
SPED Co-Teaching Lesson Plan Template
(Aligned with EdTPA)
Teacher Candidate:
Grade Level(s):
Primary Learning Target (This is a broader skill than your lesson objectives. Your lesson objectives break down the primary
learning target):
Lesson Objectives
Measurable Criteria
(Include differentiation for
specific students when
Relevant IEP goal(s)
Assessment Tools/Data Collection
(Include differentiation for specific
students when appropriate)
Resources and Materials: List all resources and materials needed. Provide citations for the source of all materials that you did not
create (e.g., published texts, websites, material from other educators, and any concrete or electronic materials you or the students use).
Materials used (Check all that apply):
___ Smartboard/Promethean board
___Poster boards
___ music CDs
___ paper (lined, unlined)
___ encyclopedia, dictionaries
___ maps
___ books
___ rulers
___ newspaper articles
___ markers
___ guest speaker/visitor,
___ paint/ brush
___ Technical equipment used by students
___ clay
(i.e., Ipads, MP3 players, laptops, digital camera)
___ DVDs, videos
___ assistive technology:________________________________
___ props (concrete items)
___ Other:
___ Internet resources used (references):
___ printed materials used (references of text copies)
Expressive and Receptive Communication:
 What content specific terms (vocabulary) do students need to support learning of the learning objective for this lesson? List
here word, phrases, and/or sentences in which specific terms are used for your lesson. (Ex. of Words: gene, mutation, genetic,
gender; Ex. of Phrases: mutating genes, genetic traits, a probability, three genetic predispositions; Ex. of Sentences: Gene
mutation is on the rise. The gender specific gene for males is Y). This can also include language the teacher uses related to the
content or assignment directions that the students must understand (i.e. planets, planets rotate around the earth, rotate in
counter clockwise direction, chart, sort, graph, etc.):
What specific way(s) will students need to use language (reading, writing, listening and/or speaking) to participate in learning
tasks and demonstrate their learning for this lesson? Consider the following:
Communication Skills/Functions
 Reading:
 Listening:
 Writing:
 Asking:
 Responding:
 Commenting:
 Signaling:
 Selecting:
 Initiating:
 Expressing:
 Describing:
 Comparing/Contrasting:
 Sequencing:
 Analyzing:
 Interpreting:
 Representing (designing graphs, tables, images, display/perform/demonstrate):
 Other:
Situational Expectations/Discourse
 Rules and conventions associated with specific situations (i.e. turn taking, proper verbal and nonverbal academic and social
contributions in interactions with peers and school personnel):
 Communication changes required to match the needs of the situation (i.e. changes in word/sign/symbol/behavior choice,
tone, intensity, volume, timing, and content of communication:
 Syntax: The set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases together into structures (e.g., words composed
of letters, sentences composed of words, corrects use of words and phrases to form correct sentences of varying types using
oral and/or written communication skills):
 Ability to read and interpret written text, graphs, charts, tables, maps:
 Other:
Learning Environment: Describe how you will create a positive learning environment that supports and challenges all learners (ex.
build rapport with all learners, strategies to keep learners focused, use of positive reinforcement to promote desirable behavior,
strategies to minimize problem behavior, adapt quickly and responsibly during activities/with-it-ness, support and encourage selfdetermination, provide critical thinking and authentic problem solving opportunities):
Learner Engagement: Describe how you plan to actively engage learners (ex. link to prior learning, consideration of student interest
in materials and activities, connection to the personal, cultural, and community assets of the learner, novelty or variety, authenticity
and meaningfulness, creation of frequent opportunities to respond, routine, proximity, engagement, effective use of prompts, strategy
use, adjust pacing):
Co-Teaching Template
Clearly describe research-based instructional strategies and learning tasks, including any differentiation (modifications,
accommodations, instructional supports, behavioral supports) planned to meet student needs within the lesson.
Co-Teaching models include the following:
A: Teaming, B: parallel teaching/differentiated teaching, C: station teaching, D: one-teach one-assist, E: alternative
teaching/supplemental teaching, F: one teach-one observe
Teacher 2: Briefly describe
the teaching procedures for
each phase of the lesson.
Teacher Candidate
Co-Teaching Model
Teacher Procedures and Expected
Learner Responses:
Differentiation (modifications,
accommodations, instructional
supports, behavioral supports)
Teacher 2: Briefly describe the
teaching procedures and
accommodations/ modifications for
each phase of the lesson
Teacher Candidate
Body of the Lesson
Teacher Procedures and Expected
Learner Responses:
Co-Teaching Model
Differentiation (modifications,
accommodations, instructional
supports, behavioral supports)
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 5:
Teacher 2: Briefly describe
the teaching procedures and
modifications for each phase
of the lesson
Teacher Candidate
Co-Teaching Model
Teacher Procedures and Expected
Learner Responses:
Differentiation (modifications,
accommodations, instructional
supports, behavioral supports)
Assessment of Learning Objectives
Report assessment results for all objectives for all learners. If there were differentiated objectives, be sure to report results for these
objectives as well.
Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 3
To what degree did your student meet the objectives you set in the lesson?
Lesson Objective
Analyze your students’ strengths (what they
(yes/no) appear to understand or do well) and where
they continue to struggle or need greater
challenge, including any patterns in errors,
confusions, or needs.
Describe opportunities provided to the students to
apply feedback to improve performance related to
the lesson objectives.
1. Explain how your instructional strategies engaged and motivated your students to develop and apply the knowledge and skills
related to the lesson objectives.
2. Describe how your instruction linked your students’ prior learning and personal, family, cultural, and/or community assets with
new learning related to the lesson objectives.
3. Describe the strategies you used to move your students toward independently initiating and/or maintaining active engagement in
learning tasks related to the lesson objectives.
4. Explain how you elicited and responded to your students’ performance to promote application of learning related to the lesson
5. Explain how your materials, supports, and instructional strategies supported the students’ progress toward the lesson objectives
and how they reflected the learner’s development, age, strengths, and needs.
6. Describe how your instructional strategies, supports, or materials facilitated the development or application of a self-directed
learning strategy for one or more of the lesson objectives.
7. What would you change about your teaching to better support or extend your student’s performance and/or move the students
toward maintained, generalized, or self-directed use of knowledge and/or skills related to the lesson objectives?
8. Why do you think the changes above would improve the learning of the students in relation to the lesson objectives? Support your
explanation with evidence of the students’ performance related to the instructional objectives and principles from theory and/or
9. How will/did you support the students to move toward using error prevention strategies, self-assessment, self-instruction, and/or
self-correction for the lesson objectives?
10. Provide evidence of the learners’ use of the targeted communication skills to meet lesson objectives, to access the learning task,
and/or to demonstrate learning.
11. Based on your analysis of learning for all lesson objectives, describe next steps for instruction to: reinforce current progress toward
or attainment of the associated lesson objectives and to support further progress in the curriculum after achievement of the lesson