Bjørn Hvinden

Bjørn Hvinden
Professor, Head of Research
NOVA Norwegian Social Research
P O Box 3223 Elisenberg
0208 Oslo, Norway,
Publications 1999-2009
Edited volumes
 Nordic social policy, Routledge, London 1999 (co-ed. with Mikko Kautto, Matti
Heikkilä, Staffan Marklund and Niels Ploug)
 Romanifolket og det norske samfunnet, Fagbokforlaget, Bergen 2000 (sole ed.)
 Disability policies in European countries, Kluwer Law International, The Hague 2001
(co-ed. with Wim van Oorschot)
 Nordic welfare states in the European context, Routledge, London 2001 (co-ed. with
Mikko Kautto, Johan Fritzell, Jon Kvist & Hannu Uusitalo)
 Virker velferdsstaten? Høyskoleforlaget, Kristiansand 2001 (co-ed. With Ann Helen
Bay & Charlotte Koren)
 Citizenship in Nordic welfare states, Routledge, London 2007 (co-ed. with Håkan
Articles in edited volumes
 Introduction: the Nordic welfare states in the 1990s (M. Kautto, M. Heikkilä, B.
Hvinden, S. Marklund & N. Ploug), i Nordic social policy, Routledge, London 1999
(co-ed. with Mikko Kautto, Matti Heikkilä, Staffan Marklund and Niels Ploug)
 Activation policies in the Nordic countries (J. A. Drøpping, B. Hvinden & K. Vik), i
Nordic social policy, Routledge, London 1999 (co-ed. with Mikko Kautto, Matti
Heikkilä, Staffan Marklund and Niels Ploug)
 Conclusions: The Nordic model stands stable but on shaky ground (M. Heikkilä, B.
Hvinden, M. Kautto, S. Marklund & N. Ploug) i Nordic social policy, Routledge,
London 1999 (co-ed. with Mikko Kautto, Matti Heikkilä, Staffan Marklund and Niels
 Innledning: Fra fordømmelse til respekt og verdighet (B. Hvinden) i Romanifolket og
det norske samfunnet, Bergen, Fagbokforlaget 2000 (sole ed.)
 Introduction: How distinct are the Nordic welfare states? (M. Kautto, J. Fritzell, B.
Hvinden, J. Kvist & H. Uusitalo), i Nordic welfare states in the European context,
Routledge, London 2001 (co-ed. with Mikko Kautto, Johan Fritzell, Jon Kvist &
Hannu Uusitalo)
 Towards activation? The changing relationship between social protection and
employment in Western Europe (B. Hvinden, M. Heikkilä & I. Kankare), i Nordic
welfare states in the European context, Routledge, London 2001 (co-ed. with Mikko
Kautto, Johan Fritzell, Jon Kvist & Hannu Uusitalo)
 Conclusion: Nordic welfare states in the European context (M. Kautto, J. Fritzell, B.
Hvinden, J. Kvist & H. Uusitalo) Nordic welfare states in the European context,
Routledge, London 2001 (co-ed. with Mikko Kautto, Johan Fritzell, Jon Kvist &
Hannu Uusitalo)
 Introduction: towards convergence? Disability policies in Europe (W. van Oorschot &
B. Hvinden) i Disability policies in European countries, Kluwer Law International,
The Hague 2001 (co-ed. with Wim van Oorschot)
Hvem ble kapret av hvem? Samspillet mellom sentrale myndigheter og Norsk misjon
blant hjemløse i utforming og iverksetting av politikken overfor romanifolket (B.
Hvinden & K.- S. Pettersen) i Virker velferdsstaten? Høyskoleforlaget, Kristiansand
2001 (co-ed. With Ann Helen Bay & Charlotte Koren)
Activation in the Western Europe of the 1990s: did it make a difference? I Combating
poverty in Europe, Ashgate, Aldershot 2003 (eds. P. Krause, G. Bäcker & W.
How to get employers to take on greater responsibility for the inclusion of disabled
people in working life? i Transforming disability welfare policies, Ashgate, Aldershot
2004 (eds. B. Marin, C. Prinz & M. Quiesser)
Welfare governance and the remaking of citizenship (H. Johansson & B. Hvinden), i
Remaking governance: people, politics and the public sphere, Policy Press, Bristol
2005 (ed. J. Newman)
Fra likhet til valgfrihet (B. Hvinden), i Valgfrihetens tid, Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo
2005 (eds B. Brandth, B. Bungum & E. Kvande)
Opening citizenship: why do we need a new understanding of social citizenship? (H.
Johansson & B. Hvinden), i Citizenship in Nordic welfare states, Routledge, London
2007 (co-ed. With Håkan Johansson)
What do we mean by active citizenship? (H. Johansson & B. Hvinden, i Citizenship in
Nordic welfare states, Routledge, London 2007 (co-ed. With Håkan Johansson)
Nordic activation reforms in a European context: a distinct universalistic model? (H.
Johansson & B. Hvinden, i Citizenship in Nordic welfare states, Routledge, London
2007 (co-ed. With Håkan Johansson)
Conclusions: remaking social citizenship in the Nordic welfare states (B. Hvinden &
H. Johansson), i Citizenship in Nordic welfare states, Routledge, London 2007 (co-ed.
With Håkan Johansson)
Cultures of activation: the shifting relationship between income maintenance and
employment in the Nordic context (B. Hvinden), i Culture and Welfare State: Values
and Social Policy in Comparative Perspective. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar 2008
(eds W. van Oorschot, M. Opielka & B. Pfau-Effinger)
Nordic disability policy meeting supranational equal treatment policy (R. Halvorsen &
B. Hvinden), i Human rights, dignity and autonomy in health care and social services:
Nordic perspectives, Intersentia, Antwerp 2009 (eds H. Sinding Aasen, R. Halvorsen
& A. Barbosa da Silvia)
Redistributive and regulatory disability provisions: incompatibility or synergy? (B.
Hvinden) I European Yearbook of Disability Law, Volume 1, Intersentia, Antwerp
2009 (eds G. Quinn & L. Waddington)
Articles in scientific journals
 Reconstruction and reorientation: changing disability policies in the Netherlands and
Norway (J. A. Drøpping. B. Hvinden, & W. van Oorschot), European Journal of
Social Security, 2, 35-68 (2000)
 Onko sosiaalipolitiika omaksunut sosiologian hylkäämät vanhentuneet käsittet? [Has
social policy taken over the discarded concepts of sociology?] (B. Hvinden), Janus, 8,
2, 134-149 (2000)
 Politiche attive del lavoro: la forza delle idee ... e quella dei numeri” [Active labour
market policies…] (B. Hvinden), Biblioteca della liberta, 36, 158, 53-74 (2001)
 Nieuwe noties rond actief burgerschap in Europa [New concepts about active
citizenship in Europe] (B. Hvinden & R. Halvorsen), Tijdschrift voor arbeid en
participatie, 24, 84-104 (2002)
The uncertain convergence of disability policies in Western Europe (B. Hvinden),
Social policy and administration, 37, 6, 609-24 (2003)
Which way for European disability policy? (B. Hvinden & R. Halvorsen),
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 5, 3, 296-312 (2003)
Nordic disability policies in a changing Europe: it there still a distinct Nordic model?
(B. Hvinden), Social policy and administration, 38, 2, 170-189 (2004)
Consumers with allergic reaction to food: Perception of and response to food in
general and genetically modified food in particular (G. Gaivoronskaia & B. Hvinden),
Science, Technology & Human Values, 31, 6, 702-30 (2006)
Extending the gap between legal regulations and local practice? Legal and institutional
reforms in the field of activation in the Nordic countries (H. Johansson & B. Hvinden),
Journal of Social Security Law, 14(3):131-149 (2007)
Re-Activating the Nordic Welfare States: Do we find a distinct universalistic model?
(H. Johansson & B. Hvinden), International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy,
27(7/8):334-346 (2007)
Norsk misjon blant hjemløse og barnevernet i forrige århundre (K.- S. Pettersen & B.
Hvinden), Norges barnevern, 85(2):24-30 (2008)
Changes in European Welfare: New Forms of Citizenship in Europe (B. Hvinden & H.
Johansson, European Papers on the New Welfare, (9):161-177 (2008)
Den nordiske velferdsmodellen: Likhet, trygghet – og marginalisering? (B. Hvinden),
Sosiologi i dag, 39, 4, 11-36 (2009)
Other contributions and papers
 Activation: a Nordic perspective (B. Hvinden), i Linking welfare and work, European
Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin 1999 (ed.
M. Heikkilä)
 Ansvar for oppfølgingen av resultater: Sammenliknende perspektiver og utfordringer i
forskning om minoriteter (B. Hvinden), i Samisk forskning og forskningsetikk,
Publikasjon nr. 2, Den nasjonale forskningsetiske komité forsamfunnsvitenskap og
humaniora, Oslo 2002 (eds Hilde W. Nagell & Micheline Egge Grung)
 Velferdsstaten: Fortsatt storebror og lillebror i velferdspolitikken? (B. Hvinden), i
Hundre års ensomhet? Norge og Sverige 1905-2005, Statistiske analyser nr. 69,
Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo 2005
 Sosial kapital, Innstilling utredningsutvalg, Norges forskningsråd, Oslo 2005 (red. B.
Hvinden & R. Gissinger)
 Social inclusion – do we have the right indicators? (B. Hvinden), i Statistics,
knowledge and policy; Key indicators to inform decision making, OECD Organisation
for economic co-operation and development, Paris 2005 (ed. E. Giovannini)
 Is increased cross-border mobility incompatible with redistributive welfare states? The
North European case (B. Hvinden), Arbeitspapiere des Zentrums für Sozialpolitik, Nr.
2/06, ZES, Universität Bremen, Bremen 2006
 Globalisation and the Nordic welfare model (B. Hvinden), NordForsk magasin, nr. 1,
 Accessibility and participation of people with disabilities – unsolved issues in the
Nordic welfare states (R. Halvorsen & B. Hvinden), i Provision of assistive technology
in the Nordic countries, Nordic Cooperation on Disability Issues (NSH), Stockholm