Figures Relevant to the Alberta Agroclimatic Changes 1901-2002 By Samuel Shen Reference: S.S.P. Shen, H. Yin, K. Cannon, A. Howard, S. Chetner, and T.R. Karl, Temporal and spatial changes of agroclimate in Alberta during 1901-2002, J. Appl. Meteo. 44, 1090-1105 (2005). 1 Ecoregions and ecodistrict polygons of Alberta. Alberta is a western province of Canada, bounded by 49 and 60 degrees North latitude, and 110 and 120 degrees West longitude, respectively. Alberta is 1,223 kilometers from north to south and between 293 and 660 kilometers in width from west to east. The Canadian Rockies cuts off the southwest corner. 2 Six Alberta ecoregions with extensive agriculture. Alberta’s area is 0.662 million square km, and is about the same size as Texas and about 20% larger than France. More than a third of the area is farmland. 3 400 May-Aug PCPN [mm] 350 300 250 200 150 Year The May-August precipitation [units: mm] annual time series (thin curve with dots), 11-year running mean (thick curve), and linear regression line (straight line). The Alberta MayAugust precipitation has increased 14% from 1901 to 2002 and the increment is the largest in the north and the northwest of Alberta, then diminishes (or even becomes negative over two small areas) in central and southern Alberta, and finally becomes large again in the southeast corner of the province. The annual total precipitation follows a similar increasing trend to that of the May-August precipitation, and the percentile analysis of precipitation attributes the increase to low-intensity events. The changes of the agroclimatic parameters imply that Alberta agriculture has benefited from the last century’s climate change. 4 2001 1996 1991 1986 1981 1976 1971 1966 1961 1956 1951 1946 1941 1936 1931 1926 1921 1916 1911 1906 1901 100 175 170 165 LSF [day] 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 Year The last spring frost (LSF) [units: day] annual time series (thin curve with dots), 11-year running mean (thick curve), and linear regression line (straight line). The LSF (last spring frost) day is defined as the last date in a year on or before July 15 when the daily minimum temperature Tmin 0C. An earlier LSF occurs now all over the province. 5 2001 1996 1991 1986 1981 1976 1971 1966 1961 1956 1951 1946 1941 1936 1931 1926 1921 1916 1911 1906 1901 125 280 270 FFF [day] 260 250 240 230 220 Year The first fall frost (FFF) [units: day] annual time series (thin curve with dots), 11-year running mean (thick curve), and linear regression line (straight line). The FFF (first fall frost) day is defined as the first date in a year on or after July 16 when Tmin 0C. A later FFF occurs now all over the province. 6 2001 1996 1991 1986 1981 1976 1971 1966 1961 1956 1951 1946 1941 1936 1931 1926 1921 1916 1911 1906 1901 210 150 140 130 FFP [day] 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 Year The frost free period [units: day] annual time series (thin curve with dots), 11-year running mean (thick curve), and linear regression line (straight line). A longer FFF now than before is all over the province. The FFP (frost-free period) is the number of days between the LSF and the FFF: FFP FFF LSF 1 . The means (standard deviations) of the LSF, FFF, and FFP for the Alberta AR region in 1961-1990 are 140 (7.36) [calendar day of a year, i.e., May 20 if not a leap year], 257 (8.66) [calendar day of a year, i.e., September 14 if not a leap year], and 118 (11.39) [days], respectively. 7 2001 1996 1991 1986 1981 1976 1971 1966 1961 1956 1951 1946 1941 1936 1931 1926 1921 1916 1911 1906 1901 50 1800 1700 1600 1500 GDD 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 Year The accumulated growing degree day (GDD) annual time series (thin curve with dots), 11-year running mean (thick curve), and linear regression line (straight line). Our values for the GDD are still based on 5C and computed from the mean daily air temperature (Tmean) by using the formula 5.0, T Daily GDD mean , 0 if Tmean 5.0, otherwise, where Tmean (Tmax Tmin ) / 2.0 . The GDD is accumulated from the SGS to the EGS. 8 2001 1996 1991 1986 1981 1976 1971 1966 1961 1956 1951 1946 1941 1936 1931 1926 1921 1916 1911 1906 1901 800 2600 2400 ACHU 2200 2000 1800 1600 Year The accumulated corn heat unit (ACHU) annual time series (thin curve with dots), 11year running mean (thick curve), and linear regression line (straight line). The daily CHU is the average of the nighttime CHU and the daytime CHU, calculated by the formulas below: CHU (CHU X CHU Y ) / 2 , where the nighttime CHU is CHU X 1.8(Tmin 4.4) , and the daytime CHU is CHU Y 3.33(Tmax 10) 0.084(Tmax 10) 2 . In the above, CHU X 0 if Tmin 4.4 C and CHU Y 0 if Tmax 10.0 C . The accumulated CHU (i.e., ACHU) is the accumulation of the daily CHU from the last day of three consecutive days in the spring with mean daily air temperatures greater or equal to 12.8C, to the first day after July 16, with a minimum temperature less than or equal to -2C. 9 2001 1996 1991 1986 1981 1976 1971 1966 1961 1956 1951 1946 1941 1936 1931 1926 1921 1916 1911 1906 1901 1400 Spatial distribution of the temporal trends of May-August precipitation (units: mm/102yr) calculated from linear regression. The contour indicates the change of the May-August precipitation from 1901 to 2002. The change is an increase for almost the entire province. The increment is the largest in the north and the northwest of Alberta, then diminishes (or even becomes negative over two small areas) in central and southern Alberta, and finally becomes large again in the southeast corner of the province. The shaded regions are where significant trends exist at the 5% significance level. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked out because of insufficient station data and large gradients of trends, and hence possibly very large errors. 10 Spatial distribution of the temporal trends of the frost free period FFP (units: day/102yr) calculated from linear regression. The contour indicates a FFP increase from 1901 to 2002.The increment is the largest in the north and the northwest of Alberta, then diminishes (or even becomes negative over two small areas) in central and southern Alberta, and finally becomes large again in the southeast corner of the province. The shaded regions are where significant trends exist at the 5% significance level. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked out because of insufficient station data and large gradients of trends, and hence possibly very large errors. 11 The difference of the recent 30-year normal (1973-2002) minus the 1913-1942 normal for May-August precipitation [units: mm]. The positive difference implies an increase of the precipitation in 70 years. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked due to insufficient data. 12 The difference of the recent 30-year normal (1973-2002) minus the 1913-1942 normal for the start of growing season SGS [units: day]. No significant change has been found for the SGS. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked due to insufficient data. 13 The difference of the recent 30-year normal (1973-2002) minus the 1913-1942 normal for the end of growing season EGS [units: day]. No significant change has been found for the EGS. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked due to insufficient data. 14 The difference of the recent 30-year normal (1973-2002) minus the 1913-1942 normal for the length of growing season LSF [units: day]. No significant change has been found for the LGS. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked due to insufficient data. 15 The difference of the recent 30-year normal (1973-2002) minus the 1913-1942 normal for the first fall frost FFF [units: day]. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked due to insufficient data. 16 The difference of the recent 30-year normal (1973-2002) minus the 1913-1942 normal for the accumulated corn heat units ACHU. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked due to insufficient data. 17 The difference of the recent 30-year normal (1973-2002) minus the 1943-1972 normal for the start of growing season SGS [units: day]. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked out due to insufficient data. 18 The difference of the recent 30-year normal (1973-2002) minus the 1943-1972 normal for the end of growing season EGS [units: day]. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked out due to insufficient data. 19 The difference of the recent 30-year normal (1973-2002) minus the 1943-1972 normal for the growing degree day GDD. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked out due to insufficient data. 20 The difference of the recent 30-year normal (1973-2002) minus the 1943-1972 normal for the accumulated corn heat units ACHU. The Rocky Mountain areas are blacked out due to insufficient data. 21 The areas with ACHU 2,000 for the 1913-1942 normal, 1943-1972 normal and 19732002 normal. The area with sufficient CHU for corn production, calculated according to the 1973-2002 normal, has extended to the north by about 200-300 km compared to the 1913-1932 normal, and by about 50-100 km compared to the 1943-1972 normal; this expansion implies that the potential exists to grow crops and raise livestock in more regions of Alberta than the past. 22