DATE: NAME: BLOCK: NERVOUS SYSTEM – NERVES & IMPULSES (A) INTRODUCTION The nervous system is our ____________________ system keeps us in contact with the outside world tells us that we exist along with the muscles, allows us to move and react to stimuli our consciousness resides in our nervous systems, as do our thoughts and emotions. In short, the roles of the nervous system are: (1) coordination of _________________ (2) response to environmental _________________ (3) ______________________ (4) self-awareness (5) thought (6) emotion (B) ORGANIZATION OF THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM Nervous system has ____ major divisions: NERVOUS SYSTEM (1) Central Nervous System (CNS) includes spinal cord and ___________ Cenral Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System In the "_______________" of the body. Brain (2) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Spinal Chord Autonomic Nervous System the rest of the nervous system: To Smooth Muscles further divided into the: (a) Somatic Nervous System Sympathetic Nervous System connects to ________________ muscle “Fight or Flight” Somatic Nervous System To Skeletal Muscles, excterior sensory organs Parasympathetic Nervous System Non-emergency Situations (b) Autonomic Nervous System connects to _______________ (involuntary) muscles further divided into the: (i) Sympathetic Nervous System - usually causes effects associated with emergency situations (ii) Parasympathetic Nervous System - promotes activities associated with a normal state the two systems (CNS & PNS) work together and are connected to one another the Nervous System is composed of nerve cells called ______________, which are specialized to carry nerve _______________ (B) STRUCTURE OF NEURONS All neurons have THREE parts: (1) __________________ - conduct nerve impulses towards the cell body (2) _____________________ - produces all the _______________ for the neuron and contains the ____________________ such as the nucleus, mitochondria, golgi, ER, and ribosomes. (3) __________ - conduct nerve impulses away from the cell body PLEASE LABEL THIS DIAGRAM A STRUCTURE NAME A B E C D E B D F G C dendrites and axons are sometimes called _______________ H F G H most long, larger diameter fibers are covered by a _______________ sheath the sheath has spaces in it exposing the axon called _______________________________ the sheath is secreted by ________________ Cells, each of which has a nucleus. PLEASE LABEL there are three types of neurons: (1) Sensory neuron(W) (afferent neuron) T takes a message from a sense organ(U) to CNS has long dendrite(V), cell body(T), and short axon (2) Motor neuron (efferent neuron) takes message away from CNS to a muscle fiber or gland(Z) short dendrites, long axon(Y) (3) Interneuron(X) (association neuron/connector neuron) conveys messages between parts of the nervous system completely contained within CNS (usually in spinal cord) dendrites, axons, may be long or short. (C) GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION OF NERVE IMPULSES Scientists used giant axons in _____________ to figure out how nerve impulses are generated. Nerve Conduction is an __________________________ CHANGE that moves in one direction along the length of a nerve fiber it involves changes in _______________ and changes in the _____________________ of certain ions Since it is electric, we can use an ________________________ (a type of voltmeter that shows a graph of voltage changes) to _________________ potential differences (voltages). Na+ There are THREE distinct phases in the generation of a nerve impulse along an axon K K (1) RESTING PHASE the potential difference across the membrane of the axon when it is not conducting an impulse normally equals ________ mV. This negative polarity is caused by the presence of large negative proteins and chlorine ions in the ______________ (the cytoplasm inside an axon). + + Na+ K + K+ Na+ Na+ Na+ K K+ + K+ K + Na+ K + K + K Na Na+ + + Na+ + Na+ Na K + K+ K+ + Na+ Na K+ K K+ + K + K+ K+ + Na+ Na+ + Na K + Na+ Na+ K Na + Na K K + + K K+ + Na K + + Na+ + K+ K+ K+ Na+ Na+ K K+ + Na+ + Na Resting Potential When not conducting impulses, there is a voltage difference across the membrane of the axon of about -60 mV. The negative charge on the inside of the axon is due to the presence of large negative ions. There are more sodium ions on the outside of the axon compared to the inside of the axon, and more potassium ions on the inside compared to the outside. During the resting potential, _____ ions are more concentrated on the outside of the membrane and _____ ions are more concentrated on the inside of the axon This uneven distribution of Na+ and K+ ions is maintained by _____________ transport across Na+/K+ pumps which operate whenever the neuron is not conducting an impulse (pumps require ATP) (2) ACTION PHASE if nerve is stimulated by electric shock, pH change, or mechanical stimulation, a nerve impulse is generated, and a change in electrical potential can be measured/detected. This nerve impulse is called the ____________ potential On the oscilloscope, the action potential can be broken into an ____________ and ________________ During the upswing (-60 mV to +40 mV), the axon membrane becomes permeable to _____ ions. V = RESTING PHASE W = DEPOLARIZATION (where Na+ moves into the axon) X = PEAK (Na+ gates close/K+ gates open) Y = REPOLARIZATION (where K+ moves out of the axon) Z = RECOVERY PHASE (where the [Na+] and [K+] are returned to their original concentrations) Na+ ions move from the outside to the inside of the axon "_____________________" occurs -- the inside of the axon becomes positive In the downswing (+40 mV to -60 mV), the membrane becomes permeable to _____ K+ moves from the inside to the outside of the axon “_______________________” occurs -- the inside of axon becomes negative again (3) RECOVERY PHASE between transmissions, K+ ions are returned to the ____________ of axon, Na+ to the ____________ this is done _________________ (requires ATP) using a Na+/K+ pump A summary of all three phases is shown on the last page of this note package the speed of nerve impulses is quite ____________, due to the _________________ of the nerves: have a _____________ sheath which is formed by tightly packed spirals of the cell membrane of ______________ cells. have interruptions or ________ of the sheath called the _______________________________ the speed of transmission is ~_______ m/s in myelinated fibers, but only 0.5 m/s in non-myelinated fibers. the reason is that the nerve impulse "________" from node to node in myelinated fibers (In nonmyelinated fiber, the nerve impulse must depolarize and repolarize each point along the nerve fiber) INTERESTING NOTE Destruction of large patches of Myelin characterize a disease called Multiple Sclerosis. In multiple sclerosis, small, hard plaques appear throughout the myelin. Normal nerve function is impaired, causing symptoms such as double vision, muscular weakness, loss of memory, and paralysis. (D) TRANSMISSION OF IMPULSES ACROSS SYNAPSES What happens to a nerve impulse once it reaches the end of an axon? How does one nerve communicate with another? ANSWER = SYNAPSES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Synapse: the region between end of an axon and the cell body or dendrite to which it is attached. Synaptic Endings: swollen terminal knobs on the ends of axon terminal branches. Presynaptic Membrane: the membrane of the axon synaptic ending. Postsynaptic Membrane: the membrane of the dendrite on the next neuron. Synaptic Cleft: the space between the presynaptic and the postsynaptic membranes Neurotransmitter Substances (neurotransmitters): chemicals that transmit the nerve impulses across a synaptic cleft. (7) Synaptic Vesicles: contain the neurotransmitters. Contained near surface of synaptic endings. Acetylcholine (Ach), Noradrenalin (NA), Serotonin, Adrenalin (epinephrine) are some important neurotransmitters. a) Z b) W c) Y X d) e) f) Transmission across a synapse is _____________ because only the ends of axons have synaptic vesicles that are able to ______________ neurotransmitters to affect the potential of the next neuron(s). __________________ or _________________ of postsynaptic membranes can occur. another nerve is usually on the receiving end of many synapses -- some may be give inhibitory and some may give stimulatory impulses. Whether or not the neuron they are attached to fires depends on the _____________________ effect of all the neurotransmitters received. If amount of excitatory neurotransmitters received is sufficient to overcome the amount of inhibitory neurotransmitters received, the neuron fires. If not, only local membrane excitation occurs. This total process allows neurons to fine-tune to their activity. SOMETHING TO KNOW The MINIMUM LEVEL of a STIMULUS that is REQUIRED to Activate a neuron is called the THRESHOLD. If the THRESHOLD is reached, an impulse (ACTION POTENTIAL) begins in the second cell. Carefully examine this diagram that has appeared on several provincial exams. What do you think structure Y is? Which direction Is the impulse moving? Sequence of events: 1. Nerve impulse travel along axon, reach a synaptic ending. 2. Arrival of nerve impulse at synaptic ending changes membrane ----> Ca2+ flows into ending 3. Ca2+ ions cause contractile proteins to pull synaptic vesicles to inner surface of the presynaptic membrane. 4. Vesicle fuses with presynaptic membrane, releasing neurotransmitters into synapse. (exocytosis). 5. Neurotransmitters DIFFUSE across synaptic cleft to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. The receptors control selective ion channels; binding of a neurotransmitter to its specific receptors opens the ion channels. 6. The resulting ion flux (not shown on diagram) changes the voltage of the postsynaptic membrane. This either: K+ Na+ Ca+ Ca+ Ca+ Ca+ (1) moves the membrane voltage closer to the ‘threshold voltage’ required for an action potential (an excitatory synapse), the neurotransmitters binding to receptors on the dendrite causes the nerve impulse to be transmitted down the dendrite of the second neuron. The nerve impulse has now been transmitted from the first neuron to the second neuron. K+ Na+ (2) or hyperpolarizes the membrane (an inhibitory synapse). Moves voltage away from threshold voltage. 7. Neurotransmitters are quickly deactivated to prevent them from continually acting on postsynaptic membrane. This can occur when: a) neurotransmitter is degraded by enzymes (e.g., acetylcholinesterase (= “cholinesterase”) breaks down acetycholine). b) synaptic ending reabsorbs the neurotransmitter. e.g. this is what happens to Serotonin. K+ Na+ INTERESTING NOTE NERVE GAS prevents enzymes from breaking down neurotransmitters, as a result muscles in the respiratory and nervous system becomes paralyzed. They can never recover back to resting phase ___________________________ take nerve impulses across synapses. Neurotransmiters are __________ molecules. They can be single amino acids, short chains of amino acids, or derivatives of protein (eg. Seratonin) HO proper brain and nervous system function depends on the proper __________ of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmitters. C _________________ transmitters: include acetylcholine (ACh), adrenalin (epinephrine), noradrenalin (norepinephrine), serotonin (derived from the amino acid tryptophan), and dopamine. _________________ transmitters: include GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid - a type of amino acid), glycine (an amino acid). CH2 CH2 NH2 CH N H Structure of Serotonin neurotransmitters include endorphins and enkephalins (polypeptide neurotransmitters which function as a natural pain relievers in the brain). (Opium and heroin (drugs) mimic the action of natural endorphins/enkephalins). A single neuron may receive information from _______________ Axons from nearby neurons of neighbouring neurons through thousands of synapses. Some of the messages are excitatory (i.e. they tell the neuron to “fire”) others may be inhibitory (i.e. they tell the neuron not to fire). Whether or not a neuron “fires” off an action potential at any particular instant depends on its ability to integrate these multiple positive and negative inputs. SUMMARY OF NERVE IMPULSE GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION Step 1: Sodium moves in + Na Step 2: Depolarization + Na +++++++ Sodium channels open, Na+ ions diffuse into axon. Step 3: Na+ channels close, K+ open K+ The inside of the axon has become positive in that region. This is called depolarization. Step 4: Repolarization K+ Potassium channels open, K+ ions diffuse out of axon. Step 5: Recovery Phase K+ The movement of K+ ions counters the depolarization. The voltage differerence across the membrane returns to the resting potential level (-60mV). Step 6: Depolarization of adjacent part of axon Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ and K+ actively transported back across membrane until they are distributed in the same concentrations as before the impulse was sent. The impulse will continue to move down the axon until it reaches the synapse. Sodium channels open, Na+ ions diffuse into axon. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ ++++ ++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++ ++++ ++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ?