Member of International Institute of Forecasters

Kjell Stordahl
Senior advisor/Manager Market Analysis department,
Telenor Norway
Master of Science, degree in Statistics (Cand real), Oslo
University, 1972
Dr philos, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Faculty of Information Technology,
Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, Trondheim
University, 2006
40 years’ experience in the telecommunication industry.
Proven Project Management skills. Manager of 8
research projects and participation in additional 9
research projects in the period 1972-1987.
Manager of different units (Size: 8 - 120) in Telenor in the
period 1981-2005.
Responsible for several research co-operation projects
between Telenor and other research institutes and
universities in Norway.
Publication of 24 research reports on market analysis of
established and new telecommunication services,
forecasting models and forecasts for established and new
services, network planning and traffic dimensioning
methods in the period 1972-1987.
Publication of 194 papers in journals and international
conferences on techno-economics, market analysis,
broadband and mobile broadband services, forecasting
models and forecasting, climate variation analysis
Experience from work in European and International
telecommunication organizations (CEPT, CCITT, GAS,
Member of the board in Telenor Consult, an international
consultant company owned by Telenor and Member of
Technical Advisory Board, VirtualPhotonics (VPI systems)
a multinational company developing techno-economic
telecommunication tools.
Appointed referee at Oslo University and on specific
forecasting conferences
Teaching Forecasting Methodology at Oslo University
1997 – 2013:
Senior advisor/Manager, Market analysis, Telenor Norway,
Responsibility: Market analysis, market watch, statistics and
forecasts for established and new telecommunication services.
1989 – 1996:
Chief manager, Planning Department, Telenor Networks,
Responsibility: Forecasting, strategy and long term plans,
network plans, technical systems, development, construction
and investments in Oslo Region.
Manager, Forecasting and planning, TBK, Telenor
1981 – 1987:
Manager Teletraffic Section, Research Department, Telenor:
Responsibility: Traffic planning, dimensioning, network
planning, network management, market surveys, methods for
traffic and subscriber forecasting.
1978 – 1980:
Senior scientist: Research Department, Telenor. Same working
area as above.
1972 – 1977:
Scientist, senior scientist, Research Department, Telenor:
Market research, operations research, market surveys,
forecasting methodology.
2009 – 2013:
Participating in the project MARCH in the CELTIC programme.
Responsibility: Broadband market evolution.
2004 – 2009:
Participating in the project ECOSYS in the CELTIC programme.
Responsibility: WP1 Market Dynamics.
2001 – 2002:
Participating in the European Commission Programme IST1,
Project IST – 25172 TONIC2 (Techno-economics of IP
optimised network and services). Responsibility: Demand
analysis and forecasting telecommunication services. Risk
evaluation of market uncertainty and tariff prediction modelling.
2000 – 2002:
Member of Technical Advisory Board, VirtualPhotonics (VPI
1999 – 2001:
Appointed referee by European Commission for the ESPRIT3
Programme, Project Imagine 21. The project developed a
forecasting tool for new telecommunication services
1998 – 2000:
Participation in the European Commission Programme ACTS4,
Project AC 226 TERA 5(Techno-Economics Results from
ACTS). Responsibility: Market watch on advanced
telecommunication services and demand modelling.
Development of a strategy plan for telecommunication network
development in Indonesia. Contract with Research Department,
Indonesia Telekom.
1996 – 1998:
Participation in the European Commission Programme ACTS,
Project AC 2087 OPTIMUM (Optimised Network Architectures
for Multimedia services). Responsibility: Risk analysis of
introduction strategies for multimedia services and networks.
Impact of market evolution.
1994 – 1997:
Member of the Board of Telenor Consult AS – an international
consultant company owned by Telenor.
1992 – 1995:
Participation in the European Commission Programme RACE6,
Project RACE 364 TITAN (Tool for Introduction strategies and
Techno-economic evaluations of Access Networks).
Responsibility: Demand analysis, forecasting and risk modelling.
1989 – 1995:
Teaching at Oslo University, Forecasting Methodology.
Appointed referee at Oslo University.
1985 – 1987:
CCITT GAS 10, International Telecommunication Union:
Development of a forecasting handbook for telecom
administrations in developing countries. Responsibility:
Quantitative forecasting methods.
IST: Information Society Technologies
3 ESPRIT: EU’s Information Technology Programme
4 ACTS: Advanced Communications and Technology
5 Homepage:
6 RACE: Research for Advanced Communications in Europe
International Telecommunication Union, Geneve: Responsible
for developing forecasting models for network planning in
developing countries. Contract with ITU, Engineering Group.
1985 – 1988:
CCITT SG II, International Telecommunication Union: Special
rapporteur for developing recommendations for forecasting
international traffic.
1981 – 1984:
CCITT SG II, International Telecommunication Union:
Associated special rapporteur: Same responsibilities as above.
1973 – 1975:
CEPT project “Needs Research Programme”. (European
Telecommunications Programme). Objective: Making forecasts
for new telecommunications services. Responsible: Evaluation
of the Norwegian telecommunications potential.
Member of Norwegian Statistical Association
Member of Norwegian Society of chartered engineers
Member of International Institute of Forecasters
Telektronikk 104 3/4 Telecommunication Forecasting
K. Stordahl(editor)
K. Stordahl Author/co-author of 3 papers
Telektronikk 100 (4) Telecommunication Forecasting
K. Stordahl(editor)
K. Stordahl: Author/co-author of 5 papers
Telektronikk 95 (2/3) “Broadband Access Networks”. ISSN
0085-7130, L A Ims (Editor),
K. Stordahl: Author/co-author of 4 papers
“Broadband Access networks: Introduction Strategies and
Techno-economic Evaluation”. ISBN 0 412 82820 0, Chapman
& Hall, 1998.Ims L A (Editor), K Stordahl: Author/co-author of 8
Telecommunication Forecasting Methods. Handbook of
Telecommunication Forecasting – Telenor.
Authors: K Stordahl, J Bøe, C Hjelkrem
Telektronikk 90 (1) “Forecasting” ISSN 0085-7130,
K Stordahl (Editor)
K Stordahl: Author/co-author of 4 papers
UNIKI 303, Forecasting Methods, Oslo University
K Stordahl: Author
GAS 10 Handbook. Planning Data and Forecasting Methods.
Volume 1. ISBN 92 61 03081-5.
K Stordahl: Co-author. Responsible for Quantitative Forecasting
GAS 10 Handbook. Planning Data and Forecasting Methods.
Case Studies. Volume 2. ISBN 92 61 03081-5.
K Stordahl: Co-author.
“Time series analyses - Theory and practice”. ISBN 0444
876847, North Holland, O D Anderson (Editor)
K Stordahl: Author one paper.
“Bet better – the road to first price” (Norwegian: Tipp bedre –
veien til tolv rette”) ISBN 82 09 10049 1, Dreyers forlag,
Authors: K Stordahl, M Rygg
“Forecasting Public Utilities”. ISBN 0444 860460, North Holland,
O D Anderson (Editor)
K Stordahl: Author one paper.
“Bet better – Win more” (Norwegian: Tipp bedre – vinn mere).
ISBN 82 09 01782 9, Dreyers forlag,
Authors: M Rygg, K Stordahl
- Publication of 194 papers in journals and international conferences. Main author of 121 papers.
Publication list Kjell Stordahl
Scafetta N., Humlum O., Solheim J.-E. and Stordahl K. Comment
on “The influence of planetary attraction on the solar tacholine”
by Callebaut, de Jager and Dohau. Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 09/2013
Stordahl, K., Nils Kristian Elnegaard. ”Long-term mobile data
traffic forecasts for the Western European market”. In proc
Networks 2012, Rome 15-18 October 2012.
Solheim, J-E., Stordahl, K. and Humlum, O. “The long sunspot
cycle 23 predicts a significant temperature decrease in cycle 24”.
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 2012
Humlum, O., Solheim, J-E. and Stordahl, K. “Spectral analysis of
the Svalbard temperature record 1912-2010”. Advances in
Meteorology. Volume 2012, Article ID 175296, 14 pages,
doi:10.1155/2012/175296. 2012
Solheim, J-E., Stordahl, K. and Humlum, O. “Solar activity and
Svalbard temperatures”. Advances in Meteorology. Volume 2012,
Article ID 543146, 8 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/543146. 2012
Humlum, O., Solheim, J.-E., and Stordahl, K. “Identifying natural
contributions to late Holocene climate change”. Global and
Planetary Change 79, 145-158. 2011
Stordahl K, “Traffic forecasting and access evolution for
mobile/fixed broadband profitability”. International Institute of
Research, Telecoms Cost and Profitability conference, London 58 December 2011.
Stordahl K, “Mobile Broadband Traffic and Subscription
Forecasting to Optimise Network Performance and Costs”.
International Institute of Research, Mobile Network
Optimalisation conference, Amsterdam 2-4 November 2011.
Stordahl K, “Long-term penetration and traffic forecasts for the
Western European fixed broadband market”. In proc 22nd
European Regional ITS Conference, Budapest, 18-21 September
10. Stordahl K, “Long-Term Mobile Broadband Traffic and
Subscription Forecasts”. In proc The 31th Annual International
Symposium on Forecasting, Prague, Check Republic, 26-29 June,
11. Stordahl K, “Forecasting the growth of mobile and fixed
broadband to develop accurate profitability models” International
Institute of Research Telecoms Cost & Profitability Conference,
London 6 – 9 December, 2010
12. Stordahl K, “Mobile broadband subscription and traffic evolution.
In proc International Telecommunication Society 18th Biennial
Conference Tokyo, Japan, 27-30 June, 2010
13. Stordahl K, “Long-term broadband forecasts and the saturation
level”. The 30th Annual International Symposium on Forecasting,
San Diego, USA, 20 -23 June, 2010
14. Humlum, O., Solheim, J.-E., and Stordahl, K. “Efficient Climate
Forecasts”. The 30th Annual International Symposium on
Forecasting, San Diego, USA, 20 -23 June, 2010.
15. Stordahl, K, “Mobile broadband traffic and subscription
forecasting for optimalisation of network investments”
International Institute of Research, Mobile Network
Optimalisation conference, Brussels 9 -12 November, 2009
16. Stordahl K, “Forecasting the long-term evolution of broadband
accesses and the role of new technologies”. International Institute
of Research, Telecom Market Forecasting conference, London,
28. September - 1 October, 2009
17. Stordahl K, “Long-term mobile broadband forecasts. Forecasts
when number of observations is limited”. 29th International
Symposium on Forecasting. Hong Kong, China, June 22-25, 2009
18. Stordahl K, “Long-term broadband evolution, forecasts and
impact of new technologies”. Telektronikk (104) no 3/4, 2008
19. Elnegaard N. K and Stordahl K. “Modelling uncertainties and risk
in telecommunication investment projects”. Telektronikk (104) no
3/4, 2008
20. Elnegaard N K, Stordahl K, Lydersen J, Eskedal T. G. “Mobile
Broadband evolution and the possibilities”. Telektronikk (104) no
3/4, 2008
21. Stordahl K, “Broadband demand and the role of new
technologies”. In proc Networks 2008, the 13th International
Telecommunications Strategy and Planning Symposium, Budapest
Hungary, September 28 – October 02, 2008
22. Stordahl K, “Long-term access broadband forecasting and the
influence of new technology”. 28th International Symposium on
Forecasting. Nice, France, June 22-25, 2008
23. Stordahl K, N K Elnegaard “Adoption rate forecasts and rollout
strategies” Netnomics, Springer Publishing company, DOI
10.1007/s11066-008-9013-1, May, 2008
24. Stordahl K, “The history behind the probability theory and the
queuing theory”, Telektronikk (103) no 2, 2007
25. Stordahl K, “Long-term broadband forecasting models for the
business market”. 27th International Symposium on Forecasting.
New York, USA, 24-27. June, 2007
26. Stordahl K, “Long-term telecommunications forecasting” Dr.
Philos Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Tapir Trondheim, ISBN 82-471-8231-9 December 2006
27. Stordahl K, “Are the odds against you? The history of how
gambling initiated the theory of probability and how the theory
can be used to improve your odds”, chosen lecture for the Dr.
Philos dissertation, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim 19 December 2006.
28. Stordahl K, “Wireline versurs wireless – Performance and
business”, assigned lecture to the Dr. Philos dissertation,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, 19
December 2006
29. Stordahl K, B Craignou “Broadband forecasting models for
content services”. In proc Networks2006, New Dehli India, 6-9.
November, 2006
30. Varoutas D, D Katsianis, Th Sphicopoulos, K. Stordahl, I Welling
“On the economics of 3G Mobile Virtual Network Operators
(MVNOs)”, Wireless Personal Communications (2006) 36: 129142
31. Olsen B T, Katsianis D, Varoutas D, Stordahl K, Harno J,
Elnegaard N K, Welling I, Loizillon F, Monath T, Cadro P,
“Technoeconomic Evaluation of the Major Telecommunication
Investment Options for European Players”, IEEE Network (2006)
20 vol 4: 6-15
32. Stordahl K, B Craignou, “Forecasting models for new broadband
revenue streams”. In proc International Telecommunication
Society 2006. Beijing, China, 11 –14. June, 2006.
33. Stordahl K, “Long-term broadband forecasts and application of
the Delphi technique“. 26th International Symposium on
Forecasting. Santander, Spain 11 –14. June, 2006
34. Stordahl K, K Elnegaard “Adoption rate forecasts and roll out
strategies” In proc 5th Conference on Telecommunications
Techno-economics. Athens, Greece, 8-9. June 2006.
35. Stordahl K, K. Elnegaard ”Broadband in the residual market: First
mover’s advantage”. In proc World telecommunication Congress.
Budapest, Hungary, 30. April – 3. May, 2006.
36. Stordahl K, B. Craignou, T Smura, J O Paret, I Welling, K R
Renjish, T Monath, “Potential new broadband revenue streams”,
In proc The 2005 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research
Conference, Lake Garda, Italy, 6-9 October, 2005
Stordahl K, I. G. Gjerde, R. Venturin ”Long-Term Forecasts for
the Mobile market in Western Europe”. In proc ITS 16th European
Regional Conference, Porto, Portugal, 4-6 September 2005
38. Gjerde I. G., RVenturin, K Stordahl: "Forecasting Mobile Market
Development", In proc ConTEL conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 1517 June 2005
39. Stordahl K, N. K. Elnegaard “ Forecast uncertainties and risks in
high capacity broadband rollouts” International Symposium on
Forecasting, San Antonio, US, 12-15 July, 2005
40. Stordahl K. “Long-Term Broadband Technology Forecasting”,
Telektronikk (100) no 4, 2004
41. Olsen B. T., K Stordahl, “Models for Forecasting Cost Evolution
of Components and Technologies” Telektronikk (100) no4, 2004
42. Stordahl K, N. K. Elnegaard “Roll out Strategies and Forecasts for
ADSL2+/VDSL”, Telektronikk (100) no4, 2004
43. Elnegaard N. K., K Stordahl “Analysing the Impact of Forecast
Uncertainties in Broadband Access Rollouts by Use of Risk
Analysis”, Telektronikk(100) no 4, 2004
44. Hjelkrem C, K Stordahl, J Bøe “Forecasting Residential
Broadband Demand with Limited Information – A Long Term
Demand and Supply Model”, Telektronikk (100) no 4, 2004
45. Stordahl K, I Grigic Gjerde, R Venturin, J Harmo, I Welling, K R
Renjish Kumar, T Smura “Mobile Market Dynamics”,
Telektronikk (100) no 4, 2004
46. Stordahl K, B. T. Olsen “Forecasting Models for Cost Evolution
of Network Components”. Adjusting Forecasting Methods to the
Needs of the Telecommunication Sector, International
Telecommunication Union and International Institute of
Forecasters, Genevè, Switzerland, 25-26 October, 2004
47. Stordahl K, N. K. Elnegaard “Risk Analysis based on
Uncertainties in Demand Forecasts and Cost Predictions”,
Adjusting Forecasting Methods to the Needs of the
Telecommunication Sector, International Telecommunication
Union and International Institute of Forecasters, Genevè,
Switzerland, 25-26 October, 2004
48. Stordahl K “Broadband Technology Forecasting” International
Symposium on Forecasting 2004’, Sydney, Australia, 4-7 July,
49. Olsen B T, K Stordahl “Models for Forecasting Cost Evolutions
for Components and Technologies”, International Symposium on
Forecasting 2004’, Sydney, Australia, 4-7 July, 2004
50. Stordahl K, N K Elnegaard, B T Olsen, M Lähteenoja
“Competition in the Local Loop – How to Minimize the Market
Risks” In Proc. XV International Symposium on Services in the
Local access - ISSLS 2004. Edinburgh, Scotland, 21-24 March,
51. Elnegaard N K, K Stordahl, B T Olsen, M Lähteenoja, “
Segmentation of the Broadband Market with Respect to Present as
well as Emerging Service Offerings” In Proc. XV International
Symposium on Services in the Local access - ISSLS 2004.
Edinburgh, Scotland, 21-24 March, 2004
52. Stordahl K, “Forecasting – an important factor for network
planning”. Telektronikk (99) no 3, 2003
53. Stordahl K, “Traffic forecasting models for the incumbent based
on new drivers in the market”, Telektronikk (99) no 3, 2003
54. Stordahl K, “Forecasting Broadband Demand and the Risks”
Telecoms Market Forecasting 2003, IIR, Vienna, Austria, 18-20
November, 2003
55. Elnegaard N K, Olsen B T, Stordahl K, “Broadband deployment
in rural and non competitive areas: The European perspective”, In
proc FITCE 2003’, Berlin, Germany, 1-4 September, 2003
56. Stordahl K, Kalhagen K. O. “Broadband forecast modelling.
Evaluation of methodology and results”. International Symposium
on Forecasting 2003’, Merida, Mexico, 16-19 June, 2003
57. Elnegaard N K, Stordahl K, “ Broadband Deployment in Rural
and Non-competitive Areas in Europe”, In proc ENWP03',
Dresden, Germany, 21-23 May, 2003
58. Welling I, J Harno, F Loizillon, K Stordahl, D Varoutas “TechnoEconomic Evaluation 3G & WLAN Business Case Feasibility
Under Varying Conditions”, In Proc 10th International
Conference on Telecommunications, Tahiti, French Polynesia,
February 23 – March 1, 2003
59. Stordahl K, K O Kalhagen, “Broadband Access Forecasts for the
European Market”. Telektronikk (98) no 2/3, November 2002
60. Elnegaard N, K Stordahl, “ Deciding on optimal timing of VDSL
and ADSL roll-outs for incumbents”. Telektronikk (98) no 2/3,
November 2002
61. Stordahl K, “Developing demand forecasts and tariff predictions
for different telecom services both for fixed and mobile based on
results from the IST Tonic project”. IIR Telecoms Market
Forecasting 2002, Prague, Check Republic, October 7-10, 2002
62. Stordahl K, K O Kalhagen, B T Olsen, “Broadband technology
demand in Europe”. ICFC 2002, San Francisco, USA, June 25-28,
63. Hjelkrem C, Stordahl K, Bøe J “Forecasting residential broadband
demand with limited information. A long term supply and demand
model”. ICFC 2002, San Francisco, USA, June 25-28, 2002
64. Stordahl K, et al ”Traffic forecast models for the transport
network”. In Proc Networks2002, Munchen, Germany, June 2327, 2002
65. Monath T, T Zeidler, N K Elnegaard, K Stordahl, P Cadro, P
Devoldere, “Economics of Ethernet versus ATM- based access
networks for broadband IP services”, In Proc Networks 2002,
Munich, Germany, June 23-27, 2002
66. Varoutas D, K Stordahl et al “3G MNVOs financial perspectives”,
In Proc. IST Mobile & Wireless Telecommunications Summit
2002, pp. 541-545, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 16-19, 2002
67. Varoutas D, K Stordahl et al “Economic viability of 3G Mobile
Virtual Network Operators”, In Proc 3G Wireless 2002, San
Francisco, USA, May 28-31, 2002
68. Stordahl K, K O Kalhagen “Broadband demand modelling”. In
Proc 4th Workshop on Telecommunications Techno-Economics,
Rennes, France, May 14-15, 2002
69. N K Elnegaard, K Stordahl “Battle between cable operator and
incumbent: Optimal ADSL/VDSL rollout strategies for the
incumbent”. In Proc 4th Workshop on Telecommunications
Techno-Economics, Rennes, France, May 14-15, 2002.
70. Loizillon F, K Stordahl et al “Seamless mobile IP service
provision economics”, In Proc. 4th Workshop on
Telecommunications Techno-Economics, Rennes, France, 14-15
May 2002
71. D. Varoutas, K Stordahl et al “Techno Economic analysis of 3G
Mobile Virtual Network Operators in Europe” In Proc. 4th
Workshop on Telecommunications Techno-Economics, Rennes –
France, 14-15 May 2002
72. Stordahl K, N K Elnegaard, “Battle between cable operator and
incumbent: Optimal ADSL/VDSL rollout for the incumbent”. In
Proc. XIV International Symposium on Services in the Local
access - ISSLS 2002, Seoul, Korea, April 14-18, 2002
73. Olsen B T, Kalhagen K O, Stordahl K, ”Provisioning of
broadband services in non-competitive areas”. In Proc. XIV
International Symposium on Services in the Local access - ISSLS
2002, Seoul, Korea, April 14-18, 2002
74. N K Elnegaard, K Stordahl, “Deciding on the right timing of
VDSL rollouts: A real options approach”. In Proc. XIV
International Symposium on Services in the Local access - ISSLS
2002, Seoul, Korea, April 14-18, 2002
75. B Henriques, W King, L A Ims, B T Olsen, K Stordahl, “DSL
rollout strategies based on user group segmentation”. In Proc. XIV
International Symposium on Services in the Local access - ISSLS
2002, Seoul, Korea, April 14-18, 2002
76. T. Monath, N K Elnegaard, K Stordahl, P Cadro, P Devoldere
“Economics of Ethernet based Access Networks for broadband IP
Services” Proc. ISSLS 2002, Seoul, Korea, April 14-18, 2002
77. T. Monath, N K Elnegaard, K Stordahl, P Cadro, P Devoldere,
“Economics of Fixed Access Networks for broadband IP services
(in German)” 3. ITG-Fachtagung Netze und Anwendungen,
Duisburg, Germany, February 28 - March 1,2002
78. Stordahl K, N K Elnegaard, B T Olsen, “Broadband access rollout
strategies in a competitive environment”. In Proc Optical Hybride
Access Network/Full Service Access Network workshop,
Yokohama, Japan, April 4-6, 2001
79. Elnegaard N K, Stordahl K, “Broadband rollout strategies”. In
Proc. 17th European Network Planning Workshop. Les Arcs,
France, March 19-23, 2001
80. Stordahl K, N K Elnegaard “Broadband market evolution in
Europe and the upgrade. risks”. 2000 International
Communications Forecasting Conference, Seattle, USA,
September 26-29, 2000.
81. Stordahl K, M Moe, L A Ims “Broadband market – The driver for
network evolution”. In Proc Networks 2000. Toronto, Canada,
September 10-16, 2000.
82. Elnegaard N K, K Stordahl, L A Ims.”The risks of DSL access
network rollouts”. In Proc Networks 2000. Toronto, Canada,
September 10-16, 2000.
83. Stordahl K, N K Elnegaard, L A Ims, B T Olsen, “Optimal roll out
strategies for XDSL broadband upgrades of the access network”.
In Proc. ITS 2000. Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2-5, 2000.
84. Stordahl K, L A Ims, M Moe “Forecasts of broadband market
evolution in Europe”. In Proc ITS 2000,Buenos Aires, Argentina,
July 2-5, 2000.
85. Cerboni A, K Stordahl, M Ylonen, I Welling, D Katsianis, N K
Elnegaard. “Evaluation of demand for next generation mobile
services”. In Proc ITS 2000, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2-5,
86. Stordahl, K, Ims, L A, Elnegaard, N K, Olsen, B T, Broadband
upgrading and the risk of lost market shares Under Increasing
Competition. In Proc ISSLS 2000, Stockholm, Sweden, 19-23
June 2000.
87. Elnegaard, N K, K Stordahl, L A Ims, Roll-Out Strategies for the
Copper Access Network: Evolution towards a Full Service Access
Network. In Proc ISSLS 2000 Stockholm, Sweden, 19-23 June
88. Stordahl K, “Broadband market evolution – demand forecasting
and tariffs”. SAS session Investment in telecommunication
networks: Techno-economic methodologies and case studies”,
ICC 2000. New Orleans, June 18-22, 2000.
89. Stordahl K, “Overview of risks in multimedia networks”. SAS
session Investment in telecommunication networks: Technoeconomic methodologies and case studies”, ICC 2000. New
Orleans, June 18-22, 2000.
90. Stordahl K, “Case studies on broadband access: Market risk
analysis for fiber roll-out”. SAS session Investment in
telecommunication networks: Techno-economics of multimedia
services and networks. ICC 2000, New Orleans, USA, June 18-22,
91. Olsen B T, K Stordahl, L A Ims “Evolution of network
architectures”In Proc 16th European Network Planning Workshop,
Les Arcs, France, March 20-24, 2000.
92. Stordahl K, “How to be a better gambler – Utilise the
mathematics”. Numbers in thousands. Norwegian Technical
University – NTNU, Trondheim. February 5, 2000.
93. Stordahl K, L A Ims, M Moe, “Broadband market evolution in
Europe”. In Proc Third European workshop on Techno-economics
for multimedia networks and services. Aveiro, Portugal,
December 14-16, 1999.
94. K Stordahl, N K Elnegaard, “Roll-out risks of copper access
network upgrades”. In proc Third European workshop on Technoeconomics for multimedia networks and services. Aveiro,
Portugal, December 14-16, 1999.
95. Stordahl K, N. K. Elnegaard, L. A. Ims, B.T. Olsen. Overview of
risks in Multimedia Broadband Upgrades. In proc Globecom ’99,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 5-10, 1999.
96. Ims L A, D. Myhre, B.T. Olsen, K. Stordahl, A. Ruiz-Cantera, B.
Jacobs, B. Rose, M. C. Combes, J. Mononen, M. Lähteenoja, L.
Budry, M. Salerno, U. Ferrero, V, Benedetto, D. Collins, “The
economics of broadband infrastructure upgrade investments in
various European markets: The EURESCOM view”. Telecom 99
Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, October 9-17, 1999.
97. Stordahl K. “Identifying the key risks in network development,
taking into account uncertainties in market forecasts and
competition”. In proc Future proof network planning strategies.
Vision in Business. Berlin, Germany, September 27-28, 1999
98. Stordahl K, L. Rand. Long term forecasts for broadband demand.
Telektronikk, 95, (2/3), 1999.
99. Stordahl K, L. Ims, B. T. Olsen. Risk methodology for evaluating
broadband access network architectures. Telektronikk, 95, (2/3),
100. Istad S, K. Stordahl. Broadband demand survey in the residential
and SOHO market in Norway. Telektronikk, 95, (2/3), 1999.
101. Ims L A, Jarholt T, Stordahl K, Nilsen F, Lähteenoja M, Olsen B
T, Myhre D, Løken S. “Towards broadband access in Norway –
the view from Telenor”. Telektronikk 95, (2/3), 1999.
102. Elnegaard N K, L. A. Ims, K. Stordahl. Techno-economic risk
assessment of PNO access network evolutionary paths.
Telektronikk, 95, (2/3), 1999.
103. Ims L. A, T. Jarholt, K. Stordahl, F. Nilsen, M. Lähteenoja, B.T.
Olsen, D Myhre, S. Løken. “Telenors strategy towards the future
broadband access network”. BT Alliance Engineering Symposium.
Oslo June 1999.
104. Stordahl K, N. K. Elnegaard, L. A. Ims, B.T. Olsen. Risk
methodology for multimedia projects assessments. In Proc
ECMAST 1999, Madrid, Spain, May 26-28, 1999. Book:
Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques —
ECMAST’99, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg ISBN 978-3-54066082-8
105. Ims L A, T Jarholt, K Stordahl, F B Nilsen, M. Lähteenoja, D
Myhre, B T Olsen. “Telenor Access Network Strategy”, In Proc
Access Technologies 99 Vision in Business, March 1999, London,
106. Stordahl K “Evaluation of key risks in broadband network
development taking into account uncertainties in market forecasts
and competition”. In proc Future Network Planning Strategies.
Vision in Business, London, March 2 – 4, 1999.
107. Elnegaard N K, K Stordahl “Technology choice risk analysis and
its impact on your business development and market positioning”.
In proc Future Proof Network Planning Strategies, Vision in
Business, London, UK, March 2-4, 1999.
Budry L, L. A. Ims, D. Myhre, B.T. Olsen, K. Stordahl, A. RuizCantera, B. Jacobs, B. Rose, M. C. Combes, J. Mononen, M.
Lähteenoja, M. Salerno, U. Ferrero, V, Benedetto, D. Collins,
“The economics of broadband service introduction: Area specific
investments for broadband upgrade”, In Proc TRIBAN, Nov 1719, 1998, Bern, Switzerland.
109. Stordahl K, L A Ims, N K Elnesgaard, F Azevedo and B T Olsen
“Broadband access network competition – analysis of technology
and market risks”. In Proc Globecom ‘98, Sydney, November 8 –
12, 1998.
110. Ims L A, D Myhre, M Laehtenoja, B T Olsen, K Stordahl, A
Ruiz-Cantera, B Jacobs, D Collins, B Rose, M C Combes, J
Mononen, L Budry, U Ferrero and V Benedetto “Economics of
broadband access network upgrade strategies: The European
perspective”. In proc Globecom ’98 Access Networks Mini
Conference, Sydney, November 8 – 12, 1998.
111. Stordahl K, N K Elnesgaard, F Azevedo, L A Ims and B T Olsen
“Evaluating broadband strategies in a competitive market using
risk analysis”. In proc Networks 98, Sorrento, October 18 – 23,
112. Laehtenoja M, L A Ims, D Myhre, B T Olsen and K Stordahl
“Broadband access networks: techno-economic methodology and
tool application results”. IEEE symposium on planning and design
of broadband Networks. Montebello, Quebec, October 8 –11,
113. Stordahl K, L A Ims, B T Olsen “Risk analysis of residential
broadband upgrades based on market evolution and competition”.
In Proc Supercom ICC ’98, Atlanta, June 7 – 11, 1998.
114. Stordahl K “Forecasting long term demand for broadband
services”. In Proc Market forecasts in the telecoms industry.
Institute of International Research (IIR), Hong Kong, May 25 –
27, 1998.
115. Ims L A, B T Olsen, D Myhre, K Stordahl, “Bredbåndsaksess:
Teknologi, strategi, økonomi og risiko” (Broadband access:
Technology, Strategy, Economy and Risks). In Proc Norsk
Teleforum, Geilo, May 7 – 9, 1998.
116. Olsen B T, A Zaganiaris, K Stordahl, L A Ims, M Tahkokorpi, I
Welling, S Huusko, M Laehteenoja, J Mononen, T Kuitinen, P
Nieminen, J Dostal and F Fleuren “Multimedia business cases in a
deregulated environment: Opportunities and risks” ISSLS 1998.
Venice March 22-27,1998.
117. Ims L A (Editor), K Stordahl (Co-author of 8 chapters) Broadband
Access networks: Introduction Strategies and Techno-economic
Evaluation, ISBN 0 412 82820 0, Chapman & Hall, 1998.
118. Stordahl K “Evaluating broadband upgrade strategies in a
competitive market using risk analysis”. Institute of International
Research (IIR). In Proc Evaluating Broadband Service Strategies,
London, February 18 – 20, 1998.
119. Stordahl K “Risk assessments of broadband upgrade strategies”.
In Proc Broadband strategies – the battle for the customer. IBC
conference London, December 4 – 5, 1997.
120. Ims L A, B T Olsen, D Myhre and K Stordahl “Evolution of
technologies and architectures to a full services network”. In Proc
Broadband strategies – the battle for the customer. IBC
conference London, December 4 – 5, 1997.
121. Stordahl K “Forecasting long term demand for broadband services
and their influence on broadband evolution” Institute of
International Research (IIR). In Proc Market Forecasting in the
Telecoms Industry. London, December 1 -4, 1997.
122. Myhre D, L A Ims, B T Olsen and K Stordahl “Technologies for
multiservice broadband access network” Fiberoptikk 97,
November 10 –12, 1997.
123. Stordahl K “New broadband services – expected demand and
economic evaluations” Fiberoptikk 97, November 10 –12, 1997.
124. Ims L A, B T Olsen, D Myhre and K Stordahl “Key factors
influencing broadband access network upgrades”. In Proc
OPTIMUM Workshop on Multimedia Techno-economics, Aveiro
Portugal, 20 – 22 October, 1997.
125. Stordahl K “Rsik methodology and assessments” In Proc
OPTIMUM Workshop on Multimedia Techno-economics, Aveiro
Portugal, 20 – 22 October, 1997.
126. Stordahl K, L A Ims and B T Olsen “Forecasts and risk analysis
of PNO and Cable operators by introducing broadband upgrades
in the access network” 1997 International Communication
Forecasting Conference. San Francisco June 24 - 27, 1997.
127. Ims L A, K Stordahl and B T Olsen “Risk analysis of residential
broadband upgrade in a competitive environment” IEEE
Communication Magazine June 1997.
128. Stordahl K “Forecasting long term demand for broadband services
in the residential market: Devising a method for developing
forecasts for new services” Institute of International Research
(IIR). In Proc Market Forecasting in the Telecoms Industry
London, May 19 - 21, 1997.
129. Stordahl K “ Techno-economic analysis, market forecasts and risk
analysis of broadband access network upgrading” In Proc 13th
European Network Planning Workshop, Les Arcs, March 9 –15,
130. Stordahl K, L A Ims and B T Olsen “Risk assessment and technoeconomic analysis of competition between PNO and Cable
operators” In Proc Networks 96, Sydney, November 24 –29, 1996.
131. Stordahl K “Applications and traffic demand, the key to network
evolution”. In Proc Workshop on Optical Multiservice Access
Networks (WOMAN) Turin, September 23 –24, 1996.
132. Stordahl K, B T Olsen and L A Ims «Do we need a Pan-European
network and what is the demand for new applications?» In proc
22nd European Conference on Optical Communication.
September 15 –19, 1996 Oslo.
133. Stordahl K and C Hjelkrem, “Forecasting models for ISDN in the
Norwegian market and their influence on the investment
strategies”. In Proc Market Forecasting in the Telecoms Industry,
IIR conference. London, UK, July 8–10, 1996.
134. Stordahl K, “Forecasting long term demand for broadband
services in the residential market: Devising a method for
developing forecasts for new services”. Proc Market Forecasting
in the Telecoms Industry, IIR conference. London, UK, July 8–10,
135. Stordahl K, L A Ims, B T Olsen, D Myhre and A Zaganiaris
«Upgrading the PNO and Cable operator access networks to
advanced broadband services: technology alternatives and their
economic implications in a competitive environment”. Proc
Americas Telecom ‘96. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 10 –15, 1996.
136. Olsen, B T, A Zaganiaris, K Stordahl, L A Ims, D Myhre, T
Øverli, S Markatos, N Gieschen, M Lähteenoja, J Mononen, U
Ferrero, M Tahkokorpi, I Welling, M Drieskens and J Kraushaar,
“Techno-economic evaluation of narrowband and broadband
access network alternatives and evolution scenario assessment»”
IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications. no 14, (8),
137. Olsen B T, L A Ims, T Øverli, D Myhre, K Stordahl, M Driesken,
J Krauskar , M Tahkokorpi, M Ravera, M Bortoli, A Zaganiaris, S
Markatos, M Lahteenoja, J Mononen and F Fleuren, “PNO and
CATV operator broadband upgrade technology alternatives: A
technoeconomic analysis”. Optical Fibre Conference. San Jose,
USA, February 25 – March 1, 1996.
138. Stordahl K, B T Olsen, L A Ims , T Øverli, , D Myhre, M
Drieskens, J Kraushaar and A Zaganiaris, “Techno-economic
analysis of PNO and CATV operator strategies for broadband
upgrade of the access network”. Proc International Teletraffic
Seminar 1995. Bangkok. November 28 - 1 December 1995.
139. Ims L A, B T Olsen, D Myhre and K Stordahl, “Economic
Implication of upgrading the access network to broadband”
Broadband Communications. London, UK, November, 1995
140. Olsen B T, L A Ims, D Myhre, K Stordahl and R Theivindrein,
“Technoeconomic Evaluation of Optical Broadband Access
Network Scenarios for the residential and business market”. Proc.
21st European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC
‘95). Brussel, Belgium, September 14–17, 1995.
141. Ims L A, B T Olsen, D Myhre and K Stordahl, «Economic
Implications of Broadband Access Network Upgrade». Proc.
Broadband Islands 1995 (BRIS ‘95). Dublin 4 –5 September,
142. Olsen B T, L A Ims, D Myhre and K Stordahl, «Techno-economic
Evaluation of Multiservice Broadband Access Network
Alternatives». Proc. Brazilian Telecommunications Symposium.
Agua de Lindoia, Brazil, September 3–6, 1995.
143. Stordahl K, “Demand forecasting” Proc 1th European workshop
on Techno-economics of access network. Aveiro, Portugal, July 4–
6, 1995.
144. Stordahl K, “Risk modelling and assessment”. Proc 1th European
workshop on Techno-economics of access network. Aveiro,
Portugal, July 4– 6, 1995.
145. Drieskens M, K Stordahl, B T Olsen, L A Ims,T Øverli, A
Zaganiaris, and M Ravera “Introducing advanced residential
services in a competitive environment”. 1995 International
Forecasting Conference. Toronto, Canada, June 13–16, 1995.
146. Bøe J, C Hjelkrem and K Stordahl, “Forecasting models for ISDN
and POTS in the Norwegian market and their influence on
investment strategies”. 1995 International Forecasting
Conference. Toronto, Canada, June 13–16, 1995.
147. Stordahl K and B T Olsen: «Demand Elasticity and Forecasts of
Wide and Broadband Services in the Residential Market Based on
Results from an International Delphi Survey”. 1995 International
Communications Forecasting Conference. Toronto, Canada, June
13–16, 1995.
148. Myhre D, L A Ims, B T Olsen and K Stordahl, “Access network
alternatives for broadband services”. Proc ConTEL 95. Zagreb,
Kroatia, June 7-10, 1995.
149. Stordahl K, B T Olsen, A Zaganiaris, M Tahkokorpi, M Kalervo
and P Naveau, “Investment risks in telecommication networks”
Annual Meeting of the society for risk analysis. Stuttgart,
Germany, May 21–24, 1995.
150. Ims L A, D Myhre, B T Olsen and K Stordahl, “Paths towards a
versatile broadband Access Network”. Proc. International
Conference on Telecommunications 95 (ICT ‘95), Nusa Dua,
Indonesia, April 3–5, 1995.
151. Stordahl K and E Murhy, “Forecasting long term demand for
wide- and broadband services in the residential market”. IEEE of
Comminications no.2 1995.
152. Stordahl K, B T Olsen, E Murphy, A Zaganiaris, E Castro and M
Ravera, “Delphi survey: Forecasting demand for wide- and
broadband services. From Race 2087/TITAN”. Proc 6th
international workshop on optical access network. Kyoto. Japan,
October 16 –19, 1994.
153. Zaganiaris A, B T Olsen, K Stordahl, M Bortoli, M Tahkokorpi
and M Kalervo “Life cycle costs and risk assessment of the access
network”. Proc 6th International workshop on optical access
network. Kyoto, Japan, October 16 19, 1994.
154. Olsen B and K Stordahl “Prognoser for pris på nettkomponenter
basert på utvidelse av lærekurvemodellen” (Forecasting price on
network components based on an extension of the learning curve
model) Telektronikk no. 1, 1994.
155. Stordahl K, “Regresjonsmodeller” (Regression models).
Telektronikk no.1, 1994.
156. Stordahl K, “Bruk av ekspertundersøkelser til prognoser for nye
teletjenester i privatmarkedet” (Use of expert surveys to forecast
the demand for new telecommuncation services in the residential
market) Telektronikk no. 1, 1994.
157. Stordahl K, “Prognosemetoder - En oversikt” (Forecasting
methods -An overview) Telektronikk no.1, 1994.
158. Zaganiaris A, M Tahkokorpi, B T Olsen, K Stordahl, U Ferrero, S
Balzaretti and M Drieskens, “Methodology for risk assessment
and techno-economic evaluation of optical access network”. Proc
ECOC’94. Florence, Italy, September 25–29, 1994.
159. Olsen B T, A Zaganiaris , N Gieschen, K Stordahl, M Tahkokorpi
, M Drieskens, A Ajibulu , S Markatos and E Castro, “Tool for
introduction scenario and techno-economic studies for the access
network. Proc Race 2087/TITAN” RACE open workshop on
broadband access. Nijmegen, Holland, June 7–8, 1993.
160. Zaganiaris A, N Gieschen, B T Olsen, K Stordahl, M Tahkokorpi,
M Drieskens and A Ajabulu, “A methodology for achieving life
cycle costs of optical access networks from RACE 2087/TITAN”.
Proc EFOC&N 93. June 30 – July 2, The Hague, Holland,1993.
161. Stordahl K, "Liberalisering av telecommunikasjonsmarkedet"
(Liberalisation of the telecommunication market). Telektronikk no.
1, 1993.
162. Stordahl K, “Liberalisering av telekommunikasjonsområdet”
(Liberalisation of the telecommunication area). Proc
Liberalisering gir store muligheter innen telekommunikasjon, IIR
conference. Oslo, Norway, May 14-15, 1992.
163. Stordahl K and S Haugane, "Optimalisering av reservedelslageret
for S12 i Oslo distrikt" (Optimalization of the store for spare
exchange equipment, S12, in Oslo region). Telektronikk no. 1,
164. Bøe J and K Stordahl, "Tellerskrittene - Televerkets viktigste
inntektskilde" (The telephone traffic - the most important source
for income). Telektronikk no. 1, 1991.
165. Stordahl K, “Development strategy for the Oslo network”. Proc
IX Nordic Teletraffic Seminar, Kjeller, Norway, August 20-23,
166. Stordahl K "Methods for traffic matrix forecasting". Proc 12th
International Teletraffic Congress. Torino, Italy, June 1-8, 1988.
167. Stordahl K, “Extended weighted minimum squared method for
forecasting traffic matrices”. Proc VII Nordic Teletraffic Seminar.
Lund, Sweeden. August 25 – 27, 1987.
168. Stordahl K, “Forecasting models for network planning”. Proc VI
Nordic Teletraffic Seminar. Copenhagen, Denmark, August 28 –
30, 1986.
169. Stordahl K, E Damsleth, “Traffic forecasting methods for network
planning”. Proc 6th International Conference on Forecasting and
analysis for business in the information age. Tokyo, Japan,
August 1986.
170. Stordahl K, "Prognoser som grunnlag for planlegging" (Forecasts
as a base for planning). Telektronikk no. 3, 1986.
171. Stordahl K and L Holden, "Traffic forecasting models based on
top down and bottom up procedures". Proc 11th International
Teletrafic Congress. Kyoto, Japan, September 1985.
172. Stordahl K and J P Sæther, "Fremtidig utvikling av fjernsynsmøte
i Norge" (Development of teleconferences in Norway).
Telektronikk no. 2, 1985.
173. Nymo B and K Stordahl, "Kabelfjernsyn: Muligheter, utvikling og
markeder" (Cable television: Possibilities, development and
markets). Telektronikk no. 2, 1985.
174. Stordahl K, "Routing algorithms based on traffic forecast
modelling". Time series analyses - Theory and practice. Ed. O. D.
Anderson North Holland Publishing Company 1985.
175. Stordahl K, “Forecasting models for traffic in the future
broadband network”. Proc V Nordic Teletraffic Seminar.
Trondheim, Norway, June 5 – 7, 1984.
176. Stordahl K, “Routing algorithms based on traffic forecast
modelling”. Time series analyses - Theory and practice. Toronto,
Canada, August 18-21, 1983.
177. Stordahl K and S Log, "Erfaringer ved bruk av
markedsundersøkelser i Televerket" (Experiences in Norwegian
Telecom by carrying out market surveys). Bedriftsøkonomen no.
7, 1983.
178. Stordahl K and Log S, "Metoder ved markedsundersøkelser"
(Methods for market surveys). Telektronikk no. 3/4, 1983.
179. Stordahl K, "Centralized routing based on forecasts of the
telephone traffic". Proc 10th International Teletraffic Congress.
Montreal, Canada, June 1983.
180. Stordahl K and O Østerbø, "Analysis and dimensioning of the
Scandinavian multi-access reservation system for travel agents". V
European Congress on Operations Research. Lausanne,
Switzerland, July 11 – 15, 1982.
181. Stordahl K, “Control models in a telephone network based on
time series analysis”.
Proc IX Nordic Conference on
Matematical Statistics. Aalborg, Denmark, June 7 – 10, 1982.
182. Stordahl K and T Kårstad, “Centralised traffic routing based on
forecasts of traffic streams”. Proc IV Nordic Teletraffic Seminar,
Helsinki, Finland, May 11 – 13, 1982.
183. Stordahl K and O Østerbø, “Performance analysis and
dimensioning of the SMART system”. Proc IV Nordic Teletraffic
Seminar. Helsinki, Finland, May 11 – 13, 1982.
184. Stordahl K, "Norske tippere - hvor gode er de?" (Norwegian
betters - How good are they?). Sosialøkonomen no. 7, 1981.
185. Stordahl K, "Private abonnenters kjennskap til telefontakstene".
(Private subscribers knowledge about telephone rates).
Telektronikk no. 3, 1981.
186. Damsleth E and K Stordahl, "Etterspørsel etter hovedabonnement
for telefon - en prognosemodell" (Demand for telephone
subscriptions - a forecasting model). Bedriftsøkonomen no. 3,
187. Stordahl K, "Analysing telecommunication data by use of
ARIMA models". Forecasting Public Utility. Ed. O. D. Anderson.
North Holland Publishing Company. 1980.
188. Stordahl K, “Forecasts for Telecommunications Services based on
Time Series Analysis”
Forecasting and Planning by Time Series analysis, Norwegian
Operation Research Society, 13. February, 1980
189. Stordahl K, B H Sollie and E Damsleth, "Confidence limits for
the expected telephone traffic in simulation models using ARMA
models". Proc 9th International Teletraffic Congress. Malaga,
Spain, October 17-24, 1979.
190. Stordahl K and T Bakken, "Improved utilization of the telephone
network through introduction of differentiated rates". Proc. 9th
International Teletraffic Congress. Malaga, Spain, October 17-24,
191. Stordahl K, “Analysing telecommunication data by use of
ARIMA models”. International Time Series Conference.
Nottingham, UK, March 25-28, 1979.
192. Stordahl K,“A survey on telephone use within companies with
PABX connection”. Proc I Nordic Teletraffic Seminar, Kjeller,
Norway, March 22 – 23, 1977.
193. Stordahl K, "En markedsundersøkelse om knappsatsapparater og
nye særtjenester" (A survey about push botton phones and new
services). Telektronikk no. 7, 1977.
194. Trælnes T and K Stordahl, "Bruk av markedsundersøkelse ved
prognostisering av nye teletjenester" (Application of market
surveys for forecasting new telecommunication services).
Bedriftsøkonomen no 9, 1975.
Kjell Stordahl
Stovnerbakken 10
N-0980 Oslo
(+47) 900 99 820
Date of birth
Marital status