Dear Modern Language Student and Welcome to Exeter

Dear Combined Honours Modern Language Student, Welcome to Exeter!
These instructions explain to you how to choose your Modern Languages modules for 2013-14
using the online module choice system: please read the advice below before clicking through to
the online choice form. If, having read these instructions, you have any questions at all about your
module choices, don’t hesitate to contact the admin team at
Basic Information
All full-time students are required to take 120 credits per year; part-time students will take 60
credits per year. As a Combined Honours (CH) student you will normally take 60 credits within
Modern Languages (DML) and the other 60 credits from your other department; or 30/30 for parttime students.
It is compulsory for all DML students to take the relevant language module for their degree
programme e.g. French students must take French Language, German students must take
German Language, etc. All language modules are worth 30 credits and will run across both terms
1 and 2.
If you are a native speaker of the language you intend to study or of if you undertook your
complete secondary education in a country where the language is spoken please make yourself
known to (with the subject line ‘Possible Exemption from
MLx1001’). You may be considered for exemption from the core language module which will free
up credits to take optional culture modules instead. In the meantime, please sign up for the
compulsory language module as normal to complete your 120 credits: if exemption is agreed you
will then be asked to choose replacement modules.
Another set of teaching sessions will be added automatically when you make your on-line
selection. These are compulsory but are not attached to a particular module and do not carry
credits (so don’t worry that they may contribute towards your 120 credits):
MLX1001 DML Language Lectures: these are sessions run by the Director of Language
Teaching for students of all languages.
In addition, if you are studying a European language with Arabic (e.g. French and Arabic) you will
also be signed up to:
MLX1905 Employability: these are a series of sessions which start you thinking about how
to prepare yourself for employment over the course of your 4 years with us.
If you are registered for a language combined with English, History, or a social sciences subject
you will find that the other department has added a similar employability event.
Other DML modules are optional. In most cases you will find that your module choices are
confirmed, but occasionally we are unable to give students their first-choice option because
options are subject to the availability of staff and timetable slots; in the unlikely event that you
don’t receive your first choice and are asked to choose again, we ask for your understanding.
Option choices are inevitably a bit more restricted in the languages with smaller student numbers
(German, Italian, and Russian) but in years 2 and 4 you can expect your choices to expand.
How do I Choose My Modules?
Before you click through to the module choice system, you might want to look at the module
descriptions for the modules listed below, which are available at
Input Modern Languages – Level 1 and 2013/14 from the drop-down menu to access.
These allow you to see what each module is about, how it is taught and how it is assessed.
Don’t worry if the optional modules involve subjects that you haven’t studied before (e.g. cinema,
literature, or history). Lecturers are aware that students have done different subjects at A Level
and the first year is a foundation year which allows you to try out different subject areas without
worrying that it will count towards your degree. If you take a chance on learning something new
the chances are that it will turn out just fine. L’appétit vient en mangeant, as the French say!
Choose the language below that applies to you.
French Students - Combined Honours with another Department
Compulsory language module (worth 30 credits); this runs all year, across term 1 and 2:
 MLF1001 French Language
In order to keep your credits, and therefore your workload, even throughout the year you should
choose 1 option module from each term. All French option modules are worth 15 credits each
Optional Modules Term 1
 MLF 1014 Love and Death in French Culture
 MLF 1121 French Visual History
 MLF 1105 An Introduction to French Thought
Optional Modules Term 2
 MLF1015 War and Conflict in French Literature
 MLF1103 The French Language Present and Past
 MLF 1119 French Cinema from the New Wave to the Present Day
German Students - Combined Honours with another Department
Compulsory language module (worth 30 credits); this runs all year, across term 1 and 2:
MLG1001 German Language
In order to keep your credits, and therefore your workload, even throughout the year you should
choose 1 option module from each term. All German option modules are worth 15 credits each.
Optional Modules Term 1
 MLG1017 Turning Points in German History 1200 - 2000
 MLG1016 War, Passion and Possibly Love: Approaches to Genre in German Literature
Optional Modules Term 2
 MLG 1018 Nature and the City in German Literature, Visual Arts and Film
 MLG1015 Representations of Education in German Literature and Film: Satire, Trauma,
Hispanic Studies Students (Spanish) - Combined Honours with another Department
Beginners in Spanish must take the following 2 compulsory modules.
MLS1064 An Introduction to the Hispanic World: Texts in Context (15 credits)
MLS1056 Spanish Language for Beginners (30 credits)
MLS 1056 runs across both terms. MLS 1064 runs in term 1. In term 2 you may choose any of the
Level 1 Spanish modules for your final 15 credits.
MLS1064 is an introductory module reserved for beginners’ students only, and students taking
MLS1001 Spanish Language may not choose this module.
Students with an A Level in Spanish must take the compulsory language module (worth 30
credits); this runs all year, across term 1 and 2:
MLS1001 Spanish Language
In order to keep your credits, and therefore your workload, even throughout the year you should
choose 1 option module from each term. All Hispanic Studies option modules are worth 15 credits
Optional Modules Term 1
 MLS 1017 Hispanic Journeys
 MLS 1020 Memory and Identity in Twentieth-Century Spain
 MLS 1022 The Outsider in Hispanic Texts
 MLS1062 Introduction to the History of the Spanish Language
Optional Modules Term 2
 MLS1012 Contemporary Latin America: Culture, Society & Institutions
 MLS1016 Gender Perspectives
 MLS1023 Spain since the Transition: Society, Politics and Culture
 MLS1063 Cultural Icons of the Portuguese-Speaking World
Italian Students - Combined Honours with another Department
Compulsory language module (worth 30 credits); this runs all year, across term 1 and 2. Choose
the appropriate level:
MLI1001 Italian Language (post-A Level)
MLI1052 Italian Language for Beginners
In order to keep your credits, and therefore your workload, even throughout the year you should
choose an equal number of credits from each term.
Optional Modules Term 1
MLI 1022 Italian Literature of the 20th Century)
MLI 1420 The Pursuit of Italy in 19th-Century Literature
Optional Modules Term 2 (worth 15 credits each)
MLI 1121 A Thousand Faces: Cultures and History in 19th-Century Italy
MLI 1055 Introduction to Italian Linguistics
Russian Students - Combined Honours with another Department
Compulsory language module (worth 30 credits); this runs all year, across term 1 and 2. Choose
the appropriate level:
MLR 1001 Contemporary Russian Written and Oral
MLI 1030 Russian Language for Beginners
The following modules also need to be chosen:
MLR 1023 Russia: Empire and Identity (15 credits, Term 1)
MLR 1024 Russian Heroes and Heroines (15 credits, Term 2)
Finally, a reminder of our email address if any of this leaves you confused! –