sem 0.0230 0.0127 0.0648 number of clustres ∑Ci / (∑ Ci + ∑ Ti) 95% confidence interval: including continuity correction P-value * statistically significant 2 0.6943 0.7452 0.2439 0.678 – 0.7101 mean + - sd sem 0.1992 – 0.2948 Cluster 1 Cluster 2 6.54E-003 yes O5M5 Pollen all mean ∑(Ci/(Ci+Ti)) / n sd 0.729 – 0.761 0.1629 0.1440 0.0189 – 0.3070 0.0244 0.4539 0.0576 0.1254 0.1022 0.3964 – 0.5115 0.0233 – 0.226 0.0288 0.0184 number of clustres ∑Ci / (∑ Ci + ∑ Ti) 95% confidence interval: including continuity correction P-value * statistically significant 2 0.1729 0.1572 – 0.1898 0.1199 0.4933 – 0.6178 0.1057 – 0.1357 3.36E-007 yes O6M1 Pollen all mean ∑(Ci/(Ci+Ti)) / n sd mean + - sd 0.5564 Cluster 1 0.7411 0.2079 0.5333 – 0.949 Cluster 2 0.4110 0.0671 0.8649 0.0183 0.3439 – 0.4781 0.8466 – 0.8832 sem 0.0313 0.0194 0.0032 number of clustres ∑Ci / (∑ Ci + ∑ Ti) 95% confidence interval: including continuity correction P-value * statistically significant 2 0.7404 0.4118 0.8647 0.7242 – 0.756 2.20E-016 yes O6M2 Pollen all mean ∑(Ci/(Ci+Ti)) / n sd mean + - sd Seq 38 0.9048 0.1099 Cluster [-38] 0.2608 0.9222 0.0242 0.7948 – 1.0147 sem 0.0178 number of clustres ∑Ci / (∑ Ci + ∑ Ti) 95% confidence interval: including continuity correction P-value * statistically significant 2 0.9091 0.899 – 0.9183 0.8979 – 0.9464 0.0040 0.2609 0.9221 0.1659 – 0.3828 0.9125 – 0.9307 2.20E-016 yes O6M3 Pollen all mean ∑(Ci/(Ci+Ti)) / n sd mean + - sd 0.3779 – 0.4465 0.8494 – 0.8787 Cluster1 0.3721 0.2261 0.1460 – 0.5983 Cluster2 0.8103 0.0529 0.2774 0.1003 0.7573 – 0.8633 0.1771 – 0.3777 sem 0.0337 0.0187 0.0165 number of clustres ∑Ci / (∑ Ci + ∑ Ti) 95% confidence interval: including continuity correction P-value * statistically significant 2 0.3739 0.8106 0.2779 0.3564 – 3917 2.20E-016 yes 0.774 – 0.8426 0.2602 – 0.2965 O6M4 Pollen all mean ∑(Ci/(Ci+Ti)) / n sd mean + - sd Cluster1 0.3681 0.2541 0.1141 – 0.6222 0.8592 0.0206 0.2879 0.1688 0.8386 – 0.8799 0.1192 – 0.4567 sem 0.0337 0.0073 0.0241 number of clustres ∑Ci / (∑ Ci + ∑ Ti) 95% confidence interval: including continuity correction P-value * statistically significant 2 0.3686 0.8593 0.2855 0.3537 – 0.3837 0.2705 – 0.301 Cluster1 Cluster2 yes mean ∑(Ci/(Ci+Ti)) / n sd mean + - sd 0.8278 – 0.886 3.48E-013 O11M1 Pollen all 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 Cluster2 0.1531 0.2045 -0.0514 - 0.3562 0.6869 0.0349 0.1060 0.1317 0.6519 – 0.7219 -0.0257 - 2377 sem 0.0336 0.0202 0.0226 number of clustres ∑Ci / (∑ Ci + ∑ Ti) 95% confidence interval: including continuity correction P-value * statistically significant 2 0.1608 0.6842 0.1096 0.1368 – 0.1869 0.5662 – 0.7834 0.089 – 0.1341 8.23E-009 yes Nucleotide sequences for ancestral state reconstruction Nucleotide sequences of fructose-2,4-bisphosphatase, spermidine synthase, CCLS1 and eIF4A were obtained by PCR with the exception of spermidine synthase sequences of S. latifolia and S. vulgaris and all sequences of fructose-2,4-bisphosphatase. Primers c2B12+1, c2B12-2 (Filatov, 2005), CCLS1-F1, CCLS1-R1 (Zluvova et al., 2010), eIF4A-F and eIF4AR (Zluvova et al., 2005) were used to amplify the nucleotide sequence from genomic DNA. PCR products were gel-purified using Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen) and directly sequenced. Other sequences were retrieved from database. Accession numbers are listed in the Table S3. Nucleotide alignment and phylogenetic tree reconstruction Rough alignment of Ogre sequences was performed using Clustal Omega (Sievers et al., 2011). The nucleotide alignment was refined manually in Seaview (Gouy et al., 2010) using the translated nucleotide sequences as a guide. The sequences serving for ancestral state reconstruction phylogram and orthologues of sex-linked gene pairs were aligned using ClustalX (Larkin et al., 2007) followed by a manual refinement in Seaview. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Details on the Ogre alignment datasets 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 Four different nucleotide alignment datasets were prepared. Alignment A contained GAG-Pol coding sequences and comprised S. latifolia Ogre sequences obtained from sequencing of BAC clones, S. viscosa, S. zawadzkii, S. vulgaris, S. pendula, S. otites and S. colpophylla sequences obtained by PCR on genomic DNA, and outgroup sequences from Vitis vinifera, Gossypium hirsutum, Pisum sativum, Medicago truncatula, Solanum lycopersicum, and Populus trichocarpa obtained from database. To avoid problems caused by sequence misalignment, the outgroup sequences covered only reverse transcriptase, RNase H and integrase sequences, which are more conserved than Gag and proteinase. Alignment B was prepared from the BAC-derived sequences of S. latifolia. Alignment C contained integrase sequence and comprised sequences of S. latifolia obtained by PCR, and BAC-derived sequences. Alignment D comprised one representative sequence of each species and each group of Ogre retroelements and all outgroup sequences as in alignment A. It spanned the region from the reverse transcriptase to the end of the integrase. Alignment A was also translated using Seaview. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction For the maximum likelihood tree reconstruction, the appropriate model of nucleotide substitution was used as proposed by MrAIC (Nylander, 2004) together with PhyML 3 (Guindon et al., 2010) using either Akaike information criterion (AIC; in the case of long alignments) or second-order AIC (in the case of short alignments). The maximum likelihood trees were reconstructed using PhyML 3. The tree topologies were estimated using the approach BEST that estimates the phylogeny using both nearest neighbor interchange and subtree pruning and regrafting. The tree search was started from BioNJ tree and ten random starting trees. The branch support was estimated using a Shimodaira-Hasegawa-like approximate likelihood ratio test (SH-aLRT) (Anisimova & Gascuel, 2006). Unlike computationally expensive bootstrapping, the SH-aLRT is much faster and provides excellent levels of accuracy and power, even under the violation of the model assumptions (Anisimova et al., 2011). The tree reconstruction by Bayesian inference was performed using PhyloBayes 3.3e (Lartillot et al., 2009) for alignment D. The trees were reconstructed using the CAT-GTR + Γ nucleotide substitution model. The search was started from random trees, and four independent chains were run. The chains were stopped according to the PhyloBayes manual with the exception that the minimal effective sample size reached 100. To substantially decrease the computational time demand of the tree reconstruction based on alignment A, a phylogenetic tree search was performed using MrBayes 3.1.2 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck, 2003). The appropriate substitution model was found using MrAIC similar to the case of the maximum likelihood approach. Tree search was run for 10 million generations with four MCMC chains and two independent runs with trees sampled every 100th generation. The burn-in proportion was estimated using Tracer version 1.4 (Rambaut & Drummond, 2007). The convergence of the tree topologies was subsequently checked using AWTY (Nylander et al., 2008). Tree reconstruction of the translated alignments A and D were performed using maximum likelihood. The appropriate model for the translated dataset D was found using ProtTest (Darriba et al., 2011) and the phylogenetic tree was reconstructed using PhyML 3 with gamma substitution parameter estimated and a JTT model of amino acid substitution. The tree topologies were estimated using the approach BEST. The tree search was started from BioNJ tree and ten random starting trees. The branch support was estimated similar to the case of the nucleotide alignments. The appropriate model of amino acid substitution and tree reconstruction of the translated alignment A was performed automatically using Phylogenetic reconstruction by Automatic Likelihood Model selector (Chen et al., 2009). BEAST v1.6.1 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 (Drummond & Rambaut, 2007) was used to construct chronograms. Input files for BEAST were created with BEAUti (Drummond & Rambaut, 2007) using a relaxed clock model (Drummond et al., 2006) with a Yule prior and the nucleotide substitution models proposed by MrAIC, using the second-order AIC. A prior on the age of the split between the genera Silene and Lychnis was set to 12.5 million years, and a prior of the age of the split between the genera Silene and Petrocoptis was set to 20 million years, both with a normally distributed standard deviation of one million years. Subgenus Silene, subgenus Behenantha and the section Melandrium were forced to be monophyletic. Two MCMC chains were run for 10 million generations with trees and parameter values saved every 1000th generation. The resulting log files were checked in Tracer version 1.4 (Rambaut & Drummond, 2007), and the tree files were summarized using TreeAnnotator (Drummond et al., 2006) into one Maximum credibility tree with median node heights. Trees were visualized using FigTree 1.3.1 (Rambaut, 2009). Estimation of the time of mobilisation peaks To estimate the approximate time of mobilisation peaks, we used methods based (i) on the terminal branch lengths of Ogre elements in the chronogram counted using BEAST, and (ii) on the branch lengths for synonymous substitutions counted using PAML. For the PAMLbased method, we used a set of chronograms of sex-linked genes. We took the advantage of the fact that the recombination arrest between the sex chromosomes in S. latifolia is gradual (Nicolas et al., 2004; Marais et al., 2011), and thus each X-Y gene pair diverged at a different time. We used X-Y gene pairs that were sequenced from at least two dioecious species of the section Melandrium and from several related non-dioecious Silene species (XY4 – Atanassov et al., 2001; DD44 – Moore et al., 2003; Cyp – Bergero et al., 2007; XY1 – Delichère et al., 1999; Rautenberg et al., 2008). From each dataset, we constructed a chronogram using BEAST and computed a pairwise synonymous divergence (dS) of the S. latifolia X-Y gene pair using the CODEML program of PAML. The chronograms served to assess the timing of the split of the respective X-Y gene pair. Subsequently we constructed a linear regression of X-Y split time and percentage of synonymous substitutions in Microsoft Excel that served to assess the time of the maximal transposition activity of each Silene Ogre family. PAML analyses The CODEML program of PAML 4.5 (Yang, 2007) was used to estimate the ratio (ω) of the non-synonymous substitution rate (dN) to the synonymous substitution rate (dS) after removing frameshift insertions and recoding the stop codon as missing data following Meredith et al., 2009. The maximum likelihood trees generated from the alignments B and/or C were used as the reference trees. In the branch-site analyses, modified model A was compared with both the corresponding null model with ω 2 = 1 fixed (test 2) and with the model M1a (test 1). The chi2 program of PAML was used to estimate the P-values. The results of branch models served to estimate the age distribution of the retrotransposon insertions. Frequency histograms of terminal branch lengths for synonymous sites were constructed in Microsoft Excel. Estimation of the order of Silene Ogre mobilisation To determine the order of Ogre mobilisation waves, we derived maximum-likelihood estimates of the synonymous substitutions (dS) per branch using the CODEML program in PAML 4.5 (Yang, 2007). The synonymous substitutions are defined as nucleotide substitutions that do not lead to the change of the amino acid sequence. Because natural selection acts mainly on protein sequences, synonymous codon positions are largely free from selection and so accumulate changes in a neutral manner, at a rate similar to the mutation rate. 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 Thus, it is generally assumed that the level of synonymous substitutions increases approximately linearly with time, at least for relatively low levels of sequence divergence before saturation with multiple substitutions becomes an issue. We estimated the number of synonymous substitutions in terminal branches, because they reflect changes after the Ogre insertion into the genome. For this reason, it was not possible to use exclusively sequences with intact open reading frame because their use would bias the estimation of the substitution number towards lower numbers. Thus, similarly to Meredith et al. (2009), we removed frameshift insertions and recoded the stop codons as missing data. The branch model of CODEML estimates the number of synonymous substitutions per each branch in a phylogenetic tree. We used an unrooted tree based on the integrase sequence (alignment C). We estimated codon-based branch lengths under a one-ratio model (model M0) and used the tree with the estimated branch lengths for the modelling two-ratios branch models. The two ratios branch model allows two different ratios (ω) of the non-synonymous substitution rate (dN) to the synonymous substitution rate (dS) values to fit to the data – the first value corresponds to the background branches, and the second value corresponds to the foreground branches. Branches of interest are selected and called “foreground branches”. All other branches in the tree are the “background branches”. We modelled three two-ratios models, each with foreground branches corresponding to the terminal branches leading to Ogre CL5, Ogre CL6 and Ogre CL11, respectively. We used the “CL5 two-ratios model” to count the dS of terminal branches leading to Ogre CL5. We used an analogous procedure to count the dS for Ogre CL6 and Ogre CL11. For each Ogre family, we constructed a frequency histogram in Microsoft Excel. Selection analyses We estimated the ratio (ω) of the non-synonymous substitution rate (dN) to the synonymous substitution rate (dS) under a one-ratio model in which the same ω ratio occurs across the tree, and subsequently, we used the two-ratio branch model to compare the estimated ω ratio on specific foreground branches in the phylogeny with the background ω ratio. Branch models were applied to (i) branches leading from the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all Silene Ogre retroelements to MRCA of Ogre CL5, Ogre CL6 and Ogre CL11 (hereafter referred as to internal branches), and to (ii) terminal branches. Modelling the ω ratio along the internal branches allowed us to assess the evolution of each of Ogre CL5, Ogre CL6 and Ogre CL11 during their diversification from their MRCA. Because the modelling works on the “reconstructed ancestral sequences”, it is not necessary to use exclusively Ogre elements with intact ORFs – in the past the ORFs were intact to allow the mobilisation. Modelling the ω ratio along the terminal branches allowed us to see what happened to each group of Ogre elements after their insertion into DNA. Similar to the modelling internal branches, we used all sequences of respective Ogre elements, including the sequences with disrupted ORFs. Excluding sequences with disrupted ORFs would strongly shift the results towards low ω values. Low ω values (ω is significantly lower than one) indicate purifying selection, ω values that do not significantly differ from one indicate neutral evolution (i. e. degeneration), and ω values significantly higher than one indicate positive selection. To see whether the foreground ω significantly differs from the background ω, we compared the respective tworatios model to the one-ratio model by using likelihood-ratio tests (LRT) to obtain the statistical significance of the difference. Site models allow ω to vary along the sequence alignment. We implemented two pairs of site models. The nearly neutral model (M1a) assumes two classes of sites: one is under purifying selection with 0 <ωbackground <1, the other is under neutral evolution with ωforeground =1. We compared this model to the positive selection model (M2a) in which an additional ω parameter is included that allows positive selection where present (ω>1). We also used the 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 M3 model (discrete model that uses an unconstrained discrete distribution to model heterogeneous ω ratios among sites), and compared it to M0 model (one-ratio model), in which positive selection is not allowed. The test M3 vs. M0 is generally used as a test of variable ω among sites. Although the model of a single ω for all sites (M0) is unlikely in functional proteins, it could fit data in degenerated sequences that are not functional for a long time. The limitation of branch- and site-models is that they are highly conservative. Testing the lineages for positive selection, the ratio is assumed to be identical across sites. In such a case, positive selection is detected along a lineage only if the ratio averaged over all sites is significantly greater than one. The likelihood ratio test of positively selected sites is based on the assumption that the ratio is identical among all lineages on the tree. In this case, positive selection is detected for a site only if the underlying ratio averaged over all lineages is significantly greater than one. If adaptive evolution occurs at a few time points and affects only a few amino acids both classes of models might lack power to detect positive selection. Branch-site models allows the ratio to vary both among sites and among evolutionary lineages. It is based on the basic model of codon substitution that. Further, we assume that the phylogeny is known or independently estimated, and the branches expected to be under positive selection are a priori specified. We assume a variable ratio among sites and four site classes in the sequence. The first class includes highly conserved sites in all lineages with a small ratio, 0. The second class includes neutral or weakly constrained sites at which = 1, 1 is near or smaller than one. In the third and fourth category, the background lineages have 0 or 1, but the foreground lineages have 2, which may be greater than one. This means that there are two site categories with ratios 0 or 1 along the background branches, while along the lineages of interest, some sites are caused to come under positive selection due to a certain event, having the ratio 2 >1. To model branch-site models, we ran PAML with either internal or terminal branches of respective Ogre elements as the foreground sequence and the other sequences as the background. Statistical significance was evaluated by comparing a model with ω foregrounded for 2a and 2b categories as a free parameter with a model with ω foregrounded for 2a and 2b categories set to 1 (neutral evolution). Ancestral state reconstruction The probability of the presence of Ogre CL5 in the ancestor of the subgenus Silene, in the ancestor of the subgenus Behenantha, and in the ancestor of the genus Silene was estimated using BayesTraits (Pagel et al., 2004). The phylogram constructed from the spermidine synthase, CCLS1, eIF4A and fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase partitioned alignment was used as the input tree. The taxon sampling used for the analysis and phylogram construction are summarised below. The analyses were performed with BayesMultiState model and the model allowed only the transition from Ogre CL5 absent to Ogre CL5 present. The maximum likelihood analysis was performed with 100 optimization attempts. In the Bayesian analysis, the rate deviation was increased to 15 to increase the acceptance rate to 34.7%. The chain was run for 100 million generations and every 200,000th generation was sampled. The resulting log file was checked in Tracer version 1.4 (Rambaut & Drummond, 2007). The probability values were counted as median. Using a chronogram instead of a chronogram did not significantly change the results (data not shown). Taxon sampling for ancestral state reconstruction and for chronogram construction The genus Silene L. (Caryophyllaceae) is divided into two subgenera Silene and Behenantha (Otth) Endl of approximately equal size (Popp & Oxelman, 2004). Most of the sampled species belong to the subgenus Behenantha. Three dioecious Silene species from the section Melandrium (Röhl.) Rabeler. - S. latifolia Poir., S. dioica (L.) Clairv., and S. diclinis (Lag.) 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 Lainz – were sampled. The dioecious species of the section Melandrium had been previously classified together with the hermaphroditic species S. noctiflora L. in Silene sect. Elisanthe (Fenzl ex Endl.) Ledeb. Thus, S. noctiflora was also used for our analyses. Previous studies indicated a close relationship among the dioecious species in the section Conoimorpha Otth (Oxelman & Lidén, 1995; Desfeux & Lejeune, 1996; Rautenberg et al., 2010). For this reason, S. conica L. coming from this section was also included. Non-dioecious S. viscosa (L.) Pers. reported as crossable to S. latifolia (Correns, 1928; Prentice, 1978) and S. zawadzkii Herbich reported as crossable to S. diclinis and S. dioica (Prentice, 1978) were further analysed. Both S. zawadzkii and S. viscosa belong to the section Physolychnis (Benth.) Bocquet. Species S. vulgaris (Moench) Garcke and S. pendula L. reported as relatives (Desfeux & Lejeune, 1996) and belonging to the section Behenantha Otth were further analysed. The phylogenetic relationship of these sections is as yet unclear - three different sister groups have been suggested - to the section Melandrium - the section Conoimorpha (Desfeux & Lejeune 1996, Erixon & Oxelman 2008), S. viscosa and S. zawadzkii coming from the section Physolychnis (Marais et al. 2011) and S. vulgaris coming from the section Behenantha (Rautenberg et al. 2008). Three species from the subgenus Silene - S. colpophylla Wrigley, S. otites (L.) Wibel, and S. saxifraga L. – were also added to the dataset. Petrocoptis pyrenaica A.Braun ex Walpwas used as an outgroup. Phylogenetic tree for ancestral state reconstruction A phylogram for ancestral state reconstruction was generated using sequences of four nuclear genes – CCLS1 (Barbacar et al., 1997), eIF4A (Zluvova et al., 2006), fructose-2,6bisphosphatase (Atanassov et al., 2001) and spermidine synthase (Filatov, 2005). The sequence alignments of CCLS1 and eIF4A were processed using Gblocks (Castresana, 2000) to remove divergent and ambiguously aligned blocks. After this procedure, the alignment comprised of 5189 nucleotides partitioned into four partitions. The phylogenetic tree was reconstructed by maximum likelihood approach using RAxML BlackBox (Stamatakis et al., 2008) with nucleotide models as proposed by MrAIC (Erixon & Oxelman, 2008) together with PhyML 3 (Desfeux & Lejeune, 1996), using second-order AIC. As the closest relatives of the dioecious Silene from the section Melandrium are unknown, we also reconstructed the tree by Bayesian inference to be sure that our phylogram is not an artifactual result caused by long branch attraction. The Bayesian inference was performed using MrBayes 3.1.2 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck, 2003) with nucleotide models as proposed by MrAIC. Tree search was run for 50 million generations with four MCMC chains and two independent runs with trees sampled every 100th generation. The burn-in proportion was estimated using Tracer version 1.4 (Rambaut & Drummond, 2007). The convergence of the tree topologies was subsequently checked using AWTY (Nylander et al., 2008). The resulting trees were visualised using FigTree 1.3.1 (Rambaut, 2009). Notes S1 & S2 Note S1 A. The maximum likelihood newick treefile based on the alignment A. (((((((((((((((((((((((((Y185:0.0331290990,((a195:0.0199579189,Z095:0.0240624724)1.00000 00000:0.0153176844,(c215:0.0314028432,(d135:0.0357492936,((CL5ISVi5:0.0027260097,C L5ISVi3:0.0005932827)1.0000000000:0.0723340909,((g295:0.0180373870,(h205:0.0205346 784,((CL5ISVi1:0.0466616356,(j145:0.0188600794,(((((o165:0.0136447230,o015:0.0107838 249)0.9950000000:0.0071867789,n315:0.0080168890)0.1690000000:0.0029290536,(m285:0 .0110250049,l175:0.0094352591)0.7410000000:0.0035900411)1.0000000000:0.0299464047, (((n245:0.0000000578,m065:0.0000000001)1.0000000000:0.0066193773,p155:0.008106186 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 6)1.0000000000:0.0068448446,q035:0.0169812623)1.0000000000:0.0096992161)0.9980000 000:0.0082854536,(k265:0.0014116427,p025:0.0006557607)1.0000000000:0.0146400953)0. 7090000000:0.0063089812)0.6250000000:0.0060521715)0.9900000000:0.0160076607,i045: 0.0215087719)0.9820000000:0.0053282440)1.0000000000:0.0090116067)1.0000000000:0.0 093300843,(f225:0.0027883942,e055:0.0000001343)0.9570000000:0.0252467643)0.929000 0000:0.0112850384)0.8590000000:0.0048690951)0.9720000000:0.0041395213)0.99500000 00:0.0067471834)0.7690000000:0.0023797948)0.8050000000:0.0017174742,(X275:0.00000 00001,W075:0.0000000496)1.0000000000:0.0232519125)0.2540000000:0.0042524726,b105 :0.0136428443)0.6220000000:0.0033456445,V305:0.0308694165)0.6510000000:0.00507056 23,U255:0.0267759588)0.0000000000:0.0016151273,CL5ISVi6:0.0659671025)0.112000000 0:0.0038488453,CL5ISVu6:0.0437647329)1.0000000000:0.0376054211,Q085:0.063224540 1)1.0000000000:0.0323580324,R125:0.0609658634)0.0000000000:0.0001606810,T235:0.06 04767518)0.8560000000:0.0169691809,(CL5ISZ2:0.0891684833,S115:0.0435834217)0.982 0000000:0.0318819817)1.0000000000:0.0646341726,((CL5ISZ3:0.0303510977,((CL5ISZ7: 0.0013799845,CL5ISZ4:0.0160067654)0.8920000000:0.0375976650,CL5ISZ5:0.072119244 0)0.9810000000:0.0174351986)0.9520000000:0.0219850452,(((CL5ISVi7:0.0000000818,CL 5ISVi2:0.0017352495)0.4930000000:0.0074791154,CL5ISVi4:0.0223279352)1.0000000000 :0.0443654615,CL5ISVi8:0.0487988501)0.9990000000:0.0609289725)0.9860000000:0.0363 580157)0.9240000000:0.0446565886,(((((CL5ISVu8:0.0000000573,CL5ISVu5:0.000000000 1)0.0000000000:0.0000000689,CL5ISVu4:0.0000000001)0.0000000000:0.0000000825,CL5I SVu7:0.0000000001)0.0000000000:0.0000000706,(CL5ISVu2:0.0000000001,CL5ISVu1:0.0 008166690)0.8130000000:0.0008173570)1.0000000000:0.0810476144,((CL5ISP5:0.000000 0678,(CL5ISP2:0.0016916110,(CL5ISP7:0.0000007695,(CL5ISP6:0.0020212910,CL5ISP1:0 .0000000002)0.8900000000:0.0020218920)0.8050000000:0.0085937657)0.9990000000:0.01 29388604)0.8250000000:0.0018253648,CL5ISP8:0.0007215427)1.0000000000:0.153125731 7)0.9080000000:0.0401173533)1.0000000000:0.2963588374,(((SO2:0.1355970260,SO1:0.1 036587486)0.9980000000:0.0711560735,(CL6ISVi4:0.0000001182,CL6ISVi6:0.006940372 9)1.0000000000:0.1464723388)0.3350000000:0.0159602579,(((((CL6ISZ8:0.0161650688,((( N376:0.1366563237,M346:0.0315585301)0.9890000000:0.0136227397,(CL6ISZ3:0.017858 0176,(CL6ISZ5:0.0126282573,CL6ISZ6:0.0290744753)0.8920000000:0.0026981597)0.3390 000000:0.0008660176)0.7390000000:0.0007144524,(L396:0.0454318528,(CL6ISZ7:0.01942 52828,CL6ISZ4:0.0280473292)0.0000000000:0.0027418133)0.0000000000:0.0000156855)0 .0000000000:0.0000000531)0.9240000000:0.0026194451,(CL6ISZ1:0.0522627795,(CL6ISV i2:0.0749893286,(CL6ISVi1:0.0712905746,CL6ISVi3:0.0601736511)0.6890000000:0.00350 93580)0.6610000000:0.0009586269)0.7660000000:0.0028380477)0.9030000000:0.0043248 464,(((CL6ISP3:0.0646282278,(((((CL6ISVu4:0.0651242747,P356:0.0363144849)0.4070000 000:0.0026411247,((CL6ISVu2:0.0432918799,O326:0.0470177864)0.3160000000:0.003495 2758,(CL6ISVu3:0.0412854178,CL6ISVu8:0.0419824111)0.9120000000:0.0077140749)0.3 150000000:0.0033975142)0.0000000000:0.0000264996,CL6ISVu1:0.0538386384)0.919000 0000:0.0087822289,CL6ISVu5:0.0349374365)0.7650000000:0.0062608965,CL6ISVu7:0.04 63467833)0.7770000000:0.0032926349)0.9980000000:0.0182792919,((CL6ISVu6:0.069620 7023,CL6ISP7:0.0586132427)0.6490000000:0.0019531530,K366:0.0665709436)0.31600000 00:0.0034919157)0.9670000000:0.0059089007,((CL6ISVi7:0.0738409847,CL6ISVi5:0.1098 868724)0.3780000000:0.0097997090,CL6ISVi8:0.0705572929)0.9350000000:0.0121006383 )0.4870000000:0.0023438945)0.9480000000:0.0146083688,CL6ISZ2:0.0486313080)0.0000 000000:0.0003702035,J386:0.0879854851)0.7250000000:0.0291474235)1.0000000000:0.30 83301881)0.9910000000:0.1822432213,((((populus:0.4804481966,gossypium:0.4426181186 )0.6320000000:0.0908402160,(pisum:0.2669437076,medicago:0.2854273938)1.0000000000: 0.2268678731)0.9890000000:0.1241179225,solanum:0.6479915336)1.0000000000:0.233217 9000,Vitis:0.5926786205)1.0000000000:0.4989986362)0.9650000000:0.1208487671,(2SO8: 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 0.0363587851,2SO2:0.0235792476)1.0000000000:0.1245109783)0.9900000000:0.10699180 95,((SO8:0.0382445945,((SO6:0.0109288499,SC2:0.0057441852)0.8060000000:0.00089786 54,SC5:0.0066718284)0.7930000000:0.0034735163)1.0000000000:0.0835922266,(SC6:0.00 20740998,SC1:0.0000001155)1.0000000000:0.0956739074)0.9910000000:0.0539151120)0. 4800000000:0.0255581438,(((((CL11ISZ7:0.0000000377,CL11ISZ1:0.0000000001)0.00000 00000:0.0000000520,CL11ISZ5:0.0000000001)0.0000000000:0.0000000092,CL11ISZ4:0.00 00000001)0.0000000000:0.0000000744,CL11ISZ8:0.0009505954)1.0000000000:0.09021672 12,(((CL11ISVu6:0.0009521462,CL11ISVu8:0.0000000001)1.0000000000:0.0096067862,C L11ISVu4:0.0000000975)0.9340000000:0.0104076357,(CL11ISVu3:0.0067548792,(CL11IS Vu5:0.0000001024,CL11ISVu2:0.0000000001)0.9320000000:0.0030727041)0.8720000000: 0.0066545028)1.0000000000:0.0612701814)0.9850000000:0.0466963106)0.9820000000:0.0 447015439,CL11ISZ6:0.1279998798)1.0000000000:0.1076750430,(CL11ISP4:0.016958149 7,(((((B411:0.0094046342,(((CL11ISP6:0.0009474005,SO7:0.0076747871)0.0000000000:0.0 000000932,CL11ISZ3:0.0047715611)0.9890000000:0.0089970170,(CL11ISVi8:0.00000010 12,CL11ISVi1:0.0000000001)0.9850000000:0.0094736322)0.5990000000:0.0036163485)0.7 170000000:0.0050320625,E441:0.0312669727)0.0000000000:0.0006454771,(CL11ISVi3:0. 0166323996,CL11ISZ2:0.0195189129)0.9990000000:0.0197613841)0.7680000000:0.003464 3030,((((((CL11ISP3:0.0000000940,CL11ISP2:0.0000000001)0.0000000000:0.0000001004, CL11ISP1:0.0000000001)0.9990000000:0.0255340745,CL11ISVi4:0.0274152547)0.918000 0000:0.0063165928,(CL11ISP8:0.0256386286,CL11ISVu7:0.0311126689)0.9400000000:0.0 060477762)0.1280000000:0.0050991009,((CL11ISP7:0.0304019966,CL11ISVu1:0.0118517 198)0.8950000000:0.0081647666,A421:0.0178919062)0.9070000000:0.0083982816)0.9170 000000:0.0131308692,CL11ISVi2:0.0363481252)0.9790000000:0.0119763227)0.947000000 0:0.0054963510,(D431:0.0419351410,C401:0.0206974658)0.6420000000:0.0029794571)0.7 330000000:0.0040399612)0.7200000000:0.0067017945)0.0360000000:0.0054979692,CL11I SVi6:0.0113242083)0.0000000000:0.0000212581,CL11ISVi7:0.0173353053)1.0000000000: 0.0846225544,F461:0.0207274994)0.9840000000:0.0178435032,H451:0.0315092513)0.0440 000000:0.0027926391,I471:0.0249223947,G481:0.0268999330); B. The maximum likelihood nexus treefile presented in the figure 6. #NEXUS begin taxa; dimensions ntax=104; taxlabels 2SO8 2SO2 CL11ISZ6 CL11ISVu1 CL11ISVu7 CL11ISP8 CL11ISVi4[&!color=#-16777216] CL11ISP2 CL11ISP3 CL11ISVi2[&!color=#-16777216] CL11ISVi8[&!color=#-16777216] CL11ISVi1[&!color=#-16777216] CL11ISZ3 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 CL11ISP6 SO7 A421 C401 B411 CL11ISVi3[&!color=#-16777216] CL11ISZ2 CL11ISP4 CL11ISVi6[&!color=#-16777216] CL11ISVi7[&!color=#-16777216] CL11ISVu3 CL11ISVu4 CL11ISVu6 CL11ISZ1 CL11ISZ8 SC6 SC1 SO8 SC5 SO6 SC2 CL6ISVi6[&!color=#-16777216] SO2 SO1 CL6ISZ2 M346 CL6ISZ3 CL6ISZ8 CL6ISZ6 CL6ISZ5 CL6ISZ1 CL6ISVi5[&!color=#-16777216] CL6ISVi8[&!color=#-16777216] CL6ISVi3[&!color=#-16777216] CL6ISZ4 CL6ISZ7 CL6ISVi2[&!color=#-16777216] CL6ISP7 CL6ISP3 CL6ISVu5 CL6ISVu4 P356 CL6ISVu3 CL6ISVu2 O326 CL6ISVu6 K366 CL5ISVu7 CL5ISVu5 CL5ISVu2 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 CL5ISVu1 CL5ISP8 CL5ISP5 CL5ISP2 CL5ISP6 CL5ISP1 CL5ISVi4[&!color=#-16777216] CL5ISVi7[&!color=#-16777216] CL5ISZ3 CL5ISZ5 CL5ISZ7 CL5ISZ4 CL5ISZ2 R125 CL5ISVu6 CL5ISVi3[&!color=#-16777216] CL5ISVi5[&!color=#-16777216] l175 CL5ISVi1[&!color=#-16777216] q035 p155 m065 n245 JatCur1 VitVin1 PopTri2 PopTri1 LotJap1 GlMax1 GlMax2 MedTru4 MedTru3 PisSat1 VicPan3 VicPan1 GosRai1 GosHir1 SolLyc1 CapFrut1 CapAnn2 CapAnn1 ; end; begin trees; tree tree_1 = [&R] (((((2SO8[&!color=#-6750055]:0.03421,2SO2[&!color=#6750055]:0.02191)[&aLRT=1.0,!rotate=false,!color=#6750055]:0.12008,(((CL11ISZ6[&!color=#-16737895]:0.12217,(CL11ISVu1[&!color=#65536]:0.02757,(((CL11ISVu7[&!color=#-65536]:0.02922,CL11ISP8[&!color=#52225]:0.02407)[&aLRT=0.913,!color=#-6710887]:0.0059,(CL11ISVi4[&!color=#- 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 16777216]:0.02567,(CL11ISP2[&!color=#-52225]:0.0,CL11ISP3[&!color=#52225]:0.0)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#-52225]:0.02375)[&aLRT=0.933,!color=#6710887]:0.00585)[&aLRT=0.392,!color=#-6710887]:0.00462,(CL11ISVi2[&!color=#16777216]:0.03427,((((CL11ISVi8[&!color=#-16777216]:0.0,CL11ISVi1[&!color=#16777216]:0.0)[&aLRT=0.983,!color=#-16777216]:0.00795,(CL11ISZ3[&!color=#16737895]:0.00449,(CL11ISP6[&!color=#-16711885]:8.9E-4,SO7[&!color=#6750055]:0.00722)[&aLRT=0.0,!color=#-6710887]:0.0)[&aLRT=0.993,!color=#6710887]:0.0094)[&aLRT=0.845,!color=#-6710887]:0.00445,(A421[&!color=#16711885]:0.05064,(C401[&!color=#-16711885]:0.03469,B411[&!color=#16711885]:0.01024)[&aLRT=0.603,!color=#-16711885]:0.00132)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#16711885]:0.02094)[&aLRT=0.763,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.00576,((CL11ISVi3[&!color=#-16777216]:0.0133,CL11ISZ2[&!color=#16737895]:0.02054)[&aLRT=0.994,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.01755,(CL11ISP4[&!color=#-52225]:0.01651,(CL11ISVi6[&!color=#16777216]:0.00947,CL11ISVi7[&!color=#-16777216]:0.01745)[&aLRT=0.986,!color=#16777216]:0.01122)[&aLRT=0.875,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.00626)[&aLRT=0.415,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.00429)[&aLRT=0.985,!color=#6710887]:0.01652)[&aLRT=0.938,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.01539)[&aLRT=0.0,!color=#-16711885]:2.8E4)[&aLRT=1.0,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.08631)[&aLRT=0.964,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.03409,((CL11ISVu3[&!color=#-65536]:0.01106,(CL11ISVu4[&!color=#65536]:0.0,CL11ISVu6[&!color=#-65536]:0.00994)[&aLRT=0.957,!color=#65536]:0.01144)[&aLRT=0.999,!color=#-65536]:0.05217,(CL11ISZ1[&!color=#16737895]:0.0,CL11ISZ8[&!color=#-16737895]:8.9E-4)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#16737895]:0.08584)[&aLRT=0.997,!color=#-6710887]:0.04605)[&aLRT=0.514,!color=#6710887]:0.02234,((SC6[&!color=#-6750055]:0.00196,SC1[&!color=#6750055]:0.0)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#-6750055]:0.089,(SO8[&!color=#6750055]:0.0356,(SC5[&!color=#-6750055]:0.00633,(SO6[&!color=#6750055]:0.0104,SC2[&!color=#-6750055]:0.00546)[&aLRT=0.727,!color=#6750055]:7.7E-4)[&aLRT=0.743,!color=#-6750055]:0.00364)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#6750055]:0.0777)[&aLRT=0.985,!rotate=true,!color=#6750055]:0.05088)[&aLRT=0.985,!color=#6710887]:0.08614)[&aLRT=0.992,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.11064,(((CL6ISVi6[&!color=#-16777216]:0.14668,(SO2[&!color=#6750055]:0.12415,SO1[&!color=#-6750055]:0.09458)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#6750055]:0.06707)[&aLRT=0.554,!color=#-6710887]:0.01614,(CL6ISZ2[&!color=#16737895]:0.04674,(M346[&!color=#-16711885]:0.04158,((CL6ISZ3[&!color=#16737895]:0.01766,((CL6ISZ8[&!color=#-16737895]:0.01315,(CL6ISZ6[&!color=#16737895]:0.02719,CL6ISZ5[&!color=#-16737895]:0.01092)[&aLRT=0.763,!color=#16737895]:0.00178)[&aLRT=0.591,!color=#-6710887]:0.00244,((CL6ISZ1[&!color=#16737895]:0.04954,((CL6ISVi5[&!color=#-16777216]:0.10842,CL6ISVi8[&!color=#16777216]:0.06271)[&aLRT=0.932,!color=#-16777216]:0.0136,(CL6ISVi3[&!color=#16777216]:0.0591,CL6ISZ4[&!color=#-16737895]:0.02139)[&aLRT=0.439,!color=#6710887]:0.00337)[&aLRT=0.571,!color=#-6710887]:6.3E-4)[&aLRT=0.902,!color=#6710887]:0.00256,(CL6ISZ7[&!color=#-16737895]:0.01888,CL6ISVi2[&!color=#16777216]:0.0711)[&aLRT=0.698,!color=#-6710887]:0.00117)[&aLRT=0.871,!color=#6710887]:0.00151)[&aLRT=0.0,!color=#-16711885]:0.0)[&aLRT=0.867,!color=#6710887]:0.00527,(CL6ISP7[&!color=#-52225]:0.05191,((CL6ISP3[&!color=#- 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 52225]:0.06172,(CL6ISVu5[&!color=#-65536]:0.03262,((CL6ISVu4[&!color=#65536]:0.06162,P356[&!color=#-16711885]:0.02682)[&aLRT=0.287,!color=#6710887]:0.00174,(CL6ISVu3[&!color=#-65536]:0.04483,(CL6ISVu2[&!color=#65536]:0.04105,O326[&!color=#-16711885]:0.02418)[&aLRT=0.214,!color=#6710887]:0.00177)[&aLRT=0.418,!color=#-6710887]:0.00201)[&aLRT=0.974,!color=#6710887]:0.01485)[&aLRT=0.583,!color=#-6710887]:0.00762)[&aLRT=0.994,!color=#6710887]:0.01837,(CL6ISVu6[&!color=#-65536]:0.06666,K366[&!color=#16711885]:0.05247)[&aLRT=0.0,!color=#-6710887]:0.00106)[&aLRT=0.884,!color=#6710887]:0.00693)[&aLRT=0.778,!color=#-6710887]:0.00767)[&aLRT=0.569,!color=#16711885]:0.00365)[&aLRT=0.901,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.01166)[&aLRT=0.876,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.02065)[&aLRT=1.0,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.2387,(((CL5ISVu7[&!color=#-65536]:0.0,(CL5ISVu5[&!color=#65536]:0.0,(CL5ISVu2[&!color=#-65536]:0.0,CL5ISVu1[&!color=#-65536]:7.7E4)[&aLRT=0.851,!color=#-65536]:7.7E-4)[&aLRT=0.0,!color=#65536]:0.0)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#-65536]:0.07718,(CL5ISP8[&!color=#-52225]:5.5E4,(CL5ISP5[&!color=#-52225]:0.0,(CL5ISP2[&!color=#-52225]:0.0,(CL5ISP6[&!color=#52225]:0.00189,CL5ISP1[&!color=#-52225]:0.0)[&aLRT=0.915,!color=#52225]:0.00284)[&aLRT=0.909,!color=#-52225]:0.01383)[&aLRT=0.853,!color=#52225]:0.00185)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#52225]:0.13911)[&aLRT=0.944,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.03954,(((CL5ISVi4[&!color=#-16777216]:0.02095,CL5ISVi7[&!color=#16777216]:0.00737)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#-16777216]:0.10475,(CL5ISZ3[&!color=#16737895]:0.02707,(CL5ISZ5[&!color=#-16737895]:0.06708,(CL5ISZ7[&!color=#16737895]:0.00204,CL5ISZ4[&!color=#-16737895]:0.0143)[&aLRT=0.902,!color=#16737895]:0.03446)[&aLRT=0.99,!color=#-16737895]:0.01803)[&aLRT=0.915,!color=#16737895]:0.01709)[&aLRT=0.995,!color=#-6710887]:0.03842,(CL5ISZ2[&!color=#16737895]:0.11093,(R125[&!color=#-16711885]:0.07327,(CL5ISVu6[&!color=#65536]:0.05086,((CL5ISVi3[&!color=#-16777216]:0.00139,CL5ISVi5[&!color=#16777216]:0.00174)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#-16777216]:0.05994,(l175[&!color=#16711885]:0.04805,(CL5ISVi1[&!color=#-16777216]:0.03788,(q035[&!color=#16711885]:0.01733,(p155[&!color=#-16711885]:0.01037,(m065[&!color=#16711885]:0.0,n245[&!color=#-16711885]:0.0)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#16711885]:0.01428)[&aLRT=0.946,!rotate=true,!color=#16711885]:0.00743)[&aLRT=0.859,!rotate=true,!color=#16711885]:0.00551)[&aLRT=0.684,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.01099)[&aLRT=0.999,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.02712)[&aLRT=0.947,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.01328)[&aLRT=1.0,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.05498)[&aLRT=0.945,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.02712)[&aLRT=0.993,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.03806)[&aLRT=0.8,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.03369)[&aLRT=1.0,!rotate=true,!color=#6710887]:0.22392)[&aLRT=0.937,!color=#6710887]:0.10962)[&aLRT=1.0,!rotate=true,!color=#16777012]:0.31937,JatCur1[&!rotate=false,!color=#-16777012]:0.53081)[&!color=#16777012]:0.0622,(VitVin1[&!color=#-16777012]:0.53934,((((PopTri2[&!color=#16777012]:0.16588,PopTri1[&!color=#16777012]:0.25482)[&aLRT=1.0,!rotate=true,!color=#16777012]:0.28342,((LotJap1[&!color=#-16777012]:0.2266,(GlMax1[&!color=#- 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16777012]:0.01807,GlMax2[&!color=#16777012]:0.03916)[&aLRT=1.0,!rotate=true,!color=#16777012]:0.26733)[&aLRT=0.952,!rotate=true,!color=#16777012]:0.08313,(MedTru4[&!color=#-16777012]:0.20311,(MedTru3[&!color=#16777012]:0.15449,(PisSat1[&!color=#-16777012]:0.20657,(VicPan3[&!color=#16777012]:0.03473,VicPan1[&!color=#-16777012]:0.01707)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#16777012]:0.13311)[&aLRT=0.763,!rotate=true,!color=#16777012]:0.04745)[&aLRT=0.931,!rotate=true,!color=#16777012]:0.06481)[&aLRT=0.999,!rotate=true,!color=#16777012]:0.14298)[&aLRT=0.93,!rotate=true,!color=#16777012]:0.07575)[&aLRT=0.092,!rotate=true,!color=#16777012]:0.06301,(GosRai1[&!color=#-16777012]:0.18093,GosHir1[&!color=#16777012]:0.08612)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#-16777012]:0.23215)[&aLRT=0.981,!color=#16777012]:0.09899,(SolLyc1[&!color=#-16777012]:0.32702,(CapFrut1[&!color=#16777012]:0.02784,(CapAnn2[&!color=#-16777012]:0.05016,CapAnn1[&!color=#16777012]:0.02863)[&aLRT=0.597,!color=#-16777012]:0.00199)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#16777012]:0.36216)[&aLRT=1.0,!rotate=true,!color=#16777012]:0.21)[&aLRT=1.0,!color=#-16777012]:0.23064)[&!rotate=true,!color=#16777012]:0.00898)[&aLRT=0.289,!color=#-1]; 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set polarLayout.rootLength=100; 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 set polarLayout.showRoot=true; set radialLayout.spread=0.0; set rectilinearLayout.alignTipLabels=false; set rectilinearLayout.curvature=0; set rectilinearLayout.rootLength=100; set scale.offsetAge=0.0; set scale.rootAge=1.0; set scale.scaleFactor=1.0; set scale.scaleRoot=false; set scaleAxis.automaticScale=true; set scaleAxis.fontSize=8.0; set scaleAxis.isShown=false; set scaleAxis.lineWidth=1.0; set scaleAxis.majorTicks=0.1; set scaleAxis.origin=0.0; set scaleAxis.reverseAxis=false; set scaleAxis.showGrid=true; set scaleAxis.significantDigits=4; set scaleBar.automaticScale=true; set scaleBar.fontSize=10.0; set scaleBar.isShown=true; set scaleBar.lineWidth=1.0; set scaleBar.scaleRange=0.0; set scaleBar.significantDigits=4; set tipLabels.colorAttribute="User Selection"; set tipLabels.displayAttribute="Names"; set tipLabels.fontName="sansserif"; set tipLabels.fontSize=8; set tipLabels.fontStyle=0; set tipLabels.isShown=false; set tipLabels.significantDigits=4; set trees.order=false; set trees.orderType="increasing"; set trees.rooting=true; set trees.rootingType="User Selection"; set trees.transform=false; set trees.transformType="cladogram"; end; C. The maximum likelihood newick treefile. ((CapFrut1:0.02752857,(SolLyc1:0.31773141,(((GosRai1:0.18470712,GosHir1:0.07900045) 100:0.22709542,(((PisSat1:0.14627829,((VicPan3:0.03487224,VicPan1:0.01624083)100:0.13 545534,(MedTru3:0.14661979,MedTru4:0.25011214)30:0.04085581)50:0.08177174)100:0.1 6143727,(LotJap1:0.22390005,(GlMax1:0.01786273,GlMax2:0.03846516)100:0.26219728)8 4:0.06101287)88:0.09926679,(PopTri2:0.16005690,PopTri1:0.25596940)100:0.26822448)49 :0.07260780)98:0.09920458,(VitVin1:0.53856494,(JatCur1:0.52288951,(((((CL5ISP8:0.0005 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 3636,(CL5ISP5:0.00000006,(CL5ISP2:0.00000047,(CL5ISP1:0.00000009,CL5ISP6:0.00186 234)98:0.00279538)90:0.01365001)81:0.00183721)100:0.13751542,((CL5ISVu1:0.00076363 ,CL5ISVu2:0.00000007)74:0.00076425,(CL5ISVu5:0.00000001,CL5ISVu7:0.00000009)40: 0.00000001)100:0.07622884)99:0.03869485,((CL5ISZ2:0.10954983,(R125:0.07234940,(CL 5ISVu6:0.05021236,((CL5ISVi3:0.00136961,CL5ISVi5:0.00171454)100:0.05918363,(l175:0 .04743181,(CL5ISVi1:0.03743915,(q035:0.01709469,(p155:0.01022837,(m065:0.00000001, n245:0.00000001)100:0.01408645)100:0.00734724)68:0.00537135)69:0.01085388)94:0.026 80352)89:0.01314669)96:0.05427216)86:0.02671320)88:0.03759702,((CL5ISVi4:0.0206657 6,CL5ISVi7:0.00728836)100:0.10333995,(CL5ISZ3:0.02669302,(CL5ISZ5:0.06612340,(CL 5ISZ4:0.01410013,CL5ISZ7:0.00201794)92:0.03399969)96:0.01782066)95:0.01694809)95:0 .03799553)76:0.03363566)100:0.22292092,(((SO1:0.09411560,SO2:0.12217479)100:0.0666 4382,CL6ISVi6:0.14507424)73:0.01736060,(CL6ISZ2:0.04577839,(((((K366:0.05280943,C L6ISVu6:0.06542704)57:0.00191614,(CL6ISP3:0.06084236,(CL6ISVu5:0.03252563,((CL6I SVu4:0.06089993,P356:0.02628991)31:0.00166681,(CL6ISVu3:0.04430429,(O326:0.02371 032,CL6ISVu2:0.04064507)35:0.00182176)41:0.00200262)93:0.01424366)65:0.00745841)9 9:0.01734796)43:0.00846046,(CL6ISVi8:0.06242770,CL6ISVi5:0.10488907)38:0.01243498 )6:0.00608407,(((CL6ISZ8:0.01264597,(CL6ISZ6:0.02684400,CL6ISZ5:0.01077740)53:0.00 201548)46:0.00241688,((CL6ISZ7:0.01835557,(CL6ISZ4:0.02065176,CL6ISVi3:0.0580786 3)30:0.00634988)12:0.00104339,(CL6ISZ1:0.05130088,CL6ISVi2:0.07115376)10:0.000000 93)11:0.00168264)1:0.00000008,CL6ISZ3:0.01735618)15:0.00416124)7:0.00246363,(M346: 0.04020795,CL6ISP7:0.05351024)15:0.00329855)56:0.01260523)76:0.01934376)100:0.2368 0896)88:0.10855210,((2SO2:0.02169691,2SO8:0.03364531)100:0.11970760,(((SC1:0.00000 012,SC6:0.00192861)100:0.08790608,((SC5:0.00623571,(SO6:0.01025358,SC2:0.00538269) 72:0.00074951)85:0.00342392,SO8:0.03524288)100:0.07676824)98:0.05028615,(((CL11ISZ 8:0.00088171,CL11ISZ1:0.00000009)100:0.08472707,(CL11ISVu3:0.01093880,(CL11ISVu 4:0.00000006,CL11ISVu6:0.00979731)93:0.01122964)100:0.05137565)99:0.04572025,(CL1 1ISZ6:0.12081397,(CL11ISVu1:0.02724717,((CL11ISVi2:0.03379056,(((A421:0.04993698,( B411:0.01010681,C401:0.03422397)48:0.00126419)91:0.02068592,((CL11ISZ3:0.00442453 ,(SO7:0.00711739,CL11ISP6:0.00087902)45:0.00000007)100:0.00926795,(CL11ISVi1:0.00 000001,CL11ISVi8:0.00000001)100:0.00783382)87:0.00438684)57:0.00569334,((CL11ISP4 :0.01628102,(CL11ISVi7:0.01720890,CL11ISVi6:0.00934036)69:0.01105688)57:0.0061738 6,(CL11ISZ2:0.02026089,CL11ISVi3:0.01311638)95:0.01730529)22:0.00423153)53:0.0162 9134)66:0.01520525,((CL11ISVi4:0.02530609,(CL11ISP2:0.00000001,CL11ISP3:0.000000 01)100:0.02341600)71:0.00577227,(CL11ISVu7:0.02883624,CL11ISP8:0.02375794)90:0.00 577702)39:0.00456327)21:0.00018153)100:0.08533827)89:0.03364805)56:0.02174450)96:0. 08416878)100:0.10880324)100:0.31832700)47:0.06890368)100:0.22700889)100:0.2139156 4)100:0.36649038)67:0.00181258,CapAnn2:0.04947231,CapAnn1:0.02830782); D. The maximum likelihood newick treefile. (((((((((CL11ISVu1:0.0144673060,(CL11ISP8:0.0431760984,((((((((((((((((((((CL6ISVi3:0.1 239786416,(CL6ISZ1:0.0606550833,CL6ISVi7:0.1294288651)5:0.0131534217)0:0.0103528 086,CL6ISVi5:0.2279163187)0:0.0052483990,(((((CL6ISVu6:0.1004667723,K366:0.083810 7835)1:0.0047295347,((CL6ISZ7:0.0352504084,CL6ISZ2:0.0662523139)3:0.0031667041,C L6ISVi2:0.1334326040)3:0.0060319704)0:0.0021922197,(CL6ISP7:0.0916894062,((CL6ISZ 5:0.0058269158,CL6ISZ3:0.0350972758)4:0.0000003484,CL6ISZ6:0.0386890916)9:0.0029 831594)0:0.0029410472)0:0.0000001395,CL6ISZ8:0.0217143070)0:0.0025711331,(CL6ISZ 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 4:0.0376674051,CL6ISVi1:0.1144673904)3:0.0093225323)0:0.0000002251)0:0.0046831166 ,CL6ISVu5:0.0377587110)0:0.0039128045,(((SO1:0.1878873258,SO2:0.2162293631)9:0.02 53294620,(CL6ISVi4:0.0000003478,CL6ISVi6:0.0141238654)10:0.1857619806)4:0.027265 8224,CL6ISVi8:0.1015624708)0:0.0034944998)0:0.0058333956,(((M346:0.0456880807,L39 6:0.0277433090)6:0.0045222575,N376:0.1013316733)6:0.0105881573,((P356:0.0488261989 ,(CL6ISVu3:0.0655351947,O326:0.0500345788)3:0.0000005290)3:0.0038218333,CL6ISVu 2:0.0665789759)5:0.0045933508)4:0.0027126836)0:0.0000002680,(CL6ISP3:0.1042285649, CL6ISVu4:0.1037556889)3:0.0096517904)0:0.0000014096,J386:0.0616664319)0:0.0035635 808,(CL6ISVu1:0.0595075302,CL6ISVu7:0.0697722990)0:0.0031206154)0:0.0085751850, CL6ISVu8:0.0708667090)10:0.2199524383,((((((275:0.0000000001,W075:0.0000002036)10:0.0254857854,(b105:0.0064706775,((a195:0.026 9058834,Z095:0.0297612152)6:0.0045067223,((c215:0.0399646226,(((U255:0.0479375193,( d135:0.0398662496,((f225:0.0086909495,e055:0.0000052937)5:0.0250918693,(g295:0.0233 378260,((i045:0.0181872942,((((p025:0.0012898397,k265:0.0028799102)9:0.0091535245,((( n315:0.0064584839,(o165:0.0081625473,o015:0.0080075263)9:0.0037403346)5:0.00108730 63,l175:0.0062595900)9:0.0090036145,(((n245:0.0000000001,m065:0.0000000946)10:0.011 8675549,p155:0.0119558522)10:0.0023256821,q035:0.0167310795)9:0.0030844158)4:0.001 2838379)5:0.0021828137,CL5ISVi1:0.0255833501)2:0.0041784654,j145:0.0130502722)2:0. 0070651196)1:0.0036880310,h205:0.0164478550)0:0.0025082271)0:0.0031443637)0:0.0084 408359)0:0.0015333721)0:0.0010475549,T235:0.1125930042)0:0.0000006823,(CL5ISVi5:0. 0059563020,CL5ISVi3:0.0032204548)10:0.0796224666)0:0.0000002255)0:0.0015041407,Y 185:0.0434772553)0:0.0000001324)0:0.0000001555)0:0.0017042857)0:0.0000005961,CL5I SVi6:0.1151228856)0:0.0079171108,CL5ISVu6:0.0655870932)0:0.0122882909,((Q085:0.08 53192741,(R125:0.0822762270,(CL5ISZ2:0.1101235427,S115:0.0679203999)3:0.01757348 56)1:0.0036466129)0:0.0096456471,V305:0.0288725457)0:0.0040470335)0:0.0147489944,( ((((CL5ISVi7:0.0000003490,CL5ISVi2:0.0062210203)5:0.0182429361,CL5ISVi4:0.0322262 397)10:0.1005366018,CL5ISVi8:0.1035305916)3:0.0115989410,(CL5ISZ3:0.0254587760,(( (CL5ISZ4:0.0305598736,CL5ISZ7:0.0034367580)10:0.0583848517,CL5ISZ5:0.0948160921 )0:0.0069994938,m285:0.0000000043)0:0.0064713001)0:0.0056120603)0:0.0079087335,(((( ((CL5ISVu8:0.0000002289,CL5ISVu5:0.0000000001)2:0.0000002180,CL5ISVu2:0.0000000 001)5:0.0000001972,CL5ISVu7:0.0000000001)6:0.0000002605,CL5ISVu4:0.0000000001)7: 0.0000003060,CL5ISVu1:0.0029881963)10:0.0874529992,((CL5ISP5:0.0000003666,(CL5IS P2:0.0079299858,(CL5ISP7:0.0144765580,(CL5ISP6:0.0036876205,CL5ISP1:0.0000000001 )7:0.0054961914)4:0.0102814645)6:0.0278179146)5:0.0065804123,CL5ISP8:0.0025116959) 10:0.1935714824)10:0.0393864177)0:0.0097959467)9:0.2375525811)5:0.1464653190,((((po pulus:0.3801551695,gossypium:0.3571269997)5:0.0690863835,(pisum:0.1896681385,medic ago:0.2164125732)10:0.1690750933)10:0.1394853770,solanum:0.5032430402)10:0.2476531 586,Vitis:0.4136047956)10:0.3811963007)10:0.1265306228,(2SO8:0.0844451817,2SO2:0.0 417873309)10:0.0479297144)10:0.0641054142,(((((CL11ISZ7:0.0000001796,CL11ISZ1:0.0 000000001)0:0.0000002735,CL11ISZ4:0.0000000001)0:0.0000001746,CL11ISZ5:0.000000 0001)5:0.0000003863,CL11ISZ8:0.0035006181)10:0.0743477914,((CL11ISVu6:0.00352156 92,CL11ISVu8:0.0000000001)5:0.0039666259,(CL11ISVu4:0.0000000001,((CL11ISVu3:0. 0036020115,CL11ISVu5:0.0000000001)8:0.0000003247,CL11ISVu2:0.0000000001)10:0.00 35978217)7:0.0031066167)8:0.0226978142)6:0.0150446403)2:0.0163176826,(SC6:0.003842 6544,SC1:0.0000000001)10:0.0772840662)2:0.0057026522,((SO6:0.0293986984,SC2:0.010 5200487)4:0.0000004161,(SO8:0.0612351364,SC5:0.0211889850)2:0.0033849180)10:0.033 2135256)8:0.0189626540,CL11ISZ6:0.1340450506)7:0.0445417623,CL11ISVu7:0.0501054 214)2:0.0000003111,((CL11ISP3:0.0000002742,CL11ISP2:0.0000000001)5:0.0000002847, CL11ISP1:0.0000000001)10:0.0542096693)1:0.0000015275,(CL11ISP7:0.0503193715,CL1 1ISVi4:0.0383580075)4:0.0131819783)0:0.0044114087)0:0.0044819944)5:0.0135727648,C 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 L11ISVi2:0.0319257125)0:0.0000007419,(((CL11ISVi6:0.0035176980,CL11ISP6:0.000000 0001)1:0.0000003800,SO7:0.0035633886)1:0.0000003417,CL11ISZ3:0.0106138996)3:0.003 5153171)0:0.0000003290,CL11ISVi7:0.0035144741)0:0.0000003702,(CL11ISVi3:0.007030 0520,CL11ISZ2:0.0216609028)4:0.0070953683)0:0.0000003182,(((CL11ISVi8:0.000000302 3,CL11ISVi1:0.0000000001)10:0.0105830195,B411:0.0148274918)0:0.0000006284,(CL11I SP4:0.0106122411,A421:0.0315343092)0:0.0000012807)0:0.0017500551)1:0.0031214054,C 401:0.0112818370)0:0.0052699177,(F461:0.0208201037,(H451:0.0288903171,(G481:0.0317 150296,I471:0.0346151537)9:0.0085060692)7:0.0147042729)10:0.0909019480)2:0.0081389 757,E441:0.0062733244,D431:0.0149054046); E. The MrBayes newick treefile. (o015:0.010769,o165:0.014121,((((p025:0.000777,k265:0.001533)1.00:0.014569,((i045:0.02 2660,((((e055:0.009871,f225:0.005599)0.76:0.021189,(((((((W075:0.000432,X275:0.000779) 1.00:0.023866,(((Q085:0.064930,(((S115:0.043228,CL5ISZ2:0.096883)1.00:0.032447,(((((((( (((O326:0.037706,CL6ISVu1:0.048990)1.00:0.016170,(P356:0.035722,CL6ISVu2:0.047391) 0.50:0.003957,CL6ISVu4:0.068468)0.59:0.002749,CL6ISVu3:0.047247)0.62:0.004371,CL6I SVu8:0.044782)1.00:0.008110,CL6ISVu5:0.038869)0.90:0.006933,CL6ISVu7:0.047571)0.6 7:0.003999,CL6ISP3:0.067513)0.76:0.011282,((M346:0.032709,(N376:0.042409,(SO1:0.108 199,SO2:0.134579)0.71:0.064827,(CL6ISVi6:0.008891,CL6ISVi4:0.001060)1.00:0.148792) 0.54:0.039362,L396:0.025678,(CL6ISVi1:0.074574,CL6ISZ2:0.059700,CL6ISVi3:0.061315) 0.64:0.004546,((CL6ISVi7:0.080629,CL6ISVi5:0.118571)0.71:0.012136,CL6ISVi8:0.07547 1)0.74:0.014235,CL6ISVi2:0.062766,CL6ISZ1:0.049887,CL6ISZ4:0.028465,(CL6ISZ6:0.02 9732,CL6ISZ5:0.013744)0.68:0.003819,CL6ISZ7:0.021633,CL6ISZ3:0.019624,CL6ISZ8:0. 015206,CL6ISP7:0.059308)0.56:0.006450,K366:0.061062,J386:0.085176,CL6ISVu6:0.0656 64)0.70:0.011156)1.00:0.342854,((((((((((C401:0.022494,D431:0.030584,CL11ISP4:0.01614 6,(CL11ISVi6:0.011480,CL11ISVi7:0.014668)0.70:0.012656)0.62:0.006217,(B411:0.009821 ,((SO7:0.008723,CL11ISZ3:0.005957,CL11ISP6:0.002341)0.97:0.009470,(CL11ISVi1:0.001 218,CL11ISVi8:0.000890)1.00:0.010664)0.88:0.004744)0.96:0.006302,(CL11ISZ2:0.022956 ,CL11ISVi3:0.017382)0.97:0.020466)0.76:0.009533,CL11ISVi2:0.040164)0.68:0.009123,(A 421:0.022144,(CL11ISVu1:0.011894,CL11ISP7:0.031768)0.88:0.008380)0.60:0.008662,E44 1:0.013296,((CL11ISVu7:0.032759,CL11ISP8:0.026576)0.83:0.006642,(CL11ISVi4:0.02878 9,(CL11ISP1:0.000748,CL11ISP2:0.001131,CL11ISP3:0.001263)0.97:0.025953)0.82:0.0067 96)0.51:0.006705)0.53:0.062668,((H451:0.026243,I471:0.023286,G481:0.024966)0.51:0.022 703,F461:0.017290)0.50:0.067366)0.50:0.103551,CL11ISZ6:0.137400)0.50:0.046653,((((CL 11ISVu2:0.000801,CL11ISVu5:0.001386)1.00:0.004286,CL11ISVu3:0.007916)0.98:0.00734 5,((CL11ISVu8:0.000803,CL11ISVu6:0.001909)1.00:0.011245,CL11ISVu4:0.001069)1.00:0 .012579)1.00:0.053644,(CL11ISZ8:0.001986,CL11ISZ5:0.000984,CL11ISZ4:0.001093,CL1 1ISZ1:0.001022,CL11ISZ7:0.001089)1.00:0.092593)0.51:0.047603)0.91:0.033295,((SC1:0.0 01320,SC6:0.003344)1.00:0.099741,(((SC2:0.006693,SO6:0.012440)0.77:0.002108,SC5:0.00 7998)0.81:0.005249,SO8:0.040124)1.00:0.087109)1.00:0.056733)1.00:0.126240,(2SO2:0.02 5083,2SO8:0.038228)1.00:0.121746)1.00:0.135419,(Vitis:0.594537,(((medicago:0.293921,pi sum:0.269392)1.00:0.232706,(gossypium:0.444257,populus:0.488964)1.00:0.097048)1.00:0. 132598,solanum:0.659448)1.00:0.240094)1.00:0.502257)1.00:0.183440)1.00:0.311938,(((((( CL5ISP1:0.001302,CL5ISP6:0.003023)1.00:0.002928,CL5ISP7:0.003330)0.99:0.006964,CL 5ISP2:0.002895)1.00:0.014018,CL5ISP5:0.000934)0.96:0.002377,CL5ISP8:0.001726)1.00:0 .160057,(CL5ISVu4:0.000747,CL5ISVu7:0.000740,(CL5ISVu1:0.001720,CL5ISVu2:0.0008 70)0.98:0.001652,CL5ISVu5:0.000853,CL5ISVu8:0.000796)1.00:0.084402)1.00:0.050872)0. 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 95:0.040532,(((CL5ISZ5:0.074816,(CL5ISZ4:0.017892,CL5ISZ7:0.002104)1.00:0.039030)1. 00:0.018696,CL5ISZ3:0.032561)1.00:0.023230,(CL5ISVi8:0.052679,(CL5ISVi4:0.023772,( CL5ISVi2:0.002879,CL5ISVi7:0.001046)0.99:0.008620)1.00:0.046403)1.00:0.065003)1.00: 0.040601)0.96:0.067336)0.91:0.017251,(R125:0.033647,T235:0.035948)0.87:0.032661)0.96: 0.032341)1.00:0.042420,U255:0.017472,V305:0.019174,CL5ISVu6:0.035761,CL5ISVi6:0.0 64198)0.85:0.008216,b105:0.016796)0.61:0.005385)0.64:0.001883,Y185:0.032338)0.67:0.00 2768,(Z095:0.024668,a195:0.020442)1.00:0.015903)0.80:0.006553,c215:0.031777)0.79:0.00 4508,d135:0.037388)0.76:0.005611,(CL5ISVi3:0.001749,CL5ISVi5:0.003174)1.00:0.072798 )0.77:0.011425)1.00:0.009588,g295:0.018655)1.00:0.009341,h205:0.021569)1.00:0.005242) 1.00:0.020834,j145:0.019176)0.77:0.007010)0.76:0.009056,((q035:0.017321,((m065:0.00037 6,n245:0.000410)1.00:0.006911,p155:0.008339)1.00:0.007145)0.99:0.005681,CL5ISVi1:0.0 44608)0.76:0.006275)1.00:0.030393,(l175:0.009776,m285:0.011675)0.82:0.004608,n315:0.0 07536)1.00:0.008376); F. The PhyloBayes newick treefile. (2SO8:0.293923,((solanum:1.0295,((pisum:0.277071,medicago:0.382164)1:0.337606,(populu s:0.659017,gossypium:0.606037)0.75:0.116687)0.9:0.216597)1:0.704556,Vitis:0.843983)1:1. 17319,(SO8:0.038795,SC2:0.008511)0.89:0.096541,(((P356:0.031717,CL6ISVu2:0.044871) 0.85:0.022577,(SO1:0.249435,(CL6ISZ1:0.054596,CL6ISVi1:0.077229)0.63:0.007465,CL6I SP7:0.070728)0.82:0.029118)1:0.392319,((i045:0.110569,CL5ISZ2:0.152839)0.62:0.022381, (CL5ISVi7:0.161878,(CL5ISVu4:0.077495,CL5ISP2:0.193428)1:0.079328)0.74:0.028987)1: 0.339361)1:0.306907,(CL11ISZ6:0.133941,((CL11ISVu1:0.025598,(CL11ISVi4:0.033257,C L11ISP8:0.028412)0.95:0.009376)0.85:0.016796,C401:0.042634)0.83:0.063877)0.52:0.0465 84); Note S2 Branching order of Silene Ogre retrotransposon groups The phylogenetic tree of the translated alignment A was very similar to the tree constructed from the nucleotide alignment (Note S1). The result of the Bayesian inference using MrBayes (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck, 2003) performed on the dataset A was very similar to the results of the maximum likelihood tree search (Note S1). To reduce the probability that the branching order of Ogre CL5, Ogre CL6 and Ogre CL11 is affected by long branch attraction artifacts, we used reduced alignment (alignment D) for phylogenetic tree reconstruction by PhyloBayes (Lartillot et al. 2009) using the CAT-GTR + Γ model. The results are consistent with the results of the analyses of the full alignment A (Note S1). Alignments can be found at http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S13636. Tables S1-S8 Table S1. Primers used in this study. Silene latifolia specific primers. (*) PCR product length with/without intron. Experiment Name Sequence Ogre Cluster a. Primers for phylogenetic analyses OgreINTdeg-F2 CGMACGAHGGTCAGAGCCAGC Ogre CL5 OgreINTdeg-R2 OgreINTdeg-F1 OgreINTdeg-R1 OgreINTCL11-F GCTKRGCCAGGGGCCGTTT MGRAGCGAGCCAGCTCACATT ARRTGCCGCAGCTTAGACTCG CCGCTCAGTTCGTTAGAACC Ogre CL5 Ogre CL6 Ogre CL6 Ogre CL11 1427 OgreINTCL11-R AAACCGAGCTCGTAGTTCCA Ogre CL11 1310 b. Primers for splicing Ogre-F1 CTACACCCGAACCAGAAAAG OgreCL5 TTTCCCGAACTACTGTGACTA CATTTCTCCACACAGAAATC ACAGCCAGAACTCACCCTTG OgreCL5 OgreCL6 OgreCL5 2227/627* c. Primers for LTR amplification Ogre-R1 Ogre-F2 CL5-LTR-F CL5-LTR-R GGAGTCGCCACCAATTTTTA OgreCL5 732 CL6-LTR-F ACCGGGTTCAAATACCCATT OgreCL6 CL6-LTR-R CCCGTTCGAATTCCACTTTA OgreCL6 CL11-LTR-F TTCCCCAATGCTTGTAGGAG OgreCL11 CL11-LTR-R ATCGACTCGAGGTTCTTTCG OgreCL11 CL2-RACE-F1 TCGACCACGTAAGCTCGGATCCTTC Ogre CL5 CL2-RACE-R1n GGCAGAAACGGAGTTCAGGGACAGA Ogre CL5 CL2-RACE-R1 CCCGAAGTCTGTGGAGAGGCTCGTA Ogre CL5 CL2-RACE-F2 TCGAGCCTTCAAAGCCCTGAAACTG Ogre CL5 CL2-RACE-R2 TGCGGGAGGTGCAGAAATGAGGTAT Ogre CL5 CL2-RACE-F3 GATCGGCCTGAGAACAGCAGCAAAT Ogre CL5 CL2-RACE-R3 CCCATGGAGATAGACGCCGCTACTG Ogre CL5 CL2-RACE-F4 ATGCGCACGGACCTAGTGGGATCTA Ogre CL5 CL2-RACE-R4 GCAGGTCGGTTCTGACGGATTTTTG Ogre CL5 CL5-RACE-F1 cgtgttcattggcatccacgagagt Ogre CL5 d. Primers for RACE PCR product length 1383-1434 757 831 CL5-RACE-R1 cccgaagtctgtggagaggctcgta Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-F5 ACGGCTTGCAATTACGGCTTCACAG Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-F6 TTAGGGCCCCACACCCTAGCACAAT Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-F7 TCCCTCCAGACCTGAACCAGAGGAC Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-R5 AAAGGAAAGCATCGACGGGAAGGAG Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-R6 CCTTTTGTCGCTGAGGTCCTTCGAC Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-F8 ACTTTCGCCTTGTCCAAGCCTCAGTC Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-F9 CCTCTTCCCAGGTCCTTTTCTGCGTA Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-F10 CGAGGGCACTTTCGTTACATTCGAGTC Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-F11 GTGTTCATTGGCATCCACGAGAGTCA Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-R7 TGACTCTCGTGGATGCCAATGAACAC Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-R8 GCTCAGTTCTGGCTGTGAAGCCGTAAT Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-R9 TGCAAACGAGGCTGGTACTCAGAAGG Ogre CL5 CL5-277C14R3 GCGGACACTCGCGTGAGAAATATGA Ogre CL5 CL2_RACE-R8 GCTCAGTTCTGGCTGTGAAGCCGTAAT Ogre CL5 CL5-267M19R2 GTGAAGCCGGAATTGCGTGTTGTT Ogre CL5 CL5-277C14R1 TGGAACCGTTCGAATACCTCGTGTC Ogre CL5 CL5-267M19R1 GGCGCTTGGGAGGAAAGAGAAACAA Ogre CL5 CL6-24I12R3 AGGTCGTAAACACGCGTCGGATTGT Ogre CL6 CL6-24I12-R-R2 GGGGCTTCTGCCTCAGACCAAAAAT Ogre CL6 CL6-24I12R2 GTAAGGGGCCTCCCTCTGGTTTTGA Ogre CL6 CL6-24I12-R-R1 GATCGGTCGGTTTTGTCTCGGTAAGG Ogre CL6 CL6-24I12R1 GGTGCTTTCGACCGGATCGTTTTAG Ogre CL6 CL6-24I12-R-R1 GATCGGTCGGTTTTGTCTCGGTAAGG Ogre CL6 CL6-24I12-R-R2 GGGGCTTCTGCCTCAGACCAAAAAT Ogre CL6 CL6-24I12-R-F1 GTCGGTCACTCGCCACAACCAAATA Ogre CL6 CL6-24I12-R-F2 GCACCTCAAGCAGGCTCCTCATTTC Ogre CL6 CL11-RACE-F1 ttacgacccaagacggtgtcaacga Ogre CL11 CL11-RACE-R1 acacggccattcggcctagaaaaac Ogre CL11 CL11-93L7c-R-R1 ACACCAGGCATAGTCGACTCGAGGTTC Ogre CL11 e. Primers for qRT-PCR CL11-93L7c-R-R2 GCTCCTACAAGCATTGGGGAACAACC Ogre CL11 CL11-93L7c-R-R3 ATCGTTGACACCGTCTTGGGTCGTAA Ogre CL11 CL11-93L7c-R-F1 TTACGACCCAAGACGGTGTCAACGAT Ogre CL11 CL11-93L7c-R-F2 TGTTCCCCAATGCTTGTAGGAGCGTA Ogre CL11 2F13Int-F TCTTCCAATCGGCCTCCGGG Ogre CL5 2F13Int-R GCCCACCGGGGCTACTCCTT Ogre CL5 1F3Int-F TCGACGGGTCCATTCCGCCT Ogre CL6 1F3Int-R ACACCGACAGGAGCCACCCC Ogre CL6 F1Int-F GCAGCCAGTCAGCTTCAGGGA Ogre CL11 F1Int-R ACAGCCACTGGAGCAACTCCG Ogre CL11 CL5-RT-F CL5-RT-R CL6-RT-F CL6-RT-R CL11-RT-F CL11-RT-R ActinS-F1 ACCGCCATGGGTGCTATGCT GCCCACACAAGAGCGAGGCA GCGCCTCCGATCACACCGA TCCCCGGTTGAGGTGGCA CCCCTCCCGTGCTCAGCC GCGCCAGCATTGCCCCC caggccgttctctccttgta Ogre CL5 Ogre CL5 Ogre CL6 Ogre CL6 Ogre CL11 Ogre CL11 ActinS-R1 tccaccactgagcacacaat Sl-EF1-F GCGATCAGGTAAGGAGCTTG Sl-EF1-R TGCAGAGAAGGTCTCGACAA Sl-TUB-F CCTGAATGTGGATGTGAACG Sl-TUB-R GCTGCTCATGGTAAGCCTTC 121 128 123 134 105 90 348/203* 109 116 Table S2. Copy numbers of TEs in the Silene latifolia genome (1C) estimated by two methods – BAC library hybridization and in silico read mapping. (*) Copy numbers based on reads mapped onto LTRs of Ogre CL5 within BAC clones 267M19 and 277C14 respectively. Ogre CL5 Ogre CL6 Ogre CL11 Retand-1 Retand-2 Athila CL3 Athila CL10 BAC library hybridization 4990 4223 2879 2100 2700 Number of elements per genome Illumina Female Illumina Male 3427/1722* 2898/1508* 3123 2925 2012 2017 1128 1019 764 687 7145 6765 1413 1425 454 Female 3053/4020* 3440 1311 454 Male 2829/3690* 3157 1435 Table S3. List of sequences used in the phylogenetic analyses of Ogre elements in Silene including their accession numbers. species gene accession number Silene latifolia spermidine synthase X AY705437 Silene vulgaris spermidine synthase AY705436 Silene latifolia peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (CypY) EF408658 Silene latifolia peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (CypX) EF408657 Silene vulgaris peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (Cyp) JN394123 Silene dioica peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (CypX) EU561052 Silene dioica peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (CypY) EU561048 Silene noctiflora peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (Cyp) EU561050 Silene diclinis peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (CypX) EU561051 Silene diclinis peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (CypY) EU561047 Silene conica peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (Cyp) EU561054 predicted protein (peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans Populus trichocarpa isomerase) XM_002312866 Silene latifolia oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (DD44Y) AF543834 Silene latifolia oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (DD44X) AF543833 Silene dioica oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (DD44X) AY722065 Silene dioica oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (DD44Y) AY720883 Silene diclinis oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (DD44X) AY722091 Silene diclinis oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (DD44Y) AY720879 Silene heuffelii oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (DD44X) AY722078 Silene heuffelii oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (DD44Y) AY720885 Silene vulgaris oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (DD44) AY725028 Silene conica oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (DD44) EU521734 Silene conica fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (XY4) EU521734 Silene vulgaris fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (XY4) AY084041 Silene diclinis fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (X4) AJ632101 Silene diclinis fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (Y4) AJ632102 Silene latifolia fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (X4) AJ310660 Silene latifolia fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (Y4) AY084039 Silene dioica fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (X4) AY084046 Silene dioica fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (Y4) AY084047 Silene viscosa fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (XY4) AJ697610 Silene noctiflora fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (XY4) EF674313 Vitis vinifera V. vinifera orthologue of Silene Ogre AM442918.2 Gossypium hirsutum G. hirsutum orthologue of Silene Ogre AC243134.1 Pisum sativum P. sativum orthologue of Silene Ogre AY299397.1 Medicago truncatula M. truncatula orthologue of Silene Ogre AC145061.27 Solanum lycopersicum S. lycopersicum orthologue of Silene Ogre AC240856.4 Populus trichocarpa P. trichocarpa orthologue of Silene Ogre AC210333.1 Table S4. P-values of Mann-Whitney test in Silene latifolia. The upper right part of the table shows results concerning synonymous substitutions in terminal branches, the lower left part shows results concerning ages of terminal branches. CL5 CL6 CL11 P-values of Mann-Whitney test CL5 CL6 CL11 1 0.00808 0.96739 0.00003 0.00069 0 Table S5. Percentages of synonymous substitution per codon and time of X-Y chromosome split into four sex-linked Silene latifolia genes. The time of split is in millions of years. Standard errors (SE) and 95% highest posterior density (95% HPD) are also given. *The time of X-Y split and 95% HPD in the SlX1/SlY1 gene pair were taken from Rautenberg et al., 2008. gene X1/Y1* CypX/CypY DD44X/DD44Y X4/Y4 ds S. latifolia X-Y ± SE X-Y split (95% HPD) 4.0% ± 1.1% 2.0 (0.9 - 3.3) 5.9% ± 1.3% 3.3 (1.2 - 5.3) 9.2% ± 2.1% 3.6 (2.1 - 5.2) 18.1% ± 2.3% 6.0 (2.6 - 10.5) Table S6. Percentages of disturbed open reading frames (ORF) in each group of retrotransposons in Silene latifolia. The number of Ogre BAC clones in each group is written in parentheses. 95% confidence intervals (CI) show that the percentages of disturbed Ogre CL11 clones is significantly lower than the percentage of the disturbed Ogre CL5 or Ogre CL6 clones. CL5 CL6 CL11 disturbed ORF percentage CI 84% (26) 67% - 93% 100 % (8) 68% - 100% 33% (3) 12% - 65% stop codon(s) 61% (19) 100 % (8) 33% (3) reasons frameshift(s) 68% (21) 75% (6) 11% (1) both 45% (14) 75% (6) 11% (1) Table S7. Branch analysis of terminal and internal branches in Silene latifolia genome. one ratio model branch analysis of terminal branches background ω foreground ω lnL 0.11446 N/A -52094.4791 result of the test N/A two ratios: background vs. CL5 0.08755 0.1974 -52007.9757 ωCL5 > ωbackground; P < 10⁻¹⁶ two ratios: background vs. CL6 0.10295 0.18526 -52060.2137 ωCL6 > ωbackground; P < 10⁻¹⁶ two ratios: background vs. CL11 0.11293 0.14011 -52092.8108 ωCL11 = ωbackground branch analysis of internal branches background ω foreground ω lnL result of the test two ratios: background vs. CL5 0.12555 0.00197 -51985.2576 ωCL5 < ωbackground; P < 10⁻¹⁶ two ratios: background vs. CL6 0.12524 0.00634 -52004.4272 ωCL6 < ωbackground; P < 10⁻¹⁶ two ratios: background vs. CL11 0.12083 0.0045 -52040.0925 ωCL11 < ωbackground; P < 10⁻¹⁶ Table S8. Abundance of 19-24 nucleotide small RNAs (sRNAs) complementary to LTRs in sense (+) and antisense (-) orientation in Silene latifolia. Counts of sRNA reads were normalized to size of the respective library, LTR length and copy number of respective element. Male Leaves Female Leaves Unfertilized Pistils Fertilized Pistils Pollen CL11 CL5 CL6 Retand CL11 CL5 CL6 Retand CL11 CL5 CL6 Retand CL11 CL5 CL6 Retand CL11 CL5 CL6 Retand 24+ 2423+ 2322+ 2221+ 2120+ 2019+ 19- 275 442 429 1558 16 66 34 84 26 87 84 93 24 59 41 43 2 32 6 15 4 11 0 32 570 354 32 37 78 71 46 29 15 15 4 14 1789 1894 96 220 240 223 87 209 22 69 13 80 102 187 4 8 2 22 2 6 0 4 0 4 270 917 14 52 46 35 29 26 4 10 3 17 255 206 8 14 16 12 11 7 7 7 0 4 1121 1273 64 120 177 127 61 114 23 50 3 41 662 3565 1032 5158 82 404 119 459 39 395 51 289 28 258 49 191 12 125 6 98 8 51 20 68 741 360 58 61 32 33 15 15 4 11 7 8 2939 3795 342 333 436 399 213 275 64 106 50 86 240 3481 1100 499 4392 412 59 514 86 102 449 79 28 393 40 43 315 54 18 313 12 24 214 30 4 144 8 14 68 7 4 73 9 4 58 4 4301 6360 579 527 674 735 350 680 115 145 51 130 337 948 621 1197 39 189 168 144 86 380 201 187 76 160 203 111 12 48 43 40 8 28 12 47 294 183 32 28 78 78 40 29 36 7 11 4 588 635 78 108 386 307 144 229 30 72 19 177 Supporting references Akalin A, Kormaksson M, Li S, Garrett-Bakelman FE, Figueroa ME et al. 2012. methylKit: a comprehensive R package for the analysis of genome-wide DNA methylation profiles. 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